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WTF? (Psycho Star Wars Fans-related)Yeah, so I've been in line for 780 hours at a theater that isn't even showing Star Wars.Do these people have jobs? Get about 1/3 in for the real nut…
Yeah, so I've been in line for 780 hours at a theater that isn't even showing Star Wars.Do these people have jobs? Get about 1/3 in for the real nutcase-ness of it. -
DJaying your own party (tips/suggestions wanted)I just decided that I should throw a party next week. My place isn???t that big, it???s just a 2 bedroom apartment. the party has a few places for p…
... collection (I just need to do some organizing). I???m also ... -
space weapons program (no starwars)<b>Bush likely to back weapons in space[/b]<a href=",12271,1487124,00.html?gusrc=rss">…
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walmart netflix together ...AHHHHH i'm melting!!<a href="">…
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better nate than leather (DCastillo related)Okay, I was a <em>day</em> late with that Clubbup birthday shit, but while I was melting out the toxins in Terry Melcher???s orgone box, the disembod…
... at least was trying to do. All class, even then. Before ... -
Montreal Hip Hop Film FestYo,Check it out:L???International du Cin??ma Hip Hop de Montr??alAaaahh! Finally, Montr??al will host its first International Hip Hop Film Festival.M…
... he replied was???: ???Yes, when do you need me???? says Festival ... -
HOW do i make an avatar?please simple instructions. i'm a bit slow. thanks, stein. . .
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do you have relatives with funny names?heres some funny ones from my fam:merle, alta, bernice, jamesa, dale, elmer, mick, i could go on. . .
heres some funny ones from my fam:merle, alta, bernice, jamesa, dale, elmer, mick, i could go on. . . -
floridaI'm heading to Lake Worth, FL on June 6-12. It's a little south of West Palm Beach. Besides hitting up the beach and local clubs, I'm wondering what …
... wondering what there is to do around there? Of course, any ... -
The origin of SOUL as a musical genre??What was the first acknowledged soul recording/release??? You know, the one that made a soul record a 'SOUL' record....The reggae story goes:As far a…
... a 1968 Pyramid dance single, "Do the Reggay (sic)," by Toots ... -
What are you listening to at this very moment?What vibrations are entering your ears right now as you read this post......??Eddie Hazel-From the Bottom of My Soul -> Dennis Coffey-Do Your Thang..
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JEREMY THOMAS/JADDYHILTON =THIEF...SCAM WARNING!!This post is being written as a warning to not buy any records from Jeremy W. Thomas. I recently had $1000 stolen by Jeremy in a transaction. I pa…
... peoples money and not delivering. Do not be drawn into a ... with Jeremy to post, please do so. Thanks,Scott HarlowHere is ... -
Can you really get Carpel Tunnel from Crabbing???I've been having numbness and tingling in my pinky and ring finger on my left hand for the past threee weeks. I checked out some web md shz, and the…
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Your Top 5's for the week<b>1) your Boy is Back (at work)[/b] - so I'm not sure how much detail I gave the board about this, but I had to leave my previous job about a month …
... ) Girls, Girls Girls[/b] ...I do adore. shit goes in streaks ... -
The Unemployed Jonny Paycheck (DISCUSS)<font size=4><b>NOW TUNED IN TO THE MOTHERFUCKIN' DRUNKEST[/b]</font> <img src="" alt="" /…
... /> 3. Personal hygiene is, how do you say, slippin'. (Not only ... 's hanging out with neer-do-wells.
5. Is this ... -
The Professional DJThis dj thing is wired, I went from having NO gigs at all a few months back to having too many now! I'm turning spots down etc. I can't complain beca…
... their own marketing firm. What do you have or what can ... you do when retired etc. There needs ... tough to start but what do you guys think? Most djs ... -
Coffee Appreciation (nnr)Would all 'Fine addicts please stand up? What's your drink. Are you a Latte or Capuccino drinker? Do you preder hot or cold? Do you say, fuck all…
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today's music sampled?sup,i always wondered, like 50 years from now, what kind of music would be sampled. well more of what i mean is, can u picture stuff coming out today…
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Feedback wanted on t-shirt designsI am in the process of starting a small company here in Australia wholesaling tshirts to shops and also selling online. I would be keen to get some f…
... different designs and need to do a lot more marketing to ... -
Is that Sinead "Reggae Jawn" Out Yet?!I heard it was "in the works." I was at the mall today and heard a song that sounded like her singing to reggae. Great tracks, vocals DO NOT MIX WELL…
I heard it was "in the works." I was at the mall today and heard a song that sounded like her singing to reggae. Great tracks, vocals DO NOT MIX WELL with the songs! If it was her, the vocals ruined the songs.
T.N. -
Welfare PoetsAnyone heard these guys? I quite getting into the CD, which I think is dropping as an LP right about now. At first I thought some of the lyrics were …
... shit, someone has to do it, and they do it well. First ... commission". Deep.Plus they can do it live with instruments. Grooves ... -
music and mushrooms stories:Been reminiscing a bit with some of my ne'er do well college friends. Here's a short one:Three or four years ago a bunch of us were drinking a littl…
... some of my ne'er do well college friends. Here's ... -
5/27 Soundlessons w/ J.Rocc (beat junkies) +more<img src="" alt="" />AFTER 5 YEARS OF DOING SOUNDLESSONS ON THE 4TH SAT. OF THE MONTH....we felt it was…
... b4 he jumps to go do his radio show) also special ... -
Too many records?I'm still in the midst of moving my records. I spent from noon to 12 midnight boxing them up and got about a third of them done. I came to the conclu…
... I want and if I do they will cost an arm ... is the breaking point? When do you say ok, I have ... -
putting tracks on long MP3 filesI record my live sets directly from the mixer/soundboard using my iRiver player. The sound quality is fine, but I'd like to be able to put tracks thr…
... . Suggestions for free software to do simple edits of sounds files ...