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I've been reading a lotHere is what I have been reading:<b>Starstruck by Michael Joseph Gross[/b] <img src="…
... bad looking skin in this photo. The Ying Yang Twins review ... -
The notorious week-end findsOk, let`s start it.I`ve been around some recordstores, pawnshops and charity stores here in Nijmegen and this is what I finally got.First some soul a…
... (remix) - tommy boy 12"a tribe called quest - can i kick ... -
THE BEST RAP SONG composed out of a 4 BAR LOOP????That other thread got me thinking... Big Daddy Kane "Ain't No Half Steppin'" Tribe "Award Tour" add on...
That other thread got me thinking...
Big Daddy Kane "Ain't No Half Steppin'"
Tribe "Award Tour"
add on... -
night on the townwife drug my ass out tonight to some house spot, the "E" was in full force...highlight of the night asking the dj if he knew the og sample from this …
... " i just couldnt resit the photo op...peace -
Reviews of TTLab Reviews b/w LudacrisDon't front, you little dudes--you know it's your favorite sh!t to talk about: <blockquote> <img src="…
... going to give people A Tribe Called Quest flashbacks (the 90s ... -
:: photos ::random fliks from around the way :: the camera with which all these were taken has just konked out on my a lil (an old pentax SLR), gotta figure if I…
... show where I took the photo, but its a funny expression ... -
6.24: GET F*%^|) UP WITH US!!! KRUNK KRUNK KRUNK<b>KRUNK:FRIDAY:JUNE 24th===================================================================[size=18]DAVE NADA (B-Day set)(special birthday set f/ th…
... TAMU)===================================================================DAVE_NADA BIRTHDAY JUMPOFF.This photo was taken at Dave's ... -
Herbie Hancock -- Spook who sat by the door OSTWas there an OG released of this? I saw it recently in a store in a heavy cardboard stock cover, but it was white inside. There was some photo in i…
... white inside. There was some photo in it as well. It ... -
How To Handle A Hip Hop BackpackerHOW TO HANDLE A HIP HOP BACKPACKERby: Michael Miraflor???That???s not real hip hop.??? ???I never watch MTV or BET or listen to the radio.??????I mis…
... get his inspiration from A Tribe Called Quest? Be street and ... -
Why do celebrities get to record albums?Last night I was asked to do a last minute "production assistant" job on a video shoot. I wasn't told who or what it was for. When I got there they t…
Last night I was asked to do a last minute "production assistant" job on a video shoot. I wasn't told who or what it was for. When I got there they told me I was gonna be walking around a car with a light producing fake traffic passing by. They kept saying ... -
Live music I've seen lately<b>Two Dudes I am Friends With Named Daniel[/b] <img src="" alt="" /> P…
... started again. Yeah. So (above photo/discussed) Daniel is going to ... -
ATTN: DJ BIG JACKS' RECORDS STOLEN. *Toronto*peace ya'll, a DJs nightmare has just happened to me. Shortly after the Pete Rock jam over @ Roxy Blu here in <b>Toronto[/b] my friends car was bro…
... my turn'Third Bass ???gasface???Tribe Called Quest ???low end theory ... -
Nutty eBay Descriptions<img src="" alt="" /><img src="" alt="" />THIS IS AN AUTH…
... WINDY C WCS 6000). FRONT PHOTO COVER IS SIGNED BY ALOHE ... .Gibson,I am displaying a photo of an automobile title from ... this auction.I took the photo to add to the credibility ... -
CRAZY Japanese photo gallery's (rr/titty related)<a href=""></a><a href="… -
is smoking through a water pipe better for you?How many folks have a place in their town where they can go puff the water pipes? <img src="…
How many folks have a place in their town where they can go puff the water pipes? not for weed but...tobacco. with the coal and the flavors.We are going to research whether or not using tobacco with these pipes is less harmful than cigarettes.Who's tried ... -
David Holmes / Oceans Twleve (RR)I found a Oceans Twelve promo sampler yesterday. Has some songs it claims aren't on the official Oceans Twelve soundtrack. Saddly, it doesn't contain…
I found a Oceans Twelve promo sampler yesterday. Has some songs it claims aren't on the official Oceans Twelve soundtrack. Saddly, it doesn't contain the music from when dude breakdances through the laser beams (my favorite part). So does anyone know if ... -
whats the best record you got in the last month?I don't give a fuck how much it cost. I don't give a fuck how much folks other than you liked it All I igve a fuck is how much you liked it and…
... is the ill ass cover photo and the fact I had ... -
"Yo! Whitewash the Show!" (village voice related)The Cotton ClubBlack-conscious hip-hop deals with an overwhelmingly white live audience by Bakari KitwanaJune 24th, 2005 3:57 PM alert me by e-mail…
... than resistance???closer to A Tribe Called Quest, say, than to ... -
How is this LP and How Much does it go for?How is this LP and How Much does an orginal pressing (Mint) go for?<img src="" alt="" />
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Lil Kimor a reasonable facsimile thereof, sentenced to a year in jail <img src="" alt="" /> <a href…
or a reasonable facsimile thereof, sentenced to a year in jail -
You ask; they answer.<img src="" alt="" /> Jul-08-05Q: hi, the photo in your bid of the label i…
Jul-08-05Q: hi, the photo in your bid of the ... -
Private press info, please... (new acquisition)In going through a collection I just picked up (mostly garbage), I came upon a vibe - based jazz LP called "Andrew McPherson at Smedley's." I really …
... -101) got a b/w photo of Smedley's (bar?) on ... -
YO. who is not surprised by this?Head of American Apparel charged with sexual harrassment, from the NY Times.<img src="" alt="" /> Dov "Co…
... in ads and his provocative photo displays in stores are "not ... -
Live 8 yay or nay?Did anyone watch any of the concerts on MTV this weekend? what you think? my observations: <img src="…
Did anyone watch any of the concerts on MTV this weekend? what you think?
my observations:
- i'm not even a fan of ratm, but chris cornell singing 'killing in the name' with audioslave was one of the most ... -
Lost and Found Show 7/11 MP3 PlaylistYes Yes Y'allGot the latest episode up on streaming MP3, with playlist and all that extra stuff the new breed digs...2 full hours of music and minima…
... - "Lovin' Lies" (flipside of the photo) Poppy Family -
CHUPACABRA UNMASKED!!!!!!!!!!! (HDAPR)<img src="" alt="" /> the real picture is at the end of the text. not for the faint of heart…
... chupacabra broadcasts. Check out a photo of this alleged Texas Chupacabra ... -
post some images your feelin'Doesn't have to be record related, just some images you have lying dormant on your harddrive that are so dope they need to come out and play.still fo…
... had to post it.great photo from the book American Photos ... -
Questlive all-time favorites mix on BBCFor those who care...<a href="">…
... McDaniels - The Parasite (Warner)A Tribe Called Quest - Electric Relaxations (Jive ...