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Member, Real Head
  • Soul Strut 25: We're Not Done Yet Edition

  • what's crackin' soulstrut???

    Apparently it was definitely


    Past versions of RealPlayer have been criticized for containing adware and spyware[57] such as Comet Cursor.[58] In 1999 security researcher Richard M. Smith dissected some of RealJukebox's network traffic and discovered that it was sending a unique identifier with information about the music titles to which its users were listening.[59][60] RealNetworks issued a patch, and the spyware was removed[61] in version 1.02.

    Their download page stated RealJukebox included privacy enhancements and supplied the link to their updated privacy policy.[62] PC World magazine named RealPlayer (1999 Version) as number 2 in its 2006 list "The 25 Worst Tech Products of All Time", writing that RealPlayer "had a disturbing way of making itself a little too much at home on your PC installing itself as the default media player, taking liberties with your Windows Registry, popping up annoying 'messages' that were really just advertisements, and so on."[61]

    In 2007, it placed RealPlayer, versions 1996–2004, at number 5 in its list The 20 Most Annoying Tech Products.[63] US-CERT has issued multiple security advisories reporting defects which allowed remote sites to use RealPlayer to execute attack code.[64][65]
  • Soul Strut 25. This is the End.

    Allysha Joy is the real deal, doant sleap.
  • Soul Strut 25. This is the End.

    Blastman said:
    Hey there soulstrut, It is very possible that I am the youngest here, I found this just a week ago and it fits me too well! I'm only 16 but I have such an old soul for the past, I love looking through my families records, (I have a small collection of my own too) and I may not understand what even 1/100ths of any of this, but I wish I could have been here longer, it seems like a great community. I'll be here for when it ends, even if I was -9 when it was founded, I'll go down with it as if I was always there!

    Download as many of the mixes as you can.  And the graemlins.

    A lot of ex-Strut "Legends" are on the socials. 

    @RAJ is around infrequently but on ig @rajstrut

    @Dizz   around sometimes.  G*ry we need a Welkshake re-up. ig  @dizzybull 

    I hear from the one james now and then.  He is still in touch with a lot of the Chicago heads.

    hcrink, bizzo and dem are over on waxidermy.  I think fauxy is on there from time to time.

  • Soul Strut 25. This is the End.

    Last month coming up, waiting for @RAJ to drop the special offers... 