Movies that made you a little bitch

I know most of you strutters are bad ass mofo's. I've also seen you cry from time to time. It's ok we've all been there. I know there are some movies that made you cry like a little bitch. Don't be afraid to share. I've gotten misty once or twice during a movie...It's ok. What's not ok is getting misty during "very special" sitcoms. Here's two movies that got me....
That part when he graduated and that motorcycle guy (who didn't speak for years) cheered for him. I must say it got me. Also
When they all started chanting, "Rudy, Rudy, Rudy" again it got me. A lot of people told me field of dreams got them. I thought that movie was lame and didn't do squat for me. Any others?

Fahrenheit 9/11: Peoples reactions to the towers getting hit.
'nuff said. When the mother...I can't even say it...
It was a combo of the movie and the gal I went with was crying.
That being said, the ending does get me pretty choked up.
I never had a good relationship with my father and I haven't spoken to him since he left my mom.
...but sometimes I think it'd be nice if we'd "had a catch" once in a while. It's just a connection that was never there, and that movie tends to make me dwell on that.
Cosign Cosign Cosign. Recently saw this again after a good ten years and the tears came a pouring down. Awesome flick.
But, my favorite was the time I was watching Ken Burns' Baseball while really tired and hungover one day (feeling a little emo) and I balled through the entire sequence when Jackie Robinson broke the color barrier. Man, my fiancee loves to bug me about that one.
I cried like Michael Jackson in a kindergarden
I cry at movies pretty easily, so the list is long. I???ll tell about three.
One of my first ???dates??? with an ex was to see Mississippi Masala and the waterworks started the first 10 minutes of the film when the family was getting kicked out of Uganda and were saying good-bye to all their friends, etc. *a* turns around, peers at me and in an incredulous stage whisper says ???are you crying???? All I could do was nod. I also bawled at the end of the film when they went back and saw all their old friends, etc.
I had read enough about Dancer in the Dark and about what a hard time Bjork had during the filming to go prepared. My friend and I loaded up on the tissue and basically watched the second half through a teary blur.
Malcolm X ??? In His Own Words documentary ??? from when he gets shot, to the funeral, to the interviews with people on the street talking about the loss ??? bawl bawl bawl ??? out of sadness and anger both.
To be absolutely clear though, I did not shed one tear during ET.
Braveheart - when william wallace is killed
Forrest Gump - when his mom died
and this one, man. I saw this the week after the star had died, rendering him unable to attend the Oscars. knowing that he was dead and watching that last scene, man I was acting like a little bitch right there:
PS Sorry if that sounds harsh
what is Rudy all about?
Well its about a dude trying to play fooze-ball at notre dame and he has to overcome many obstacles. A lot about perseverance and struggle and determination. Werd! I'm sure there's a better explanation but its worth the 9 bucks at target... cop it!
Mentally challenged down on his luck student miraculously gets into college, plays towel boy for team, desperately wants to play, miraculously suits up and coach puts him in to play.
PS Don't cop it. It is sentimental sappy true story drivel. If you like "Radio" or "Remember the Titans", cop. If not, don't.
i was a wuss toward the end of the new king kong.
two standards for me are joe vs. the volcano, and it's a wonderful life every time.
When the boy is speaking with his dead mother at the end I totally choked up. Too bad much of the movie is pretty retarded. It's kind of an odd childrens movie with lot of adult themes and violence.
the film with Lupe Ontiveros? Damn good movie!
I've only got choked up at 2 films
That last scene with the German girl singing cut with the changing reactions of the young soldiers is one of the emotional pieces of film I've ever seen.
the other film I ain't owning up to
Co-sign! What a fantastic movie that was. You keep thinking "How long until he pops out from around the corner" or "So when is he going to hop out of that tank at the end".
When they finally find Jimmy. He was locked up in an apartment downstairs and really put through the ringer. Tough time.
This movie is so funny! I lost my VHS copy years ago. I need to find another copy of this.