President Romney (NRR Catnip)



  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,109 Posts
    Our "total absorption" Choon Squad president is a fucking hypocrite. That is all.

  • Dogs: smarter than Republicans.

  • CHOOM GANG 2012

    being out of the country I find election years/electioneering/american politics/news media/worship of ignorance way easier to take nowadays. I used to get so heated.

    Now I just follow the horseraces for some compulsive reason, like dudes crunching numbers on football players without bothering to watch the games anymore. Nate Silver's fivethirtyeight blog and both have pretty convincing overall analysis of all respectable public polling that indicate romney will probably lose if nothing major changes.

    but my main point is, who is making CHOOM GANG 2012 apparel?

  • Speaking of Choom, would Obama pardon The Gang or let them rot in prison?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    agree almost 100% with doggie here

  • Worst direct marketing ever

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    AKallDay said:
    Worst direct marketing ever

    Lowest Common Denominator Attention Deficit Marketing

  • Still feel good about your pick rock?

    Dude is fu**ing disgrace, just when you think things cant get worse.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    4YearGraduate said:

    Still feel good about your pick rock?

    Dude is fu**ing disgrace, just when you think things cant get worse.

    Please understand one thing....he is not my choice, he is who I think will win.

    And yes, now more than ever I think I am right.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    4YearGraduate said:

    Still feel good about your pick rock?

    Dude is fu**ing disgrace, just when you think things cant get worse.

    Please understand one thing....he is not my choice, he is who I think will win.

    And yes, now more than ever I think I am right.

    Honest question: Why do you think you're right, now more than ever?

  • No, of course i know he's not your choice, you were just making a call.
    That call was made before a series of foreign policy fails, a lackluster convention and his inability to procure his taxes. The libya speech has him now being distanced from even many in his own party. Aside from many Americans being blissfully ignorant (read stupid) to the point that they will vote for a party as if it were a team to support, I still can't see how these most recent very grave gaffes are not going to affect so called undecideds.

    In other words, I was wondering if you wanted to change your call. 9/11 is a date americans don't f around with, and mittens just did in a sense.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    4YearGraduate said:
    No, of course i know he's not your choice, you were just making a call.
    That call was made before a series of foreign policy fails, a lackluster convention and his inability to procure his taxes. The libya speech has him now being distanced from even many in his own party. Aside from many Americans being blissfully ignorant (read stupid) to the point that they will vote for a party as if it were a team to support, I still can't see how these most recent very grave gaffes are not going to affect so called undecideds.

    In other words, I was wondering if you wanted to change your call. 9/11 is a date americans don't f around with, and mittens just did in a sense.

    The state of the Middle East, the current mess in Chicago which is alienating union members, the fact that Obama seems to have lost the support of those Independents who put him in office telle me it's going to be Prez Romney.

    The best thing about this is in 50 days or so we'll know for sure.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    I thought Rock picked Perry originally?

    I hope these debates show something. And not just the bullshit crap of the last 10+ years.

  • Rockadelic said:
    4YearGraduate said:

    Still feel good about your pick rock?

    Dude is fu**ing disgrace, just when you think things cant get worse.

    Please understand one thing....he is not my choice, he is who I think will win.

    And yes, now more than ever I think I am right.

    Amazing. Now more than ever, I'm convinced Romney will get destroyed in the debates and lose the election.
    I don't think there's much evidence O has lost the independents who voted for him in 2008. There's plenty of evidence that they don't like or trust Romney and that he comes across to the majority of voters as a pandering, insincere prick who will say anything to get elected just because he wants to give billions in tax breaks to billionaires like himself. And now people are seeing that he is utterly clueless when it comes to foreign policy. He's taking more heat from conservatives and republicans in general every day because he looks like he's blowing it, and that impression is snowballing. The more he acts like a loser, the more he loses.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    DOR said:
    I thought Rock picked Perry originally?

    I hope these debates show something. And not just the bullshit crap of the last 10+ years.

    I believe over a year ago I said "If Perry can keep his mouth shut and not make a fool of himself he will be the GOP pick". That unraveled a day or two later when he.....wait for it.....opened his mouth and made a fool of himself.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    People will be voting against Obama more than for Romney....if you live in urban areas you probably can't imagine this.

    And we can get into a great pissing match about it but come November we'll know for sure.

    For the record, I believe I was one of the very first people here @ SS to predict Obama would win in 2008.

    I won't be upset if I'm wrong in 2012.

  • Rockadelic said:
    if you live in Texas you probably can't imagine this.


  • Thymebomb13 said:
    Rockadelic said:
    People will be voting against Obama more than for Romney....if you live in urban areas you probably can't imagine this.

    Is it possible your own perception is skewed due to the fact that you live in the world capital of right-wing bubbleland?

    I find your overestimation of the importance of the Chicago strike to be amazingly tone deaf. No one outside of the Chicago metropolitan area gives a single shit about it, except for some right-wing radio crackpots and their followers.

    Willard is the worst campaigner I have ever seen and he's slipping further behind by the hour. Yes, he'll win in Texas and Oklahoma, but he's not winning in Ohio, and that will be the ballgame.

    Maybe after secession he can be the President of the new nation of Texlahoma. Oh, wait, no one there really likes him, either.


  • I watched Romney's and Obama's acceptance speeches the other day.

    It seemed to me that Obama was actually talking about what needed to be done (from his perspective) and Romney just waffled on about some heartfelt shit and some family annecdotes to soften people up, but didn't say anything of any real substance whatsoever. It was just pooping words for 50 minutes.

    A few months back I was losing faith in Obama and open minded to any new candidate, but given what a greasy little flip-flopping fartknocker Romney seems to be I'm back on Obama's side. I'd give him another 4 years.

    I also found it frustrating to watch Romney. When the crowd piped up, Obama quickly carried on with what he had to say so he had enough time to fit it all in. Romney was happy to stand there for 2 minutes at a time, grinning like he'd just finished a crayon drawing.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Rockadelic said:
    if you live in Texas you probably can't imagine this.


    I have the unique perspective whereas I interact with a 900 person sales force and 35K customers on a daily basis from every state in the union. Some of these guys I've known for 30 years and many of them like to share their political beliefs both verbally and by sending stuff by email. Unlike here, where most folks are like-minded, , I get to hear opinions from a very wide spectrum of folks.

    I was confident early on that Obama was going to win in 2008 based on the conversations and emails I was getting from these folks. This time around I'm getting a totally different vibe. Arguing it or trying to justify it is not something I choose to do outside of going with my gut feelings which didn't fail me last time around.

    I understand where many of you are coming from, yet there are things I hear every day that I NEVER see mentioned here, for a variety of reasons. The DNC "Vote" on whether or not to include God and Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel made a BIG impact on many of the folks I talk to but wasn't even mentioned here. Now I'm hearing that Obama is letting down the unions in Chicago(This from union members who work for my company in other states).

    The bottom line is my guess is just that, a guess, and if I'm wrong you can come here and trash my prognostication skills all you want...I'll welcome it with a smile.

  • Rockadelic said:
    People will be voting against Obama more than for Romney.....

    I think more people will vote against Romney than will vote against Obama. Sure a lot of folks hate Obama, but millions of people also genuinely like Obama. Nobody in their right minds actually likes Romney, not even conservatives.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Rockadelic said:
    if you live in Texas you probably can't imagine this.


    I have the unique perspective whereas I interact with a 900 person sales force and 35K customers on a daily basis from every state in the union. Some of these guys I've known for 30 years and many of them like to share their political beliefs both verbally and by sending stuff by email. Unlike here, where most folks are like-minded, , I get to hear opinions from a very wide spectrum of folks.

    I was confident early on that Obama was going to win in 2008 based on the conversations and emails I was getting from these folks. This time around I'm getting a totally different vibe. Arguing it or trying to justify it is not something I choose to do outside of going with my gut feelings which didn't fail me last time around.

    I understand where many of you are coming from, yet there are things I hear every day that I NEVER see mentioned here, for a variety of reasons. The DNC "Vote" on whether or not to include God and Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel made a BIG impact on many of the folks I talk to but wasn't even mentioned here. Now I'm hearing that Obama is letting down the unions in Chicago(This from union members who work for my company in other states).

    The bottom line is my guess is just that, a guess, and if I'm wrong you can come here and trash my prognostication skills all you want...I'll welcome it with a smile.
    nah brah soulstrut ultra democrats = america

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    sakedelic said:
    Rockadelic said:
    People will be voting against Obama more than for Romney.....

    I think more people will vote against Romney than will vote against Obama. Sure a lot of folks hate Obama, but millions of people also genuinely like Obama. Nobody in their right minds actually likes Romney, not even conservatives.
    people disillusioned by obama that were all hope and change a while back are more than likely just not going to turn out to vote at all

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Rockadelic said:
    if you live in Texas you probably can't imagine this.


    I have the unique perspective whereas I interact with a 900 person sales force and 35K customers on a daily basis from every state in the union. Some of these guys I've known for 30 years and many of them like to share their political beliefs both verbally and by sending stuff by email. Unlike here, where most folks are like-minded, , I get to hear opinions from a very wide spectrum of folks.

    I was confident early on that Obama was going to win in 2008 based on the conversations and emails I was getting from these folks. This time around I'm getting a totally different vibe. Arguing it or trying to justify it is not something I choose to do outside of going with my gut feelings which didn't fail me last time around.

    I understand where many of you are coming from, yet there are things I hear every day that I NEVER see mentioned here, for a variety of reasons. The DNC "Vote" on whether or not to include God and Jerusalem as the Capitol of Israel made a BIG impact on many of the folks I talk to but wasn't even mentioned here. Now I'm hearing that Obama is letting down the unions in Chicago(This from union members who work for my company in other states).

    The bottom line is my guess is just that, a guess, and if I'm wrong you can come here and trash my prognostication skills all you want...I'll welcome it with a smile.

    I'm guessing that a sales force and that 35K tilts white and right to a significant degree. Kind of like the Rasmussen poll samples.

    If the DNC vote really made that big of an impact on your focus group they're atypical, because that story just has NO legs outside of the right-wing bubble. I read a very wide variety of political coverage and it's gone already, except in the deep, dark channels of the right.

    The Chicago situation is likely to resolve itself soon and won't be a blip on the screen in 7 weeks.

    Meanwhile Willard has made an assclown of himself with these Libya comments and he's getting hammered over it even by reliably conservative hacks like Mark Halperin, Joe Scarborough, Peggy Noonan, and others:

    Romney's defeating himself, and his name will be anathema among Republicans afterwards. So at least we'll be spared future runs by one or another of his grotesque gee-golly trust fund brats.'re probably right....he could fool the buffoons up in Mass to vote for him but the rest of the country isn't that foolish.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    ['re probably right....he could fool the buffoons up in Mass to vote for him but the rest of the country isn't that foolish.

    He may have fooled those buffoons up in Mass once, but they weren't having a second helping of the Mitt. He knew it, and he chose not to run for a second term.

    He's banking on fooling the rest of the country in the presidential election. Or at least 270 electoral votes worth.

  • This schitt seems shady as a motherfather.

    How the hell do people know what they're voting for if Romney and Ryan wont even discuss their own plans?

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Mr_Lee_PHD said:
    This schitt seems shady as a motherfather.

    How the hell do people know what they're voting for if Romney and Ryan wont even discuss their own plans?

    They are voting against the imaginary person sitting in Clint's chair.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I think whenever we have an incumbent Prez running the thing most people look at is "Is my life better / worse / the same as it was 4 years ago".

  • Thymebomb13 said:
    After watching him in action for almost 20 years I still can't tell you what he really believes in or what he really thinks is important, beyond doing good for Mitt Romney's wallet and social status.

    I don't see how anyone could.

    Theres something about the way Romney comes across verbally and physically that just gives off this huge overtone of a lack of sincerity. Like he's gushing all these grand soundbytes but theres no genuine knowledge or passion behind any of it. He just wants to close the deal. Kinda like the vibe you get from a used car salesman. Plus theres the whole flip-flop thing.

    Now you could say Obama does the same, but is just a million times better at it - but I (and I'm a sceptical motherfunk with any kinda politics) believe Obama has a genuine care and dedication for what he's talking about, and for doing the job the best he can, regardless of whether I agree with his policies. Maybe he's just better at presenting himself.
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