President Romney (NRR Catnip)



  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Bon Vivant said:
    That said, no one wants to talk about anything other than Romney's religion?

    I don't think anyone here disagrees on anything regarding Romney other than the bias that was aimed at his religious beliefs.

    Wait till PatrickCrazy gets going. I think he'll have some positive things to say about Romney.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:
    LaserWolf said:
    Bon Vivant said:
    Who wants to address the fact that it's been 6 days since Obama seized the Latino vote and Romney has yet to make a substantive statement about it?

    This was a great move on Obama's part.
    The kind of bold Presidential step that he rarely takes. And a political coup.
    Most importantly, as the President said, it was the right thing to do.

    The sad part is that when Dems controlled the house and had the majority in the senate they failed to get the Dream Act passed.
    The sad part is that it took sagging numbers among Latino voters for the President to act.

    I think Romney would like to take a liberal view toward immigration, but the political calculus has him stymied.
    He has (undocumented) Latinos in his employ.

    Absolutely agree, except the part that Roney would like to take a liberal view toward immigration. During the primaries his immigration policy was Self-deportation. Huh? But, it looks like Mitt has flip-flopped on that today.....

    Does this guy stand for anything?

    Clearly Romney stands for nothing. That is the point.
    If he stood for something, I think he would take a more liberal view. But since he stands only for winning he has taken a more conservative or idiotic (self deportation) stand.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    LaserWolf said:
    What is a slur against the Coast Guard?
    I am going to be very surprised if you show me that the Coast Guard was involved with DDay.

    How about "deeply involved"?

    Now I know. I am very surprised.

    This is the photo that was on the Romney web site. The title of the photo is Jaws Of Death.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    Does this guy stand for anything?

    Clearly Romney stands for nothing. That is the point.
    If he stood for something, I think he would take a more liberal view. But since he stands only for winning he has taken a more conservative or idiotic (self deportation) stand.

    What does it say that this guy had success in Massachusetts of all places.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    LaserWolf said:
    Does this guy stand for anything?

    Clearly Romney stands for nothing. That is the point.
    If he stood for something, I think he would take a more liberal view. But since he stands only for winning he has taken a more conservative or idiotic (self deportation) stand.

    What does it say that this guy had success in Massachusetts of all places.

    He was not successful. Look at the job growth (or lack thereof) and public opinion polls.


    He was so successful he decided not to run again.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:
    Rockadelic said:
    LaserWolf said:
    Does this guy stand for anything?

    Clearly Romney stands for nothing. That is the point.
    If he stood for something, I think he would take a more liberal view. But since he stands only for winning he has taken a more conservative or idiotic (self deportation) stand.

    What does it say that this guy had success in Massachusetts of all places.

    He was not successful. Look at the job growth (or lack thereof) and public opinion polls.


    He was so successful he decided not to run again.

    Without question his greatest political success to date was being elected governor of Massachusetts.


    Do the people of Mass think his health care reform was a success?

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Rockadelic said:

    Without question his greatest political success to date was being elected governor of Massachusetts.


    Do the people of Mass think his health care reform was a success?

    Fair points. I'm not sure one instance of citizen satisfaction means total success, but fair points.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:

    You say you don't support Willard.


    It sure seems like you're tempted to do so.

    Why, because I believe being truthful is a virtue?

    I'll leave the character/religion assassin fibs and bullshit to the LefTea Party

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Yeah, it's pretty popular. But Ted Kennedy gets more credit for it here than Willard does.

    Not that I've noticed. They call it Romneycare here, not Kennedycare.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Yeah, it's pretty popular. But Ted Kennedy gets more credit for it here than Willard does.

    Not that I've noticed. They call it Romneycare here, not Kennedycare.

    Sounds like you wanna support the guy!

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Horseleech said:
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Yeah, it's pretty popular. But Ted Kennedy gets more credit for it here than Willard does.

    Not that I've noticed. They call it Romneycare here, not Kennedycare.

    Sounds like you wanna support the guy!

    Well, if I had to choose between him and Ted I think I would move to Thailand.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Horseleech said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Horseleech said:
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Yeah, it's pretty popular. But Ted Kennedy gets more credit for it here than Willard does.

    Not that I've noticed. They call it Romneycare here, not Kennedycare.

    Sounds like you wanna support the guy!

    Well, if I had to choose between him and Ted I think I would move to Thailand.

    When given the choice, always vote for the dead guy.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:

    And I still have no idea why you right-leaning folks think "it's my religion" is a complete shield against any criticism of particular political positions. That just makes no sense. Mo Udall and George Romney made their explicit disagreement with Mormon racism clear. Can you explain to me why no one should be allowed to ask why Willard didn't follow their example?

    Willard certainly should be asked why for 31 years he never spoke out against his churches racism.
    He should be (and has been?) asked how his religion would influence his governing style.

    The only thing I ever said is that if people say; we shouldn't vote for him because his religion is an evil cult that believes in strange things they sound bigoted. If that makes me right wing I am fine with that.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    There is nothing that he won't equivocate 180 degrees on in order to secure a vote.
    Including his more odious mormon beliefs, which is why he could be a decent president if pushed by the proper forces.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Reynaldo said:
    Thymebomb13 said:
    There is nothing that he won't equivocate 180 degrees on in order to secure a vote.
    Including his more odious mormon beliefs, which is why he could be a decent president if pushed by the proper forces.

    You think the Koch Brothers are the proper forces? That's who's pushing him.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    So... How is this going to go over?

    The Bain misrepresentation being one thing. But this really brings South Park to mind... Money in fetus disposal?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    It's a problem for him.
    Clearly he is a lying sack of shit.

    But, his supporters will buy his spin.
    He was only CEO in name not function, and that it is Obama and the media that are telling lies about him.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    DOR said:
    . Money in fetus disposal?

    Sorry missed that part of the story.

    I will be interested in seeing how this plays out.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    LaserWolf said:

    He was only CEO in name not function, and that it is Obama and the media that are telling lies about him.

    That confuses me tho. Wasn't he the sole stockholder? How are you sole stockholder and only be in name not function CEO?

    In any case, does anyone think the conservative right might have issue with the whole fetus thing? Or just another lefty smear?

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Condi Rice as Romney's running mate would be epic.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    The amount of Mormon talk in this thread is so out of proportion to the actual election that is happening that it is hysterical - both in the funny and the overwrought senses of the word.

    I voted for Shannon O'Brien in the election when Romney was elected, and it wasn't that he won the election- she lost it. She was leading in every poll within one weeks of the election, some by as many as SIX points, and in the final debate, undertook some crazy attack stance, as I recall, and many people turned on her. She ran a bad campaign, and he took advantage.

    Look, I don't know how you could possibly look at him as a candidate and think, "That's my guy! Look at his integrity!" You can say you like him more than the other guy, but he is such a disingenuous, desperate candidate that it is indeed comical at times.

    Finally, if you're going to make six-figures as the CEO and sole stock owner of a company, I don't give a fuck what you don't know. You don't want the heat? Don't take the money.

    Edit: I lived in MA from 2002 to 2009, and never heard the word Romneycare.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Fetus disposal issue is not an issue. No one in the mainstream press is picking up the story.

    My guess is Tim Pawlenty for VP.

    Supposedly a good choice. Could bring MN, will bring Evangelicals, scandal free, from the working class.

    My list of why Pawlenty is bad is long.
    Main thing is, 2 dull candidates with no Washington or foreign experience.

    There just are not good vp choices for Willard.

    My guess is, if Romney can't change the topic from why he lied on SEC reports (or is lying now), this announcement will come in days.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    Fetus disposal issue is not an issue. No one in the mainstream press is picking up the story.

    My guess is Tim Pawlenty for VP.

    Supposedly a good choice. Could bring MN, will bring Evangelicals, scandal free, from the working class.

    My list of why Pawlenty is bad is long.
    Main thing is, 2 dull candidates with no Washington or foreign experience.

    There just are not good vp choices for Willard.

    My guess is, if Romney can't change the topic from why he lied on SEC reports (or is lying now), this announcement will come in days.

    Pawlenty didn't have to stones to stand up to Romney in the couple of debates they were in. Biden wil roast him.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Reynaldo said:
    Condi Rice as Romney's running mate would be epic.

    She's black, pro-choice, and a lesbian. I know she's not "out," but she lives in a house she co-owns with another woman and let's just say there are no men in the picture.

    That just adds to the epicness,

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Good news - Willard is getting some actual black people to advise him on all things black.

    "Mitt Romney's campaign on Wednesday announced its Black Leadership Council, chaired by Reps. Tim Scott and Allen West. The council will "help facilitate dialogue between Mitt Romney and respected leaders who provide unique expertise, experience and knowledge on a range of issues impacting black American communities," according to the campaign."

    Apparently Nikki Minaj is a Romney supporter?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Rockadelic said:

    Apparently Nikki Minaj is a Romney supporter?


    I would say no.

    That's some funny shit....all the way around.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Godwin's Law is running rampant at the DNC.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Godwin's Law is running rampant at the DNC.

    What's the Law relating to constantly calling a centrist capitalist a Marxist?


  • Nate Silver has an interesting argument for why Obama is the favorite at this point.

    In short:

    "1. Polls usually overrate the standing of the candidate who just held his convention.
    2. Mitt Romney just held his convention. But he seems to have gotten a below-average bounce out of it. The national polls that have come out since the Republican National Convention have shown an almost exact tie in the race.
    3. If the polls overrate Mr. Romney, and they show only a tie for him now, then he will eventually lose."

    Here's the rest of it:

    I for one hope he's right.

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