President Romney (NRR Catnip)



  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    The_Hook_Up said:
    I have a major problem with any religious fundamentalist holding political office and governing by their beliefs for the main reason that if you are a fundamentalist, you hold the law of God to be greater than the law of the land and the common good of the people. If that is the case, be a religious leader, not a leader of a secular being such as the government. I'm sure there are fundamentalist Jews holding office, but I don't see any laws on the books outlawing pork. You gotta check that shit at the Capitol/city hall/white house door. It is appalling how many states(mine included) that require a belief on God in order to hold office. If that is being bigoted, then I am a me the Archie Bunker of anti-fundamentalists, I'm cool with that.

    Did you have a problem with JFK being a devout Catholic? (His opponents claimed the Pope would run the country if he was elected.)

    You keep bringing up strawmen arguments be way of analogy. First Robert Byrd, now JFK. Kennedy made a very public speech indicating that he was American first, and would not be beholden to the Pope.

    Romney? He won't even say that the Mormon church, his church, was wrong for officially excluding blacks until 1978.

  • I don't know what you're all so worried about. You'll have a Scientologist president before long, and no doubt you'll look back with nostalgia at how quaint you sounded arguing about Mormonism.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:
    Rockadelic said:
    All this rhetoric is great......but since Mitt has been a career politician certainly you can show at least one example where he forced or tried to force his religious beliefs onto his constituents.

    He's saying he would vote for the "personhood" amendment, which states that a fertilized egg is a person with all the rights that come with it.

    Or, should we not take him at his word on that?

    And only a Mormon would do this?

    If you don't vote for him because of his stance on this or other issues I support you 100%

    But unless he is trying, or has tried, to put specific Mormon tenets into law I can't support your attack on his religious beliefs.

    And quite frankly I think this approach is a losing formula for the Dems.

  • HorseleechHorseleech 3,830 Posts
    neil_something said:
    I don't know what you're all so worried about. You'll have a Lizard president before long, and no doubt you'll look back with nostalgia at how quaint you sounded arguing about Mormonism.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    Rockadelic said:

    Was just reading all accounts, Dem & Rep, the law is not enforced and if it were the consensus is it would be overturned by the Supreme Court as our Federal government considers it unconstitutional.

    By a Supreme Court, perhaps, but certainly not this Supreme Court.

  • covecove 1,567 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    I had a neighbor who was a devote, practicing atheist.

    I try to practice reason every single day.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    DJ_Enki said:
    Rockadelic said:

    Was just reading all accounts, Dem & Rep, the law is not enforced and if it were the consensus is it would be overturned by the Supreme Court as our Federal government considers it unconstitutional.

    By a Supreme Court, perhaps, but certainly not this Supreme Court.

    Has this court looked at church state separation cases?
    How did they rule?

    I'll look it up.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    The Roberts Court has made only one ruling on separation, best I can tell.
    They have let numerous other lower court rulings, which run both ways, stand.

    The case they did rule on is interesting and the wiki is here:

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Bon Vivant said:
    Rockadelic said:
    All this rhetoric is great......but since Mitt has been a career politician certainly you can show at least one example where he forced or tried to force his religious beliefs onto his constituents.

    He's saying he would vote for the "personhood" amendment, which states that a fertilized egg is a person with all the rights that come with it.

    Or, should we not take him at his word on that?

    And only a Mormon would do this?

    If you don't vote for him because of his stance on this or other issues I support you 100%

    But unless he is trying, or has tried, to put specific Mormon tenets into law I can't support your attack on his religious beliefs.

    And quite frankly I think this approach is a losing formula for the Dems.

    Did I say only a Mormon would do this? I don't think so, but the topic is Mitt Romney, a Mormon. Enough of the strawmen, please. I'm already on record that there is plenty to things to vote against Romney besides his religious views. This doesn't mean that his religious views should be ignored, IMO. Would we ignore someone's religious belief that cannibalism is acceptable practice? I don't think so.

    Romney is on record as saying he's against abortion and will support the personhood amendment based on his religious beliefs. These are specific Mormon tenets; how can I make this more clear to you? If he's going to try force his religious beliefs on me and my family (which includes women, you know), you bet your long haired ass I'm attacking them.

    You can sit idly by while a fundamentalist tries to take away yours and your loved ones rights. I won't. This guy won't even admit that his church was wrong for it's official racist views up until 1978 (I posted the video). You're absolutely right I'm going to attack that. You want to give him a pass. Why is that? You won't even agree that being a part of a racist organization for 31 years is a racist act. Come on, Rock. You're better than this.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Catholics practice cannibalism, as do other Christian denominations.
    They believe that they are actually eating the body and drinking the blood of Jesus at communion.
    For Catholics this occurs through transubstantiation.

    The only reason Mormon beliefs seem more outrageous than other religions' beliefs is they are less familiar.

    There is no reason to believe that Romney will govern as a Mormon.
    It is far more likely that he will govern as a conservative, pro big business, pragmatic Republican.
    Reason enough not to vote for him.

    I could care less what planet he thinks Jesus lives on.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    Catholics practice cannibalism, as do other Christian denominations.
    They believe that they are actually eating the body and drinking the blood of Jesus at communion.
    For Catholics this occurs through transubstantiation.

    The only reason Mormon beliefs seem more outrageous than other religions' beliefs is they are less familiar.

    There is no reason to believe that Romney will govern as a Mormon.
    It is far more likely that he will govern as a conservative, pro big business, pragmatic Republican.
    Reason enough not to vote for him.

    I could care less what planet he thinks Jesus lives on.

    Catholics aren't trying to pass laws that force everyone else to engage in communion. In fact, not all Catholics are in favor of outlawing abortion or passing the personhood jawns. John Kerry, Joe BIden? For that matter not all Mormons want to either: Harry Reid.

    Romney does, though.

    Let's stick to apples to apples comparisons, please.

    That's great that you couldn't care less . What other far out beliefs can a person hold that you don't care about?
    Let's see how far this goes...Magic underwear? Blacks are stained with the Mark of Cain because they're evil? When we die we inherit a planet? How far out there is too out there for LazerWolf? Or does LazerWolf think that the word religion shields a person from all criticism of their cockamamie beliefs?

    Yes, part of the reason that Mormon beliefs ARE outrageous is their relative newness. Two more reasons are how wacky they are, and how secretive Mormons are.

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:

    Catholics aren't trying to pass laws that force everyone else to engage in communion. In fact, not all Catholics are in favor of outlawing abortion or passing the personhood jawns. John Kerry, Joe BIden? For that matter not all Mormons want to either: Harry Reid.

    Romney does, though.


    So you CAN be a Mormon without having these crazy beliefs.

    So we should be attacking the person with the beliefs and not the religion.

    Get it.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Bon Vivant said:
    LaserWolf said:
    Catholics practice cannibalism, as do other Christian denominations.
    They believe that they are actually eating the body and drinking the blood of Jesus at communion.
    For Catholics this occurs through transubstantiation.

    The only reason Mormon beliefs seem more outrageous than other religions' beliefs is they are less familiar.

    There is no reason to believe that Romney will govern as a Mormon.
    It is far more likely that he will govern as a conservative, pro big business, pragmatic Republican.
    Reason enough not to vote for him.

    I could care less what planet he thinks Jesus lives on.

    Catholics aren't trying to pass laws that force everyone else to engage in communion. In fact, not all Catholics are in favor of outlawing abortion or passing the personhood jawns. John Kerry, Joe BIden? For that matter not all Mormons want to either: Harry Reid.

    Romney does, though.

    Let's stick to apples to apples comparisons, please.

    That's great that you couldn't care less . What other far out beliefs can a person hold that you don't care about?
    Let's see how far this goes...Magic underwear? Blacks are stained with the Mark of Cain because they're evil? When we die we inherit a planet? How far out there is too out there for LazerWolf? Or does LazerWolf think that the word religion shields a person from all criticism of their cockamamie beliefs?

    Yes, part of the reason that Mormon beliefs ARE outrageous is their relative newness. Two more reasons are how wacky they are, and how secretive Mormons are.

    I think people are getting real defensive here and not willing to listen.

    I don't think that Mormon underwear is any more crazy than transubstantiation. You think it is way more crazy. Fine.

    You think that Romney's Mormonism should be held against him, but Harry Reid's shouldn't be held against him. Fine.

    Mormon Church no longer believes that Blacks are stained with the mark of Cain.
    The fact that many Mormons continue to believe this (as testified to by Vol.) shows that you can be Mormon and disagree with the church.
    Many Christians also believe that Blacks are stained with the mark of Cain.

    Romney has said he does not believe that. (Of course he said they would be equal in the next life, so there is that.)

    I will continue to dislike Romney for his political beliefs.
    You can continue to dislike all Mormons because they are Mormons*.

    *Except Harry Reid because he's a Democrat.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i wouldnt even know that romney was morman if people didnt constantly bring it up as a reason as to why hes unelectable. for as much as people here harp on about gay rights, i dont see anyone denouncing any of their favorite christian politicians


    heard rubio speak for the first time today. wish he was running for president instead

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Not being comfortable with a Mormon in office is, to me, the same shit as not being comfortable with a Muslim in office

    Easiest way out of a hole is to stop digging.

    There's plenty of other reasons why a Romney presidency would be disastrous, you guys REALLY need to let this one go.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Not being comfortable with a Mormon in office is, to me, the same shit as not being comfortable with a Muslim in office

    Easiest way out of a hole is to stop digging.

    There's plenty of other reasons why a Romney presidency would be disastrous, you guys REALLY need to let this one go.

    I'm not comfortable with anyone who lets their religion affect their decision making in office. Having a problem with gay marriage, gambling, prostitution, drug these are all the result of religion being allowed to influence the law. The majority of people in the US want marijuana legalized but it won't be considered. Why not? Because the people in power are Christians pandering to their own religious beliefs and the bible belt votes that they feel get them elected. They are legislating morality plain and simple. It's completely against the constitution but Christians will have you believe this is a christian nation and that's what the forefathers wanted.

    Romney being president would be disastrous for the same reason any hard right Christian being president would be disastrous.

    Romney is a super rich capitalist that could care less about the 99% and he's a member of an extreme right religious group. These are both legitimate reasons to not want him as pres. Thinking the religious part should just be ignored is naive. It will affect his decision making weather you want to believe it or not. Do you seriously think if the gay marriage issue comes up he would consider for a minute to support it? Why would he chose not to support it, because his rich? No because he's Mormon. This crazy PC stuff has gone way too far.

    Did you think David Duke was not a problem when he was running? Or were you worried his past KKK membership might influence his decisions as an elected official?

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    Bon Vivant said:
    Rockadelic said:
    All this rhetoric is great......but since Mitt has been a career politician certainly you can show at least one example where he forced or tried to force his religious beliefs onto his constituents.

    He's saying he would vote for the "personhood" amendment, which states that a fertilized egg is a person with all the rights that come with it.

    Or, should we not take him at his word on that?

    And only a Mormon would do this?

    If you don't vote for him because of his stance on this or other issues I support you 100%

    But unless he is trying, or has tried, to put specific Mormon tenets into law I can't support your attack on his religious beliefs.

    And quite frankly I think this approach is a losing formula for the Dems.

    Your completely missing the point. Mormons believe in the bible and the book of Mormon. So they have all the hard right beliefs of Christian fundamentalists. The Mormon stuff is just some made up story about outer space and Jesus coming to North America to teach the Native Americans Mormonism after the resurrection. Of course Romney can't force people to wear magic under wear but he will take a hard stance on gay marriage and women's reproductive rights. It's a total freaking joke that these are even issues to begin with and Mitt will keep it old school on these issues along with medical marijuana and drug legalization in general. If he was a real capitalist he would want everything legalized to tax the sh*t out of it and privatize the profits to his buddies. But instead his religious beliefs take priority, just like all the other so call democratic/capitalist office holders.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Not being comfortable with a Mormon in office is, to me, the same shit as not being comfortable with a Muslim in office

    Easiest way out of a hole is to stop digging.

    There's plenty of other reasons why a Romney presidency would be disastrous, you guys REALLY need to let this one go.
    nah brah democrats are the party tolerance am i rite

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Not being comfortable with a Mormon in office is, to me, the same shit as not being comfortable with a Muslim in office

    Easiest way out of a hole is to stop digging.

    There's plenty of other reasons why a Romney presidency would be disastrous, you guys REALLY need to let this one go.
    nah brah democrats are the party tolerance am i rite

    I've already made the point about Romney's other faults. Having said that, being tolerant doesn't mean tolerating anything. Don't know why anyone would think it does.

    But, if this subject makes you guys uncomfortable, I have no problem changing the subject.

    Shall we discuss self-deportation?

  • Bon VivantBon Vivant The Eye of the Storm 2,018 Posts
    LaserWolf said:
    Bon Vivant said:
    LaserWolf said:
    Catholics practice cannibalism, as do other Christian denominations.
    They believe that they are actually eating the body and drinking the blood of Jesus at communion.
    For Catholics this occurs through transubstantiation.

    The only reason Mormon beliefs seem more outrageous than other religions' beliefs is they are less familiar.

    There is no reason to believe that Romney will govern as a Mormon.
    It is far more likely that he will govern as a conservative, pro big business, pragmatic Republican.
    Reason enough not to vote for him.

    I could care less what planet he thinks Jesus lives on.

    Catholics aren't trying to pass laws that force everyone else to engage in communion. In fact, not all Catholics are in favor of outlawing abortion or passing the personhood jawns. John Kerry, Joe BIden? For that matter not all Mormons want to either: Harry Reid.

    Romney does, though.

    Let's stick to apples to apples comparisons, please.

    That's great that you couldn't care less . What other far out beliefs can a person hold that you don't care about?
    Let's see how far this goes...Magic underwear? Blacks are stained with the Mark of Cain because they're evil? When we die we inherit a planet? How far out there is too out there for LazerWolf? Or does LazerWolf think that the word religion shields a person from all criticism of their cockamamie beliefs?

    Yes, part of the reason that Mormon beliefs ARE outrageous is their relative newness. Two more reasons are how wacky they are, and how secretive Mormons are.

    I think people are getting real defensive here and not willing to listen.

    I don't think that Mormon underwear is any more crazy than transubstantiation. You think it is way more crazy. Fine.

    You think that Romney's Mormonism should be held against him, but Harry Reid's shouldn't be held against him. Fine.

    Mormon Church no longer believes that Blacks are stained with the mark of Cain.
    The fact that many Mormons continue to believe this (as testified to by Vol.) shows that you can be Mormon and disagree with the church.
    Many Christians also believe that Blacks are stained with the mark of Cain.

    Romney has said he does not believe that. (Of course he said they would be equal in the next life, so there is that.)

    I will continue to dislike Romney for his political beliefs.
    You can continue to dislike all Mormons because they are Mormons*.

    *Except Harry Reid because he's a Democrat.

    Easy, big fella. I don't talk in absolutes. Check the record. Please, stop putting words in my mouth, too.. If anything, that's a classic defensive technique, so plaese to not project on me. If talking about religion, and the specifics of those religions makes you feel funny, let's change the subject.

    i have no problem with that. This is a Romney thread, so you pick.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    According to at least one Gallup Poll

    68% of voting age Americans are against legalizing gay marriage.

    51% identify as "Pro-Life"


    1.7% of Americans are Mormons including that "good one" Harry Reid

    Some very bad looks in this thread.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Thymebomb13 said:
    The problem with Romney isn't that he's a Mormon, it's that he's a Mormon who (these days) is sucking up to the ignorant bigots who now dominate the Republican Party. When he was running in Massachusetts Romney was a moderate who said he was "more gay-friendly than Ted Kennedy" and he was pro-choice. He donated to Planned Parenthood and went to their fundraising events more than once.

    Now he's some sort of teabagger nitwit.

    I don't think he has any real principles, just greed and naked ambition. If he's elected he'll govern - at least during his first term - as the most extreme right-wing President we've ever had. We'll have a war in Iran, big tax breaks for millionaires, social services sliced into extinction, and a hardcore right-wing Supreme Court majority that will last 25-30 years. It will be as though Obama was never elected and Dick Cheney succeeded Bush Jr.

    I still think Obama can win, but only because Romney is unable to do a plausible impression of a human being. He's a bag of shit and he's been a bag of shit his whole life. He has five sons and each one of them is a duplicate bag of shit. And here's the really depressing part: They have a trust fund worth $100 million dollars. There will be Romneys running decades after I kick the bucket and it will be hard to tell one from the other. They'll be like mutant bedbugs and it will be impossible to get rid of them.

    This has only just begun.

    Real talk.

    George Will just ran an article saying that a President Romney will mean a right wing activist court for decades to come.
    He seemed to think that was a good thing.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    So mormons should be rounded up and all put into a camp of some sorts? Is that the takeaway?

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Reynaldo said:
    So mormons should be rounded up and all put into a camp of some sorts? Is that the takeaway?

    You are seriously not reading anything anybody writes. Find one quote that implies what you are saying.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    [quote author="LaserWolf" date=1340147867

    Mormon Church no longer believes that Blacks are stained with the mark of Cain.
    The fact that many Mormons continue to believe this (as testified to by Vol.) shows that you can be Mormon and disagree with the church.

    You seriously have no clue what you are talking about. They still TEACH the mark of Cain, they just said it's doesn't mean black people are bad to save face in public. I have Mormon friends and have had Mormon room mates and I live in Utah. I know what I'm talking about. Do you even know a Mormon, or are you just so obsessed with the PC game you'll defend anybody? One of the biggest things Mormon's struggle with is that you have to believe it all no matter what. And one of these beliefs is that black people exist because god smote them for not being true believers.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    According to at least one Gallup Poll

    68% of voting age Americans are against legalizing gay marriage.

    51% identify as "Pro-Life"


    1.7% of Americans are Mormons including that "good one" Harry Reid

    Some very bad looks in this thread.

    Well for a long time 98% of Americans were against black people being free. Just because the world is full of bigots (in the true sense of the word) doesn't mean the majority gets to deny the minority it's civil and constitutional rights. It's wasn't until 1997 that the majority (only 64%) thought interracial marriage was OK, so should it have been illegal up to that point? You want to talk about bad looks and your implying that since the majority of people are against gay marriage it's OK to keep denying gays that right. And with a whooping 51% we can deny women control over their own reproductive systems? That not a good look for you to be throwing those numbers around as if they mean something. Men shouldn't even have a say in the pro life/pro choice issue with all the deadbeat dads spreading their seed and not backing up their deposit. No to mention the fact that everyone is against abortion but some people understand it's necessary in the cases of rape, incest, life of the mother/fetus and a 100% unwanted pregnancy that will result in a neglected child.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    volumen said:
    Reynaldo said:
    So mormons should be rounded up and all put into a camp of some sorts? Is that the takeaway?

    You are seriously not reading anything anybody writes. Find one quote that implies what you are saying.
    You seem to think that mormons are automatically unfit to hold public office based on their indoctrination. What else are they not fit to do, have a public life at all? Exist?

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Rockadelic said:
    According to at least one Gallup Poll

    68% of voting age Americans are against legalizing gay marriage.

    51% identify as "Pro-Life"


    1.7% of Americans are Mormons including that "good one" Harry Reid

    Some very bad looks in this thread.

    Oh and just to prove how pointless your stats are. Half of the people against gay marriage do support civil unions for gays. That would allow them to make decisions in the hospital for each other and be on each other insurance etc which is what the whole gay marriage issue boils down to any how. And further demonstrates the straights are just pointlessly hung up on the whole married in the eyes of god thing. So really it's more like 64% do support some sort of legal gay union, so clearly you have no idea what you are talking about.

    Also, it's well known that the abortion stats are all over the place based on how the question is asked. No one wants to say they are pro-abortion.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    Reynaldo said:
    volumen said:
    Reynaldo said:
    So mormons should be rounded up and all put into a camp of some sorts? Is that the takeaway?

    You are seriously not reading anything anybody writes. Find one quote that implies what you are saying.
    You seem to think that mormons are automatically unfit to hold public office based on their indoctrination. What else are they not fit to do, have a public life at all? Exist?

    I think anyone with strong religious conviction who cannot separate such convictions when at work should not hold public office. This hold true for the Christians that pass laws saying you can't hold office if you don't believe in a supreme being. Who forcible change text books to reflect their religious beliefs in divine creation. Who want to add a constitutional amendment that says marriage is between a man and a woman. Who want to say a fetus is a person and therefore a woman has no control over her body. etc etc etc. I would also be against a strict Muslim president who wanted to re-think prohibition. I think is possible to be religious and do you job objectively but it's hardly ever seen in politics. Romney has already signed on to the person hood issue and that's enough to let me know his religious beliefs are clouding his judgement.
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