Mad Men (Latte Pass)



  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    I'm back to kinda hating on this season

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    I left the room to do some dishes at one point and didn't bother to ask wifey what had happened when I came back, much less rewind the DVR. I don't think I've ever done that, but that's how convinced I was that I hadn't missed anything of import.

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    I'm back to kinda hating on this season

    Really? I thought this was season had more "oh shit!" moments than most. It definitely had more than its share of interesting twists.

    Last night's finale was so intense. Don's finally unburdening himself of his biggest secret (at very inopportune times), Peggy finally (sort of) getting what she wants, Duck with the well-timed sweet revenge cameo, Pete's mom meeting a watery death, Pete's time on the GM account coming to a crashing halt (one of Bob's finest sabotage moves yet!), Megan finally wising up and bailing, and the partners finally wising up and putting Don in timeout.

    Midway through, I was excited to think of a season 7 with Don in LA, but this is much juicier stuff.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    Herm said:

    How insightful! See my above post. You don't agree with any of it?

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    hogginthefogg said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    I'm back to kinda hating on this season

    Really? I thought this was season had more "oh shit!" moments than most. It definitely had more than its share of interesting twists.

    Last night's finale was so intense. Don's finally unburdening himself of his biggest secret (at very inopportune times), Peggy finally (sort of) getting what she wants, Duck with the well-timed sweet revenge cameo, Pete's mom meeting a watery death, Pete's time on the GM account coming to a crashing halt (one of Bob's finest sabotage moves yet!), Megan finally wising up and bailing, and the partners finally wising up and putting Don in timeout.

    Midway through, I was excited to think of a season 7 with Don in LA, but this is much juicier stuff.

    my girl has wanted to see Don go down since S1, and there were hints that that might happen this season. But she now fears that he'll end up some sort of saintly figure, never really getting his comeuppance. I think she's right.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    I really enjoyed this season. It wasn't all up in your face, but a much deeper season with a bunch of symbolism tied in. I could see some finding it boring.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    the intrusive music, though...WTF were they thinking with THAT shit? it's like General Hospital.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    Which music in this eps did you think didn't work? The use of Moon River? Or Judy Collins? I thought is was very fitting... OK, maybe very fitting is over doing it. But I thought it worked.

    You mean on the season as a whole? I thought there was some great uses. And a couple that were not great. But that could have been done on purpose I'm guessing.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Did I just never notice it until this season? I feel like this season they're using music in a new, intrusive way between scenes, and it gives the show the feel of a soap opera. I'm not referring to music they choose for the last scene of an episode.

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    The music is a bit tasteless when you notice it. I suspect you're not meant to. It's obviously intended to work in the background to reinforce the emotion. You're welcome. But it is schmalzy for sure.

    Wow though, a Don without booze? The next (final) season will be interesting. Sober Don, not working at the agency, living with his kids, being honest about his background. I don't know where that will end up but I'm imagining suicide.

    Ted is so easy to dislike, more so even than Pete or Bob. Roger is still winning at every turn ("you shit the bed in there?"). Bye Megan, I don't give a flying f*** about you. Poor Peggy.

    When's it back?

    They should consider commisioning a low-budget spinoff in which Pete runs a 2nd-hand car showroom in the late 1980s.

  • season premiere was meh at best. i am starting to not give a shit about any of these characters, especially don and his boring existential crisis and peggy with her loneliness and heartbreak. even the patented roger sterling comic relief is falling flat.

    it's a soap opera at this stage, or maybe it always was and i am just wising up.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    i am into seson 3 and own until season 5
    should i just stop? (my firends have recommended that i do)

  • you might as well go all the way, but i started having grave doubts last season, although now that i think of it last season's finale would have been a perfect place to end the series.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    I did enjoy the beginning with Freddy doing the pitch to Peggy to start the season off.

    I don't like where the whole Ken loosing his mind or all this Cali stuff is going.

    They really need to get back into the ad biz game and trying to be top dog in NYC. And the need more Roger at the top of his game and not this lost thing. They have kinda got every character on the show seeming to be in some emotional low, except for Pete it seems. I would hate if they end things like that.

    That said. All talk from last year with a sort of Sharon Tate thing could be dramatic if it did happen.

    Also laughed pretty hard at this...

  • When Party of Five tried to make it a Part of Two on the plane, I was surprised that Don declined.

    Also, when she said that her husband "died of thirst," did she mean that he drank himself to death? She had a very strange way of conversing.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    the music.



    for a show that clearly prides itself on its aesthetic...THE FUCKING CORNY MUSIC!!!!

    I think it started last season.


    I feel like I'm watching a daytime soap.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    BTW this show has become boring as fuck.

    shoulda ended a season and a half ago.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    hogginthefogg said:
    When Party of Five tried to make it a Part of Two on the plane, I was surprised that Don declined.

    Also, when she said that her husband "died of thirst," did she mean that he drank himself to death? She had a very strange way of conversing.

    Yeah, from what I understand cirrhosis is a pretty sure death sentence, giving the doctor easy confidence of a year or less, unless you get a liver transplant which I'm not sure they could do in 1969.

    The snappiness of the dialog indicates seduction, but by the end of the episode we understand that Don is really broken inside which is why he turns down Scream when presented with an offer.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    BTW this show has become boring as fuck.

    shoulda ended a season and a half ago.
    Yeah. It's a little sad to watch.

  • well, that second episode was even worse. can anyone defend the turn this show has taken? even the music is soap opera ish.

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    Yeah, both tragic and a bit boring.
    Twist at the end (Don: "Fine") was something I suppose, in that it hints Don's going to F*** S*** Up.
    All the Mehgan stuff though. BLAH.
    There's always Joan's boots I guess.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    I disagree, I think the new season has been fine. The previous episode was great IMO, the scenes with Don and Sally were so well acted, I felt a real payoff for having watched these characters and their relationship over the years. I could have lived without the Betty sub-plot this week, but overall I still really enjoy watching. They do need to pick up some speed though, it's already halfway through the season.

    I think part of the problem with how Mad Men is perceived these days comes from that fact that the other "prestige" cable shows (Game Of Thrones, Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, etc) now are so full of action and surprise moments that MM can't help but seem slow in comparison. I've changed my viewing and save Mad Men for Monday nights now because the change of gears from the insanity of Game Of Thrones to the quiet intensity of MM was too jarring.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    asstro said:
    I disagree, I think the new season has been fine. The previous episode was great IMO, the scenes with Don and Sally were so well acted, I felt a real payoff for having watched these characters and their relationship over the years. I could have lived without the Betty sub-plot this week, but overall I still really enjoy watching. They do need to pick up some speed though, it's already halfway through the season.

    I think part of the problem with how Mad Men is perceived these days comes from that fact that the other "prestige" cable shows (Game Of Thrones, Walking Dead, Breaking Bad, etc) now are so full of action and surprise moments that MM can't help but seem slow in comparison. I've changed my viewing and save Mad Men for Monday nights now because the change of gears from the insanity of Game Of Thrones to the quiet intensity of MM was too jarring.

    I agree with you. Mad Men is a completely different type of show. And while I agree with others, the change in music has been a little off putting. I'm still enjoying the show.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    the fuck are GoT and Walking Dead "prestige" shows?

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    They are in the sense that they have loads of people writing about them every week, and that they are drawing the biggest viewing audiences these days. Networks are built around these kinds of shows right now.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Ah yeah I see that. Whole blogs and communities built around them, entire shows devoted to talking about them...

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    Episode 5 stepped things up!
    Gory ("it's the valve") and racy (Don's menage a trois). That sitar music was terrible.
    The computer ("THINK").
    Scout's Honor.
    Betty's yard. Sally.
    Back on track I'd say.
    Ep 6 pretty good too.
    Pete's hair looking pretty Hitleresque right now.
    I think Stan is currently the most dudely.
    This and Louie Season 4 are brightening up the start of each week.

  • hogginthefogghogginthefogg 6,098 Posts
    It was good to see Bob Benson's return. His outing explained a lot about his character's motives in prior episodes.
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