Mad Men (Latte Pass)



  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    add Weiner to the list of Hollywood Jews who just can't help themselves when it comes to perpetrating lame-o Jewish stereotypes. I guess Faye and Rachel Menken were too nuanced? They neededd to introduce a loudmouth to round it out.

    (That said there were some Alan Klein and Jack Ruby references, so the Jewish content in this wk's ep was varied if nothing else....)

    Roger killed it as always with his lines.

    Fat Betty's makeup was just bad.

    Is it just me or did "previously on Mad Men" feature a scene with Francis and an older woman (his mom?) that wasn't actually in the last episode?

    Shout out to Brian Jones.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:

    Is it just me or did "previously on Mad Men" feature a scene with Francis and an older woman (his mom?) that wasn't actually in the last episode?

    The previously segment will show scenes from anywhere in the history of the show, as long as they are relevant to the upcoming episode.
    They have shown that annoying "things aren't great" quote from Betty to Don about her new marriage in just about every "previously on" since she said it ... I assume you were talking about the scene where Francis' mother says "I know what you see in her and you didn't have to marry her to get it?" That was from last season, around the time of their wedding.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    It's amazing how much of Betty's attractiveness and power had to do with her being thin. In 50 pounds she went from Disney princess to pitiable chubby girl. That's scary. No wonder so many women have body image issues.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    Reynaldo said:
    It's amazing how much of Betty's attractiveness and power had to do with her being thin. In 50 pounds she went from Disney princess to pitiable chubby girl. That's scary. No wonder so many women have body image issues.

    I didn't find Fat Betty to be realistic looking. When January gained weight during her pregnancy, she didn't round out like that. Thickening of her rear (a la Peggy in S1) and about 30% less chin fat would have been more believable, IMO.

    But, yes, sans her figure and beauty, the writers didn't leave many redeemable qualities for Betty.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Yeah, they did her dirty with that chin.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    I have to admit that I laughed at "always darkest before the dawn," but only because of the audacity of it. Roger Sterling may be an asshole, but at least he's a hilarious unforgiving one.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    SoulOnIce said:
    rootlesscosmo said:

    Is it just me or did "previously on Mad Men" feature a scene with Francis and an older woman (his mom?) that wasn't actually in the last episode?

    The previously segment will show scenes from anywhere in the history of the show, as long as they are relevant to the upcoming episode.
    They have shown that annoying "things aren't great" quote from Betty to Don about her new marriage in just about every "previously on" since she said it ... I assume you were talking about the scene where Francis' mother says "I know what you see in her and you didn't have to marry her to get it?" That was from last season, around the time of their wedding.

    got it.

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    "And I'll see YOU later!"

    I was pretty tense this episode but I knew Don wouldn't have done a murder.

    Re-entry to the #1 spot is Peggy's lesbian friend. "Massacree".

    Sleeping pills lol.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    Pete Campbell and Lane Pryce going at it while the other guys watched in simultaneous shock and fascination was true comedy gold! So many wonderfully awkward moments (the fight, the dinner party). Slattery needs to direct more often.

    I love that this episode focused on good ol' Pete, my favorite. His character has got to be a real treat to write. Neophyte Michael Ginsberg was curiously absent from this episode. I get that they can't include everyone, but he seems like the type of loudmouth you'd be able to hear from the next room. The short scene in which Roger gives Lane client advice was really great.

  • ostost Montreal 1,375 Posts
    This season has been quite inconsistent up until now. That said, this episode was excellent.

  • mylatencymylatency 10,475 Posts
    super good episode

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    Almond said:
    Slattery needs to direct more often.

    The short scene in which Roger gives Lane client advice was really great.

    Agree! Super awesome.
    Some curious retro-style edit transitions in this episode too, eg vertical tilt/ wipe from Don and Megan's car to Roger's office, and cutting on a door opening.
    Really loved Ken being intruiged by idea of a miniature orchestra in a box. And Pete's shame. This will be redirected outwards in a truly horrible fashion.

  • I rewound the fight scene immediately to rewatch it. It was one of the most enjoyable scenes in the show's history.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Yeah I agree, a standout episode in what has so far been a lackluster season. Many lol moments and lines.

    "the one in Galaxy about the woman who lays eggs? Wow."

    "I know cooler heads should prevail, but am
    I the only one that really wants to see this happen?"

  • I also loved the dinner party scene when Trudy says, "Did you hear about that sniper in Austin--Charles Whitmore?" and Dick Whitman--I mean, Don Draper--corrects her.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Almond said:

    I love that this episode focused on good ol' Pete, my favorite. His character has got to be a real treat to write.

    can someone pls explain the affinity for Pete? he has to be the creepiest looking dude on TV, is an arrogant prick, impregnated whats-her-name and took zero responsibility, basically raped that au pair, etc.

    and this last episode he's scheming to cheat on his wife with a high school chick.

  • rootlesscosmo said:
    this last episode he's scheming to cheat on his wife with a high school chick.

    but he settles for a jaded prostitute. loved that closing scene where pete is glowering with sexual envy as 'handsome" gets it on with chicky-boo in the classroom.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    "Let's make a baby"

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    Almond said:

    I love that this episode focused on good ol' Pete, my favorite. His character has got to be a real treat to write.

    can someone pls explain the affinity for Pete? he has to be the creepiest looking dude on TV, is an arrogant prick, impregnated whats-her-name and took zero responsibility, basically raped that au pair, etc.

    and this last episode he's scheming to cheat on his wife with a high school chick.

    Pete is so much fun to dislike and Vincent Kartheiser incredibly convincing as an actor. His character is also pretty well-written and layered for a beta male. He's a complete prick and almost a caricature of himself, to the point that he has become a comic relief this season (trying to get Roger's office, fighting with Lane, etc.). Scenes with Pete almost never fall flat, which is why he's currently my favorite. Sure, Peggy's likeable and cute, but she's never really going to get much of a rise out of me. Joan is a close second fave this season, as I feel like she's had to grow the most.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    Almond said:

    I love that this episode focused on good ol' Pete, my favorite. His character has got to be a real treat to write.

    can someone pls explain the affinity for Pete? he has to be the creepiest looking dude on TV, is an arrogant prick, impregnated whats-her-name and took zero responsibility, basically raped that au pair, etc.

    and this last episode he's scheming to cheat on his wife with a high school chick.

    Pete is so much fun to dislike and Vincent Kartheiser incredibly convincing as an actor. His character is also pretty well-written and layered for a beta male. He's a complete prick and almost a caricature of himself, to the point that he has become a comic relief this season (trying to get Roger's office, fighting with Lane, etc.). Scenes with Pete almost never fall flat, which is why he's currently my favorite. Sure, Peggy's likeable and cute, but she's never really going to get much of a rise out of me. Joan is a close second fave this season, as I feel like she's had to grow the most.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts

    Tripping on LSD, orange sherbet at Howard Johnson's and non-sequential chronology. I really liked Episode 6 (Far Away Places), but each episode has been so disjointed from one to the next this season. Roger and Jane were great together and the dialogue was perfect and delivered so well. That girl is really beautiful.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Jane's Jewish? Where the f did that come outta? Between that revelation, the opening scene with Peggy's boyfriend talking about saying a bracha, and the new dude's dad coming into the office to use the Xerox machine, this ep was a Jewish overload.

    (Trust me: I do pay attention to other aspects of this show hahaha it just struck me this season the extent to which they're shoehorning some of these references in. I suppose they've taken pains to jam the black experience into this season also).

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Both props and hate go to the wardrobe person responsible for strategically taping Jane's nightgown down in the bedroom scene. So close yet so far.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    The opening of the vodka bottle had me laughing out loud. The whole eps felt like one big trip.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    DOR said:
    The opening of the vodka bottle had me laughing out loud. The whole eps felt like one big trip.

    I'm glad they were able to do that without blurry camera shots and fish-eye lenses. Even the short scene in which Ginsberg talked about being a Martian was perfectly strange.

  • ReynaldoReynaldo 6,054 Posts
    Megan's annoying now. Little brat. It's a thin line between cute and not cute.

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    Wow! A lot happened in there. Amazing installment. The LSD party was quite believable (LOL at Roger's cigarette). And I agree, the whole episode itself was a trip for everyone. Loved the non-sequential structure, which was appropriately confusing. I'm getting a David Lynchian flavour.
    Don and Roger mirroring each other in various ways (both for instance lying with their unsuitable wives on the carpet looking up at the ceiling) had me thinking, and Roger's last line had me laff'n. ("I've an effort for you: it's a veautiful day!" or some such garbled nonsense).
    Poor Jane. Poor Megan.
    This week's Dude is Bert Cooper.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Wow this thread is all the way on the 5th page rat now. 2 whole eps have happened since the last post.

    Last week: I forget. Oh yeah, the dinner where Don's daughter is scarred for life. Glen straight running his boarding school.

    This week: Yo, Don and Megan? Straight boring. Boring, boring, boring. Something better happen soon. Roger with his usual gems.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    I actually liked Megan in this one. She knows how to be true to herself while characters like Don, Peggy and Pete are still confused about who they are and what they want. Speaking of Pete, he's becoming so pathetic, and Vincent Kartheiser plays him so well. Really awkward seeing the Gilmore Girls actress playing a middle-aged housewife.

    I also like how they keep using music as not only a "sign of the times," but of Don's disconnect with the changing world, particularly with Megan in all her youth. He can barely listen to Revolver for a minute, and when Ken plays that outdated song, he mistakes it for the Beatles, while Ginsberg immediately knows it's not right for the ad.

    Anyone else bothered by the bright orange price sticker on the record in Don's house at the very end? I have a feeling Megan wouldn't leave price stickers on.
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