Mad Men (Latte Pass)



  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    or am I just not seeing the new thread?

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    Zou Bisou Bisou

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    edpowers said:
    Zou Bisou Bisou


  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    Zou Bisou Bisou was well done but the black lace cleaning scene felt too contrived. Your choice of white carpeting was impractical, babe.

    Pete Cambell has to be my new favorite character since he's written so well and hilarious to watch. However, his self-importance is almost exaggerated to the point of seeming like comic relief. I hope they don't take that aspect much further, or at least continue to balance it out with scenes of him at home with Trudy, which do make him seem like he's grown up a little (6 am Coca Cola meetings aside).

    Curious absence of Betty. Countdown to Sally lashing out at Megan or getting into her stepdad's liquor cabinet or at least getting her period in class or something.

    Happy to see them developing Joan's character. New secretaries are annoying. Perhaps the Brit will hire a woman of color after all. Bean Ballet was stupid. Hey, nice to see you back this season, Bert.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:

    or am I just not seeing the new thread?

    Have you come bearing another wet blanket?

    I actually fell behind a season, so I am just now watching Season 4, which seems solid just like the rest. I love Weiner (pause) and his discipline with his Characters and Story is what's sorely lacking in some of AMC's other shows like "The Walking Dead" and "The Killing," with the former being great only in moments and the latter being pretty much total middling garbage.

    I have a friend who once back-hand complimented me that I reminded her of Pete Campbell and I looked up his IRL Wikipedia page and we have the same birthday, I am only one year younger!

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Almond said:
    Zou Bisou Bisou was well done but the black lace cleaning scene felt too contrived. Your choice of white carpeting was impractical, babe.

    you are aware that this was a semi-scripted role play between her and Don, right? Or are you saying the idea that they would engage is such role play is contrived on the part of the writers? We know Don's a bit of a freak from previous eps....

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    Roger continues to kill it; always the funniest lines of the show. The scene btwn him and Crane killed. Roger tells Crane he tried to get Jane to do the French sexy song routine. ???She doesn???t speak French. Doesn???t like me.??? HAHA. Then Crane starts telling him about his wife and Roger's like, "I don't want to hear that..." so funny.

    I like the meathead creative guy; he's a chauvinistic jerk like the rest of teh Mad Men, but in a more overt/harmless, less evil/slimy way.

    episode could easily have been an hour; lots of filler and kinda-longish scenes. They definitely exploited the hiatus to squeeze more ad time, but story-wise that episode did not need 2 hrs.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    Almond said:
    Zou Bisou Bisou was well done but the black lace cleaning scene felt too contrived. Your choice of white carpeting was impractical, babe.

    you are aware that this was a semi-scripted role play between her and Don, right? Or are you saying the idea that they would engage is such role play is contrived on the part of the writers? We know Don's a bit of a freak from previous eps....

    I'm aware. Just getting annoyed with Megan a lot faster than I thought I would. Despite past freakishness, I felt like this episode emphasized the fact that Don can only relax in a very confined zone. He was pretty uptight in his discomfort.

    Yeah, Roger's lines are always a kick to hear, and Slattery delivers them so beautifully. Loved the scene where he was imitating the Zou Bisou dance. And the little rivalry between him and Pete is hilarious.

    I also found the scene between Lane and Joan to be really sweet. The man is pretty good-natured, although a creep.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    Almond said:
    Zou Bisou Bisou was well done but the black lace cleaning scene felt too contrived. Your choice of white carpeting was impractical, babe.

    you are aware that this was a semi-scripted role play between her and Don, right? Or are you saying the idea that they would engage is such role play is contrived on the part of the writers? We know Don's a bit of a freak from previous eps....

    I'm aware. Just getting annoyed with Megan a lot faster than I thought I would. Despite past freakishness, I felt like this episode emphasized the fact that Don can only relax in a very confined zone. He was pretty uptight in his discomfort.

    Yeah, Roger's lines are always a kick to hear, and Slattery delivers them so beautifully. Loved the scene where he was imitating the Zou Bisou dance. And the little rivalry between him and Pete is hilarious.

    I also found the scene between Lane and Joan to be really sweet. The man is pretty good-natured, although a creep.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    Almond said:
    Zou Bisou Bisou was well done but the black lace cleaning scene felt too contrived. Your choice of white carpeting was impractical, babe.

    you are aware that this was a semi-scripted role play between her and Don, right? Or are you saying the idea that they would engage is such role play is contrived on the part of the writers? We know Don's a bit of a freak from previous eps....

    I'm aware. Just getting annoyed with Megan a lot faster than I thought I would. Despite past freakishness, I felt like this episode emphasized the fact that Don can only relax in a very confined zone. He was pretty uptight in his discomfort.

    Yeah, Roger's lines are always a kick to hear, and Slattery delivers them so beautifully. Loved the scene where he was imitating the Zou Bisou dance. And the little rivalry between him and Pete is hilarious.

    I also found the scene between Lane and Joan to be really sweet. The man is pretty good-natured, although a creep.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    I'm not sure the acting is very good. Maybe they're going for something, but a lot of those scenes last night were pretty uncomfortable. Seems like there are more knowing meta-winks to the audience too. Not like I'm going anywhere--I'm in forever as long as Joan's baboombabooming around. But last night Megan Draper seemed a worse actress than Betty Draper. Didn't think that was possible.

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    A buddy of mine was in Montreal this weekend and his mind was blown on the ladies in the city. He thought for sure he saw Megan on the streets. I'm sure she's long moved to LA. But maybe...

    This is her as a blonde (NSFW)

    They are selling a 45" version online (Red or black vinyl with RJD2's theme on the B-side). And on itunes.

    I agree. Was a little too slow or maybe just too long. But there were some pretty funny parts. Enjoyed it on a whole, but hope they pick it up.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I think last season should have been the final one, to be honest. It would have been a good way to wrap up the whole series - now it seems like they are treading water and the massive layoff didn't help, I was pretty apathetic about the show returning at all.

    Having said all that, I assume I'll keep watching, there are certainly things I enjoyed about the premiere, and I'm curious to see if they can find a way to hook me again - but at this point it feels a bit like going through the paces.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    She should've sang this instead:

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    There's always so much ground to cover in a first episode, so I'm not surprised I feel slightly disappointed given how long it's been since the last season. But now they can get on with it.
    I'm a bit sad (maybe 'cos I'm British) to see Lane go creepy. A rare exterior scene last night. Roger is still the funniest but Peggy's boyfriend is the most likeable to me. Or maybe it's Harry.
    Either way round I'm disproportionately ecstatic that Mad Men is back ON.

  • dukeofdelridgedukeofdelridge urgent.monkey.mice 2,453 Posts
    I guess during the hiatus, I finally realized it's just a teevee show. Makes it a little easier to handle when it's not so :next_level:

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    SoulOnIce said:

    Seriously. The Fat Betty story line was a cheesy way to work around January's pregnancy. She didn't even seem to gain much weight while pregnant in real life, so I don't know why they couldn't have just used a body double and her regular face. The fat clothes and prosthetic double chin were just sad. Filler episode.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    Almond said:
    SoulOnIce said:

    Seriously. The Fat Betty story line was a cheesy way to work around January's pregnancy. She didn't even seem to gain much weight while pregnant in real life, so I don't know why they couldn't have just used a body double and her regular face. The fat clothes and prosthetic double chin were just sad. Filler episode.

    Or it could be a entryway to explore issues of women and body image in the 60s, and the usage of amphetamine diet pills.
    You can take a pregnant actress and have her behind counters and wearing big sweaters, or you can make something of it. I didn't find it cheesy at all, although I did laugh at her eating the girl's sundae.

  • I loved this episode. I think that the Betty storyline was a great way to reintroduce her character (this season, I mean) and touch on the mixed feelings she still has for Don, the sad state of affairs in her current marriage, and her own struggles to find herself. Like most viewers, I've never cared for Betty, but this episode went a lot way towards making her likable. I still don't like her, of course, but her character's much more human to me now.

    What I didn't like was the ham-fisted monologue by her cancer-stricken friend. What I loved were all of Roger's potshots at copywriters (as that is my day job).

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    hogginthefogg said:
    this episode went a lot way towards making her likable.

    Agree! and maybe the weight gain made her more human.
    Love that new guy too. Struggling to remember what "the letter" was.
    If Don was any squarer he'd have corners. Haha. I like him being considered old fashioned-looking as by today's standards he's just classy.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts
    granjero said:

    Agree! and maybe the weight gain made her more human.
    Love that new guy too. Struggling to remember what "the letter" was.
    If Don was any squarer he'd have corners. Haha. I like him being considered old fashioned-looking as by today's standards he's just classy.

    "The letter" was the ad Don had published in the Times stating that he would no longer represent big tobacco (S4, E12). This was after they lost the Lucky Strike account. The new guy, Michael Ginsberg, said he thought the ad was really funny, implying that he understood it was a publicity move.

    The letter also opened the door for the American Cancer Society to begin talks with SCDP (S4 finale, I think) about an anti-smoking campaign. So far this hasn't been mentioned in S5, but I hope it is revisited soon!

    Megan makes me miss Betty. I think Betty is a kind soul, she just doesn't do well under stress.

  • AlmondAlmond 1,427 Posts

  • granjerogranjero 147 Posts
    Almond said:
    granjero said:

    Struggling to remember what "the letter" was.

    "The letter" was the ad Don had published in the Times stating that he would no longer represent big tobacco (S4, E12). This was after they lost the Lucky Strike account. The new guy, Michael Ginsberg, said he thought the ad was really funny, implying that he understood it was a publicity move.

    The letter also opened the door for the American Cancer Society to begin talks with SCDP (S4 finale, I think) about an anti-smoking campaign. So far this hasn't been mentioned in S5, but I hope it is revisited soon!

    Megan makes me miss Betty. I think Betty is a kind soul, she just doesn't do well under stress.

    Oh yeh I remember now. Thanks, Almond.
    I've completely blanked-out any good side to Betty, to the extent that I'd forgotten it was actually by far Don who was most at fault in their marriage. I've adopted an unenlightened '60s sexist mentality - damn!

  • RisingsonRisingson 696 Posts
    Just borrowed the first 3 seasons on blu ray from a friend. Looking forward to watching this at last.........hope it lives up to the hype

  • jjfad027jjfad027 1,594 Posts
    Betty is an asshole IMO. And I usually reserve that title for males.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Yeah, not feeling sorry for Betty or seeing her as more sympathetic. In fact I was so relieved when (SPOILER) she didn't have cancer, because the prospect of a long, drawn-out plot of a dying Betty we were supposed to feel bad for was nauseating.
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