Items jacked from your local radio library



  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    My peoples...

    1) Some of you really need to get your analogies in order.
    Downloading off the internet
    Stealing cans of paint from a store
    Racking radio libraries
    ARE NOT COMPARABLE even if all happen to share questionable moral status. Please stop treating them as if they're one in the same. They are not. If I mug you at fucking gun point and then pistolwhip your ass, is that the same as cheating on my taxes? Of course not. But the logic some of you are bringing into play seems to treat any act of "theft" as the same as any other.

    Come on, you know better. They're different.

    2) I used to think racking radio stations was ALWAYS wack but really, it does depend on the radio station. Racking KALX is wack because that station actually CARES about its library and DJs actually PLAY things out of the archive. Other stations could give a fuck about the state of their library and if that's the case...

    But again, there's a spectrum here, it's not black and white.

    3) It all comes back to karma and bottomline, if you think it's cool to steal albums in whatever form that might take:
    *Racking record stores
    *Purposefully getting over on an artist who doesn't realize what their record are worth
    *Slipping a roofie into your friend's drink and then absconding with his raers

    ...if you ever are the victim of theft, just recognize that what goes around comes back around. I find it ironic that people complain about getting ripped off yet brag about ripping other folks off. I mean, it's cool if you're the Rack Master but in that case, take your lump lumps when the tables get turned.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,782 Posts
    Classique Bomp

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    funny reading the slightly humble non charred pre waxidermy hcrink comments
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