Worst thing a person ever said to you in bed



  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    At 14 I lost my virginity to a dominatrix type woman that I met through a friend at the mental hospital. She had been with scores of folks before me, and instructed me to bite, choke or smother her during the act. When it was over she said, "I'm so glad I got to be the one to break you," as if I were a horse. She got up to go to the bathroom and, while stepping over me, a huge blob of my own virgin fluid dripped from between her legs and landed on my naked chest, splashing my face.

  • sabadabadasabadabada 5,966 Posts
    At 14 I lost my virginity to a dominatrix type woman that I met through a friend at the mental hospital.

    instant classic.

  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts
    Went home with a girl from the club and as we got to her place, she said, "Be quiet, my mom is here."

    Then right before getting down to business, she said "I think you should know that I'm not going to come."

    In the morning we woke up and talked a bit. Suddenly her mom walked in and said, "Ah! I thought I heard a male voice in here!" Then she added without a trace of sarcasm, "THAT doesn't happen very often!"

  • karlophonekarlophone 1,697 Posts
    "dont go in too far."

    apparently it only felt good near the surface for her. took the wind right out of my sails. trying to not go in "too far" without popping out, while she wouldnt even angle up a little to make for good connections. all work, no pleasure. deflation! frustration! (and other 80's rap "tions").

    no big thing i know, except i so infrequently get to that point with someone that every one really counts!

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    At 14 I lost my virginity to a dominatrix type woman that I met through a friend at the mental hospital. She had been with scores of folks before me, and instructed me to bite, choke or smother her during the act. When it was over she said, "I'm so glad I got to be the one to break you," as if I were a horse. She got up to go to the bathroom and, while stepping over me, a huge blob of my own virgin fluid dripped from between her legs and landed on my naked chest, splashing my face.


  • DrWuDrWu 4,021 Posts
    It's funny this is all foreplay until NZShadow gets in here and wipes the floor with his jizz mop. I can't wait.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    The only contender I can come up with offhand is, "Ow! Wrong hole!"

    No such thing as a "Wrong Hole".

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    The only contender I can come up with offhand is, "Ow! Wrong hole!"

    No such thing as a "Wrong Hole".

    I have no inclination to take the #2 train, which is part of what made it so funny.

  • GnatGnat 1,183 Posts
    At 14 I lost my virginity to a dominatrix type woman that I met through a friend at the mental hospital.


    TMI?!?!?...From where I sit, not enough information. This is good reading. Do tell do tell....that's the kinda first time that'll give you perspective on the world...shit, she gave you[/b] a facial...some serious domination shit...did you marry her?

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    At 14 I lost my virginity to a dominatrix type woman that I met through a friend at the mental hospital. She had been with scores of folks before me, and instructed me to bite, choke or smother her during the act. When it was over she said, "I'm so glad I got to be the one to break you," as if I were a horse. She got up to go to the bathroom and, while stepping over me, a huge blob of my own virgin fluid dripped from between her legs and landed on my naked chest, splashing my face.

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayy too much information.

  • "Umm..that's not my......"

    I blame Xanax.

  • Ok, I guess its not just me that LSD does this to. That and a few other "substances" will have me lookin' all "Shorty The Limp" w/ the quickness. I always hated it when I heard others talking about their cocaine/lsd/etc sexual escapades.

    i thought LSD + sex wasnt possible?

    Oh, it's possible all right ... quite possible ...

  • "i'm chris hansen from nbc's dateline"

    just kidding. peace, stein. . .

  • RaystarRaystar 1,106 Posts
    "you're trying to give me a baby..."

    It did eventually happen...

  • SyminSymin 999 Posts
    "oh the surgeon was totally wrong!"

  • TMI.

    When Bambouche's posts = too much information... well, I guess that's where we are.

  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts
    i don't remember ever hearing anything too bad in bed.... or maybe i've blocked them out.

    worst happening - she started crying. thats a hell of a disappointing first time.

    worst thing i've said...

    "when are you going to leave?" she left pretty quickly after that.

  • GambleGamble 844 Posts
    At 14 I lost my virginity to a dominatrix type woman that I met through a friend at the mental hospital. She had been with scores of folks before me, and instructed me to bite, choke or smother her during the act. When it was over she said, "I'm so glad I got to be the one to break you," as if I were a horse. She got up to go to the bathroom and, while stepping over me, a huge blob of my own virgin fluid dripped from between her legs and landed on my naked chest, splashing my face.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts


    When Bambouche's posts = too much information... well, I guess that's where we are.

    No doubt. Some of you need to pull your panties up and live.

    If this bothers you, you wouldn't have lasted a day before the homogenization of this place.

  • TMI.

    When Bambouche's posts = too much information... well, I guess that's where we are.

    No doubt. Some of you need to pull your panties up and live.

    If this bothers you, you wouldn't have lasted a day before the homogenization of this place.

    Shit, most days I only come here in the HOPE of finding a post like Bambouche's.

  • oh snap, i forgot a good/bad one.
    there was this girl in my life many years ago and she wanted me to "reciprocate". i used to not be too into that. so we were messing around while watching a movie and it became clear that it was time for me to "reciprocate". so i did, but i wasnt really into it. she noticed that i was still watching the movie instead of worshiping the pink temple so she twisted away and said something along the lines of "doesnt mean anything if you fake it." that was that. we said bye the next day and the relationship was over.

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    Shit, most days I only come here in the HOPE of finding a post like Bambouche's.

    This post is funny for those of us in the know on how you used to roll...


    And, my sincere apologies to those who thought my post was over-informative. It should help you sleep easy to know that my cherry robber not only bit through one of my nipples before we separated, but she also robbed the cherry of my best friend in the backseat of his mom's Dodge Omni outside a punk show. Years later we laughed about it, but it was a little weird at the time. And while we didn't get married, the dominatrix and I, we have remained friends over the years. In the late '80s I wrote a ficticious free verse chapbook, under the pseudonym S. Watkins, largely inspired by her, titled, Finger, Felch, Fuck, Be it the Butt or Cunt of a Slut, and she was not only honored, but very happy to point out which passages were divined while under her tutelage. She's still creative, after all these years.

    You only get one change to get your cherry popped while listening to "All Murder All Guts All Fun."

  • Hah - you're the master of the pic resurrection... and that one's not even the worst of it... the hairstyles in particular went downhill. I had a radiation suit I wore a good portion of days when I ran out of laundry.

    In recognition of your bold pic resurrection, and to continue the general thrust of these posts, I'll put up a A HREF="http://img178.imageshack.us/img178/6937/pollygg7.jpg">pic of the second woman I slept with. She was a 21 year old, half-japanese, goth, ex-cheerleader. She gave me this pic after we broke up because, she said, she's "an egomaniac." She would say "you're too perfect" and give me a bruise or make me bleed. Then, she said, I was no longer perfect, and thus, doable. To a high schooler this was just about the shit - downside: I had to take the bus over because I was too young to drive.

    I should have taken cues from skinny puppy era me this weekend. Wife, daniel, another friend & I went here and I was about the only person missing the requisite black tee shirt: (if you want to be invisible to punk goth girls, get a decent hair cut and wear an adidas logo'd tee)


  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts


    When Bambouche's posts = too much information... well, I guess that's where we are.

    No doubt. Some of you need to pull your panties up and live.

    If this bothers you, you wouldn't have lasted a day before the homogenization of this place.

    Shit, most days I only come here in the HOPE of finding a post like Bambouche's.

    Alright! Never mind then. Big ups to Bambouche for divulging his first time of how his virgin fluid slid out of the crevices of the woman and dripped onto his face.

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts


    When Bambouche's posts = too much information... well, I guess that's where we are.

    No doubt. Some of you need to pull your panties up and live.

    If this bothers you, you wouldn't have lasted a day before the homogenization of this place.

    Shit, most days I only come here in the HOPE of finding a post like Bambouche's.

    Alright! Never mind then. Big ups to Bambouche for divulging his first time of how his virgin fluid slid out of the crevices of the woman and dripped onto his face.

    I jacked a dude off in a hot tub once. No release. (FauxHomo?)

    In recognition of your bold pic resurrection, and to continue the general thrust of these posts...

    Speaking of Dizzy Bull, lost virginity and bestiality, quite out of the blue my ex-girlfriend (whose cherished I took one prom night in the '80s) recently sent me an envelope containing several of my old letter I'd written her when we were dating (she helped her parents clean out their attic where she found relics from her late teens). She was filthy rich and I was dirt poor. Her parents hated me. I had forgotten the source of their disgust until I started looking at some of the letters I'd sent to their house. I was working the graveyard shift at a print shop (where I published my above mentioned novella), and in a fit of late night boredom I made thousands of stickers that said, in real big letters, HORSE FUCKING[/b]. I used these stickers to insure the seal on all the letters I sent.

    Today, that woman is a heavy equipment operator. (There's a joke in there somewhere.)

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts
    Bam, you had me rollin on the floor...
    Unfortunately, i don't have such a story to share. But i can remember some catchy sentences i often get :
    -"Be more gentle"
    -"It tickles"
    -"Wrong hole!!!"
    -"No way you're going in my a** with that!"

    That's about what i heard the most in my whole sex life...

  • "please assfuck my mouth, i wanna puke cum"

    I was curious for 1/30th of a second, then had to leave.

  • ps: no fucking joke.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    were there multiple video cameras involved?

  • ...not that I was/am aware of, but yeah, this chick had a strong affinity for nasty pr0n.

    I'm not a prude.... but got kinda weirded.
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