
  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,989 Posts

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    J i m s t e r said:
    He (Baker) always reminded me of a chirpier Danny DeVito.

    Skinny... Has he been a bit Tom?

    Yep, the big C. In remission now, and the longer the better, I hope. Always had a lot of time for him, going all the way back to his Sniffin' Glue days.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    He had throat cancer didn't he? Couldn't talk for months.

    Some serious stuff, it's amazing he's back working really.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts




  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Junior said:


  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Junior said:



    Right up there with the Bishop of Southwark.

    Never been a regular listener so I can't claim to have any real fondness or antipathy for Baker, but it's a shame he couldn't have taken a slightly more disciplinarian role in his dealings with Gazza. Not sure it would've helped though...

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    Never has my fb feed be so full of Brit TV shows.

    Black Mirror, Utopia, Downton Abbey (They just showed the end of season 3 over here and all the women are like :bug: )

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Confession time, I have never seen any of these shows. In fact I don't know if I've watched a single (non comedy) British TV series in quite some time. Will no doubt get round to Utopia though sometime soon.

    Duderonomy said:

    Right up there with the Bishop of Southwark.

    YES. Had forgotten about that fellow right there. True YOLO shenanigans.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Whatever you do, avoid Mr. Selfridge like the fucking plague, even if you're a sucker for costume dramas (I hate them). Jeremy Piven phoning it in as Ari Gold in Edwardian mufti. It's lazy, cynical, let's-produce-something-we-can-sell-to-the-Yanks shoite of the worst kind.

    Any love for Spiral on here? Superior French flics-et-voleurs drama that's just begun its fourth season on BBC4, and which I think may be available Stateside via Netflix. Highly recommended, if only for Audrey Fleurot's mesmerising turn as the utterly black-hearted Jos??phine Karlsson.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Junior said:
    Confession time, I have never seen any of these shows. In fact I don't know if I've watched a non-football show in quite some time.

    I think you telly addicts need to get out n about a bit more.

    YOLO shenanigans.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,989 Posts
    All you trekkies and tv addicts
    Don't mean to diss
    Don't mean to bring static
    All you klingons in da fuckin' house
    Grab your backstreet friend and get loud
    Blowin' doors off hinges
    I'll grab you with the pinchers
    And no i didn't retire
    I'll snatch you up
    With the needle nose pliers

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Why Don't You?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Nah, that was different, and definitely ended with "...and turn off your TV and do something less boring instead".

  • ppadilhappadilha 2,255 Posts
    it must really suck to be an Arsenal fan right about now...

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    So, what exactly is the point of Arsenal?
    Aiming for some top 4 money thing?
    Really, there's no point.

    Give me the plusses and minuses of promo and relegation any day over this mediocre existence that Arse fans seem to suffer. Zombie shit.

    YOLO batches

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    plus the ''goal'' you got back was horrendous
    it's unfair to judge a performance against a powerhouse like bayern
    but i believe every team left in the competition would handle arsenal easily
    with perhaps only galatasaray,malaga giving you a chance to move on
    although skewed the stats of the number of titles won by players that left arsenal during the 8 year drought is harrowing

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I was cheering Arsenal along last night as would much rather they were still in the draw than Bayern were we to progress past Real.

    To be fair to them, Bayern are from the upper tier of teams still left in this competition but it was a sorry performance all round. What are the current odds on Arsene leaving end of this season? He truly looks out of ideas.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Meh. Most non delusional Arsenal fans knew we were shit long before last night. So the fact that we were taken apart, by one of the best teams in Europe right now, was no great shock. It's of no surprise that if you continually sell off world class players, only to replace them with mediocre ones, the end result is a mediocre team.
    But unfortunately Arsenal's problems seem to go deeper than that and will take a fundamental change, not unlike the one brought on by Wenger on his arrival, to turn it around. Unfortunately, unlike back then, the people now in charge at club have absolutely no clue about football.
    So, yes, it's dark days to be a gooner, but not because we lost one game of football, or because of some trite statistic.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    I think it all started when Wenger told players over 30 that they'd only get 1 year contracts. Arsenal's pay structure is based on time at the club, and some boardroom types must have looked at what they'd been paying Vieira, then saw what they were paying a 17 year-old Fabregas, and wondered why they couldn't do that with the whole team.

    Last night I was left with the choice of going out to kickboxing and playing football, or staying in to watch Arsenal get whooped.
    I decided a real life whooping would be much more fun. Got home to a bunch of sarcastic text's about Walcott leading the line :whycry:

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    The buying of Mertersack and Podolsky represented some kind of abandonment of the ideal that spoke to home grown, scour the world for youth talent thing he stood for.

    In that regard, lost some respect for dude and yes, looks shot for ideas.

    Those halcyon days of the youth team going away to big shot teams in the League Cup and wiping the floor with them seem a long time ago.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    WMIC iPhone double

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    skel said:
    The buying of Mertersack and Podolsky represented some kind of abandonment of the ideal that spoke to home grown, scour the world for youth talent thing he stood for.

    While David Dein was at the Arse the philosophy was winning stuff. Since he left the club seems to simply be a business model. If the FFP rules aren't actually going to happen (would require the dismantling of FIFA's darling Barcelona for starters I imagine), then maybe we need to do a deal with the devil (who in this case is Alisher Usmanov, aka a few different Bond bad-guys rolled into one).

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    alves is courting wilshere (pasua-kotto)
    arsene's responsibility is the fact he rigidly keeps his system in place and never attempts to adapt or vring out a plan b midgame
    spurs and everton are infinetly more confidemt and plain and simple playing better football at the moment
    the battle for 4th (aka as good as a trophy according to ars;ene) wont be a walk through goodison park
    it only takes a couple of newxatsle/westbrom draws and late souehamptonwigan winners to have the gunners gunnin for8th behind liverpool
    the pressure will keep on increasing...wenger really should have been trophy minded and avoided all those embaressing cup exits

    looking at the schedule...arsene's seat will get white hot
    spurs-everton-bayern away
    then a chance for many points but they race may be already lost
    way down the loftus road you will end the season against united and all the bottom dwellers gasping for air
    as santi cazorla would exclaim: cuidado!

    i am not gunner bashing it just seems like a huge challenge

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,989 Posts
    Duderonomy said:

    Nowt motivates the players like a horses head in the bed / chilli, salt, bleach, spoon combo to the family. I am sure his past is no barrier to the "Fit and proper person test"; City ex-shotcaller Thanking Shinywater can help him with the multiple choice X's.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Duder are you really bemoaning the breaking up of the invincibles again? I wouldn't disagree that that was a mistake, but times have moved on. We have one of the highest wage bills in the EPL, we pay even our kids and permanent benchwarmers ridiculously high wages. That's how we get stuck with them. No other club is going to offer anything close to what we're paying the shower of shit that resides in our reserves, so the greedy cunts refuse to leave and just run down their contracts. The best we can do is send them out on loan, so at least a percentage of their wages aren't bleeding the club dry. & Silent Stan isn't going to relinquish control of the club anytime soon, so talk the fat Russian riding over the sunset to save the day is just fantasy.


    When Arsene came to the EPL he changed the game, bringing in a glut of cheep foreign talent. Once every other team caught on, he was priced out of that game. So he was forced to look to a cheaper option, which meant getting in earlier and developing youth talent. At the same time improving the home grown youth development program, to hopefully build an sustainable English core to the side. Combine this with the move to a new stadium, he has built the foundation for Arsenal FC to be a successful football club for decades to come.

    Unfortuantely reality bites and the likes of Citeh, Chelski, the financial behemoth that is ManU and virtually every other European club in the top tier aren't interested in Arsene's socialist ideals or financial stability principles. And FIFA, the FA, EPL & everyone else are way too busy bathing themselves in the sea of money that has flooded into football to do anything but encourage it.
    Arsene has been swimming against the tide for so long, it's of no surprise that he looks tired. He can't even pick up youth players on the cheap anymore as the likes of Chelski have cottoned on to that one, so now their youth squad is as star studded and international as their first team.

    The day Cesc handed in his transfer request, Arsene's dream died. That was three seasons ago, since then we've just been watching a slow decline. Only Arsene seems too belligerent to acknowledge the shortfall between ideals and reality.

    I could go on further, but that's enough of a rant for now.

  • Wenger looks a broken man. Teary-eyed at Bayern's third.Silence from the board.

    Maybe he should own to the fact that his team are lacking and take an underperforming player and resign them to the reserves/transfer list??

    I think the players like, but don't fear him like other managers.

    And he has bought some crap lately..dirtyslapper,Rosicky,Arteta etc..

  • rosicky had been with arsenal since 2006 and, but for injury, may have been lauded as a better player. on a good day i still rate him.

    arteta on the other hand looked exactly like the poor man's fabregas yesterday.

    but, yes, wenger has bought a lot of shit. how the fuck did we end up with santos, gervinho, giroud, chamakh? and where the fuck was theo yesterday?

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    dirtyslapper?? Rosicky & Arteta are pretty good, if not great. The midfield isn't really a problem area for us at all. It's everywhere else on the park we're short.

    I think in recent years Wengers biggest fault is his idealistic nature. A great illustration of that is his seeming tactical naivety. Since the beginning of the Cesc era he's believed that his teams can go out and play beautiful attacking football and that's enough. So we go to ManU to pass them off the pitch, only for them to happily soak it up and hit us on the break. And the same thing happened year on year.
    These days we can't even claim to be a great passing side but Wenger has done little, to nothing, to remedy that - Either buying the players capable, or changing our style to suit our strengths and cover our weaknesses. Because he has this idealistic idea of that's how football should now be played. We are still playing the same way we failed to win with, when we had a great team that could pull it off. He insist on continuing down this folly of a Barca like, dynamic, passing team, even though he's always seemed to miss the fundamental flaws in this plan.

    It's most perplexing. Especially seeing as pretty much every other team that has been successful in the EPL since the Invincible era, has done so using that team as a blue print.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
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