The Wire Season 5 SPOILER Thread



  • I am going to say it yet again -- nothing is happening to McNulty. Maybe he gets bounced from his house again, but he isn't going to get more than a slap on the wrist for his bogus homeless killer thing.

    And this is the worst possible outcome from McNulty's point of view. He got the exact outcome that he wanted from the whole fake homeless thing but he has made it impossible for himself to take any credit. When Lester celebrates by the railroad tracks and McNulty stews like a pouty bitch and refuses to join him it is because McNulty's ego can't handle the anticlimax of not personally getting anything from the Marlo takedown. (By the way it seems totally out of character for McNulty to remain sober at that moment when throughout the series he has responded to both his successes and failures alike by hitting the sauce)

    I don't think McNulty cares about the "credit." Seriously, in 5 seasons of this dude's character, where are you getting that?

    Its not credit like he wants a plaque or a press conference or something, he just wants his ego stroked a little. In 5 seasons of this dude's character I have noticed that he is arrogant and thinks that he is smarter than everyone else, and now he wants that to be acknowledged. How else do you explain his mopyness after Marlo is arrested?

    what mopyness? he exclaims excitedly to Kima that Marlo got bagged. if he looked apprehensive in this last episode it's because his little scheme is clearly imploding and threatens to take lots of people down with him.

    arrogant? no doubt. thinks that he is smarter than everyone else? generally, yeah. but he's never evinced any desire for personal recognition of his work. he's a driven, committed, short-sighted, reckless cop who wants to put away bad guys. he does it out of duty, but he also does it out of a somewhat selfish desire to be part of important cases. but he's never appeared to be after any personal recognition.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    did anyone notice that Marlo was on the outside in the scenes for the last episode? His lawyer told him he and Chris both weren't getting bail. So to me that would mean the case fell apart because of the bullshit wire taps that were supposedly for the serial killer.

  • did anyone notice that Marlo was on the outside in the scenes for the last episode? His lawyer told him he and Chris both weren't getting bail. So to me that would mean the case fell apart because of the bullshit wire taps that were supposedly for the serial killer.

    this is correct.

  • I am going to say it yet again -- nothing is happening to McNulty. Maybe he gets bounced from his house again, but he isn't going to get more than a slap on the wrist for his bogus homeless killer thing.

    And this is the worst possible outcome from McNulty's point of view. He got the exact outcome that he wanted from the whole fake homeless thing but he has made it impossible for himself to take any credit. When Lester celebrates by the railroad tracks and McNulty stews like a pouty bitch and refuses to join him it is because McNulty's ego can't handle the anticlimax of not personally getting anything from the Marlo takedown. (By the way it seems totally out of character for McNulty to remain sober at that moment when throughout the series he has responded to both his successes and failures alike by hitting the sauce)

    I don't think McNulty cares about the "credit." Seriously, in 5 seasons of this dude's character, where are you getting that?

    Its not credit like he wants a plaque or a press conference or something, he just wants his ego stroked a little. In 5 seasons of this dude's character I have noticed that he is arrogant and thinks that he is smarter than everyone else, and now he wants that to be acknowledged. How else do you explain his mopyness after Marlo is arrested?

    what mopyness? he exclaims excitedly to Kima that Marlo got bagged. if he looked apprehensive in this last episode it's because his little scheme is clearly imploding and threatens to take lots of people down with him.

    arrogant? no doubt. thinks that he is smarter than everyone else? generally, yeah. but he's never evinced any desire for personal recognition of his work. he's a driven, committed, short-sighted, reckless cop who wants to put away bad guys. he does it out of duty, but he also does it out of a somewhat selfish desire to be part of important cases. but he's never appeared to be after any personal recognition.

    The excitement seems to fade pretty fast for McNulty. I am thinking in particular of the scene where Lester dances around drunk-ass and jubilant while McNulty leans against the car with an expression on his face like he just ate some bad chinese food that gave him indigestion. I take his unhappiness to be as much internal demons as worries about the case falling apart.

  • did anyone notice that Marlo was on the outside in the scenes for the last episode? His lawyer told him he and Chris both weren't getting bail. So to me that would mean the case fell apart because of the bullshit wire taps that were supposedly for the serial killer.

    this is correct.

    If Levy figures out that the "informant" is actually an illegal wiretap then the conspiracy case against Marlo would fall apart, right? But wouldn't everyone who was busted in possession of the drugs still go to jail? Couldn't they try to flip some of those guys who were lower on the totem pole and facing a bid? (hoping one of you lawyer types knows whats up)

  • did anyone notice that Marlo was on the outside in the scenes for the last episode? His lawyer told him he and Chris both weren't getting bail. So to me that would mean the case fell apart because of the bullshit wire taps that were supposedly for the serial killer.

    this is correct.

    If Levy figures out that the "informant" is actually an illegal wiretap then the conspiracy case against Marlo would fall apart, right? But wouldn't everyone who was busted in possession of the drugs still go to jail? Couldn't they try to flip some of those guys who were lower on the totem pole and facing a bid? (hoping one of you lawyer types knows whats up)

    I am not a legal expert outside of watching too much law & order in college. But I believe that anything coming from the illegal tap is fruit of the poisoned tree. Unless they can claim eventual discovery (i.e. the drugs would have been eventually found regardless of the cell tap), which seems unlikely, that evidence won't be admissible. At least they shook up Marlo's organization.

  • did anyone notice that Marlo was on the outside in the scenes for the last episode? His lawyer told him he and Chris both weren't getting bail. So to me that would mean the case fell apart because of the bullshit wire taps that were supposedly for the serial killer.

    this is correct.

    If Levy figures out that the "informant" is actually an illegal wiretap then the conspiracy case against Marlo would fall apart, right? But wouldn't everyone who was busted in possession of the drugs still go to jail? Couldn't they try to flip some of those guys who were lower on the totem pole and facing a bid? (hoping one of you lawyer types knows whats up)

    I am not a legal expert outside of watching too much law & order in college. But I believe that anything coming from the illegal tap is fruit of the poisoned tree. Unless they can claim eventual discovery (i.e. the drugs would have been eventually found regardless of the cell tap), which seems unlikely, that evidence won't be admissible. At least they shook up Marlo's organization.

    So even though they have dudes holding major amounts of illegal substances they can't prosecute because the information used to find them was illegaly obtained?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    It's going to be a loooooooooooooong week of sitting through predictions.

    c'mon O this schitt is fun. you know you're not above this./quote]

    Oh, of course not but it's fun for like...the WEEK in between eps and then you can see who was right and who was wrong. But two weeks of this? Yikes!

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • I liked it when McNulty was briefing his bosses during the meeting and then Rawls says something like "I like some kinky shit just as much as the next guy, but this..."

    They share some nervous laughter as some of the other guys try to not think about what "kinky" might be to Rawls.

  • I liked it when McNulty was briefing his bosses during the meeting and then Rawls says something like "I like some kinky shit just as much as the next guy, but this..."

    They share some nervous laughter as some of the other guys try to not think about what "kinky" might be to Rawls.

    I think that little throw-away line was a bone (pasue) thrown to viewers holding out hope for a Rawls gay scandal. That's the last we'll hear of that I think. (Hey it's more recognition than David Chase gave the Pine Barons stans.)

  • I liked it when McNulty was briefing his bosses during the meeting and then Rawls says something like "I like some kinky shit just as much as the next guy, but this..."

    They share some nervous laughter as some of the other guys try to not think about what "kinky" might be to Rawls.

    I think that little throw-away line was a bone (pasue) thrown to viewers holding out hope for a Rawls gay scandal. That's the last we'll hear of that I think. (Hey it's more recognition than David Chase gave the Pine Barons stans.)

    Yeah, I liked that little chuckle too. I'm surprised that Rawl's sexuality didn't come out (ahem), what with the sensationalist news angle. But he hasn't had much screen time in this season. I'm not sure where it would get (COUGH) crammed in.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    So I was checking out some old issues of RapPages tonight to revisit Bobbito's Confessions Of A Sneaker Addict article. I flipped through the June 1997 issue with Craig Mack on the cover and found this little (joke) article about who would possibly play the new Shaft:

    See anybody familiar?

  • just to check.. is the final ep on HBO on demand tonight?

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    'The 90-minute finale of HBO's The Wire won't be available in advance of the March 9 cable channel premiere date, a spokesman for HBO said.'

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    'The 90-minute finale of HBO's The Wire won't be available in advance of the March 9 cable channel premiere date, a spokesman for HBO said.'

    You saying you got it?

  • we will finally be able to unite all the wire threads!!!!

  • I saw this on a yahoo news thing about upcoming tv shows this week.

    After five seasons of drug dealings, human smuggling, education system breakdowns, political corruption, questionable journalism, and plenty of violent crime, it all comes down to tonight???s series finale. While Carcetti maps out a damage-control plan in the wake of a startling revelation from Pearlman and Daniels, they must figure out whether to clean up the mess or find a way to keep the whole thing under wraps. Meanwhile, McNulty asks Landsman to pull police off the homeless case, but a fresh homicide ramps up the investigation. On the streets, Dukie seeks out an old mentor for a loan, and Marlo oversees a new co-op order as he maps out his next move. Will he finally get taken down on the very last episode? We'd say let's hope for a future reunion, but with Stringer Bell, D'Angelo Barksdale, Avon Barksdale, Omar, Bodie, and Proposition Joe all dead, who's even left to reunite?

    Is that a factual error or dis they slip up and reveal that Avon gets killed in jail? I'm guessing a factual error.

    It looks like they will try to keep McNulty's plan a secret, but a copycat or associated murder is going to fuck it up.

    Was there a review special on last night? I thought I saw a listing for two half hour look back episodes.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Ha ha, did anyone catch the promo they put up in HBO on Demand (spoiler free)[/b]:

    Unfortunately, that's the best version on youtube I could find.

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    I see ZERO motive for Kima's snitchery .

    Is being ass-hurt considered a motive ? The other detectives are closing cases or involved in the Marlo bust....Kima hasn't solved any of her murders yet ......Bunk wasn't with Mcnulty's shit either but he used it to his advantage.

    No way in hell Mcnulty commits suicide....Templeton maybe.

    Dookie looks like he may have gotten his ass kicked and robbed for his little money by one of the junkies.......He's not on dope.

    Michael is gone ....having him pull some Omar type shit would be corny as hell.

    Cheese gets handled when Marlo gets out.

    Marlo starts over.

    Levy is untouchable.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    I see ZERO motive for Kima's snitchery .
    No way in hell Mcnulty commits suicide....Templeton maybe.

    Dookie looks like he may have gotten his ass kicked and robbed for his little money by one of the junkies.......He's not on dope.

    Michael is gone ....having him pull some Omar type shit would be corny as hell.

    Cheese gets handled when Marlo gets out.

    Marlo starts over.

    Levy is untouchable.
    yeah, i don't really see it steering very far from this.

  • Wonder if we'll see a tie up with Cutty? He was one of my favs and wish his story woulda continued a bit more into 5.

  • I liked Cutty as well. In his first few episodes I always feared a bad move was right around the corner or that Avon was going to take him out for quitting the game, but that wasn't the case.

    I'm imagining he'll be in the montage. Maybe Kanard will be in there training. Ha ha.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Lots of press leading up to the finale. I came across this one from the LA Times:

    Regardless, Simon has no regrets. He even made a point of exonerating HBO for "The Wire's" shorter run this season by explaining that if they truly needed more time to wrap up their story (which initially included the revelation that Randy is indeed Cheese Wagstaff's son[/b]), HBO would have provided it. But he feels the tighter story is stronger for it. In Simon's view, "The Wire," its characters, and to an extent the complex issues plaguing Baltimore itself have ultimately been served.

  • "This is why I'm the king of meta," Simon said with a mischievous grin. "Everything that you know about 'The Wire' up to this point never appeared in the newspaper." He then recounted the many plot points taken from Simon's real-life Baltimore experiences -- the corrupt mayor asking for cooked crime stats, the elementary school test scores spawned from students being taught the tests, the deaths of Prop Joe and Omar -- all indicators of the city's real problems that never appeared in the Sun's pages, in reality or on HBO. "Watching a TV drama to get the truth, that's the real joke," Simon added.


  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts

    Randy is indeed Cheese Wagstaff's son[/b]),


  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts

    Randy is indeed Cheese Wagstaff's son[/b]),


    Indeed --

    I wonder how they were going to develop the story.

    1.) Cheese takes Randy to Six Flags

    2.) Randy does Cheese just like he did Bunk

    3.) Somehow Baby Mama comes into the picture

  • I see ZERO motive for Kima's snitchery .

    Is being ass-hurt considered a motive ? The other detectives are closing cases or involved in the Marlo bust....Kima hasn't solved any of her murders yet ......Bunk wasn't with Mcnulty's shit either but he used it to his advantage.

    I thought Kima's conversation with Carver summed up her motive pretty well, actually.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    "This is why I'm the king of meta," Simon said with a mischievous grin. "Everything that you know about 'The Wire' up to this point never appeared in the newspaper." He then recounted the many plot points taken from Simon's real-life Baltimore experiences -- the corrupt mayor asking for cooked crime stats, the elementary school test scores spawned from students being taught the tests, the deaths of Prop Joe and Omar -- all indicators of the city's real problems that never appeared in the Sun's pages, in reality or on HBO. "Watching a TV drama to get the truth, that's the real joke," Simon added.


    Exactly. Simon has repeated this point in a couple of other recent interviews, just to make sure you people get the point. We've certainly touched on this point in this forum, but there is a tendency to focus on the sensational aspects of the media story--the incompetence of Klebinow and Whiting, Templeton's cooked stories, the Quixotic struggles of Gus Haynes to keep the paper afloat and above board, and perhaps even the occasionally wooden acting of the stunt cast members of the newspaper story-line.

  • so my wife and i just finished watching the finale(its leaked for those who aint got it yet)and we were dissappointed. not necessarily a bad episode but a bunch of sad conclusions...then again this is the wire and its nuff depressing so...

    ....i got a question(NO SPOILER)...earlier in the season there was a folder circulating which contained dirt on daniels...anybody know what daniels did that got himself dirty???
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