The Wire Season 5 SPOILER Thread



  • meh.
    i'll temper my disillusionment and chalk it up to a transitional episode.

    but, for real...
    3 scenes of omar and bigboy in the car listening to johnny's impala mix?
    their conversation wasnt interesting,i was getting second hand smoke off those newports and i was worried that they were about to get sidetracked from the task at hand and start making out.

    the clay davis shit is starting to drag.
    scott templeton is a herb

    weve seen bunk take jimmy into his timeout room every damn episode.
    tired of jay landsmans indifference...ok we get it. and carcetti is in a budget bind.we know

    for a show that got its run cut to 10 episodes, they sure are hashing over the same points and "character developments" a lot. my time is precious and id almost rather waste it on soulstrut

    yea, its like they dedicate half of every episode to make sure new viewers understand the themes. the mcnulty storyline is really boring, same with the press. i enjoyed ep 5 though on the sheeeeiiiiiiiiittttt alone. omar jumping out of the window was ridiculous but entertaining. i expected him to be floating in the air with his jacket/cape on.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I'm rewatching episode 1 (season 5) and I caught a tiny error:

    Herm, you're really nerding out with this one.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    i'll temper my disillusionment and chalk it up to a transitional episode.

    but, for real...
    3 scenes of omar and bigboy in the car listening to johnny's impala mix?
    their conversation wasnt interesting,i was getting second hand smoke off those newports and i was worried that they were about to get sidetracked from the task at hand and start making out.

    the clay davis shit is starting to drag.
    scott templeton is a herb

    weve seen bunk take jimmy into his timeout room every damn episode.
    tired of jay landsmans indifference...ok we get it. and carcetti is in a budget bind.we know

    for a show that got its run cut to 10 episodes, they sure are hashing over the same points and "character developments" a lot. my time is precious and id almost rather waste it on soulstrut

    yea, its like they dedicate half of every episode to make sure new viewers understand the themes. the mcnulty storyline is really boring, same with the press. i enjoyed ep 5 though on the sheeeeiiiiiiiiittttt alone. omar jumping out of the window was ridiculous but entertaining. i expected him to be floating in the air with his jacket/cape on.

    The looks on the faces of Chris and Marlo the next day when he was describing the events was priceless. Right before Marlo said "oh, so he on some spider man shit, huh"... or something like that.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    [color:white]Last night I was watching the Season 4 episodes where Omar holds up the poker game with Marlo. At one point, all the young boys are hanging at Cutty's gym and Randy is all upset about the chick who stabbed her friend in class, and he starts talking about the "group home on Edmonds," saying something about how it doesn't take much to make you crazy there. That line makes his situation this season that much more depressing.[/color]

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    [color:white]Last night I was watching the Season 4 episodes where Omar holds up the poker game with Marlo. At one point, all the young boys are hanging at Cutty's gym and Randy is all upset about the chick who stabbed her friend in class, and he starts talking about the "group home on Edmonds," saying something about how it doesn't take much to make you crazy there. That line makes his situation this season that much more depressing.[/color]

    [color:white]But wasn't that the point of the whole Randy plot line last season? And all the kids stories to some extent. Trying to offer them some kind of salvation, before it's too late. How people, and the kids, try to do right but things conspires against them.
    That's why Carver goes crazy and beats up his car, cause he knows once Randy goes into the group home he's lost.[/color]

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    [color:white]Last night I was watching the Season 4 episodes where Omar holds up the poker game with Marlo. At one point, all the young boys are hanging at Cutty's gym and Randy is all upset about the chick who stabbed her friend in class, and he starts talking about the "group home on Edmonds," saying something about how it doesn't take much to make you crazy there. That line makes his situation this season that much more depressing.[/color]

    [color:white]But wasn't that the point of the whole Randy plot line last season? And all the kids stories to some extent. Trying to offer them some kind of salvation, before it's too late. How people, and the kids, try to do right but things conspires against them.
    That's why Carver goes crazy and beats up his car, cause he knows once Randy goes into the group home he's lost.[/color]

    [color:white]Definitely. I just didn't notice that exact line before -- I knew he got the rawest of raw deals, getting beaten up at school, having his house burn down and his foster mom gravely injured. But also his worst fears of living in/going back to a group home were realized. Sure the Wire Crew intentionally tugs on our heart strings by making Randy the worst example of the system going wrong, and it's depressing.

    Also, to nitpick a little more -- Clay Davis sure went to trial quick. It seemed like a few days between he was indicted, on trial and exonerated. I know days pass in episodes but it still seemed unrealistically quick. Surely, Davis could have massaged his trial date a little more, not to an R. Kelly degree but pretty close.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    okay but where is the regular wire spoiler thread?

    Right here.

  • 55 wasnt all that.

    chris partlow playing with his daughter in front of his white picket fence!!!!!

    and his girl looked fine from afar. but the body language was definitely on some "oh I know you're not leaving us again to go on some murder spree..."

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Okay, now that Ep. 5 has aired, I'm gonna de-invisiblize my earlier comments:

    - I clapped out loud when Cutty reappeared. I'm glad I live alone. In ep 4 I screamed out "Oh shit! Omar coming!!!" when they showed him strollin' to Butchie's peoples' house.

    - Fuck punk ass Kenard. Spider too.

    - Will Duquan visit Prezbo for guidance? Damn, I hope so.

    - What's up with Marlo's phone? Fax line or some shit?

    - Chris got a girl?! Those his kids too??

    - Slim gotta come back. He knows Omar spared his life and Slim ain't the type to let that go unthanked. Plus it must suck to make all that money killin' fools and live in some shitty ass apartment.

    - You foolios can have Nerese. I'ma hand it over gently to McNulty's ex-wife.

    - How long were Chris, Snoop & Michael hiding up in the condo? That's a serious battle of patience!

    - Lester asking Marlo about "curry out!" Ha ha!!!

    - Reporter dude STAYS Frickin' up. After that bullshit serial killer phone call McNulty looked at him like "You know you done fucked up right? Now I'm sayin' know you done fucked up, right?"

    - What's up with Royce and his African tie? Those crooked ass fools are trying to make this some ol' "power to the people" shit!

  • Did somebody Shot Omar?

    True Or False?

  • - You foolios can have Nerese. I'ma hand it over gently to McNulty's ex-wife.

    Shit who said he was choosing?

    Best believe that the "fuck for the road" scene in season 2 is... um, a favorite.

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts
    Did somebody Shot Omar?

    True Or False?

    No, it didn't look like he got hit. Narrow escape.

  • - Will Duquan visit Prezbo for guidance? Damn, I hope so.
    why? after herc, prezbo is the biggest fuckup on the show! he did redeem himself a little bit, but damn

    - What's up with Marlo's phone? Fax line or some shit?

    - Chris got a girl?! Those his kids too??

    - Slim gotta come back. He knows Omar spared his life and Slim ain't the type to let that go unthanked. Plus it must suck to make all that money killin' fools and live in some shitty ass apartment.

    whatever it was with that phone line, it seemed like a revelation to lester. you know what it sounded like? marlo's downfall

    yeah, that was crazy to see chris' family and white picket fence house. and creepy marlo watching and smiling from across the street.

    im expecting to see slim in some kind of action soon.hes another by the code dude, so he probably doesnt like seeing all his employers getting taken out by marlos crew and the civilized nature of the coop about to crumble (ehich im sure its about to do). id expect him to lodge a bullet in meths head.

  • just watched episode 6.

    damn Omar is looking panicked. I remember when he tells Greggs and McNulty in Season 1 "You don't understand: Omar don't scare." well he may not be scared but he is looking manic as hell.

    and when Marlo shut down the Co-Op at the meeting? so cold. one of the illest scenes this season I thought. Talmbout "I'm responsible for Joe's death, so I'll take it upon myself to take over the Co-Op !" so, so cold that dude. Welcome to the Marlo Co-Op: Grand Opening/Grand Closing.

    Bunk was so real when he visited Michael's mom and said he's been in the biz long enough and these murders always start over a woman! remember that's exactly how the whole Lex business spun out of control in Season 4 (not to mention how Randy's life got ruined by the trifling girl in the HS bathroom hollering rape).

    anyone notice how when Omar creeps up on the old co-op dude going into his house and sticks a Heineken bottle in the back of his neck...which then becomes a gun?

  • anyone notice how when Omar creeps up on the old co-op dude going into his house and sticks a Heineken bottle in the back of his neck...which then becomes a gun?

    he dropped the bottle and took the dude's gun

    i thought marlo said he is NOT responsible for joe's death. later, the guy omar sticks up asks him if its true that he (omar) killed joe.

  • this definitely redeemed episode 5.
    omar is lookin manic...good call. but its probably the pain of hobbling around onthat leg.come on man!!! call up kimmy or get the fuck back to puerto rico for 3 months. daaamn.

    he stepped to dude with a bottle and lifted the dudes gun. would you take a chance with omar??? i am very worried about his mobility. but dude is a fuckin beast.

    i guess that shadow to the side of the building was him. how else would he get into the places basement? will remain unanswered i guess.

    the co-op scene was RIDICULOUS. "oh yeah....price of the brick is going up"
    i mean you got a whole room full of thugs with muscle...are they just gonna sit back and let marlo bitch them all??? now they who killed joe and hungry. wtf. slim didnt seem too thrilled.

    great episode.
    i was really worried mcnulty was going to kill that homeless dude. this is all gonna blow up in their face. guaranteed

  • anyone notice how when Omar creeps up on the old co-op dude going into his house and sticks a Heineken bottle in the back of his neck...which then becomes a gun?

    he dropped the bottle and took the dude's gun

    i thought marlo said he is NOT responsible for joe's death. later, the guy omar sticks up asks him if its true that he (omar) killed joe.

    Marlo didn't say he's responsible as in he did it, but rather as in his putting a hit on Omar led to Omar hitting the co-op, i.e. Prop Joe. total bullshit obviously. he then ups the bounty on Omar to seem like the big guy, i.e. redeeming Prop Joe's death by making the incentive to catch his "killer" (Omar) higher. meanwhile of course he's the one that did it. so cold.

    but the way that exchange was written was masterful, because there's a moment when he says "I'm responsbile" that you think he's admitting to doing it. but then he just goes on to "take responsibility" by taking over the co-op and shutting it down!

  • no, i know. but they all still suspected and saw through the bullshit.
    and when fatdude gets stuck up, he asks omar and was like "didnt think so"

    its not a court of law where you need incontrovertible evidence. these are drugdealing motherfuckers...about time they started acting like it and take marlo the fuck out.

    you notice how every one omar jacks, he takes their guns?
    without butchy and the other dude, whose got his bullet reup?
    whers the gay folks at!!?!?!?!

  • cascas 1,484 Posts

    without butchy and the other dude, whose got his bullet reup?
    whers the gay folks at!!?!?!?!

    i haven't seen past episode 6, but i have a feeling that slim charles might end up in omar's (now non existent) camp. if the co-op were smart, they'd use omar coming after marlo to their advantage.

    though...if marlo gets offed, so does the connection to the greek's product. i don't think the greeks will have too hard of a time getting ghost and leaving baltimore entirely.

    i want to see cheese die before the end of the season.

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts
    This was the illest episode of the season. The portrayal of Omar as a panicked, yet focused man on the run was compelling. Is he the hunted or the hunter? Loved how he told Marlo's man (while blowing up his ride) that it ain't about the money, but more a code of the streets thing.

    And Marlo - damn I agree with rootless that the dude is straight cold-blooded. Point of clarification - Did he really announce that he killed Joe or that Omar killed him? I thought I heard Marlo say he killed him, but couldn't believe my ears. Straight ruthless. So what about Cheese -- Marlo announces he killed his uncle and all Cheese does is rejoice in being promoted? I don't that will go over well in the streets.

    Seems like Simon is trying to cram in a lot in the last episodes -- we see the Polish dudes from the docks and Randy - who looks grown dude status. Randy went from being a bright-eyed kid selling candy to a hard, cynical cat...Sad. Hope this isn't the last time we see him; I'd like to think there's a light at the end of the tunnel for im.

    Can't tell whether Chris is shook and scared, or pissed that he let Omar get away. Dude has become one of my favorite characters.

    So the whole McNulty-concocted serial murder storyline went from bad to worse (didnt think it was possible) when he decided to kidnap a homeless mental case. Lame. And Templeton getting interviewed by Nancy Grace -- har har. So Templeton basically steals the story from the naive Latin girl and she sits there doing nothing? Lame. She needs to get all Rosie Perez on his ass.

    I like how this story is coalescing into a Marlo/Michael/Bunk showdown.

    Oh almost forgot. Monk as "Detective Smith" had me rolling.

    Streets is watching.

  • And Marlo - damn I agree with rootless that the dude is straight cold-blooded. Point of clarification - Did he really announce that he killed Joe or that Omar killed him? I thought I heard Marlo say he killed him, but couldn't believe my ears. Straight ruthless. So what about Cheese -- Marlo announces he killed his uncle and all Cheese does is rejoice in being promoted? I don't that will go over well in the streets.

    like I said the writers make you think he's admitting to it, but really he pins it on Omar (he admits to being "repsonsible" not literally for killing Joe, but for bring Omar out the woodwork, thus leading to Joe's death). but it's obvious no one in the co-op believes this.

    and yeah the homeless kidnapping was so lame.

    looks like the city desk editor will check on Templeton's little account of the neighborhood bad check lady and find that it's totally fabricated, leading hopefully to Templeton's downfall.

    and I do not think we'll see Randy again. I don't see the point. the writers made their point; the kid is lost; he's learned his lesson teh hard way and will never cooperate with the cops. Bunk will have to pursue the Marlo/Snoop/Chris case without him.

  • there's an Omar/Michael shot in the previews for Ep 7 (which I gather you all have seen). if Omar can get in his head and make him realize how fucked up Snoop and Chris and Marlo are maybe there's hope of them teaming up. we know Michael is not 100% committed to the killing thing (they've shown us that time and again.).

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    So Templeton basically steals the story from the naive Latin girl and she sits there doing nothing? Lame.

    haha. it's becuase she IS a totally lame character. i cringe whenever she has a scene.

  • So Templeton basically steals the story from the naive Latin girl and she sits there doing nothing? Lame.

    haha. it's becuase she IS a totally lame character. i cringe whenever she has a scene.

    i kinda dig her; you know she's married to d'angelo barksdale in real life, right?

  • So Templeton basically steals the story from the naive Latin girl and she sits there doing nothing? Lame.

    haha. it's becuase she IS a totally lame character. i cringe whenever she has a scene.

    i kinda dig her; you know she's married to d'angelo barksdale in real life, right?

    oh MAN. you see that sweater dude is rocking? and his lame girlfriend who's not fine and can't act....dude needs help.

  • that's the wrong cosmo shitbird.

    and dude's sweater, while laughable, doesn't really bother me.

    it's more the fact that his girl is trying to ruin my favorite show ever.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts

    that's the wrong cosmo shitbird.

    and dude's sweater, while laughable, doesn't really bother me.

    it's more the fact that his girl is trying to ruin my favorite show ever.

    She's one of the few pieces in the media plot that are accurate -- the young, naive reporter taking the place of the old-schooler who gets paid more but actually knows what he's doing. Sure they are laying the naive part on thick but it's not as bad faking a call from a serial killer.

  • phongonephongone 1,652 Posts
    So Templeton basically steals the story from the naive Latin girl and she sits there doing nothing? Lame.

    haha. it's becuase she IS a totally lame character. i cringe whenever she has a scene.

    i kinda dig her; you know she's married to d'angelo barksdale in real life, right?

    oh MAN. you see that sweater dude is rocking? and his lame girlfriend who's not fine and can't act....dude needs help.

    Damn D'Angelo...hahahahaha

  • that's the wrong cosmo shitbird.

    and dude's sweater, while laughable, doesn't really bother me.

    it's more the fact that his girl is trying to ruin my favorite show ever.

    She's one of the few pieces in the media plot that are accurate -- the young, naive reporter taking the place of the old-schooler who gets paid more but actually knows what he's doing. Sure they are laying the naive part on thick but it's not as bad faking a call from a serial killer.

    she's nontheless a totally unconvincing actress whose character adds zero to the show.
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