In either episode 1 or 2, when Lester is sitting in his car staking out Marlo and them, he's listening to a version of "take another little piece of my heart", what version was that?
not sure, but the whole stake out operation was what they expecting to see? marlo shoot somebody? i was surprised that chris was so open about going to check those criminal records. on purpose?
marlo is trouble for the new day co-op. especially propjoe. i didnt quite get what he was proposing for slimCharles? that he be given some territory? is marlo trying to recruit slim? can marlo outsmart propjoe?
mcnulty is a trainwreck waiting to happen.
hope bubbs can stay clean
whats dookie trying to do?
when we gonna see more kima love scenes?
not too baD an intro episode. every season had a little setting up to do.
I watched the first two episodes on my computer while up on that DayQuil, so I will try to be vague as to not spoil anything -- they both kinda melted into one in my mind.
But I was :: The newsroom angle is pretty cool, although a little heavy handed as far as the one too-ambitious-for-his-own-good reporter -- as the *real* Baltimore Sun TV critic said seems a little too evil, while the editor is like pure goodness. Still, I work in a newsroomm and the depiction is pretty on point, especially with the anxiety with buy-outs and layoffs and all of that good stuff.
I like how everything seems fresh -- new corners, new sets, new everything. Sad to see the idealistic Carcetti already compromised. Hopefully Clay will start getting hit with the mud.
Last I recall, McNulty could hold a few drinks before stumbling though...
I think with the stakeout, they were not going to great lengths to stay hid... I'm sure they're aware that Chris/Marlo know about them.
Marlo was trying to take Slim further off east side spots so he could make a run at them, that's my thinking at least
It seemed to me like Marlo made a cheap attempt to cause a rift between Prop Joe & Slim. As if Joe had made that decision on his own without taking Slim and the others into consideration. Slim was too smart for that though. Marlo knows he has no friends in the co-op, so if the shit crumbles he???s on his own.
marlo is definitely scheming on something. he doesnt give a damn abou the co-op, besides the dope connection...and based on last seasons teasers and chris' investigative work, theyre real interested in getting to the source. is there any other resaon why he goes to those meetings?
i'm a little concerned that with new characters and new threads and only 10 episodes, we wont get the character/story line development that we did in past seasons. a lot of faces still need to crop up. we'll see
marlo is definitely scheming on something. he doesnt give a damn abou the co-op, besides the dope connection...and based on last seasons teasers and chris' investigative work, theyre real interested in getting to the source. is there any other resaon why he goes to those meetings?
i'm a little concerned that with new characters and new threads and only 10 episodes, we wont get the character/story line development that we did in past seasons. a lot of faces still need to crop up. we'll see
Give in to the tempation, Tony! The answers are only a DL link away. It???s callllllllling you!
There???s an article in last week???s Wall Street Journal and apparently HBO only wanted 8 episodes for this season. David Simon wanted 13 (the average thus far) and they agreed on 10. Strange considering the article has quotes from HBO execs saying how important the show is to them. Why wouldn???t they give ???em enough episodes to finish it off proper? I???m wondering if Prez got cut out of this season. Cutty? I *think* I saw a bearded up Bunny in one of the specials (The Last Word maybe?) so maybe we???ll see how Namond is doing.
(I can???t look for the article right now but you guys should seek it out. David Simon said that if the show had been canceled early on, he was prepared to finish it off in novel form! It???s obvious this story was written long before they started filming. I???m sure some of these actors wondered why they had to commit to long-term contracts.)
Sad thing is, I???m not anticipating a neat or even satisfactory ending to the series. I think there???ll be a lot left unanswered ???cause, well, that???s as real as it can get.
I woke up wanting to discuss this in-depth about all the nuances that I noticed on this episode. I really feel like this season is going to wrap up everything very nicely (although the outcome night not truly be "nice" for all the players involved.) But man, has there ever been a show that has such rich characters? "Sopranos" maybe, but still. Like I was SO HAPPY to see Michael and Dukie, even though it made me sad to see their current situation. Also so good to see Bubbles, who I think is going to play a big part of this season, even it it's not completely tied in with the grand story as it is and is more of a story of his self-preservation or lack thereof. After all, in my opinion Bubs is and always will be the heart, soul and conscience of "The Wire."
Also, man that look that Cheese was giving Marlo at the co-op table was PRICELESS. That one look alone spoke volumes, and definitely has me anticipating the fireworks to come.
Side note: As I was leaving a parking space today in Brooklyn, a car pulled up alongside mine to see if I was leaving. I said yeah and began to pull out and then I looked back at the dude (through the rear-view) and I SWEAR that it was Gbenga Akinnagbe. I looked it up and I know dude lives in New York, so it just might have been. Sooo ILL!
Side note: As I was leaving a parking space today in Brooklyn, a car pulled up alongside mine to see if I was leaving. I said yeah and began to pull out and then I looked back at the dude (through the rear-view) and I SWEAR that it was Gbenga Akinnagbe. I looked it up and I know dude lives in New York, so it just might have been. Sooo ILL!
From The Wall Street Journal article I referenced above:
???Chad L. Coleman, the actor who plays Cutty, was recently spotted working a volunteer shift at the food co-op in Brooklyn, NY???s Park Slope neighborhood.
And was it Drew that saw Lester Freamon on the train?
Side note: As I was leaving a parking space today in Brooklyn, a car pulled up alongside mine to see if I was leaving. I said yeah and began to pull out and then I looked back at the dude (through the rear-view) and I SWEAR that it was Gbenga Akinnagbe. I looked it up and I know dude lives in New York, so it just might have been. Sooo ILL!
I was going to type up some nerd shit on that guy about how he is the coolest enforcer since Buba Fett, but I came to my senses.
i kind of got the impression that marlo's attempt to bring a rift between prop joe and slim charles failed, but that it accidentally got to cheese. as if HE'S the one that is upset about not being promoted or whatev. of course he could just hate marlo, and thats the angle they were going for, but my friends and i weren't sure.
i kind of got the impression that marlo's attempt to bring a rift between prop joe and slim charles failed, but that it accidentally got to cheese. as if HE'S the one that is upset about not being promoted or whatev. of course he could just hate marlo, and thats the angle they were going for, but my friends and i weren't sure.
Nah, that was definitely a ???the f*ck you doing..I will f*ck you the f*ck up motherf*cker??? look and not a quizzical ???hmmm???maybe you???re right, I DO deserve more territory and maybe even more midget p*ssy??? look.
Side note: As I was leaving a parking space today in Brooklyn, a car pulled up alongside mine to see if I was leaving. I said yeah and began to pull out and then I looked back at the dude (through the rear-view) and I SWEAR that it was Gbenga Akinnagbe. I looked it up and I know dude lives in New York, so it just might have been. Sooo ILL!
From The Wall Street Journal article I referenced above:
???Chad L. Coleman, the actor who plays Cutty, was recently spotted working a volunteer shift at the food co-op in Brooklyn, NY???s Park Slope neighborhood.
DOPE. Too bad I Frickin' hate that place. And I was in Park Slope so maybe it WAS Gbenga Akinnagbe. I know a lot of actors live in that neighborhood.
Book Description While Felicia is a brilliant actor in a truly chilling role, what's most remarkable about "Snoop" is what she has overcome in her life. Snoop was born a three-pound cross-eyed crack baby in East Baltimore. Those streets are among the toughest in the world, but Snoop was tougher. The runt of the ghetto showed an early aptitude for drug slinging and violence and thrived as a baby gangsta until she landed in Jessup state penitentiary after killing a woman in self-defense. There she rebelled violently against the system, and it was only through the cosmic intervention of her mentor, Uncle Loney, that she turned her life around. A couple of years ago, Snoop was discovered in a nightclub by one of The Wire's cast members and quickly recruited to be one of television's most frightening and intriguing villians.While the story of coming up from the hood has been told by Antwone Fisher and Chris Gardner, among others, Snoop's tale goes far deeper into The Life than any previous books. And like Mary Karr's story, Snoop's is a woman's story from a fresh point of view. She defied traditional conventions of gender and sexual preference on the hardest streets in America and she continues to do so in front of millions of viewers on TV.
I never knew her character was even partly based on a real person.
No kidding, I set my alarm clock early so I can get up before work tomorrow and (hopefully) start the download. Episode 2 was insane! Hurry up and leak that!
i thought the sme thing. and that he's not feeling prospects of being a nanny
Who would. I think the way in which Michael just told him matter of factly, that 'the day was his, until Bug got out of school' without even a pause for what Dukie may want, was pretty telling.
and from what i hear 3 and 4 should be out tomorrow.
I read somewhere on TPB that HBO let out two screener DVDs, one with Eps. 1 & 2, the other with 5, 6, & 7. If that's true, everyone will have to wait until 3 & 4 air (or show up on On Demand).
I think the dude who's putting them on TPB is just an arse. But I seem to remember something like this happening with the last series, one episode was missing, but eventually turned up on sendspace or some shit. Gotdam pirates need to sort it out.
talk to yall later
anyone else missing this or have tips?!
what they expecting to see? marlo shoot somebody?
i was surprised that chris was so open about going to check those criminal records. on purpose?
marlo is trouble for the new day co-op. especially propjoe. i didnt quite get what he was proposing for slimCharles? that he be given some territory? is marlo trying to recruit slim? can marlo outsmart propjoe?
mcnulty is a trainwreck waiting to happen.
hope bubbs can stay clean
whats dookie trying to do?
when we gonna see more kima love scenes?
not too baD an intro episode. every season had a little setting up to do.
Last I recall, McNulty could hold a few drinks before stumbling though...
I think with the stakeout, they were not going to great lengths to stay hid... I'm sure they're aware that Chris/Marlo know about them.
Marlo was trying to take Slim further off east side spots so he could make a run at them, that's my thinking at least
But I was :
I like how everything seems fresh -- new corners, new sets, new everything. Sad to see the idealistic Carcetti already compromised. Hopefully Clay will start getting hit with the mud.
It seemed to me like Marlo made a cheap attempt to cause a rift between Prop Joe & Slim. As if Joe had made that decision on his own without taking Slim and the others into consideration. Slim was too smart for that though. Marlo knows he has no friends in the co-op, so if the shit crumbles he???s on his own.
i'm a little concerned that with new characters and new threads and only 10 episodes, we wont get the character/story line development that we did in past seasons. a lot of faces still need to crop up. we'll see
Give in to the tempation, Tony! The answers are only a DL link away. It???s callllllllling you!
There???s an article in last week???s Wall Street Journal and apparently HBO only wanted 8 episodes for this season. David Simon wanted 13 (the average thus far) and they agreed on 10. Strange considering the article has quotes from HBO execs saying how important the show is to them. Why wouldn???t they give ???em enough episodes to finish it off proper? I???m wondering if Prez got cut out of this season. Cutty? I *think* I saw a bearded up Bunny in one of the specials (The Last Word maybe?) so maybe we???ll see how Namond is doing.
(I can???t look for the article right now but you guys should seek it out. David Simon said that if the show had been canceled early on, he was prepared to finish it off in novel form! It???s obvious this story was written long before they started filming. I???m sure some of these actors wondered why they had to commit to long-term contracts.)
Sad thing is, I???m not anticipating a neat or even satisfactory ending to the series. I think there???ll be a lot left unanswered ???cause, well, that???s as real as it can get.
Also, man that look that Cheese was giving Marlo at the co-op table was PRICELESS. That one look alone spoke volumes, and definitely has me anticipating the fireworks to come.
Side note: As I was leaving a parking space today in Brooklyn, a car pulled up alongside mine to see if I was leaving. I said yeah and began to pull out and then I looked back at the dude (through the rear-view) and I SWEAR that it was Gbenga Akinnagbe. I looked it up and I know dude lives in New York, so it just might have been. Sooo ILL!
From The Wall Street Journal article I referenced above:
???Chad L. Coleman, the actor who plays Cutty, was recently spotted working a volunteer shift at the food co-op in Brooklyn, NY???s Park Slope neighborhood.
And was it Drew that saw Lester Freamon on the train?
I was going to type up some nerd shit on that guy about how he is the coolest enforcer since Buba Fett, but I came to my senses.
Nah, that was definitely a ???the f*ck you doing..I will f*ck you the f*ck up motherf*cker??? look and not a quizzical ???hmmm???maybe you???re right, I DO deserve more territory and maybe even more midget p*ssy??? look.
Method wants to bring the pain!
DOPE. Too bad I Frickin' hate that place. And I was in Park Slope so maybe it WAS Gbenga Akinnagbe. I know a lot of actors live in that neighborhood.
Damn Dukie dun grown.
Is Snoop now wearing lip gloss?
Has anyone read this?
Book Description
While Felicia is a brilliant actor in a truly chilling role, what's most remarkable about "Snoop" is what she has overcome in her life. Snoop was born a three-pound cross-eyed crack baby in East Baltimore. Those streets are among the toughest in the world, but Snoop was tougher. The runt of the ghetto showed an early aptitude for drug slinging and violence and thrived as a baby gangsta until she landed in Jessup state penitentiary after killing a woman in self-defense. There she rebelled violently against the system, and it was only through the cosmic intervention of her mentor, Uncle Loney, that she turned her life around. A couple of years ago, Snoop was discovered in a nightclub by one of The Wire's cast members and quickly recruited to be one of television's most frightening and intriguing villians.While the story of coming up from the hood has been told by Antwone Fisher and Chris Gardner, among others, Snoop's tale goes far deeper into The Life than any previous books. And like Mary Karr's story, Snoop's is a woman's story from a fresh point of view. She defied traditional conventions of gender and sexual preference on the hardest streets in America and she continues to do so in front of millions of viewers on TV.
I never knew her character was even partly based on a real person.
We need a Snoop gremlin.
I have 1, 2, 5, 6 & 7...where are 3 & 4?!
I'm fieeeeeennnnnndin'!!!
you got a link for a legit 5? i keep getting 7. if'n i find a 3/4 i'll let ya know
and from what i hear 3 and 4 should be out tomorrow.
i thought the sme thing. and that he's not feeling prospects of being a nanny
No kidding, I set my alarm clock early so I can get up before work tomorrow and (hopefully) start the download. Episode 2 was insane! Hurry up and leak that!
Who would. I think the way in which Michael just told him matter of factly, that 'the day was his, until Bug got out of school' without even a pause for what Dukie may want, was pretty telling.
I read somewhere on TPB that HBO let out two screener DVDs, one with Eps. 1 & 2, the other with 5, 6, & 7. If that's true, everyone will have to wait until 3 & 4 air (or show up on On Demand).
But I seem to remember something like this happening with the last series, one episode was missing, but eventually turned up on sendspace or some shit. Gotdam pirates need to sort it out.