
  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,935 Posts
    UK meet sounds good to me. San Mig goes down well. That and Estrella are real talk, drown the Fantasy League sorrozzze... Sneaky switch overnight from gameweeks made me leave Crouch as captain... [facepalm]He only does the biz against City[/facepalm]

    That boy Ronaldo on

    Bobby, Bobby sign him up!

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    skel said:
    Soberly decided not to post pm madness as dudes will catch feelings and it is not the Right Thing To Do.

    Anyways you already read them.

    Sadly true on both accounts. Can't blame me for trying though.

    Watching that footage I was struck by two things:

    1. Ronaldo is probably the only player in the world who plays exactly like his FIFA video game mode, right down to the absurd bursts of pace and the highly unlikely long range strikes
    2. Amazing how poor the rest of Real looked around him. The more I see of him the more I believe that us failing to purchase Benzema is up there alongside Ronaldino in the blessings in disguise model.

    Excitement about the possibility of the title race continuing to the end of the season aside, not really sure why everyone's so surprised about the Wigan result. Team have been on the up for a while now and were robbed against Chelsea last week. As long as it doesn't come back to haunt us am happy they got some points as like Martinez as a manager.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I don't think I've mentioned one here yet that I now live in south Cornwall and sorta help run the new family business of self catering holiday lets. Obviously you lovely people are welcome to come and stay (by stay I mean pay an exorbitant amount of money for the privilege of coming to visit me). I'm sure I could wrangle some kind of discount if any of you wanted to come on holiday here, especially in the off peak times. It's very much quiet country idle doe, and not crazy tourist drinking heaven like Newquay. So if any of you city folk fancy a change of pace, drop me a pm and I'll send you a link to our website.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Everybody loves Martinez. just something about him..

    Personally I would've loved to have had Benzema at Arsenal.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Okem said:
    So if any of you city folk fancy a change of pace, drop me a pm and I'll send you a link to our website.

    Cheers for the kind offer. My main ambition this year is to get my driving license. Holidaying in the UK without a car is just sh*t really, so if I get that done I may well take you up on a Cornwall jaunt.

    Big 'if' though.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Well that's quite a change in lifestyles M***. Sounds rather nice and cheers for the offer.

    Having holidayed around Cornwall before I can safely say that a days worth of Newquay was enough experience of that place for a lifetime. Like the idea of everyone meeting up there though not sure how convenient it would be travel wise (I'm also, to my shame, a non driver). If not though may take you up on the separate offer for me and my missus as she'd probably be up for driving her scrub down that way again.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    I hear your old uni stomping grounds are nice this time of year A*i. High speed link out of London and all that.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Well, there's an idea. Only been back once in the many years since graduation and it was a strange experience almost overwhelmed by the nostalgic bile that rose inside me when I briefly visited the campus. It's a lovely area of the country though and certainly has the required mixture of things to do. You still based round there P**l?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Right, Cornwall it is.
    Off season: May or September do-able?
    I can take 5 plus small bags in the car but that's a long ass drive.
    Moke,,how far are you from Tintagel?
    That place is wild and I need to revisit.
    And Mevagissey too.

    On the way back we can stop off at Glastonbury and Stonehenge to catch mad spooky vibes.


  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Cheers for the kind offer. My main ambition this year is to get my driving license. Holidaying in the UK without a car is just sh*t really, so if I get that done I may well take you up on a Cornwall jaunt.

    Junior said:
    Well that's quite a change in lifestyles M***. Sounds rather nice and cheers for the offer.

    Having holidayed around Cornwall before I can safely say that a days worth of Newquay was enough experience of that place for a lifetime. Like the idea of everyone meeting up there though not sure how convenient it would be travel wise (I'm also, to my shame, a non driver). If not though may take you up on the separate offer for me and my missus as she'd probably be up for driving her scrub down that way again.
    I can understand why city dwellers would resist car ownership, I still have a mini heart attack every time I have to fill up on petrol these days. But yeah, you really need a car to get about round these parts, although the trains are quite good and even a pretty pleasant way to see the countryside, you'd still have to be up for a serious bit of walking and inconvenience.

    The offer is always there.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    skel said:
    Right, Cornwall it is.
    Off season: May or September do-able?
    I can take 5 plus small bags in the car but that's a long ass drive.
    Moke,,how far are you from Tintagel?
    That place is wild and I need to revisit.
    And Mevagissey too.

    On the way back we can stop off at Glastonbury and Stonehenge to catch mad spooky vibes.

    Tintagel is probably about an hours drive. Mevagissey about half that.

    We're about 30 mins west of Plymouth.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Excellent. Give it a week and we'll have a roll call.

    Then we can decide the when and how.

    Q for Duder: should I vote Ken or Boris?

  • Duderonomy said:
    DuttyBabylon said:
    Duderonomy said:
    I like Pollensa on the island of Majorca.

    Sorry for butting in..
    Heading to Pollensa end of next month for a fortnight.. Cheap being pre bank holiday..
    Any recommends for local food and photography locations? Separately that is......

    Head down to the beach in Pollensa...............................................

    Much appreciated, added to the 'to do' list.... won't be doing the tied hanky, stella swilling, public vomiting ingerland standard.. Looking for the local eateries and planning to put away as much spanish beer as possible...

    I used to be able to get 40oz San Miguels in my local offy, haven't seen any recently. Right, back to staring glumly at the wrong end of the League 1 table....

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    September would probably be better for me, but also happy to shoot down to London for an informal pint before then of course.

    skel said:

    Q for Duder: should I vote Ken or Boris?

    Bozza is a likeable person. He just happens to be Tory. What it boils down to is this - do you want an Olympic rerun of Johnson waving a flagpole around looking like a scruffy public-school boy, or do you want a slightly sozzled Livingstone? Surely Red Ken would go down better with the eastern bloc.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Forgetting their political stance (the only sensible option IMHO), Boris has strong appeal for the shambling appearance and his mad anarchic side.

    Ken has an air of smugness about him, and looks like he is capable of sinister deeds in his personal life.

    In fact, I shall not be voting at all. Because there is no point.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    September would probably be better for me, but also happy to shoot down to London for an informal pint before then of course.

    skel said:

    Q for Duder: should I vote Ken or Boris?

    Bozza is a likeable person. He just happens to be Tory. What it boils down to is this - do you want an Olympic rerun of Johnson waving a flagpole around looking like a scruffy public-school boy, or do you want a slightly sozzled Livingstone? Surely Red Ken would go down better with the eastern bloc.

    As an outside observer this time around, here's how I see it. Another term of Boris would be bad for London. He's done absolutely nothing to convince me he's in any way concerned with running the city for the benefit of anyone apart from the commuter class. He's certainly not interested in running London for the benefit of the people who actually live there.

    A win for Ken would be bad for both London and the Labour Party. I voted for him last time, but I wouldn't ever vote for him again under any circumstances. Apart from the fact he should have been sanctioned at the very least for campaigning against the official Labour candidate in the Tower Hamlets Mayoral election (and would have been if Millibland hadn't shit out), he's seen the charlatan Galloway succeed in hanging onto a political career by cravenly using sectarianism as a political tool and has now sunk to the same pitiful level, buddying up to a load of anti-semitic, homophobic, woman-hating scumbags along the way. Very socialist. If voting for Ken meant that every Islamist nimrod in London and the suburbs believed there was now an opportunity to build a serious powerbase in the city (which was Galloway's long-term objective when he and IFE proposed the creation of a directly elected mayor in TH), then you can believe I would not be voting for Ken.

    If I still lived in London, I would be voting for Siobhan Benita.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    See, would not have known about most of this.
    Thanks Doc.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,935 Posts
    "If voting could change anything, they'd make it illegal."

    I like Bozza, he still has that naive "Can Do/Why not?" attitude that sometimes works. Proper union-jack-waistcoat Brit.

    Ken looks like he could be Harry Redknapp's accountant.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    This guy is pretty decent.


    Good to hear somebody call out the Republicans as inherently evil (near enough).

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,935 Posts
    skel said:
    Right, Cornwall it is.

    Step to me with that pieces-of-eight bithnith? What happened to last night's centrality-related notions? Monster trucks don't run on fresh air. Could be a deal-breaker.

    Say it ain't so!

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I'm sure we can come to some kind of resolution in this matter. Perhaps some kind of vote should be in order once we accumulate a list of potential attendees? Bagsy not being the one who sorts it out.

    People having a flutter on the National this weekend? Didn't even know it was that time of year again until I got a text this morning that my namesake is in the running and a favourite so I'll be dropping some "major" loot on that for starters.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    J i m s t e r said:
    skel said:
    Right, Cornwall it is.

    Step to me with that pieces-of-eight bithnith? What happened to last night's centrality-related notions? Monster trucks don't run on fresh air. Could be a deal-breaker.

    Say it ain't so!

    Agreed, public transport is how I roll at the mo, and Cornwall's probably difficult. Not impossible. Also, I need to meet teh Jimster to disprove my mind's eye:

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    B-b-but we need Moke in the game!

    And Tintagel Castle is right up your avenue, Duder and Jimster.
    We are talmbout some ruined Merlin/Arthur thing hanging off the edge of the world, real wizards n dragons vibes.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,935 Posts
    Uncertain times for me at the mo'.

    My client's whole operation is going to India in December with no Euroman sized-seats in this game of financial musical-chairs. That's what you get when your paymaster (HP - not the sauce people) has people who will do your job for nowt. I suspected the end was in sight; but if you are familiar with Frogger, I am at least currently riding a long log :pasue: So before that happens, I've planned to make 2012 a good one for the fam, as, y'know, it's probably cardboard boxes and rubbish tip-digging from here on.

    I got a long weekend in April at Center Parcs in Sherwood Forest. Wifey b-day x anniversary collabo.
    A few days Tenby, staying in an adventure park, in June over them bank hol/Jubilee enforced-periods-of-non-work.
    Ibiza in July (as I suspect this will be the only time I will partake of sun, fresh seafood and booze, in the manner they were intended to be consumed, the whole year).

    Plus you got that Mayan Calendar talmbout "@World : GAME OVER" in December too.

    Should I hold back on further expenditure or, gallop, not walk, into the valley of death?

    Skel, it's GAME ON if we still good for that "Mates Rates" ??40K loan?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    I was personally thinking that a cult might be the way to go. Obviously they'd demand possession of all my earthly belongings but these are hardly doing me any favours these days anyway. At least you have a guaranteed shelter over your head and a win win situation in that either the apocalypse happens and you're well placed or there's a mass suicide as the clock strikes 12 and you're none the wiser anyway.

    Struggling to find one which wouldn't feature inappropriate touching at the moment though.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:

    Another term of Boris would be bad for London.

    Surely he's got this right:

    The mayor of London, Boris Johnson, intervened to prevent a Christian advertising campaign from promoting the idea that gay people can be converted to heterosexuality

    (from the grauniad, url blacklisted for teh word g*y?)

    J i m s t e r said:


    You're not on one log yet. I think you should go down all guns blazing - put some money back into the economy before you land on a snake.
    My fingers are crossed for you doe.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    If you get a cheap return from Dottigub (Vicks Sinex-R) to LDN I will certainly not ask for petrol money; now if Moke can provide near-mates rates on the accom, there's no barriers. NO BARRIERS I tells ya.

    2 dayer? 3?
    Start accepting this dudes!
    Must happen. As discussed with Junior, THIS LIFE IS NOT A REHEARSAL, SONS.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    DocMcCoy said:

    Another term of Boris would be bad for London.

    Surely he's got this right:

    The mayor of London, Boris Johnson, intervened to prevent a Christian advertising campaign from promoting the idea that gay people can be converted to heterosexuality

    (from the grauniad, url blacklisted for teh word g*y?)

    Of course he's going to do that - he's running for re-election. Which isn't to say that he wouldn't have done it anyway, of course. I just doubt he'd have acted that quickly.

    (that other bit is kind of strange, though)

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:
    Duderonomy said:
    DocMcCoy said:

    Another term of Boris would be bad for London.

    Surely he's got this right:

    The mayor of London, Boris Johnson, intervened to prevent a Christian advertising campaign from promoting the idea that gay people can be converted to heterosexuality

    (from the grauniad, url blacklisted for teh word g*y?)

    Of course he's going to do that - he's running for re-election. Which isn't to say that he wouldn't have done it anyway, of course. I just doubt he'd have acted that quickly.

    (that other bit is kind of strange, though)

    Yeah, it's transparent, but nice to see this nipped in the bud before it could happen, and maybe it will see the end of all provocative bus ads.

    Have noticed a few things getting blocked by teh Strut lately. Including a wiki article w/ 'drugs' in the url.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,935 Posts
    Junior said:
    inappropriate touching

    I'd have to be the one doing the touching.

    Better to give than to receive.
    It's only ghey if you push back (in the Royal Marines anyway)
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