Ignoring her or turning your back or watching it as some kinda of political WWE are the kind of attitudes that lead to the killing of Jews.
Political WWE is one hell of a dangerous thing. People could easily confuse this kind of madness with legitimate, thoughtful political commentary. From there, you can end up with some pretty tragic results.
LW, it more than sucks that that kind of stuff happens in your neighborhood, but I think you're stretching a bit, since the graffiti seems to be coming from random vandals and not a powerful group.
LW, it more than sucks that that kind of stuff happens in your neighborhood, but I think you're stretching a bit, since the graffiti seems to be coming from random vandals and not a powerful group.
Random is horrible misused word. Neither the vandals or the graffiti was random. I'll have to reread the article. I was under the impression that people who did this act were unknown.
This is what it has been like here in the last week. In the last week in your neighborhood have you had to deal with organized anti-Anglo groups? Have you had to deal with anti-Anglo graffiti? Have Jewish best selling authors gone on popular tv shows to say the thing that is wrong with this country is Christians, and if we just got rid of them the country would be a better place?
Personally, I not really big on interracial relationship.
This one really fuckin gets me. If you are bothered by interracial relationships, you are racist. R-a-c-i-s-t. I can't believe how many seemingly level headed people have admited to me they dont really dig interracial dating/marriage/whatever. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Is there a right-wing firebrand ever more outspoken than Coulter? I feel like she makes Buchanan look like Nader.
She's a left wing plant......a Deadhead in disguise.....a surreal stereotype of what every liberal would like to think represents the right.
Bizarre female Colbert action.
I have never met a single person, even here in Texas, who supports anything this wench has to say.
And of course Dick Cheney is a lizard as proven in the earlier "Cheney Church" video clip.
She has figured out in a completely obvious way how to push the buttons of the NPR-centric left-leaning yuppies of the USA. It's pretty comical that anyone takes her seriously or sees her as being some sort of 'threat'. It's showbiz and it sells books and she will keep doing it as long as people keep acting horrified.
For the record, I don't think people are stupid, I think they are lazy and stubborn and mostly mean-spirited, but not as stupid as the people who program and produce a lot television want them to be.
I agree. People are stupid. You are stupid.
It is not showbiz. You and her are both dangerous. Her for pedaling hate, and you for finding it entertaining.
Dan, please to climb off your high horse for a second and tell me where I have endorsed this idiot? That I find her perpetual histrionics being constantly met with equally histrionic and enabling horrified cries for her head both ironic and comical DOES NOT mean I am endorsing her anti-semetic views.
Her views may be dangerous, but I am afraid in the USA, she is entitled to think and express them. That way, people can MAKE UP THEIR OWN MINDS. The media has allowed her continual platforms with no end in sight, and threads like this lead me to believe that her cartoonish and insincere garbage will continue to pollute airwaves for years to come. Why? She makes for great copy! She makes people fight! Why does she do it? She is clearly in it to promote her brand, ANN COULTER, and parlay it into more books, TV,etc. It is way more showbiz than actual politics.
I think you need to read closer before you call people dangerous, D*n. If I am dangerous at all, it has nothing to do with Frickin' Ann Coulter.
Personally, I not really big on interracial relationship.
This one really fuckin gets me. If you are bothered by interracial relationships, you are racist. R-a-c-i-s-t. I can't believe how many seemingly level headed people have admited to me they dont really dig interracial dating/marriage/whatever. What the fuck is wrong with people?
This is not necessarily true. I don't think you can paint that with such a big brush.
Plus, dude said HE 'wasn't big on it', that's a lot of vague wiggle room. I don't see that as being inherently getting in other people's bizness about it. People can have differing opinions without being racist. There are pros and cons to everything.
Personally, I not really big on interracial relationship.
This one really fuckin gets me. If you are bothered by interracial relationships, you are racist. R-a-c-i-s-t. I can't believe how many seemingly level headed people have admited to me they dont really dig interracial dating/marriage/whatever. What the fuck is wrong with people?
This is not necessarily true. I don't think you can paint that with such a big brush.
Plus, dude said HE 'wasn't big on it', that's a lot of vague wiggle room. I don't see that as being inherently getting in other people's bizness about it. People can have differing opinions without being racist. There are pros and cons to everything.
I took it to mean he wasn't neccessarily for them in general, rather than personally. Still though, I would like to hear one reason for not being "into interracial relationships" (personaly or in general) that isnt inherintly racist.
I hope I am not coming off as irate or agressive, by the way. I know on the interweb it is really easy to come off looking like some agressive (hipster-warning) douche.
Is there a right-wing firebrand ever more outspoken than Coulter? I feel like she makes Buchanan look like Nader.
She's a left wing plant......a Deadhead in disguise.....a surreal stereotype of what every liberal would like to think represents the right.
Bizarre female Colbert action.
I have never met a single person, even here in Texas, who supports anything this wench has to say.
And of course Dick Cheney is a lizard as proven in the earlier "Cheney Church" video clip.
She has figured out in a completely obvious way how to push the buttons of the NPR-centric left-leaning yuppies of the USA. It's pretty comical that anyone takes her seriously or sees her as being some sort of 'threat'. It's showbiz and it sells books and she will keep doing it as long as people keep acting horrified.
For the record, I don't think people are stupid, I think they are lazy and stubborn and mostly mean-spirited, but not as stupid as the people who program and produce a lot television want them to be.
I agree. People are stupid. You are stupid.
It is not showbiz. You and her are both dangerous. Her for pedaling hate, and you for finding it entertaining.
Dan, please to climb off your high horse for a second and tell me where I have endorsed this idiot? That I find her perpetual histrionics being constantly met with equally histrionic and enabling horrified cries for her head both ironic and comical DOES NOT mean I am endorsing her anti-semetic views.
Please join me on my high horse and tell me where I said you endorsed her. I said you find it entertainment. It is not entertainment.
Her views may be dangerous, but I am afraid in the USA, she is entitled to think and express them. That way, people can MAKE UP THEIR OWN MINDS. The media has allowed her continual platforms with no end in sight, and threads like this lead me to believe that her cartoonish and insincere garbage will continue to pollute airwaves for years to come. Why? She makes for great copy! She makes people fight! Why does she do it? She is clearly in it to promote her brand, ANN COULTER, and parlay it into more books, TV,etc. It is way more showbiz than actual politics.
I think you need to read closer before you call people dangerous, D*n. If I am dangerous at all, it has nothing to do with Frickin' Ann Coulter.
You are dangerous because instead of speaking out against what she is saying, which is your right, you instead choose to defend her. Again, join me on my high horse and condemn her.
She does have a right to state her views. I have a right to say I would like to take a baseball bat to her face. I would rather see people here condemning her for her views than me for mine. Instead many of the liberals and libertarians here are defending her and attacking me. Scary.
I'm often curious what it would take for Coulter to have her media access pulled. She's said so many outrageous things, it makes Don Imus' firing seem utterly inexplicable in comparison.
Is there such a thing as a "third rail" for her? Short of her endorsing slavery or denying the Holocaust, there seems to be nothing too crazy for her to say in public.
Personally, I not really big on interracial relationship.
This one really fuckin gets me. If you are bothered by interracial relationships, you are racist. R-a-c-i-s-t. I can't believe how many seemingly level headed people have admited to me they dont really dig interracial dating/marriage/whatever. What the fuck is wrong with people?
Is there a right-wing firebrand ever more outspoken than Coulter? I feel like she makes Buchanan look like Nader.
She's a left wing plant......a Deadhead in disguise.....a surreal stereotype of what every liberal would like to think represents the right.
Bizarre female Colbert action.
I have never met a single person, even here in Texas, who supports anything this wench has to say.
And of course Dick Cheney is a lizard as proven in the earlier "Cheney Church" video clip.
She has figured out in a completely obvious way how to push the buttons of the NPR-centric left-leaning yuppies of the USA. It's pretty comical that anyone takes her seriously or sees her as being some sort of 'threat'. It's showbiz and it sells books and she will keep doing it as long as people keep acting horrified.
For the record, I don't think people are stupid, I think they are lazy and stubborn and mostly mean-spirited, but not as stupid as the people who program and produce a lot television want them to be.
I agree. People are stupid. You are stupid.
It is not showbiz. You and her are both dangerous. Her for pedaling hate, and you for finding it entertaining.
Dan, please to climb off your high horse for a second and tell me where I have endorsed this idiot? That I find her perpetual histrionics being constantly met with equally histrionic and enabling horrified cries for her head both ironic and comical DOES NOT mean I am endorsing her anti-semetic views.
Please join me on my high horse and tell me where I said you endorsed her. I said you find it entertainment. It is not entertainment.
Her views may be dangerous, but I am afraid in the USA, she is entitled to think and express them. That way, people can MAKE UP THEIR OWN MINDS. The media has allowed her continual platforms with no end in sight, and threads like this lead me to believe that her cartoonish and insincere garbage will continue to pollute airwaves for years to come. Why? She makes for great copy! She makes people fight! Why does she do it? She is clearly in it to promote her brand, ANN COULTER, and parlay it into more books, TV,etc. It is way more showbiz than actual politics.
I think you need to read closer before you call people dangerous, D*n. If I am dangerous at all, it has nothing to do with Frickin' Ann Coulter.
You are dangerous because instead of speaking out against what she is saying, which is your right, you instead choose to defend her. Again, join me on my high horse and condemn her.
She does have a right to state her views. I have a right to say I would like to take a baseball bat to her face. I would rather see people here condemning her for her views than me for mine. Instead many of the liberals and libertarians here are defending her and attacking me. Scary.
I don't recall attacking you or condemning you, just as I never defended that woman. I simply am explaining why I think she will keep coming back, and why she will keep getting airtime. You can call it politics all you want, but IMO it's PT Barnum all over again. And again, finding something comical and pathetic is NOT the same as entertainment. But if it makes you feel better to draw my comments as somehow personal to you, be my guest. Regardless, I have no beef with you.
I'm often curious what it would take for Coulter to have her media access pulled. She's said so many outrageous things, it makes Don Imus' firing seem utterly inexplicable in comparison.
Is there such a thing as a "third rail" for her? Short of her endorsing slavery or denying the Holocaust, there seems to be nothing too crazy for her to say in public.
And Pat Buchanan. He is on tv (pbs?) every week and he has denied the holocaust and defended Hitler. The level of tolerance for anti-Semitism is very high. In fact my spell check does not recognize anti-Semitism.
Except that billions of people take it very seriously. Calling organized religion doo-doo is all well and good, but it's more than a little insensitive to those whose faith is important to them and does not lead them to practice bigotry or intolerance.
I don't think it's possible for that graemlin to be used more ironically.
Hmm, you seem to be taking issue with my posts in this thread -- but in a vague way that doesn't let me know what, if anything, is our point of disagreement.
Nah, I'm just messing with you. I couldn't resist the fact that you used the phrase "stupid-making" while discussing the dumbing down of America. Then you used a graemlin featuring a kid and his TV to tell us to "get on your level" of not having a TV.
I thought we all agreed to ignore her? Even the awful things Jhewbocco is saying give her more strength.
Speaking of the SCHIP kid. I'm actually encouraged by how low the right has sunk. Let's see...they've smeared 911 widows, disabled Vietnam vets, disabled Iraq vets, disabled civilians, kidnapped children, injured children and Lord knows who else. All to keep the debate unfocused. Why? Because they will loose. I remember Vitamin telling me after the 2004 elections that the Dems were all but over. Ha Frickin' ha.
I'm often curious what it would take for Coulter to have her media access pulled. She's said so many outrageous things, it makes Don Imus' firing seem utterly inexplicable in comparison.
Is there such a thing as a "third rail" for her? Short of her endorsing slavery or denying the Holocaust[/b], there seems to be nothing too crazy for her to say in public.
That's next, just watch...
Michelle Malkin is already on record trying to justify Japanese internment during WW2, and Coulter has come out in defense of Joseph McCarthy. Apparently nothing is out of the question...
I'm often curious what it would take for Coulter to have her media access pulled. She's said so many outrageous things, it makes Don Imus' firing seem utterly inexplicable in comparison.
Is there such a thing as a "third rail" for her? Short of her endorsing slavery or denying the Holocaust[/b], there seems to be nothing too crazy for her to say in public.
That's next, just watch...
Michelle Malkin is already on record trying to justify Japanese internment during WW2, and Coulter has come out in defense of Joseph McCarthy. Apparently nothing is out of the question...
Just watch, someone will give her a show just to have something to express outrage over as opposed to investing in ACTUAL REPORTING.
They put her on there because she is "controversial" and they know she will say some fucked up shit... people that love her will watch it and people that absolutely hate her will watch too. Its a win-win situation for their accounting department. While people are fighting about it all over the internet they are laughing all the way to the bank and scheduling her next appearance.
Nah, I'm just messing with you. I couldn't resist the fact that you used the phrase "stupid-making" while discussing the dumbing down of America. Then you used a graemlin featuring a kid and his TV to tell us to "get on your level" of not having a TV.
Good stuff.
It makes me sad that you see those as ironic instead of intentional.
Political WWE is one hell of a dangerous thing. People could easily confuse this kind of madness with legitimate, thoughtful political commentary. From there, you can end up with some pretty tragic results.
The KKK came to Madison once and the town nearly divided!
It's the inclusion of the "at times" that has my mind
I always thought Vitamin was pretty level headed, regardless of his political leanings but good god.
Random is horrible misused word. Neither the vandals or the graffiti was random. I'll have to reread the article. I was under the impression that people who did this act were unknown.
This is what it has been like here in the last week. In the last week in your neighborhood have you had to deal with organized anti-Anglo groups? Have you had to deal with anti-Anglo graffiti? Have Jewish best selling authors gone on popular tv shows to say the thing that is wrong with this country is Christians, and if we just got rid of them the country would be a better place?
You are right. It sucks.
This one really fuckin gets me. If you are bothered by interracial relationships, you are racist. R-a-c-i-s-t. I can't believe how many seemingly level headed people have admited to me they dont really dig interracial dating/marriage/whatever. What the fuck is wrong with people?
They're bigots?
Dan, please to climb off your high horse for a second and tell me where I have endorsed this idiot? That I find her perpetual histrionics being constantly met with equally histrionic and enabling horrified cries for her head both ironic and comical DOES NOT mean I am endorsing her anti-semetic views.
Her views may be dangerous, but I am afraid in the USA, she is entitled to think and express them. That way, people can MAKE UP THEIR OWN MINDS. The media has allowed her continual platforms with no end in sight, and threads like this lead me to believe that her cartoonish and insincere garbage will continue to pollute airwaves for years to come. Why? She makes for great copy! She makes people fight! Why does she do it? She is clearly in it to promote her brand, ANN COULTER, and parlay it into more books, TV,etc. It is way more showbiz than actual politics.
I think you need to read closer before you call people dangerous, D*n. If I am dangerous at all, it has nothing to do with Frickin' Ann Coulter.
This is not necessarily true. I don't think you can paint that with such a big brush.
Plus, dude said HE 'wasn't big on it', that's a lot of vague wiggle room. I don't see that as being inherently getting in other people's bizness about it. People can have differing opinions without being racist. There are pros and cons to everything.
I took it to mean he wasn't neccessarily for them in general, rather than personally. Still though,
I would like to hear one reason for not being "into interracial relationships" (personaly or in general) that isnt inherintly racist.
Please join me on my high horse and tell me where I said you endorsed her. I said you find it entertainment. It is not entertainment.
You are dangerous because instead of speaking out against what she is saying, which is your right, you instead choose to defend her. Again, join me on my high horse and condemn her.
She does have a right to state her views. I have a right to say I would like to take a baseball bat to her face. I would rather see people here condemning her for her views than me for mine. Instead many of the liberals and libertarians here are defending her and attacking me. Scary.
Is there such a thing as a "third rail" for her? Short of her endorsing slavery or denying the Holocaust, there seems to be nothing too crazy for her to say in public.
Right. Right. Right.
I don't recall attacking you or condemning you, just as I never defended that woman. I simply am explaining why I think she will keep coming back, and why she will keep getting airtime. You can call it politics all you want, but IMO it's PT Barnum all over again. And again, finding something comical and pathetic is NOT the same as entertainment. But if it makes you feel better to draw my comments as somehow personal to you, be my guest. Regardless, I have no beef with you.
And Pat Buchanan. He is on tv (pbs?) every week and he has denied the holocaust and defended Hitler. The level of tolerance for anti-Semitism is very high. In fact my spell check does not recognize anti-Semitism.
Except that billions of people take it very seriously.
Calling organized religion doo-doo is all well and good,
but it's more than a little insensitive to those whose faith
is important to them and does not lead them to practice
bigotry or intolerance.
Paul Anka: To stop those monsters 1-2-3,
Here's a fresh new way that's trouble-free,
It's got Paul Anka's guarantee...
Lisa: Guarantee void in Tennessee.
Just don't look! Just don't look!
Just don't look! Just don't look!
Just don't look! Just don't look!
- spidey
Nah, I'm just messing with you. I couldn't resist the fact that you used the phrase "stupid-making" while discussing the dumbing down of America. Then you used a graemlin featuring a kid and his TV to tell us to "get on your level" of not having a TV.
Good stuff.
Speaking of the SCHIP kid. I'm actually encouraged by how low the right has sunk. Let's see...they've smeared 911 widows, disabled Vietnam vets, disabled Iraq vets, disabled civilians, kidnapped children, injured children and Lord knows who else. All to keep the debate unfocused. Why? Because they will loose. I remember Vitamin telling me after the 2004 elections that the Dems were all but over. Ha Frickin' ha.
That's next, just watch...
Michelle Malkin is already on record trying to justify Japanese internment during WW2, and Coulter has come out in defense of Joseph McCarthy. Apparently nothing is out of the question...
Just watch, someone will give her a show just to have something to express outrage over as opposed to investing in ACTUAL REPORTING.
No! Don't watch.
Have I been sonned here? It's early and I haven't finished my coffee....
Touche chills?
I almost spit out my water*!
*coffee complete, moved on to Fruit2-0
It makes me sad that you see those as ironic instead of intentional.