Ann Coulter on CNBC Show: Jews Need 'Perfecting'



  • Dude, please don't tell me you actually buy Malkin's argument. You're way too smart for that.

    That "$300,000" in assets? That's primarily their house (bought for $55K many years ago, now appraised at a little over $260K). Are you saying they should have to choose between shelter and medical care? They make $45K-$50K a year as a family of six. They are not "fairly well off." They are well within the guidelines for S-CHIP qualifications.

    basically everything that came out of Malkin's mouth about their alleged wealth was a lie....down to the material of the counter tops.

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    this whoring kkkunt from babylon needs to be terminated with extreme prejudice no matter how you slice her

  • there is some scary shit in this thread

    Too true.

    Even scarier than your avatar (don't try to tell me it's "Slapshot Fan Art" when we both know it's your own rendering of HCrink Rollins).

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    there is some scary shit in this thread

    Too true.

    Even scarier than your avatar (don't try to tell me it's "Slapshot Fan Art" when we both know it's your own rendering of HCuntk Rollins).

    the hanson bros and eh's avatar kinda rule
    they would provide an adequate lesson in violence for ms bigot horseface cunttler

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,905 Posts
    Thread is NAGL. Coulter aside.

    Some in this thread should never have kids, let alone a girlfriend.

    That aside. I would enjoy watching Coulter debate someone like Ron Paul.

  • anyhow this whoring kkkunt from babylon needs to be terminated with extreme prejudice no matter how you slice her

    provide an adequate lesson in violence for ms bigot horseface cunttler

    what is wrong with you?

  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts
    the thing that confuses me about christians that have problems with jews, is why they worship one. or am i waaaaay off base here....?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    No video?

    I would like to perfect her Frickin' face with a baseball bat!

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    What a meshugana bizness...

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    If you ignore her, she will go away.

    If you get all fired up with your indignation, she will start fighting you, and cameras will turn to you, and she will get what she wanted.

    Turn your back, and quietly say, "Fuck you."

    While you quietly turn your back her thugs will be rounding me and mine up and giving us the choice between the gas chamber and conversion.

    I'd rather say fuck you loudly to your face.

  • If you ignore her, she will go away.

    If you get all fired up with your indignation, she will start fighting you, and cameras will turn to you, and she will get what she wanted.

    Turn your back, and quietly say, "Fuck you."

    While you quietly turn your back her thugs will be rounding me and mine up and giving us the choice between the gas chamber and conversion.

    I'd rather say fuck you loudly to your face.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    No video?

    I would like to perfect her Frickin' face with a baseball bat!

    This is what I've taught my kids....if someone says something you don't like, take a baseball bat to their face.

    How many kids do you have??

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Is there a right-wing firebrand ever more outspoken than Coulter? I feel like she makes Buchanan look like Nader.

    She's a left wing plant......a Deadhead in disguise.....a surreal stereotype of what every liberal would like to think represents the right.

    Bizarre female Colbert action.

    I have never met a single person, even here in Texas, who supports anything this wench has to say.

    And of course Dick Cheney is a lizard as proven in the earlier "Cheney Church" video clip.

    She has figured out in a completely obvious way how to push the buttons of the NPR-centric left-leaning yuppies of the USA. It's pretty comical that anyone takes her seriously or sees her as being some sort of 'threat'. It's showbiz and it sells books and she will keep doing it as long as people keep acting horrified.

    For the record, I don't think people are stupid, I think they are lazy and stubborn and mostly mean-spirited, but not as stupid as the people who program and produce a lot television want them to be.

    I agree. People are stupid. You are stupid.

    It is not showbiz. You and her are both dangerous. Her for pedaling hate, and you for finding it entertaining.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Is there a right-wing firebrand ever more outspoken than Coulter? I feel like she makes Buchanan look like Nader.

    Malkin's kinda gunning for it. The main difference, though, is that not even Ann Coulter takes Ann Coulter all that seriously. She's just trying to stir shit up for the sake of stirring shit up, and at the end of the day, she considers herself an entertainer much more than some sort of well-grounded commentator. She's definitely a wingnut, but most of what she does is just schtick.

    Malkin, on the other hand, actually considers herself a serious journalist doing serious journalistic things. She takes herself utterly seriously, which is part of why her latest episode (stalking the family of the 12-year-old kid who gave the Democrats' statement regarding Bush's S-CHIP veto, insinuating that the family is a bunch of rich-ass freeloaders based on partially on--I shit you not--the [utterly false] notion that the family has granite countertops in their kitchen, then, after being roundly humiliated, chickening out of actually debating her point) so funny. She wants so desperately to be taken seriously, but she's repeatedly undone by her own wingnuttery and incompetence.

    PS, that doctored Jesus Camp clip cracked me the fuck up.

    That's the nutroot version of the story, which is entirely cracked. Said Baltimore family had like 300,000 in assets and would allegedly qualify under the S-chip program for aid meant for far poorer people. Conservatives were making a case that a program initially meant to help poor kids, through Democratic mission creep, was just a subsidy that could be had by fairly well off families. And Ezra Klein is the last dude in the world to talk about good faith arguments, his stock and trade is ad hominum, tendentious blather.

    I have my own probs with Coulter and even at times with Malkin, but there is a kind of group think quality of how the politically left blogs approach the two of them, as if on cue from mediamatters.

    I would hope you have your "own probs with Coulter". Seeing how she thinks you and your family is the problem in America today. I'm impressed that you hold so true to your conservatism that you wont publicly criticise another conservative journalist. Even one who considers you an imperfect threat to America.

    Good to see you on the board though.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    No video?

    I would like to perfect her Frickin' face with a baseball bat!

    This is what I've taught my kids....if someone says something you don't like, take a baseball bat to their face.

    How many kids do you have??

    I have none. If you think I will stand quietly by while your people organize against mine, the way my relatives did in Germany and Poland you are wrong.

    I always think it is you in your avatar.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Alright Lazerwolf! This is a lttle more aggro then I'm used to from you, but I agree with the general sentiment.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    No video?

    I would like to perfect her Frickin' face with a baseball bat!

    This is what I've taught my kids....if someone says something you don't like, take a baseball bat to their face.

    How many kids do you have??

    I have none. If you think I will stand quietly by while your people organize against mine, the way my relatives did in Germany and Poland you are wrong.

    I always think it is you in your avatar.

    You're delusional.

    Get your Louisville Slugger and save the world from the millions of Ann Coulter "thugs" that are placing people in ovens as you sit there typing.

    Claiming you would take a baseball bat to someone for nothing more than words is not much different than what your relatives experienced.

    And actually on the same level of what this idiot Coulter crows about.

  • DJBombjackDJBombjack Miami 1,665 Posts
    Alright Lazerwolf! This is a lttle more aggro then I'm used to from you, but I agree with the general sentiment.

    She preaches hate. What a cunt.

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    just the fact that this shit storm thread is 6 pages means the terrorists AND this cuntface win.

    good job SS.

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,633 Posts
    No video?

    I would like to perfect her Frickin' face with a baseball bat!

    This is what I've taught my kids....if someone says something you don't like, take a baseball bat to their face.

    How many kids do you have??

    Come on. A baseball bat to Ann's face could only make her better looking. We'd be doing her a favor.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    OK....send in the pre-mature gray dude first and then the punk who called my good friend Dennis Miller a Nazi.

    Note: Even though it's obvious to anyone who isn't "stupid", for those of you who don't know the score, the above post is yet further proof that the poster named Rockadelic supports, worships and sucks the dick of GWB.

    Some of you folks amaze and entertain me.


  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts
    Reading these quotes from her, it reads like something you'd hear on WWE Raw. It prolly says something about the intelligence of the average American if you can only get them interested in current events if you make it sound like Bobby the Brain Heenan cutting a promo. I'm sure this lady's not on PBS.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Reading these quotes from her, it reads like something you'd hear on WWE Raw. It prolly says something about the intelligence of the average American if you can only get them interested in current events if you make it sound like Bobby the Brain Heenan cutting a promo. I'm sure this lady's not on PBS.

    This is it......on the fricking head!!

    She spouts this protaganistic bullshit and.....

    Some lunatic fringe, over-the-edge & semi-retarded, right wing nutjobs support her.


    Some lunatic fringe, over-the-edge, left wing nutjobs spout that they wanna take a baseball bat to her face.

    And to 80% of the country it's some Vince McMahon Political WWE Raw bullshit and they couldn't care less about it.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    And to 80% of the country it's some Vince McMahon Political WWE Raw bullshit and they couldn't care less about it.

    rock she is HUGE in the born again christian community & makes a lot of her $$ off speaking at their warehouses, oops i mean churches... so i think a lot more people support her than you think...

    I don't think that the "born again christians" that support Ann Coulter is more than 1-2% of the total best. Fringe lunatics.

    I've never met any......have you??

    Not all Christians are "those" Christians.

  • And to 80% of the country it's some Vince McMahon Political WWE Raw bullshit and they couldn't care less about it.

    rock she is HUGE in the born again christian community & makes a lot of her $$ off speaking at their warehouses, oops i mean churches... so i think a lot more people support her than you think...

    I don't think that the "born again christians" that support Ann Coulter is more than 1-2% of the total best. Fringe lunatics.

    I've never met any......have you??

    Not all Christians are "those" Christians.

    You need to get out more man.

    I live in suburban NJ, an hour outside of NYC and we are surrounded by huge fundmentalst churches. I can't imagine that the situation in Texas - home to some of the biggest mega-churches in the country - is any better...

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    You need to get out more man.

    I live in suburban NJ, an hour outside of NYC and we are surrounded by huge fundmentalst churches. I can't imagine that the situation in Texas - home to some of the biggest mega-churches in the country - is any better...

    And you believe or know that those Churches and it's members all support Ann Coulter??


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Reading these quotes from her, it reads like something you'd hear on WWE Raw. It prolly says something about the intelligence of the average American if you can only get them interested in current events if you make it sound like Bobby the Brain Heenan cutting a promo. I'm sure this lady's not on PBS.

    This is it......on the fricking head!!

    She spouts this protaganistic bullshit and.....

    Some support her.


    Some lunatic fringe, over-the-edge, left wing nutjobs spout that they wanna take a baseball bat to her face.

    And to 80% of the country it's some Vince McMahon Political WWE Raw bullshit and they couldn't care less about it.

    In case you have not noticed the lunatic fringe, over-the-edge & semi-retarded, right wing nutjobs have been in the executive branch for the last 6 years and controlled congress for the last 12.

    Little things like Ann rallying mega churches and tv audience to perfect Jews coupled with little things like our current Supreme Court and the Patriot Act make me very scared. Little things like our country going from one that condemns torture to one who perfects torture, with your full support, scares me also.
    And for good reason. The history of the Jewish people is a history of being scapegoated and slaughtered. I know you think that the history of all people is equal and the Jews have it no worse than anyone else. And that scares me too.

    Hitler did not take over Germany and force good German people to kill Jews. He slowly built a following until the majority of German people were happy to participate in the killing of Jews. Including the current Pope.

    Ignoring her or turning your back or watching it as some kinda of political WWE are the kind of attitudes that lead to the killing of Jews.

    You don't have to agree. But rest assured that I feel strongly about this, as I hope my posts have demonstrated.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    When one is looking for a personal demon they tend to see more than what's really there.

    Anti-Immigrant folks see everyone as Mexican

    Anti-Semetic people tend to magnify the numbers and influence of Jews.

    Think of all the people you know.....every race, religion, non-religion, normal folks you know.

    And you really believe these right wing Christians born-again Coulter nuts are more than one out of every ten??

  • You need to get out more man.

    I live in suburban NJ, an hour outside of NYC and we are surrounded by huge fundmentalst churches. I can't imagine that the situation in Texas - home to some of the biggest mega-churches in the country - is any better...

    And you believe or know that those Churches and it's members all support Ann Coulter??

    Really?? you mean have I personally gotten cozy with each and every one of them to see how they feel? No, as a matter of fact I haven't.

    I just get to pick their tracts out from under my windsheild twice a week, deal with their junk mail in my mailbox, their Jeebus/GWB bumper stickers all day long.

    The cultural hegemony of the right - secular and religious - in this country is a constant source of irritation.

    I think the next election cycle will be the one where both of those elements will come to regret lying down with dogs and waking up crawling with fleas like Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Limbaugh, O'Reilly and that horrible, glassy-eyed, jittery turncoat prick Dennis Miller.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    You need to get out more man.

    I live in suburban NJ, an hour outside of NYC and we are surrounded by huge fundmentalst churches. I can't imagine that the situation in Texas - home to some of the biggest mega-churches in the country - is any better...

    And you believe or know that those Churches and it's members all support Ann Coulter??


    I know more than one, more than 2, more than 3 familys who do. Yes. Including my brother inlaws.

    Last week. Just last week. In Portland. Yes, in liberal Portland. A grip of homes and business were were spray painted with JEW. I know, for a fact, there our people in my community ready to start killing Jews now.

    But don't let it disturb your sleep, you are not Jewish.
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