
  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    In your opinion, how many 'good teams' are there in the NFL?

    NFC Champiosnip

    Green Bay vs Dallas

    AFC Championship

    Indy vs Boston

    nobody else really matters.

    We have a good shot at the playoffs this year.

    If the Steelers dont make the playoffs i'll laugh until my face bleeds......that's the worst schedule i've seen in my's seriously that bad

    and yes....The Pack is for real

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    The Pack is for real

    We'll see about that when they play the 10-1 Cowboys in 3 weeks!!

  • The Pack is for real

    We'll see about that when they play the 10-1 Cowboys in 3 weeks!!

    Statistically, these two teams are nearly identical, but Favre never plays well in Dallas, unfortunately, because this looks like the tiebreaker game. Hard to bet against home-field advantage.

  • Colts broke my heart.


    Cromartie and Sprouls are the new LT and Gates


    Damn, M*rk. I think you are the only one in SD who is excited about this game.

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    I think last night's game had the single most depressing moment I ever spent as a 49ers fan. I believe it was after the second (very ill-advised) failed 4th down conversion, they show a close up on Nolan, nose all red and misty eyed, looked like he was a straw away from having a complete emotional breakdown. Heartwrenching.

  • I think last night's game had the single most depressing moment I ever spent as a 49ers fan. I believe it was after the second (very ill-advised) failed 4th down conversion, they show a close up on Nolan, nose all red and misty eyed, looked like he was a straw away from having a complete emotional breakdown. Heartwrenching.

    First off, I have to agree that last night was a painful and unfortunate situation for Mike Nolan and my heart goes out to him and his family.

    But it sure is wonderful to see the Niners suck so bad after their cheating reign of keeping the best Saints team ever from really doing shit. This era of shittiness really couldn't happen to a better team. Harvey knows what's up.....

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    But it sure is wonderful to see the Niners suck so bad knowing
    the Pats own their first round draft pick in 2008. If only the
    Dolphins weren't the worst team in history, we could actually win
    the Super Bowl and then have the #1 pick ...

  • But it sure is wonderful to see the Niners suck so bad knowing
    the Pats own their first round draft pick in 2008. If only the
    Dolphins weren't the worst team in history, we could actually win
    the Super Bowl and then have the #1 pick ...

    Jeez, can you imagine the Pats + D-Mac???????

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    But it sure is wonderful to see the Niners suck so bad after their cheating reign of keeping the best Saints team ever from really doing shit. This era of shittiness really couldn't happen to a better team. Harvey knows what's up.....

    Yeah, Policy's skirting cap loopholes was the only thing keeping the Saints from doing anything in late 90s. Maybe they would've cracked .500!

  • But it sure is wonderful to see the Niners suck so bad after their cheating reign of keeping the best Saints team ever from really doing shit. This era of shittiness really couldn't happen to a better team. Harvey knows what's up.....

    Yeah, Policy's skirting cap loopholes was the only thing keeping the Saints from doing anything in late 90s. Maybe they would've cracked .500!

    I may've merged some eras. Hate makes haze.

  • Week 11 batches, who you got?

    Giants vs Lions:
    Another huge game for the Giants and Lions as well. Now that the NFC East and North races are almost all done, the hunt for the wild card begins. I hope Antonio Pierce feels good because the Giants will have to pressure Kitna hard to make up for a sorry secondary. Giants need to stop these second half meltdowns and Eli has to be done with this hot and cold bullshit in order to win.

    Colts vs KC:
    Injuries are becoming a huge factor for the Colts, will defintely hurt them in the post season. I say they beat the Chiefs this week, since Larry is out, and even though Dwight Freeny is out for the season, the defense is fast and good this year.

    Panthers vs Packers:
    Every week I expect the Pack to lose and every week they prove me wrong. This week will be no different, they will win, all those NFC South teams are chumps (sorry Gene).

    Dolphins vs Eagles:
    Will the Dolphins get their first win of the season? No, watch Westbrook and the Eagles have a field day on the worst defense in the league and possibly put up another 56.

    Redskins vs Cowboys:
    Wow, the Cowboys could go 9-1, aint that some shit. They face a tough Washington secondary so watch the running game blow up. Skins could potentially pull off the upset, but its a home game for Dallas, so its doubtful. Fuck it let Dallas win and keep Washington off our backs. This has the potential to be a great game.

    Pats vs Bills:
    Pats kicked the crap out the Bills early this season but they are playing in Buffalo, whatch out![/sarcasm] Home crowd kind of fucked up the Cowboys, but this is NE, so whatever, cheat on cheaters, cheat on. Although if the Pats start running up the score watch out for some head hunting!

    Plaese to speak on week 11 and any other game I didn't comment on.

  • all those NFC South teams are chumps (sorry Gene).

    Haha. Please. As long as you know the Jints are chumps. We have more impressive Ws than you guys do. Everyone knows we are one game into the patented Coughlin second-half meltdown.

  • all those NFC South teams are chumps (sorry Gene).

    Haha. Please. As long as you know the Jints are chumps. We have more impressive Ws than you guys do. Everyone knows we are one game into the patented Coughlin second-half meltdown.

    Ouch, haha. Frickin' Tom Coughlin man, what a lame duck!

    Whose better at destroying talented teams Tom Coughlin or Norv Turner?

    Also, no more of this "impressive wins" business, I can't say anything because it feels like tipping over a dude in a wheelchair. You all lost to the Lambs!

  • Also, no more of this "impressive wins" business,

    Okay. I had to fire back though.

    Giants v. Lions is a good contest of NFC pretenders/contenders. As in both could be either. Lions coming off a weak loss too.

    Packers will beat the Panthers cos they are indeed chumps. And they're starting David Carr. Mmmm-whaaa-hahahahaha.



    I'm actually heading to Houston tomorrow to go see Saints at Texans. Never been to Reliant. Free tix. Should be a blast. I think we'll win this one but I expect Andre Johnson to go 'nanners on Jason David. yikes.

    Bears at Seahawks is mildly intersting. Radio Rex is starting. Why Radio Rex, you might ask? Cos when he came in and threw that TD to Berrian late to beat the Raiders, it felt like something out of that movie. Rex is "special". I've not been ready to right off the Bears yet, even tho they've seemed mortally wounded.

    My highlight of the week is Rickey Williams' reinstatement. RUN RICKEY RUN. I'm rootin' for the kid........

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Skins could be a trap game for the Cowboys but I'd bet against it.

    Watch for Marion The Barbarian to have a big day.

    And if the Boys go 9-1 you KNOW they are gonna go 10-1 because the Jets are certainly not going to beat home......on Thanksgiving!!

  • Do you like Ricky more because he's a pot head (or into "holistic medicine") or for his run with Texas?

    Speaking of Texas, the return of Reggie Bush! Think he'll get boo'd? Regardless have a good time. I've never been to an NFL game myself, and to tie it back to NO, my dad does business with a huge Saints fan who says if they ever make it to the Super Bowl he'll fly in my dad and me and get us tickets to sit with him. I'm nt holding my breath.

    Re: Rex, depends on who shows up to play Dr. Jeckyl or Mr Hyde.

  • Skins could be a trap game for the Cowboys but I'd bet against it.

    Watch for Marion The Barbarian to have a big day.

    Don't see it. Skins can't score enough to beat y'all and Sean Taylor isn't playing either.

    How good is MBIII gonna be next year when he doesn't have JuJo suckin up carries?

  • Do you like Ricky more because he's a pot head (or into "holistic medicine") or for his run with Texas?

    Speaking of Texas, the return of Reggie Bush! Think he'll get boo'd? Regardless have a good time. I've never been to an NFL game myself, and to tie it back to NO, my dad does business with a huge Saints fan who says if they ever make it to the Super Bowl he'll fly in my dad and me and get us tickets to sit with him. I'm nt holding my breath.

    I got no UT ties, believe it or not. I like Ricky cos he never did anything but play as hard as he could when he was a Saint, but he got scapegoated for Ditka making the dumbest trade ever since the Herschel trade. I respect that he is a pothead who used to run around at 235 and Frickin' smash fools. But mostly at this point I see a sort of misguided dude who seems serious about making a go of it, if for no other reason than he has mouths to feed. Run, Ricky. :thumbsup:

    I would expect Reggie to get boo'd. He's two weeks off a tweaked knee and he was concussed last week. Plus SPayton is the new Martz: he dies by the pass. I could see us at least making a SB in the Payton/Brees/Bush era, but then again, we *are* cursed...........

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    But it sure is wonderful to see the Niners suck so bad after their cheating reign of keeping the best Saints team ever from really doing shit. This era of shittiness really couldn't happen to a better team. Harvey knows what's up.....

    Yeah, Policy's skirting cap loopholes was the only thing keeping the Saints from doing anything in late 90s. Maybe they would've cracked .500!

    I may've merged some eras. Hate makes haze.

    haha, fair enough - if it makes you feel better, it's solely because of Policy and Clark (plus a few injuries) that the 49ers went into a tail spin. The fines from the cap violations forced them to cut big name players, which left a lot of dead money, which prevented signing anyone w/o using short-term contracts + bonuses + options, which led to another purge in '02-'03. Now, it's mainly a coaching problem and there's no financial worries. Man, at least when the Steelers and Broncos violated the cap, they still got super bowls out of it.

    Anyway, the anti-Super Bowl to end all anti-Super Bowls takes place today with the 2-7 49ers taking on the 1-8 Rams. Trent Dilfer starting. WOO!

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    Panthers vs Packers:
    Every week I expect the Pack to lose and every week they prove me wrong. This week will be no different, they will win, all those NFC South teams are chumps (sorry Gene).

    If their running game is for real and last week wasn't just a fluke, the Packers are NFC Championship bound.

    Fun fact: combined aged of the starting QBs in today's game - 82.


    A new NFL record

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    The Morning Parlay[/b]

    San Diego at Jacksonville

    San Diego +3[/b]

    I don't think the Jags can handle being 7-3....They always find a way to fuck up late in the season....This is good match up for the Chargers.

    Kansas City at Indianapolis

    Kansas City + 16 [/b]

    16 is too many points to pass up....This is the NFL

    Cleveland at Baltimore

    Cleveland -3 [/b]

    Cleveland can score against anybody....The only way to beat them is putting more points on the board....Baltimore's offense is worse than the 49ers

    Tampa Bay at Atlanta

    Tampa Bay -3 [/b]

    Despite Warrick Dunn showing some life the past two games (against SF & Car) Atlanta still can't run the ball...They can't stop the run either

    Arizona at Cincinnati

    Cincinnati -3 [/b]

    Cincinnati will finish 7-9 ....they may as well win today

    New Orleans at Houston

    New Orleans Even [/b]

    Gene took some of that voodoo shit with him to Reliant

  • dgriotdgriot 388 Posts
    Baltimore's offense is worse than the 49ers

    Nah, 49ers are dead last in points scored, passing yards, total yards, fist downs, and time of possession, and first in punt attempts. Nobody is worse. Nobody.

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts

  • Only in Green Bay would blaze orange thunder sticks be appropriate.

  • Mia 16, Phil 13


  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

    Mia 16, Phil 13


    They looked better w/o McNabb

  • Mia 16, Phil 13


    They looked better running the ball[/b] instead of making a still-injured quarterback pass the ball on 70% of the plays

    eagles still suck any way you slice it... i dread next sunday night

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    As much as I am a Steeler fan, there is no way they are Colts / Patriots caliber. I mean.. the Jets are giving them a run for their money.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    OK... they just lost to.... THE JETS.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Before the season started I made the bold prediction that T.O. would have a better season than Randy Moss.

    I was wrong, but at this point they have to be considered 1A & 1B.

    Bring on those Jets!!
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