
  • But beyond that, there is merit to the PFT article. All kidding aside, they are more often than not right on their rumors and stuff.

    It's a very multi-faceted issue. Obviously we'd all rather talk about on-field paly. Sunday can't get here soon enough.

  • It's a very multi-faceted issue. Obviously we'd all rather talk about on-field paly. Sunday can't get here soon enough.

    Right on all counts.

  • Punishment just announced:

    $500,000K fine

    Lose a 1st Round pick if they make the playoffs; Lose a 2nd & 3rd if they don't.

    Considering they also have the 49ers 1st Rounder this year...

  • Punishment just announced:

    $500,000K fine

    Lose a 1st Round pick if they make the playoffs; Lose a 2nd & 3rd if they don't.

    Considering they also have the 49ers 1st Rounder this year...

    Glad they didn't drag it out. Let's move on. Hopefully that is that.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Cowboys have hired The Amazing Kreskin to try to read the opposing Coach's mind.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    1st round picks are no joke in the NFL -
    neither are 2nd or 3rd for that matter.

    Well, I guess you do the crime you do the
    time, but that seems pretty harsh for what
    I personally don't think was that horrible
    of an offense. And yes, I would still say that
    if it had been another team ... regardless,
    it sucks right now being a fan of the team
    everyone is hating on. Hopefully it will fade
    from public attention as the season goes on.

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    **You are ignoring this cheater.**

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    **everyone is ignoring this team**

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    Not after this Sunday.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    MangeniusJudas[/b] coached D for the Pats.

  • MangeniusJudas[/b] coached D for the Pats.

    Let a man eat, bro.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts

  • Ok, two more days until Sunday, some predictions on the games I want to see:

    Colts vs. Titans:
    Another test for the Colts defense. Chris Brown looked good last week (even though they played Jacksonville) and we know Vince can run out the pocket. Will the Titans offense hold onto the ball long enough so Manning an 'em stay off the field? That's the only chance they have in this game, seeing as the Colts are looking to avenge last years heartbreaker loss. Tough one on the road, but I still say Colts 24 Titans 13

    Texans vs Panthers:
    This game is intersting to me because I'm still deciding whether the Panthers are contenders. I don't like Jake Delhomme but he had a decent game last week. I'd like to see the Texans take this one, but I doubt it.

    Saints vs Bucs:
    Saints on the road still coming off a tough loss, Tampa having lost too. If the Saints get their defensive line together Garcia will not be able to handle the pressure, Joey Galloway is no Marvin Harrison. What about Cadillac Williams, well he averaged 5 yards vs Seattle last week, but I didn't watch that game so I don't know. I think the Saints take this one, they are the better team, but can the offense get it together? Saints 20 Bucs 14

    Giants vs Packers:
    Will the Giants defense show up? How's Eli's arm? Is he playing psych games with GB? Lets face it, the Packers got lucky last week and the Eagles defense looked almost as bad as the Gaints'. If the defense comes through, the Giants take this one easy at home. Giants 30 Packers 16

    Cowboys vs Dolphins:
    Of course I want to see the Cowboys lose. Romo fucked up the most important moment of the Cowboys season last year, but really he's pretty descent, now with TO catching he might even look better. Whatever, I'm putting blind faith on the Dolphins because I've seen them beat the Cowboys before. GO Dolphins!!!

    Chargers vs the Cheatin' ass cheats
    This really is the game I'm most looking forward to watching. Pats steamrolled the Jets last week, they have a solid team blah blah blah. This week they get a challenging game. Chargers have a solid defense and a pretty damn good offense, even though they looked a little rusty against the Bears last week. Still I think the Chargers are out for blood since NE turned out the lights to their season last year. Pats don't lose easy at home though. I'm giving this one to the Pats, but just barely 34-30.

    Eagles vs Redskins:
    I need the Eagles to lose to even things out in the NFC East. I'm tired of typing and I'm sure your tired of reading my amature blatherings, so yeah, Go Skins!

    What's your run down fellas?

  • What up GV?

    Saints v. Bucs: Dunno what to expect from the Saints. The offense has too many weapons to stay untracked for a long time, but the play of the OL last week was concerning. I gotta go w/ the talented and hopefully pissed team and say the Saints bounce back and win a close one.

    Carolina v. Houston: Carolina made some noise last week. So did Houston but against the Chiefs who are baaaaad. Good test for both teams. Tough to call, I really want Houston to win but see the Panthas pulling it out at home.

    Chicago vs. KC: Take Chicago and lay the points all day. Blowout.

    Miami vs. Dallas: Dolphins' D won't be pushovers like the Jints. NFC goes on the road at AFC and is favored? That's tough. This will be a close one but I think Romentum pulls it out at the end. Not enough offense for Miamah, especially if they have to run out Cleo Lemon

    SD vs. Patriots: SD is pissed. NE is pissed. Should be a hard-hitting Sunday night game but I'm not picking against NE at home.

    Pitt v. B'lo: Too many B'lo injuries. They'll be game but they're not winning this one on the road.

    Cin at Cle: Uh, yeah. Start any Bengals FF players you have. Bengals.

    Colts at Tenn: This game should be closer than people think. The thing about VY is he does WAY more than you see on the field or in the stat sheet. This is one scrappy Titans bunch and running up 275 on Stroud and Henderson and the Jags is impressive. I like the Colts to win but take VY and the points if you're a gamblin man.

    Seattle vs. ARizona: Whisenhunt is really trying to do some thangs but it's tough to reverse a culture of losing. Seattle is one of the best September teams the last few years. I want to say Cards but Seattle should win.

    Rams vs. Niners: Rams need to get their offense on track. They're on their own turf so I think they'll pull it out but it won't be easy.

    Oakland at Denver: CUTTY! I like this dude Cutler. They'll get it done.

    Minnie at Detroit: All offense versus all defense. Adrian "All Day" Peterson is the truth. I'm taking "my" Lions. (my buddy is a huge Bears fan so I been running Lions smack in his ear for months now)

    Jets at Baltimore: Ray Lewis won't let them lose this one. One arm and all. Ugh. K Boller versus K Clemens? Greaaaat.

    Atlanta at Jacksonville: If you've got a Jags RB on yr FF team, start him. Jags. Atlanta may be worse than Cleveland.

    GB at NYG: I'm sensing some Favre magic this year. I like the Pack if Eli plays or not. I'm really hoping to see 60 minutes of Battleship Lorenzen on Sunday.

    Washington at Philly: God what a MNF turd. Philly I guess.

  • What up GV?

    [budweiser guy] wazzzzaaaaaaapppppp [/budweiser guy]

    Miami vs. Dallas: Dolphins' D won't be pushovers like the Jints. NFC goes on the road at AFC and is favored? That's tough. This will be a close one but I think Romentum pulls it out at the end. Not enough offense for Miamah, especially if they have to run out Cleo Lemon

    Oh so now its your turn to be a dick about the Giants defense? Whatever, your teams defense was non-existent on their first game too buddy.

    Colts at Tenn: This game should be closer than people think. The thing about VY is he does WAY more than you see on the field or in the stat sheet. This is one scrappy Titans bunch and running up 275 on Stroud and Henderson and the Jags is impressive. I like the Colts to win but take VY and the points if you're a gamblin man.

    For the last three seasons this has been an interesting matchup. Funny how Tenn looked like shit at the beginning of last season but then got it together towards the end. I wonder what's in store this year.

    GB at NYG: I'm sensing some Favre magic this year. I like the Pack if Eli plays or not. I'm really hoping to see 60 minutes of Battleship Lorenzen on Sunday.

    Favre magic?! You're more likely to find East of Underground behind your couch this year.

    Washington at Philly: God what a MNF turd. Philly I guess.

    HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Ever since last year when MNF moved to ESPN the games have gotten worse and worse.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Any real headz out there wanna bet me some Miami Ironbeer Soda vs. Mexi-Coke on the Cowboys/Dolphins???

  • lol

  • I wasn't exactly prosletyzing for my team either, Dawg. Your boys DID give up 45. What was I 'po to say?


    Feeling better? Might I recommend some salve?

  • I wasn't exactly prosletyzing for my team either, Dawg. Your boys DID give up 45. What was I 'po to say?


    Feeling better? Might I recommend some salve?


    Stop calling them the Jints dammit!

  • GB at NYG: I'm sensing some Favre magic this year. I like the Pack if Eli plays or not. I'm really hoping to see 60 minutes of Battleship Lorenzen on Sunday.

    I know it's my Packers and I'm being sensitive, but how could you say that Giants will be winning anything easily after last week?

    The Pack are a defensive team this year. I don't see GB losing this one, based on the low-functioning Giants performance of last week.

    Ask yourself -- would Philly beat the Giants? No question they would. And the Pack snuck by Philly, so...

  • Giants vs Packers:
    Will the Giants defense show up? How's Eli's arm? Is he playing psych games with GB? Lets face it, the Packers got lucky last week and the Eagles defense looked almost as bad as the Gaints'. If the defense comes through, the Giants take this one easy at home. Giants 30 Packers 16

    Now, I'm not gonna say the Packers will win, but their defense is for real sAnd if Jared Lorenzen is starting for the Giants... Well, take it from somebody who lives in Kentucky and watched the Round Mound Of Touchdown play in college for 4 years: it might not be pretty. Oh, he'd be hard to take down but he's sure not going to be leaving the pocket. And that's not even taking into account that this will be the first time he's ever started, and he has one completed pass for his career.

    The Packers' main problem is offense, but their defense should be plenty good. Brandon Jacobs is already out, and if Eli Manning is out too it could be kind of ugly. The problem is the Packers might only score 9 points, all off field goals, so even if the defense puts up another solid effort this week the Packers could very well lose. So...I don't really know how to call that one. I think it mostly hinges on the QBs: does Manning play, and does Favre actually do something this week.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    Steelers are out in their throw-backs!


  • them saints is lookin' reeeeeeeal ... the hex i put on their azzes is working perfectly! hahahaha

    brownies takin' it to the cincinnatti been-in-jails?

    matt schaub is the true

    steelers might start the season 5-0

  • gotta love the throwbacks

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    Titans had a chance at the end there. That was a pretty exciting finish none the less.

  • GO! PACK! GO!

    This victory goes out to you, Garcia Vega.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    What's up with 96 total points[/b] in the Browns/Bengals game??

    Gotta love those defensive battles!

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,781 Posts
    What's up with 96 total points[/b] in the Browns/Bengals game??

    Gotta love those defensive battles!

    FUCK! And I dropped Jamal Lewis and Braylon Edwards from my Fantasy team last week

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
    San Diego vs New England, what can I expect?

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,331 Posts
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