
  • Sounds like the niners were luckier than the Packers! Who is this quarterback Adam Smith? His stats were pretty bad, not that Leinart did better.

    Alex Smith. He was the first pick in the draft in 2005. He played college ball at Utah for Urban Meyer the year they went undefeated. He's *okay*.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    This year, I'm gonna try to watch Football...........

    Watch out for my Football blog, "Ground Moves".

  • Skipped out on the bar and just read the recaps online.

    Sounds like the niners were luckier than the Packers! Who is this quarterback Adam Smith? His stats were pretty bad, not that Leinart did better.

    Cinicinati surprising me somewhat. How long will McNair be out? Ocho Cinco burning the Ravens safety, but quite the disappointing touchdown celebration.

    Whose big ego will lead them to an early demise first, T.O. or Chad?

    hahaha yeah we got lucky. didn't look good at all.

  • Sounds like the niners were luckier than the Packers! Who is this quarterback Adam Smith? His stats were pretty bad, not that Leinart did better.

    Alex Smith. He was the first pick in the draft in 2005. He played college ball at Utah for Urban Meyer the year they went undefeated. He's *okay*.

    Been thinking too much about "The Wealth of Nations" I guess.
    And goes to show how much I pay attention to college ball (or the Niners really).

  • Sounds like the niners were luckier than the Packers! Who is this quarterback Adam Smith? His stats were pretty bad, not that Leinart did better.

    Alex Smith. He was the first pick in the draft in 2005. He played college ball at Utah for Urban Meyer the year they went undefeated. He's *okay*.

    Been thinking too much about "The Wealth of Nations" I guess.
    And goes to show how much I pay attention to college ball (or the Niners really).

    the Protestant Work Ethic will see us through. though it's the Mormons who have traditionally delivered for us I guess.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    The end of the SF-AZ game was fantastic. But the rest of that game was horrible. They kept on asking "Is this an example of bad offense or good defense?" and they kept on saying "good defense" but neither of those quarterbacks could do shit with the ball.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    Injuries are going to plague the Ravens this year.

    Kyle Boller sees play in the first game of the season?

    i think mcnair is done. leftwich maybe?

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    The end of the SF-AZ game was fantastic. But the rest of that game was horrible. They kept on asking "Is this an example of bad offense or good defense?" and they kept on saying "good defense" but neither of those quarterbacks could do shit with the ball.

    bad, BAD offense. well, i dunno... ARI shut down Frank Gore and he's the real deal, so maybe it was good defense. whatever it was, though, it looked really really bad

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts
    Pittsburgh vs Cleveland?

    this was hella fun to watch for us Stillers fans, seeing them stomp thru a division rivalry under the guidance of the new coach.

    it gave some hints that Pgh could have a great season, but it's too hard to tell cause it looked like a preseason game- the Browns were HORRIBLE. seriously- they had 4 different violations on a single play (botched punt)...

    but i do think we have a lot of potential for this season, + i have a really good feeling about Tomlin (the new coach). Hiring him was a badass move

    Stillers are under the radar this year (vs. last year's under the microscope). They are going to suprise a lot of people and even make the playoffs! Whether they are Pats / Colts / Ravens / Chargers... good... remains to be seen.

    I cosign all of this. In political speak, I'm caustiously optimistic. But it's hard to gauge how good the Stillers are because of how shitty Cleveland looked.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    I dunno, y'all...The Patriots DID have a botched snap on a field goal attempt. There is A LOT to be concerned...

    Aww, fuck that. They looked great. Wow. At NYJ to open, and they did THAT? Jesus. AFC East race just got a lot less scary.

    HAHA! Yeah, hearing Belichik in the post-game was hilarious. "We have a lot of things to work on." Like what? Mastering a second sport?

    Pats = The Truth.

    Next weekend will be the real test though. I doubt LT will be held to 25 yards again.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    The end of the SF-AZ game was fantastic. But the rest of that game was horrible. They kept on asking "Is this an example of bad offense or good defense?" and they kept on saying "good defense" but neither of those quarterbacks could do shit with the ball.

    bad, BAD offense. well, i dunno... ARI shut down Frank Gore and he's the real deal, so maybe it was good defense. whatever it was, though, it looked really really bad

    I didn't watch that whole game, but I bet if you looked at how many throws both quarterbacks made and the distances neither did shit. I don't think that was because everyone was covered because I remember a couple plays where AZ missed some open receivers, it was because those two guys were scared.

  • Can we please reserve judgement on Big Ben an' 'em until they play a team that WOULDN'T lose to LSU?

  • I dunno, y'all...The Patriots DID have a botched snap on a field goal attempt. There is A LOT to be concerned...

    Aww, fuck that. They looked great. Wow. At NYJ to open, and they did THAT? Jesus. AFC East race just got a lot less scary.

    HAHA! Yeah, hearing Belichik in the post-game was hilarious. "We have a lot of things to work on." Like what? Mastering a second sport?

    They have a lot to work on, like not getting caught when cheating!

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    This year, I'm gonna try to watch Football...........

    Watch out for my Football blog, "Ground Moves".

    Please don't - this is one of the very few threads
    where so far you haven't felt the need to impose yourself.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    This year, I'm gonna try to watch Football...........

    Watch out for my Football blog, "Ground Moves".

    Please don't - this is one of the very few threads
    where so far you haven't felt the need to impose yourself.

    Don't worry I'll hardly ever contribute to this one. I'll be doing a lot more watching and listening.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Also, any truth to the rumour that the one
    Kitchen_Knight was the mystery cameraman
    pulled from the field last sunday


    I hope they paid you well, Ga**th!

  • Also, any truth to the rumour that the one
    Kitchen_Knight was the mystery cameraman
    pulled from the field last sunday


    I hope they paid you well, Ga**th!

    I DID NOT take this bullet for the team...

    But, I know the guy who did...

    Btw, there is very little that is 'alleged,' about this.

    and, lest we lose sight of this: EVERY TEAM does something like this.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    EVERY TEAM does something like this.

    I'm just pissed cause now everyone will talk shit about them
    all year long. Here they are, poised to do some serious damage
    to the league, and dudes are already looking for astericks to
    slap on any accomplishments. I hope it just angers them and they
    respond by kicking the shit out of everyone for 4 months.



  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    ^^^ see?? ^^^

  • ^^^ see?? ^^^

    I feel so dirty for having rooted for you all back during that first Super Bowl.

    The above graemlin should be modified w/ Bill B's face.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    The above graemlin should be modified w/ Bill B's face.

    He's already wearing Bill's hoodie

  • The above graemlin should be modified w/ Bill B's face.

    He's already wearing Bill's hoodie


    Obviously I'm teasing on the Pats smack. It's whatever to me really. I never harbored any doubts that BB was anything but an *evil* genius.

    KK, does anything in life bring that man pleasure? no ayo. He's like a football automaton.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    does anything in life bring that man pleasure?

    Bon Jovi!!

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Also, any truth to the rumour that the one
    Kitchen_Knight was the mystery cameraman
    pulled from the field last sunday


    I hope they paid you well, Ga**th!

    HAHA! You beat me to it.

    And yeah, this is no different than stealing signs in baseball. It's against the rules, but errybody's trying to do it in some form or another. Still, I'm not going to deny it's illegal, and we're going to be hearing about it all year. But the Pats always respond well to a little bulletin board material, so that might be a good thing.

  • For the record, I think this is very different than stealing signs in baseball.

    I DON'T THINK that stealing signs should be illegal. If you can't diguise your strategy from another team, that is your problem, not your oppositions.

    BUT, if there are rules in place about using technology, and you break those rules, you should be subject to punishment. This is not a case of stealing signs; this is a case of using a foreign, and banned, object on the field.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    For the record, I think this is very different than stealing signs in baseball.

    In what way? Were the tapes for later review, rather than for use during the game?

  • For the record, I think this is very different than stealing signs in baseball.

    In what way? Were the tapes for later review, rather than for use during the game?

    Presumably is an advantage in game, as well as later when they play them again.

  • I would like to add...

    I think this story has been blown UNBELIEVABLY out of proportion.

    But, I understand the violation, and the rule that was broken.

    But, hearing assbags on ESPN say that this might cost Bill Belichick the Hall of Fame? GTFOOHWTBS, and you really should be looking for a new job.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts

    I think this story has been blown UNBELIEVABLY out of proportion.

    This is what I am saying.

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