The Last OFFICIAL Sopranos Thread(Spoilers)



  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    wouldn't that have gone out the window with Phil?

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts
    wouldn't that have gone out the window with Phil?

    Good point. So this could give the "tony is dead" even further credence. It was an "eye for an eye" kind of thing...

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    wasn't doggie who tony had that sitdown with pretty much accepting that phil was going to get wacked and in the process would likely take over? i doubt he would go on some revenge tip after that. he was pretty much wanting to get rid of phil since he was unstable.

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    wasn't doggie who tony had that sitdown with pretty much accepting that phil was going to get wacked and in the process would likely take over? i doubt he would go on some revenge tip after that. he was pretty much wanting to get rid of phil since he was unstable.

    the theory is that the ny families would want tony dead. phil was gone, carmine was with the feds...leaving only tony. kill him and they get everything phil and tony built.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    This is bizarre but I got hit with the worst case of stomach flu I've had in years starting last night (and still going on now) and not only could I not sleep, but I had slightly feverish dreams about "The Sopranos" all night which, as one might imagine, didn't do wonders for my overall psychological or physical comfort.

    This all said, even though I'm more sympathetic to the "Tony got shot" theory, I still think the ending was meant to signify a state of mind - Tony's ever vigilance and uncertain future - rather than a symbolic, "he's dead!" I'm not convinced by the either the POV theory or the song choice theory, especially since the latter could just as well indicate the end of the show rather the end of Tony's life.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    wasn't doggie who tony had that sitdown with pretty much accepting that phil was going to get wacked and in the process would likely take over? i doubt he would go on some revenge tip after that. he was pretty much wanting to get rid of phil since he was unstable.

    the theory is that the ny families would want tony dead. phil was gone, carmine was with the feds...leaving only tony. kill him and they get everything phil and tony built.
    that just leaves way too much speculation about shit none of us know about. would the ny families realize that phil led them on some shit that basically fucked all of them up and lost them money? would paulie rally the troops on some ryde or die shit and merk all the ny mufuckaz? i liked the ending (even thought i thought it was kinda pretentious) but thinking about all this shit is too much

  • keithvanhornkeithvanhorn 3,855 Posts
    I'm not convinced by the either the POV theory or the song choice theory, especially since the latter could just as well indicate the end of the show rather the end of Tony's life.

    there is also a theory that the "everything turns to black" comment rings true...for the audience. we got killed so to speak. the soprano family moves on, but everything for us turns to black.


    the guy who interviewed chase (and who wrote that article on the previous page) was on msnbc last night and i tend to agree with his theory and yours as being the most logical.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    I don't see the song really being a factor - I mean, "don't stop believing"... they're telling the audience to have exactly this debate for weeks following the show.

    Don't stop believing.

    If he died, it's based on the whole fishing memory in the previous ep, not the Journey song.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    but journey rocks yo

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    Hmmm, what about Tony's peyote trip in LV and that last, contented look up at the sky when he's raking leaves? Has he made peace with himself? Is he READY TO DIE?

  • G_BalliandoG_Balliando 3,916 Posts

    one misused expression I caught last night...i forget who tony was talking to, but he mentioned that somebody "made a mole out of" a small situation. i think he meant to use the expression "made a mountain out of a molehill" but fucked it up.

    Yeah I caught that too. They throw a lot of funny misused expressions or mispronounced or misused "big" words into the show all the time, it always cracks me up. He was talking to AJ's shrink talking about AJ's obsession with the state of the world.

    Any of y'all catch the famed Pine Barrens episode last night on A&E? I found it funny that they showed that just after everybody here was talking about it.

  • pickwick33pickwick33 8,946 Posts
    one misused expression I caught last night...i forget who tony was talking to, but he mentioned that somebody "made a mole out of" a small situation. i think he meant to use the expression "made a mountain out of a molehill" but fucked it up.

    Yeah I caught that too. They throw a lot of funny misused expressions or mispronounced or misused "big" words into the show all the time, it always cracks me up.

    isnt there a website with all the misused words from the show collected in one place?

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    I loved the ending. It was perfect.[/b]

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    carmine was with the feds

    no dude that was Carlo .

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts

    I can't get Don't Stop Believing out of my head.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    I don't see the song really being a factor - I mean, "don't stop believing"... they're telling the audience to have exactly this debate for weeks following the show.

    Don't stop believing.

    don't forget about the other songs used in the episode
    "i dreamed i dream"
    "all that you dream"

    "you keep me hangin' on"

  • I still think the ending was meant to signify a state of mind - Tony's ever vigilance and uncertain future - rather than a symbolic, "he's dead!" I'm not convinced by the either the POV theory or the song choice theory, especially since the latter could just as well indicate the end of the show rather the end of Tony's life.

    In retrospect, what a great show. I'm going to miss these goons...

  • and
    "you keep me hangin' on"
    Such great use of that song in the opening scene. The solo organ hitting those tones just as Tony awoke was perfect.

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    TMZ was checking out Chase's Wiki page this morning, and noticed that the first line read, "David Chase ... is a homosexual American television writer." Now we're all for the gays, but the sexual-orientation thing seemed odd, since Chase has been married to the same woman for over twenty years.

    Well, it turns out that the entry was "vandalized" by some Wiki thugs, which then caused the Wikipedia folks to clamp down immediately, disallowing any changes to the page. Wikipedia didn't comment on the changes in Chase's entry, but it won't be available again for editing until next Monday.

    Yesterday, in an interview with a New Jersey paper, Chase said that he wasn't trying to "[mess] with" fans, just trying to entertain them with the provocative ending, which concluded the series in nearly ten seconds of black screen.

    I am completely confounded by the levels of mass public asshurtedness. Are people afraid to actually have to think about a tv show.

    Wheres the punching yourself in the face gif?

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    most people want a story. a good story has a beginning, middle and an end. there was no definitive ending. it left a lot of people disappointed, and i can understand. ending on a choose you own ending is a bit of a cop out.

    that said, i still loved it.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    I finally saw the last two episodes last night.

    I'm in the "Tony doesn't die" camp. Layers of ambiguity notwithstanding, I think the feeling we're supposed to be left with in the diner scene is that, now, this is as good as it's ever going to get for Tony. Carlo has flipped, so an arrest is on the horizon and it looks as if he's finally going to do the jail time Phil resented him for never having done. Every stranger looks vaguely like somebody who might have a motive for popping him, and the paranoia and uncertainty of that scene is indicative of what kind of future's ahead of him while he remains out of prison. All he has left are his three genuine loves; food, his family, and classic rock. The scene at the end of Episode 77 ( where the family has just met Blanca for the first time and it ends on a seemingly blissful domestic tableau while the Stones "Moonlight Mile" plays) was, I thought, kind of a hint towards how Chase wanted to end it. A Scarface ending would have been far too obvious, and somewhat at odds with a show which has been as much about the tedium, mundanity and minor crises of family life as it has about Mafia myths. For Chase to close it all out with such a skilfully-executed blend of those key themes was a great note on which to end it.

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    most people want a story. a good story has a beginning, middle and an end. there was no definitive ending. it left a lot of people disappointed, and i can understand. ending on a choose you own ending is a bit of a cop out.

    Have you been auditing MikeSeiversNikes class? I hate this 'A good story has an ending...' crap. There are no definitive formulas for a good story, and we should want writing that breaks new ground as far as form and language.

    The ending to this series was brilliant, in that it will be debated forever; he found the way to end the show that will keep it alive forever.

    I ask- is it the responsibility of a show to have an ending that wraps everything up? Does it affect the previous 85.9 hours? I say no....What does the show owe you? What does art owe you?

  • kitchenknightkitchenknight 4,922 Posts
    I would just like to add that while I pretty much mean what I said in that last post, it came out a lot harsher than I meant it to. Call me a little tired and hungover.

  • Chase did this dumbed down culture a service & most viewers don't appreciate it,
    but then again I was among the minority who thought Part 1 of Season Six
    was up to Soprano standards (I revisited "The Ride" last night where Paulie sees The Virgin Mary at The Bing.)

    Back to the finale:
    In keeping with homage to The Godfather, was that an orange "T" was eating when he
    visited his family at their hideaway?

    As much as I can't stand Perry & company, there was no better way to go out than that slice of Americana. It ain't hurting Perry's pockets either. Check this out:

    So far this week, Journey's sales on iTunes have had an envigorating spike, with their Greatest Hits reaching number 17 in the top albums category. "Don't Stop Believing" is fluctuating around the top 25 songs. Journey sales on are up 139%.

    But to me, the song I want on my iTunes is Running Wild by Tindersticks as used on the final scene of The Blue Comet. I found the original version, but the extended is a little harder to come by. Any promising leads?

    Anybody catch Sally O'Malley at The Bing on SNL last night . Check it out on youtube before they yank it.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    the song I want on my iTunes is Running Wild by Tindersticks as used on the final scene of The Blue Comet. I found the original version, but the extended is a little harder to come by. Any promising leads?

    it shouldn't be hard to track down a copy, off their 'my oblivion' ep, online
    here's a link in the meanswhile

  • Thanks!
    The music is making my Sopranos withdrawl easier to deal with

  • UnherdUnherd 1,880 Posts
    some idiot on the HBO boards spoiled the whole season with an episode by episode description of what happens

    im an idiot for reading the shit


    I studiously avoided the temptation to check this out all season. Now Im too lazy to track it down. Did that dude really have the goods? Link?

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts

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  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    Hahahaha! Steve Perry 'n 'em are gonna need a U-Haul for their synch money at this rate.

  • Anyone read this? Pretty intense.
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