Strut Race Police Related: Pimps and Hos parties



  • saddam hussein isnt dead. THEY KILLED HIS CLONE!!!![/b]

    just a lil fyi for ya

  • i have been telling my boy to go legit and get them off the track go legal pimp/ho bidness.
    a smart pimp never has to hit his ho. if she cant work then what ?
    he wants them to more ways then one.

    i always read these racial debates yall get say the least its good reading.

  • kwalitykwality 620 Posts
    I went to a white trash party. Both the fake kind and the real kind.

    Then one day I came home and all these hillbillies were in my goddam house, wearing my clothes, and even drinking my good beer and alcohol. I was like "What the fuck are you doing??" and they said "we're having an upper middle class party."

    true story.

    That's some funny shit. Personally I think that having a themed party indicates your friends are pretty lame and that they need to be someone else in order to have a good time. Harvey Kietel in Taxi Driver has been my favourite pimp. Is that racist?

  • holy moly i just googled AND wikipedianed bum boy. is that some dark ages word or is it like a canadian thing? cuz i never done heard that one before.

  • he wants them to more ways then one.

    Right--drug addiction and physical assault being the primary means of doing this.

    Which is why this thread is so embarrassing--when people get upset over these parties from a racial standpoint instead of the glorification of treating women like property.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    I don't really have strong opinions about theme parties one way or the other.

    But I was in a 2nd hand clothing store the other evening with my lovely wife admiring the awful blazers that they had. Truly ugly shit. And I turned to HJ and said "We should have an ugly blazer party". And she said "mm-hm".

    Guzzo, do you remember how you got to bed on new years? (no ayo).

  • I would go to an ugly blazer party in a heartbeat!

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    About 6 years ago 'Mr. Leather San Diego" and his slave came to my halloween party in their award winning party time attire. Thats probably some of the funniest shit I've ever seen.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    You don't have to be ultra-sensitive or smarter than the average bear to see what is actually being mocked.

    And how do you know what is actually being mocked? That's a rather shaky statement to make, especially in the midst of a critique of stereotyping.

    Since you've provided some insight on the logic of the people who attend these parties--all of whom are obviously out to defame black people--perhaps you might also speak on the rampant use of "The Wire" avatars on Soul Strut. It seems a bit paradoxical to me that you would critique black appropriation while representing yourself through an image of blackness.

    Ok, you are right. I can't say with absolute certainty, I am merely drawing a conclusion regarding this type of behavior. I maintain, however, that my conclusion is correct, wether or not it the people's express intent to mock, mockery it is.

    Mocking and defaming are not always the same, and I never said that people went out of their way to defame anyone. However, if you can't see how inane or offensive a Pimp/Ho party might be, you defame yourself.

    Secondly, the Wire avatars come out of a specific thread here on the strut, do a search, I am sure you'll find it easily. It was borne out of a mass-appreciation for a show that tackles issues of race and class adventurously, intelligently and without apology. If it offends you that I, a White male, am comfortable enough to 'identify' however superficially with a character who is Black, I cannot offer you any explanation. And for the record, I was NEVER critiquing 'black appropriation', I was critiquing ignorance and bad taste. Not 'good' bad taste, but bad taste and poor judgement that will lose you friends and maybe even get some of these retards a double helping of knuckle sandwhich under the wrong circumstances!

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    I agree that the image of the pimp being
    portrayed in these costumes is definitely
    connected to a stereotype of Black culture,
    and invites behavior even MORE questionable
    than the simple idea of "dressing up like a
    pimp for fun" which is pretty pathetic in
    the first place...

    ...however, I do have to mention that when I
    used to work by the "combat zone" in Boston,
    I saw a bunch of white pimps - yes, most of
    them looked like townie/tracksuit/undercover
    cop types, but there were a few that were fully
    in a Willie Dynamite style, driving a Rolls and
    wearing furs and the whole 9...seeing a big
    redheaded Irish dude in a fur coat with a huge
    brim fedora and a chick on each arm on the street
    and knowing he really was a pimp was odd...anyway,
    point is, yes, the "look" is connected with a
    lame stereotype, but real pimps of all races play into
    that stereotype and sport the look.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    You know, the places I have lived in the last 25 years, Portland, Seattle, Syracuse I rarely see streetwalkers dressed as whores (unless they are transvestites), or pimps dressed as pimps. Most of them, that I have seen, try to keep a low profile.

    Now in LA everybody from whores to bakers to bankers dress the part all the way. In LA I felt like even the guy panhandling was hoping to get cast.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Guzzo, do you remember how you got to bed on new years? (no ayo).

    sadly, i do

  • izm707izm707 1,107 Posts

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    I think you're all making a mountain out of a molehill.

    of course you won't admit to it but... i'll bet money that you are one of those dudes on craigslist rants and raves posting racist shit about minorities while hiding behind your computer.

    What a stupid thing to say.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I think you're all making a mountain out of a molehill.

    of course you won't admit to it but... i'll bet money that you are one of those dudes on craigslist rants and raves posting racist shit about minorities while hiding behind your computer.

    What a stupid thing to say.

    I was wondering if anyone was going to comment on that.

  • JimsterJimster 6,938 Posts
    They had a James Bond theme to my client's Christmas party. Places here have Bad Taste Wardrobe nights. Tarts (Hoes) and Vicars nights. 70's porn-star dress stag nights. No drama or debates of racism before/after...

    Perhaps it's just an excuse to dress up funny in some fancy over-the-top clothes?

    Or is that too simple?

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,850 Posts
    They had a James Bond theme to my client's Christmas party. Places here have Bad Taste Wardrobe nights. Tarts (Hoes) and Vicars nights. 70's porn-star dress stag nights. No drama or debates of racism before/after...

    Perhaps it's just an excuse to dress up funny in some fancy over-the-top clothes?

    Or is that too simple?

    I think the parties are just an excuse to dress up (or dress down, as the case may be). However, my issue is that no one seems to appreciate that the theme inappropriately plays on racial stereotypes. I don't think it points to the party-goers' racism, but an unacceptable insensitivity to issues of race.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    They had a James Bond theme to my client's Christmas party. Places here have Bad Taste Wardrobe nights. Tarts (Hoes) and Vicars nights. 70's porn-star dress stag nights. No drama or debates of racism before/after...

    Perhaps it's just an excuse to dress up funny in some fancy over-the-top clothes?

    Or is that too simple?

    I think the parties are just an excuse to dress up (or dress down, as the case may be). However, my issue is that no one seems to appreciate that the theme inappropriately plays on racial stereotypes. I don't think it points to the party-goers' racism, but an unacceptable insensitivity to issues of race.


  • hemolhemol 2,578 Posts

    Mocking and defaming are not always the same, and I never said that people went out of their way to defame anyone. However, if you can't see how inane or offensive a Pimp/Ho party might be, you defame yourself.

    Of course I see that it's an offensive thing, but almost any kind of appropriation can be read as offensive if you take enough history into account. My point is that any time one person who is not of a specific social group takes on attributes of that social group it can be read as offensive, which is why I pointed out your avatar. You don't think that it's offensive to use that avatar, but there are probably black fundamentalists who would take offense at it. I'm not saying that you, or I, are wrong or right--just pointing out a mechanical aspect of the issue.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    You don't think that it's offensive to use that avatar, but there are probably black fundamentalists who would take offense at it.

    What, exactly, do you think a "black fundamentalist" is?

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    You don't think that it's offensive to use that avatar, but there are probably black fundamentalists who would take offense at it.

    What, exactly, do you think a "black fundamentalist" is?


  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts
    someone explain 'james bond theme' - dudes wear suits and girls dress hot? is there more to it?

  • Of course I see that it's an offensive thing, but almost any kind of appropriation can be read as offensive if you take enough history into account. My point is that any time one person who is not of a specific social group takes on attributes of that social group it can be read as offensive, which is why I pointed out your avatar. You don't think that it's offensive to use that avatar, but there are probably black fundamentalists who would take offense at it. I'm not saying that you, or I, are wrong or right--just pointing out a mechanical aspect of the issue.

    Your sophistry lacks sophistication.

    PS LaserWolf and Birdman9 are dropping tonnes of knowledge in this thread.

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    If you live in America post on soulstrut and don???t think about race, two things are true: you???re white, and you???re a racist.

    I really don't get where your coming from. Why do you hate people on soulstrut who care about racism? Is it just that you like to start beefs? Is that you hate the focus on racism (toward Blacks) because it diminishes (in your mind) your own victimization as a Jew?

    I agree that pimp & ho party's are a bad look, but you sound like a self-hating Jew.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    I am going to end my participation here with a simple story.

    This past Halloween night, I was coming home from work. I live in DC, and at the time, was in the habit of taking the Metro train to Rhode Island ave station to then catch a bus home (which is near South Dakota Ave NE and Rhode Island Ave NE). For those unaware, DC is a predominantly Black city. More to the point, RI Metro station, as a destination is overwhelmingly Black, even for DC. In other words, I am not used to seeing groups of young, college aged White people getting off at the station, let alone getting on a bus. It stands out in my memory, because it is uncommon. This group was duded up in Halloween costumes, probably heading to a party somewhere. One young man was in full black Afro wig. They were doing their best to act as though they were in normal clothes and that they didn't notice the hard stares and shaking heads, but they clearly felt uncomfortable. They knew it asn't the prom dress one girl was wearing, or the funny colored wig and makeup another girl was rocking, no, they knew many of the regular bus riders were offended by their friend's costume. He was supposed to be a Black dude. As a COSTUME. On a bus full of actual black men and women and children, what do you think the reaction is going to be?

    Do I think the kid is a racist? No, but clueless.
    Did those folks on the bus think he's a racist? Maybe some, most probably thought he was an idiot who didn't know where he was.
    Would the same thing have happened on a bus full of White people? No, he probably would have gotten some well-meaning know-it-all fellow White collegian dress him down for being a racist!
    Should Afro wigs be allowed to be sold to White folks? Sure.

  • deejdeej 5,125 Posts

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    If you live in America post on soulstrut and don???t think about race, two things are true: you???re white, and you???re a racist.

    I really don't get where your coming from. Why do you hate people on soulstrut who care about racism? Is it just that you like to start beefs? Is that you hate the focus on racism (toward Blacks) because it diminishes (in your mind) your own victimization as a Jew?

    I agree that pimp & ho party's are a bad look, but you sound like a self-hating Jew.

    I'm not, and I wasn't trying to sound that way.

    I am trying to figure out why Guz always tries to start beefs in these threads. When racism is pointed out I never hear him speak out against it. I always hear him try to turn it around to attack those who do speak out against racism.

    This is in stark contrast to the way he approaches issues of anti-Semitism and Israeli policies.

    I know that A is a nice guy who likes to dig for cool records and is far kinder than his posts here would indicate.

    I really would like to know where he is coming from in his posts attacking people who have pointed out the offensiveness of these parties.

    I too am a lot nicer guy than my posts would indicate. I don't live my life getting into beefs with people over political disagreements. I've found that most people want what they believe is best for their Country and the world, and I respect that and let it go.

  • Would the same thing have happened on a bus full of White people? No, he probably would have gotten some well-meaning know-it-all fellow White collegian dress him down for being a racist!

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    If you live in America post on soulstrut and don???t think about race, two things are true: you???re white, and you???re a racist.

    I really don't get where your coming from. Why do you hate people on soulstrut who care about racism? Is it just that you like to start beefs? Is that you hate the focus on racism (toward Blacks) because it diminishes (in your mind) your own victimization as a Jew?

    I agree that pimp & ho party's are a bad look, but you sound like a self-hating Jew.

    I'm not, and I wasn't trying to sound that way.

    I am trying to figure out why Guz always tries to start beefs in these threads. When racism is pointed out I never hear him speak out against it. I always hear him try to turn it around to attack those who do speak out against racism.

    This is in stark contrast to the way he approaches issues of anti-Semitism and Israeli policies.

    I know that A is a nice guy who likes to dig for cool records and is far kinder than his posts here would indicate.

    I really would like to know where he is coming from in his posts attacking people who have pointed out the offensiveness of these parties.

    I too am a lot nicer guy than my posts would indicate. I don't live my life getting into beefs with people over political disagreements. I've found that most people want what they believe is best for their Country and the world, and I respect that and let it go.

    I'm not trying to start a beef at all, if anything I'm trying to step away from this, I ignored your earlier comment cause it looked like you were trying to rile me up and arguing over the legitimacy of a pimp and ho party is hardly worthwhile.

    My doctoring of the already doctored quote above was done cause I think its an outragous statement that would only fly amongst of guilty feeling upper middle class whiteboys, it was done in humor.

    In all seriousness though, I do believe there is a guilt vibe amongst many of the more vocal strutters dealing with racism towards blacks. I mean having a costume party based on the idea of having fun at the expense of pimps and ho's has been turned into a cry against minstrel type partying. It's a bit much. Same could be said for 10+ pages about a stand up comedian melting down on stage and spitting out the N word (especially when that same comedian made derogatory statements toward Jews in a previous audience that no one seemed to care about)

    However what is really insane is all the championing of rappers portraying the most stereotypical lowest common denominators on here. I don't see how anyone can claim a moral high ground on costume parties and support rappers who degrade women and praise selling crack.

    If people want to flip out that???s fine, but none of them should be surprised when others see a situation differently or when someone contrasts the outrage with the love of ignorance masking itself under art.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    If you live in America post on soulstrut and don???t think about race, two things are true: you???re white, and you???re a racist.

    I really don't get where your coming from. Why do you hate people on soulstrut who care about racism? Is it just that you like to start beefs? Is that you hate the focus on racism (toward Blacks) because it diminishes (in your mind) your own victimization as a Jew?

    I agree that pimp & ho party's are a bad look, but you sound like a self-hating Jew.

    I'm not, and I wasn't trying to sound that way.

    I am trying to figure out why Guz always tries to start beefs in these threads. When racism is pointed out I never hear him speak out against it. I always hear him try to turn it around to attack those who do speak out against racism.

    This is in stark contrast to the way he approaches issues of anti-Semitism and Israeli policies.

    I know that A is a nice guy who likes to dig for cool records and is far kinder than his posts here would indicate.

    I really would like to know where he is coming from in his posts attacking people who have pointed out the offensiveness of these parties.

    I too am a lot nicer guy than my posts would indicate. I don't live my life getting into beefs with people over political disagreements. I've found that most people want what they believe is best for their Country and the world, and I respect that and let it go.

    I'm not trying to start a beef at all, if anything I'm trying to step away from this, I ignored your earlier comment cause it looked like you were trying to rile me up and arguing over the legitimacy of a pimp and ho party is hardly worthwhile.

    My doctoring of the already doctored quote above was done cause I think its an outragous statement that would only fly amongst of guilty feeling upper middle class whiteboys, it was done in humor.

    In all seriousness though, I do believe there is a guilt vibe amongst many of the more vocal strutters dealing with racism towards blacks. I mean having a costume party based on the idea of having fun at the expense of pimps and ho's has been turned into a cry against minstrel type partying. It's a bit much. Same could be said for 10+ pages about a stand up comedian melting down on stage and spitting out the N word (especially when that same comedian made derogatory statements toward Jews in a previous audience that no one seemed to care about)

    However what is really insane is all the championing of rappers portraying the most stereotypical lowest common denominators on here. I don't see how anyone can claim a moral high ground on a costume parties and support rappers who degrade women and praise selling crack.

    If people want to flip out that???s fine, but none of them should be surprised when other see a situation differently or when someone contrasts the outrage with the love of ignorance masking itself under art.

    Thanks. One reason for these multipage threads is the way we sound to others, is very different from what we are trying to say.

    The other reason is you and I and others are not satisfied with saying; "yeah, P&H parties=NAGL". A statement everyone agrees with. We, all of us collegiate long winded types, have our own agendas we try to air out in these threads.
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