White Rappers (VH1 Crapfest Related)



  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    I'm trying to understand the Prison beds

  • empanadamnempanadamn 1,462 Posts
    I'm trying to understand the Prison beds

    nothing to understand. it's budget. it's ikea:

    i have it on disc if anyone wants to want watch it in NYC. holler at me hollalooyahollaback!

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    I'm trying to understand the Prison beds

    nothing to understand. it's budget. it's ikea:


    But Serch did say "straight outta Rikers...we got the inmate spots" ...Hopefully this wasn't some weird concept ...............
    ...............but wait...then there's the craps table.....oh well.. nevermind

  • empanadamnempanadamn 1,462 Posts

    But Serch did say "straight outta Rikers...we got the inmate spots" ...Hopefully this wasn't some weird concept ...............
    ...............but wait...then there's the craps table.....oh well.. nevermind

    i'm sure he was joking. ikea hardly holds up in the home. definitely wouldn't hold up in prison.
    i did notice though that they made them look kinda worn / rusted.


    does it take someone who's from the outside (i.e. not white) to notice this?

    i want that shit in MY house.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    i've never seen this show and i can't find it on my listings. when is it on?

    is this Persia?

    she was all over sage francis' blog comments a few months ago when he wrote an ass-hurt open letter to serch about how upset this show made him. unsurprisingly, serch never responded to that open letter.

    The fact that its making sage francis mad must mean that the show is worth checking out, so im gonna check for it.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    For those who missed this piece of television history:

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    How come nobody has mentioned Brent Rollins? Dude is mad thorough on the art direction. I'm just trying to pick out all the little things he has added his personal touch on in the house.

    I want to walk through the place and look at everything. The white girl in tee + mayo is great.

    For all the idiotic catch phrases, John Brown surprised me when it came time to dropping a verse. Dude can surprsingly hold his own.

  • For all the idiotic catch phrases, John Brown surprised me when it came time to dropping a verse. Dude can surprsingly hold his own.

    Agreed. It's like he's pullin' a rope-a-dope on everyone.

  • i love this show but I haven't heard one verse on this show that "can hold its own"

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    How come nobody has mentioned Brent Rollins? Dude is mad thorough on the art direction. I'm just trying to pick out all the little things he has added his personal touch on in the house.

    Oh, definitely. Personally, I find it hilarious for some reason that their two vehicles are called "Tha Van" and "Tha Other Van."

    Somebody on another board called Jus Rhyme a "Berkeley rapper." I thought that was fuckin' funny.

  • i just like hearing Serch say "its time for you to step off". someone needs to make a graemlin.

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,471 Posts
    i just like hearing Serch say "its time for you to step off". someone needs to make a graemlin.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    these clowns couldn't even pick out "shook ones" in the 'know your old school' quiz

    i agree with sullee that the 'how well do you know black people trivia' family feud style was an incredibly bad look

    paul wall lookalike is

    3 episodes in, the show is still solid

  • That dude is from DAVIS CALIFORNIA[/b]. Seriously it's a college town that is pretty much dead during the summer/school breaks. I spent a lot of time there visiting an ex-girlfriend...trust me.

    I'm from Davis too but I never met John Brown--he's 5 years younger than me. I'm gonna have my little brother check his yearbooks and see if this guy is in them.

    I gotta say though, I love my home town. It's a good place to grow up: good schools and safe streets. It's unfortunate that John Brown can't seem to correctly represent anywhere/anything all that accurately. I don't believe he's from anywhere. He appears to be nothing more than a confused media manifestation ("entity"--lol) that speaks in poorly assembled cliches and soundbites. Please don't let yutzez like this one misrepresent Davis.


    I luuuurrrrv Davis. Haters please to fall back.

    That said, there is NO "Section 8 housing" to speak of within the Davis city limits as far as I can tell. My guess is his boys in this video are from Sac or something.

    But the show is funny. "You've got MAYO" is graemlin-worthy for sure. And Affirmative Reaction was funny.

    Some of the dudes can spit sorta I guess. But the Vanilla Ice girl? Man she was a joke.

  • "Stevie Wonder vision"

  • I hope a torrent for episode 3 is up sometime today

  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts
    crapfest indeed.

    i finally watched this unadulterated pap. the episode where g-girl (whatever the fuck her name was) got canned. she was wack anyway. it seems to me that they were all pretty wack. i hate it when kids talk like they're hard or from some place they're not. talking like bonz malone used to write - and thank god i haven't seen his name on shit in a long hot minute... my serious love of hip hop culture and purist attitude keeps me from truly enjoying this show. i struggle with that attitude. i can see why people like it (unlike young jeezy) and it does incorporate real hip hop heads. but isn't this just a marketing and packaging of hip hop and black culture stereotypes? yeah, they even did the game show (ala chappelle show) to see who knew black culture the best out of the crew. weak. my hypocrital side will be sitting there next week watching it (against my purist side's best attempts to look away in disgust) with my friends and sporting the freshest screwface money can't buy. i might even enjoy it, but i won't want to.

    its like that, and thats the way it is!

  • noznoz 3,625 Posts
    how bout some spoiler warnings fuck face?

  • Yo Mao....this show is off the hook. loving it.Same way i did when puffy had making the band with chopper and the walk to juniors cheesecake shit.
    seeing BrandNubian was dope. i never saw the 1st 2 episodes... cant believe g childs idol was vanilla ice.

  • billbradleybillbradley You want BBQ sauce? Get the fuck out of my house. 2,896 Posts
    i just like hearing Serch say "its time for you to step off". someone needs to make a graemlin.

  • kicks79kicks79 1,335 Posts
    This show is gold for so many reasons. Mainly due to the fact that so many people don't understand where the ego trip guys are comming from.

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    i just like hearing Serch say "its time for you to step off". someone needs to make a graemlin.

    if there's one setback, it doesn't accentuate the 'STEP OFF' enough. serch really belts it out

  • sticky_dojahsticky_dojah New York City. 2,136 Posts
    This show is crazy. Like all them little details like when they were battling in episode 2, the thing with the "bad psa"?! Next level...can someone pullleeeze you tube the third episode? I'm fiending....wanna see that!!

  • haha

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    That graemlin is mega-necessary.

    And seriously, people hating on the show tend to miss the point completely (as noted by someone a few posts up). I think what's brilliant about WRS is that it works at two levels: it's a decent reality show in terms of what we expect from reality show - hilarious characters, notable quotables (John Brown has this on lock), basically water-cooler-shit. But it's also a subtle (or perhaps not so subtle) treatise on race, hip-hop, whiteness, etc. that's far more sophisticated than a lot of haters realize.

    Alas, one cannot say the same about "I'm With Rolling Stone" which is basically a crapfest no matter how you deconstruct it.

    By the way, I just had lunch yesterday with one of Jus Rhymes' advisors at USC and he assures me that Jus is actually a lot smarter than he comes off on the show.

  • The best part is how they have to put subtitles whenever Misfit speaks... leading to her apparently saying other contestants were "taking a piss at themselves" when she actually said "taking the piss out of themselves". Good times.

  • scebasceba 122 Posts
    episode 3 is up.

    episode 3 part 1

    edit. oh shit! next episode is featuring kool keith, that's gotta be entertainment!

  • whoever is hating on this show is missing the whole point- and I'll cosign odub's observation on the art design. NEXT LEVEL.

    ANyway, if you catch this in time, Bushwick BIll is the guest star tonight. Tune In.

  • This show is gold for so many reasons. Mainly due to the fact that so many people don't understand where the ego trip guys are comming from.

  • But it's also a treatise on race, hip-hop, whiteness, etc.

    please be serious.

    while I agree much of the humor is over the heads of much of the audience, and certainly the inside industry jokes and cameos are lost on 90% of the audience....a treatise it is not.

    a treatise would seem to me to require a thesis and some sort of development of said thesis. this show is a collection of observations: many of them hilarious, some of them important. but treatise? take that to gradschooloveranalysis.com.
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