White Rappers (VH1 Crapfest Related)



  • but damn these guys SUCKED on the radio show. I mean, isn't nerdy freestyle rapping about random objects presented to you by bystanders like the wannabe white rapper specialty!?!? and yet they dropped some of the lamest shit I have ever heard.

    Jus and Brown's dinner with NORE was mad pathetic, too.


    He was like, "Shamrock, do you mind if I pull this one for you, PAUSE?"

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    as far as a (white) rapper, persia was NOT all that. she seemed like a cool chick that knows whats what, and that's it. she didn't shine on the mic once in the whole show. the retard john brown outshined her and clowned her deftly for only having 3 verses.

    and not to toot or nothing but, ahem...

    too early prediction:

    in the brief footage of the goofy, diamond toothed dude from atlanta, he looked like he has the competition on lock

  • Oh schitt!!!


    ...officially needs to be replaced with that dude licking shots at the end of his thug rhyme! BLAOW! BLAOW! BLAOW!

    Serch: "That rhyme was HORRIBLE."

  • Damn it..I watched the first 3 episodes on youtube but it seems they got taken down..anyone got a link where i can watch the following episodes?

  • Damn it..I watched the first 3 episodes on youtube but it seems they got taken down..anyone got a link where i can watch the following episodes?

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    I was watching along on youtube too. I just caught episode 5 on the show's page on the VH1 site last night. You click for highlights and it shows these 3 1/2 minute clips all the way through. This show makes me laugh a lot.

  • Anyone catch last night's episode? I'm trying to remember what line Jus Rhyme said in that battle....when he ended with a triumphant "Ohhhhh!!", only to see the crowd give out a unanimous

    It was hard for the end to be suspenseful because Serch hasn't made it a secret that he thinks Jus Rhyme is a complete corn-ball. Even when the detroit rappers tried to give him props for his "energy", Serch jumped in and said something about how garbage he was. John Brown has got to get the most improved award, although i really can't see him f*cking with my boy Hairlip in the finals.

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts
    Anyone catch last night's episode? I'm trying to remember what line Jus Rhyme said in that battle....when he ended with a triumphant "Ohhhhh!!", only to see the crowd give out a unanimous
    That shit was hilarious. It reminded me of the Chapelle's Show episode when the dude in the barber shop was freestylin and gave himself an "Ohhh!". I thought it was hilarious that at the beginning of the show Jus Rhyme had given up his grad school fellowship to pursue his rap career.

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts

    I have countless memories and ticket stubs of amazing shows and experiences at St. Andrew's Hall. It was good to see it get some shine on a national level last night. That place is iconic.

  • DJ_ZestDJ_Zest 252 Posts

    I have countless memories and ticket stubs of amazing shows and experiences at St. Andrew's Hall. It was good to see it get some shine on a national level last night. That place is iconic.

    Hell yeah! Both Word of Mouth Tours were the SCHITT!
    Although one time we drove 5 hours from TC to see X-ecutioners and Heiro, and the sound guy wasn't hookin the X-ecututioners up on the monitor or levels or something and they all got pissed and left the stage with out doing any scratchin... I said whaddup to Raida later on, he was pissed tho...
    One other fav. time was when this ugly groupie was tryin to get up on the J5 tour bus, my line for her was:
    "hey the call me 2na too!"
    DJ Zest

  • Anyone catch last night's episode?

    real weak cameos this time (which is like 90% of the reason I watch this show).

    I want hairlip to win, but the bottom line is dude cannot freestyle. not that John Brown is a freestyling master or anything, but I fear that if the final challenge involves some off-the-head rhyming, hairlip will fail.

    all in all I have been really underwhelmed by the freestyling abilities of these guys. don't we all on this board know white guys that are better off-the-head (nohomo) than these guys? I know I do.

    and how in the hell was Jus Rhymes NOT gonna bring up the fact that his battle opponent lost to Eminem in some famous battle? I mean, dude had a clown-ready backstory that Serch filled Jus in (nohomo) on and he still failed to mention it.

  • DJ_ZestDJ_Zest 252 Posts
    ??I fear that if the final challenge involves some off-the-head rhyming, hairlip will fail.??

    It looked like they were doing a concert/show for the grand finale, the snippet of next week showed them both rhyming, maybe their own rhymes, not freestyle???
    I think Shamrock will win... BUT that John Brown will be the next 50!
    DJ Zest

  • bluesnagbluesnag 1,285 Posts

    and how in the hell was Jus Rhymes NOT gonna bring up the fact that his battle opponent lost to Eminem in some famous battle? I mean, dude had a clown-ready backstory that Serch filled Jus in (nohomo) on and he still failed to mention it.

    Cause Jus Rhyme believes he can battle people without degrading or clowning them! remember when he said that? that dude is such a fucking idiot.

  • why the fuck would anyone want to revive the ghetto?? peace, stein. . .

  • Cause Jus Rhyme believes he can battle people without degrading or clowning them! remember when he said that? that dude is such a fucking idiot.

    oh yeah forgot he said that. what a moron. poor people unite!

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    It reminded me of the Chapelle's Show episode when the dude in the barber shop was freestylin and gave himself an "Ohhh!". I thought it was hilarious that at the beginning of the show Jus Rhyme had given up his grad school fellowship to pursue his rap career.

    Except that the guy on C.S. came off with a better set of rhymes than Jus ever managed.

    It's a miracle to me Jus Rhymes managed to make it to the final three. I know a few folks at USC who know him - one of my old mentors is actually one of his advisors (along with Todd Boyd, predictably) and says that dude is "the real deal" as an activist/scholar. He avoided commenting on Jus' rhymes skills however.

  • It's a miracle to ME Jus Rhymes managed to make it to the final three.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    It's a miracle to ME Jus Rhymes managed to make it to the final three.

    But yo - his smoke is dangerous!

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts
    Didn't he say at the end of the episode that he lost some scholarship/grant award while on appearing on the show?

  • I know a few folks at USC who know him - one of my old mentors is actually one of his advisors (along with Todd Boyd, predictably) and says that dude is "the real deal" as an activist/scholar.

    you have said this before and I AM NOT BUYING IT. post his thesis or you are soft!

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I know a few folks at USC who know him - one of my old mentors is actually one of his advisors (along with Todd Boyd, predictably) and says that dude is "the real deal" as an activist/scholar.

    you have said this before and I AM NOT BUYING IT. post his thesis or you are soft!

    Oops, didnt mean to repeat myself.

    I'm scared to read his thesis.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    It's a miracle to ME Jus Rhymes managed to make it to the final three.


    I am stuck a few episodes back still. Why did they disappear from Youtube again?

  • I know a few folks at USC who know him - one of my old mentors is actually one of his advisors (along with Todd Boyd, predictably) and says that dude is "the real deal" as an activist/scholar.

    you have said this before and I AM NOT BUYING IT. post his thesis or you are soft!

    Oops, didnt mean to repeat myself.

    I'm scared to read his thesis.

    It has to do with getting BEHIND the Black folks.

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    Why did they disappear from Youtube again?


  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Why did they disappear from Youtube again?

    Legally, I understand the deal but I'm bummed "She's a Stunna" is no longer available for the general public's viewing pleasure.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Jus Rhyme had me cringing last night. How are you gonna battle someone gently??
    His lack of self awareness is baffling. He seems like a good dude who means well, but he is definitley not built for this.

    I want Shamrock to win, but I have a feeling Hallelujah Holla Back might take it.

  • PonyPony 2,283 Posts
    Just watched episode 7, the battles were terrible, even the rappers from D were pretty weak.

    ...and why did the sound tech just throw random beats over top of the freestyles, that was hard to listen too, get some rhythm guy, sheesh!

    I'm wondering why better rappers didn't enter this thing, $100G is more than you'll win in any street/pro battle, someone like Iron Solomon could have swept this thing.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Why did they disappear from Youtube again?

    Ah. For some reason i was under the impression that Ego Trip or VH1 were the ones putting these up a'la SNL deciding what goes on. I guess it woulnd't have mattered whether it was them or not with Uncle Viacom getting everything pulled anyhow.

    Thanks for the link.

  • even the rappers from D were pretty weak.

    I'm wondering why better rappers didn't enter this thing

    word. I think anyone of us could pluck at random a baggy-jean-wearing hip-hop head from a random college dorm in any major US city and prolly end up with a better rhymer than these guys.

    and these guys were allowed to write out their battle rhymes 24 hours in advance and submit them for critique from Serch! and they still sucked.

    Shit I could have won this show.
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