White Rappers (VH1 Crapfest Related)

Seriously, I try to skip really fast over VH1, but sometimes it catches my eye. Apperently MC Serch is hosting a show called "White Rappers" or some title to that affect. It starts tonight and for some reason, I think I might tune in. I'll watch until my eyes/ears hurt so bad that I have to soak my head in cold running water. They killed Flavor Flav for me, can white boys be next? I hope not. That would kill ussss, preciousssss! KILL USSSSS!
how did you get your soulstrut so tan?
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Me too. I forget you can change the colors on here. If I'm bored or I ever smoke weed again maybe I'll get my hypercolor on.
I'm definitley watching these fools son themselves tonight tho.
holy shit!!!!!
"i'm an entity"
the ghetto revival
the avril lavigne lookin vanilla ice fan
more prince paul
(what exactly does that mean?)
chick from the uk is
Paul Brown got some serious brain damage or sumthing. King of the Burbs?!?!? Ha ha ha!
Whatever, white trash is funny.
i love new york
nah, king of the burbs is taking it with the ghetto revival. hahaha.
That's my old room-mate from Brooklyn.
Not to mention that suspicious shadow comin out of her skirt/crotch!
Welcome to our world.
You mad, son?
You sound like a frustrated white rapper.
you should come watch it next week at jenny d's house - all the big quarters dudes were over there watching.