late registration - 5 stars in rolling stone



  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts
    to go for the 50=bad, kanye=good approach is not just ignorant, it's downright lazy.

    Isn't that most people though? Rolling Stone / Time / People magazine is the CNN of the masses.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    since when did what rolling stone say about ANYTHING rap related matter?

    never. but it is a fairly good gauge of how the powerful/retarded music media is leaning.

    on a related publications-that-should-never-discuss-rap note, dorm room taste-makers pitchforkmedia are shitting their pants over this record as well.

    " It's not sales; it's souls."

    yeah i thought that was hilarious. that website makes me what to never read music writing again.

    Well, most of the stuff I have read there looks like the writers only began listening to music a few years ago, let alone read any music writing themselves.

  • So who would you put on the cover of TIME?

    now that's funny!

  • Does Kayne = Norah Jones in 2005?????????

    Yes. This will be the biggest record of the year.

    Last time out he sold nearly three million copies with, initially, a minimum of promotion.

    This time all your parents are gonna buy his record, too.

    there is simply absolutely no fu*&ing way 50 something white america will buy into this.

    the NIGGUHS! will still have them running for cover. peace, stein.

  • BeardedDBeardedD 770 Posts
    The bottom line is, that bear is CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    if it's a role model issue, why not look at a jay-z and feature how they've turned their poverty into art into a legitimate business. or commend "unknown regional and southern" hip hop for remaining one of the last great indigenously unique forms of american art in an almost entirely globalized and commodified entertainment industry. there's so many perspectives for which to consider the genre. to go for the 50=bad, kanye=good approach is not just ignorant, it's downright lazy.

    I agree.

    I think the question is not "What current rapper would you prefer to see on the cover of Time?" but rather "Couldn't Time have found some rappers other than Kanye and Lauryn to put on their cover at some point over the course of the past 25 years?"


    Public Enemy?


    Master P?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    Does Kayne = Norah Jones in 2005?????????

    Yes. This will be the biggest record of the year.

    Last time out he sold nearly three million copies with, initially, a minimum of promotion.

    This time all your parents are gonna buy his record, too.
    there is simply absolutely no fu*&ing way 50 something white america will buy into this.

    the NIGGUHS! will still have them running for cover. peace, stein.

    Oh yes they will.

    While dropping off my laundry this morning, I saw a commercial for it running on the Regis Phillbin show. What's the target demographic for that? 60-something white America?

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    While dropping off my laundry this morning, I saw a commercial for it running on the Regis Phillbin show.

    Are your paralegals and housekeepers on vacation or something, why is the Young Regatta dropping off his laundry?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    While dropping off my laundry this morning, I saw a commercial for it running on the Regis Phillbin show.

    Are your paralegals and housekeepers on vacation or something, why is the Young Regatta dropping off his laundry?

    Haven't we discussed this already?

    The Young Regatta's schedule is too fast-paced and erratic to allow him to sit around waiting for the service to come and pick up his laundry, so he drops it off on the way to work.

    Another thing that the Young Regatta's schedule is too fast-paced and erratic to accomodate is discussing his laundry with you poptarts more than once.

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts

    RUN-DMC? - see below

    Public Enemy? - controversial theme and not to mention the anti-jewish remarks of professor griff

    N.W.A.? - f*** the police?

    Master P? - not clean enough...

    "They say we're putting out bad messages to the kids," Run told Rolling Stone in the issue that featured Run-D.M.C. as the magazine's first hip-hop cover artists. "Our image is clean, man. Kids beat each other's heads every day. They are fighting because they were fighting before I was born ?? we're role models." Despite the unfortunate incidents, Run-D.M.C. continued to mount massive tours with acts like their former prot??g??s the Beastie Boys (whose rowdy License to Ill eventually eclipsed Raising Hell in album sales) and Public Enemy. They also starred in advertisements for Adidas and Coca-Cola and donated a memorable track, "Christmas in Hollis," to the Very Special Christmas compilation."

    Cover of Rolling Stone...close enough I think.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    RUN-DMC? - see below

    Public Enemy? - controversial theme and not to mention the anti-jewish remarks of professor griff

    N.W.A.? - f*** the police?

    Master P? - not clean enough...

    "They say we're putting out bad messages to the kids," Run told Rolling Stone in the issue that featured Run-D.M.C. as the magazine's first hip-hop cover artists. "Our image is clean, man. Kids beat each other's heads every day. They are fighting because they were fighting before I was born ?? we're role models." Despite the unfortunate incidents, Run-D.M.C. continued to mount massive tours with acts like their former prot??g??s the Beastie Boys (whose rowdy License to Ill eventually eclipsed Raising Hell in album sales) and Public Enemy. They also starred in advertisements for Adidas and Coca-Cola and donated a memorable track, "Christmas in Hollis," to the Very Special Christmas compilation."

    Cover of Rolling Stone...close enough I think.

    Rolling Stone is a music magazine, though--I imagine it's featured quite a few rappers on the cover by now (although I know they've always been stingy with their coverage of black artists). The criteria for landing the cover of Time are somewhat different, though--you've got to have some sort of major resonance within the larger culture outside of rap, which I think all four of the artists that I named had to a greater degree than Kanye. I'm not saying it has to be a laudatory piece, either, just that those four artists all were accomplishing things more significant within the American cultural landscape than Kanye has.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts
    Why do people get so heated about this?

    Its kanye. Of course this was going to happen. Good for him.

    I dont really like his music too much. A few tracks I love, but whatever.

    Move on.

  • djannadjanna 1,543 Posts
    so what is dude's "message"?

    Girls are fat/goldiggers

    My mom is great

    Diamonds are great, I mean, BAD, really bad.

    I enjoy designer clothes.

  • DocBeezyDocBeezy 1,918 Posts

    Girls are fat/goldiggers

    My favorite message of his

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts

    RUN-DMC? - see below

    Public Enemy? - controversial theme and not to mention the anti-jewish remarks of professor griff

    N.W.A.? - f*** the police?

    Master P? - not clean enough...

    "They say we're putting out bad messages to the kids," Run told Rolling Stone in the issue that featured Run-D.M.C. as the magazine's first hip-hop cover artists. "Our image is clean, man. Kids beat each other's heads every day. They are fighting because they were fighting before I was born ?? we're role models." Despite the unfortunate incidents, Run-D.M.C. continued to mount massive tours with acts like their former prot??g??s the Beastie Boys (whose rowdy License to Ill eventually eclipsed Raising Hell in album sales) and Public Enemy. They also starred in advertisements for Adidas and Coca-Cola and donated a memorable track, "Christmas in Hollis," to the Very Special Christmas compilation."

    Cover of Rolling Stone...close enough I think.

    Rolling Stone is a music magazine, though--I imagine it's featured quite a few rappers on the cover by now (although I know they've always been stingy with their coverage of black artists). The criteria for landing the cover of Time are somewhat different, though--you've got to have some sort of major resonance within the larger culture outside of rap, which I think all four of the artists that I named had to a greater degree than Kanye. I'm not saying it has to be a laudatory piece, either, just that those four artists all were accomplishing things more significant within the American cultural landscape than Kanye has.

    I wrote an academic paper on the differences and similarities between the content philosophies between Time and Newsweek last year. From what I gathered, Time is shifting their focus from "here and now" to "what's next" to get a leading edge over other newsweeklies. So, if anything, they are staying true to that mission statement with putting Kanye on the cover of one of the most widely read magazines in the country.

    Anyone want to guess what the #1 magazine is nationwide in terms of circulation numbers?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    so what is dude's "message"?

    Girls are fat/goldiggers

    My mom is great

    Diamonds are great, I mean, BAD, really bad.

    I enjoy designer clothes.

    He has no message.

    He's not "complicated" or "complex" in the sense that artists like Ice Cube, Tupac or Jay-Z are/were.

    He's just plain old contradictory and doesn't seem to have more than a superficial allegiance to any of his ideals. [color:white]He's like the Reynaldo of rap.[/color]

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    but seriously people...5 stars?

    5 stars in RS means very little these days

  • drewnicedrewnice 5,465 Posts

    Anyone want to guess what the #1 magazine is nationwide in terms of circulation numbers?


    It's the AARP.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    so what is dude's "message"?

    Girls are fat/goldiggers

    My mom is great

    Diamonds are great, I mean, BAD, really bad.

    I enjoy designer clothes.

    I think it's all more subliminal. *Buy anything I have my interest in* eeRRr I mean.. Listen to my message!

    Like everything, it all runs in cycles. Hip Hop needs a poster boy to keep rap in the news (*Cough* Sell records & merchandise/ad revenue *cough*). Atleast for the most part he's positive of sorts.

    Plus, it's the era of The Bear... I thought it was going to be The Cat with all the cat pic/post we've had the last while. But the post with the Big Bear / Grizzly Man / Kayne (I :heart: bear mascots) RUNS SS threads... It's not hard to wonder why KW is everywhere.

    I'm wondering who's going to do the first video taking shots at Kayne with a double who gets mauled by a guy in a silly bear outfit!

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts

    if it's a role model issue, why not look at a jay-z and feature how they've turned their poverty into art into a legitimate business. or commend "unknown regional and southern" hip hop for remaining one of the last great indigenously unique forms of american art in an almost entirely globalized and commodified entertainment industry. there's so many perspectives for which to consider the genre. to go for the 50=bad, kanye=good approach is not just ignorant, it's downright lazy.

    I agree.

    I think the question is not "What current rapper would you prefer to see on the cover of Time?" but rather "Couldn't Time have found some rappers other than Kanye and Lauryn to put on their cover at some point over the course of the past 25 years?"


    Public Enemy?


    Master P?

    Again. I'm surprised ya'll (esp. Faux) give any credence to the cover of Time. Remember they had Brubeck on the cover before Duke and Monk? They've been consistently out of touch with music for more than a minute now. Same old same old.

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    5 stars in rolling stone or 5 stars in the source...means nothing to people that love music more than life; means everything to the demographics of those magazines.

    about kanye on Time. How are you guys remotely surprised by this? based on posts i've read on the NUMEROUS kanye threads on soulstrut(the silly ones not included) people obviously care about him and id say percentage wise, at least 40% of people are feeling more than 3 of his tracks on the latest album...that's pretty significant (even though that statistic is made up) if an artist can warrant this much discussion on a site that cares so much about music and both sides of debates present points of good merit, how can he not be on the cover of Time if they wanted to sell magazines? we're not talking hip hop hall of fame, we're talking about Time magazine. it ain't just about the music for magazines like those, most discussion on kanye are besides the music. Anyone else would be boring (keeping in mind its TIME'S DEMOGRAPHICS, not music's demographics). and rock shenanigans 101 is be a whiny brat and the press will love u, maybe Kanye is best friends with the Galager brothers. sorry i dont arrange my thoughts coherently, but u know what im saying.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    Anyone want to guess what the #1 magazine is nationwide in terms of circulation numbers?


    It's the AARP.

    I was gonna say Reader's Digest, but hey, same demographic.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    5 stars in rolling stone or 5 stars in the source...means nothing to people that love music more than life; means everything to the demographics of those magazines.

    "It's not sales; it's souls."

  • I just want to know how VICE weighed in on this platter, as they define the 'now' generation.

  • lambertlambert 1,166 Posts
    Part of his sonic appeal lies in the pop sheen that he's not afraid of incorporatin' into his sound, methinks...

    I've always wondered about the power of chime rolls in Radio Rap. It sort of can make it or break it, no?

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts

    if it's a role model issue, why not look at a jay-z and feature how they've turned their poverty into art into a legitimate business. or commend "unknown regional and southern" hip hop for remaining one of the last great indigenously unique forms of american art in an almost entirely globalized and commodified entertainment industry. there's so many perspectives for which to consider the genre. to go for the 50=bad, kanye=good approach is not just ignorant, it's downright lazy.

    I agree.

    I think the question is not "What current rapper would you prefer to see on the cover of Time?" but rather "Couldn't Time have found some rappers other than Kanye and Lauryn to put on their cover at some point over the course of the past 25 years?"


    Public Enemy?


    Master P?

    Again. I'm surprised ya'll (esp. Faux) give any credence to the cover of Time. Remember they had Brubeck on the cover before Duke and Monk? They've been consistently out of touch with music for more than a minute now. Same old same old.

    I neither read nor respect the magazine--doesn't mean I won't comment when it addresses something that I have an interest in.

    And, while I agree that their take on popular culture isn't worth much, the fact is that their act of annointing Kanye as "the smartest man in pop music" and making him the second rapper ever to get the cover will have a huge effect on his sales, popularity, etc.

    I'm a little suprised at your conviction that distaste for certain cultural phenomena means that one shouldn't comment on them at all.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    5 stars in rolling stone or 5 stars in the source...means nothing to people that love music more than life; means everything to the demographics of those magazines.

    "It's not sales; it's souls."

    I think RS was taken over by Maxim (or just the Editor from) recently and that accelerated their steady decline over the last ten+ years.

    Source mic ratings are worth less than a cup of cancerous sputum.

  • You guys talk like no other rappers get shine besides Kanye. 50 has a best-selling book, a movie coming out, plenty of publicity, a drink, shoes, etc. Jay-Z was just on the front of the NY Times arts and leisure section, and plenty of other music and lifestyle mags. Rappers are getting their due because they are making the music of america right now. Not that I've read the article, but don't be mad. Kanye's not a bad choice.

  • asprinasprin 1,765 Posts
    He's not "complicated" or "complex" in the sense that artists like Ice Cube, Tupac or Jay-Z are/were.

    He's just plain old contradictory and doesn't seem to have more than a superficial allegiance to any of his ideals.

    American can't swallow complicated and complex individuals esp. when they are of a darker color and esp. when they are rappers. Wanna change it, start a magazine that focuses on it. But to hoestly expect for TIME to dig deeper than Kanye is useless. It won't happen.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    You guys talk like no other rappers get shine besides Kanye. 50 has a best-selling book, a movie coming out, plenty of publicity, a drink, shoes, etc. Jay-Z was just on the front of the NY Times arts and leisure section, and plenty of other music and lifestyle mags. Rappers are getting their due because they are making the music of america right now. Not that I've read the article, but don't be mad. Kanye's not a bad choice.

    I'm not saying Kanye is a bad choice. I'm saying that choice doesn't really mean shit.
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