Miami Graff writer Israel Hernandez tasered to death by Police



  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    Rockadelic said:
    I just got off the phone with a work associate who had a family member killed by a police officer last week. The young man (20) tried to commit armed robbery of a store with a knife. He was apparently very high and was subdued by an employee and a couple of customers. When the Police arrived the officer told them to get off the kid and when they did he charged the officer (according to all eyewitness accounts) with a second knife. He was shot twice in the chest and died immediately. The family is questioning why he wasn't just Pepper Sprayed or Tased.

    What's your point? That if one shooting is justified they all are?

    I didn't say this was justified...if he had been tasered and died I'm sure the family would be just as upset.

  • Rockadelic said:
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    Rockadelic said:
    I just got off the phone with a work associate who had a family member killed by a police officer last week. The young man (20) tried to commit armed robbery of a store with a knife. He was apparently very high and was subdued by an employee and a couple of customers. When the Police arrived the officer told them to get off the kid and when they did he charged the officer (according to all eyewitness accounts) with a second knife. He was shot twice in the chest and died immediately. The family is questioning why he wasn't just Pepper Sprayed or Tased.

    What's your point? That if one shooting is justified they all are?

    I didn't say this was justified...if he had been tasered and died I'm sure the family would be just as upset.

    The dead guy went after them with a knife. That's a clear case of self defense. It has no connection at all to the Hernandez murder.

  • Haha how's that taste?

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    Frank said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    pretty sure rich's shocking lightning analogy was referring to the claim that dude was running AT cops after being cornered
    like others mentioned in this thread, I would like to know all the facts before passing judgment but seems like these cops are already guilty in the soulstrut-public eye

    That was a scrawny 18 year old kid. What fragile breed of midget cops do they have in Florida that need a tazer to fight a kid? Yeah, I get it, they "stood their ground".

    Right, and if they try to tackle dude and he slips and hits his head then it's their fault for viciously assaulting dude too, right?

    If someone is running at you and you have an opportunity to disarm them from a distance, are you going to do that or risk getting hurt?

    Note to dipshit: The kid wasn't armed, so what's this "disarm" bullshit?

    And again, where does this "running at them" shit come from? It wasn't in the police report Bombjack linked to.
    foaming at the mouth

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    kala said:
    your dad was an exception batmon

    This is such a cop out. (--Damn, I'm good.) Seriously though, how you gonna be on some ol' "worthless pigs fuck em all" shit only to switch up when you remember that someone's relative whose history you (probably) barely even know was a cop?! Stick to your guns!

    For the record, I've known good cops and bad cops, just like I've known good people and bad people. Unfortunately, the system is what's really messed up and, like (I think) Day said, when police do bad shit they are very rarely held accountable. I'd hate to be a good/decent person working in a system like this.

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    Herm said:
    kala said:
    your dad was an exception batmon

    This is such a cop out. (--Damn, I'm good.) Seriously though, how you gonna be on some ol' "worthless pigs fuck em all" shit only to switch up when you remember that someone's relative whose history you (probably) barely even know was a cop?! Stick to your guns!

    For the record, I've known good cops and bad cops, just like I've known good people and bad people. Unfortunately, the system is what's really messed up and, like (I think) Day said, when police do bad shit they are very rarely held accountable. I'd hate to be a good/decent person working in a system like this.

    don't speak on what you don't know son

  • Like every other sector of humanity, there are cool ones and there are douchebags. I've had a gun to my face back in the wild teenage days (probably deserved it). Have also gotten roughed up pretty good (didn't always deserve it). The difference with cops is they are armed and can use law as a weapon. They're one of those things, like lawyers, where you don't like them until you need them. Personally, I think politicians are way worse.

  • call me crazy, but i think you kids are gonna finally fix this crazy world of ours. keep up the good work you guys!

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    call me crazy, but i think you kids are gonna finally fix this crazy world of ours. keep up the good work you guys!

    LOL.....Don't commit crimes and don't run away from the Police and your chances of this happening to you will be reduced significantly.

  • Rockadelic said:
    vintageinfants said:
    call me crazy, but i think you kids are gonna finally fix this crazy world of ours. keep up the good work you guys!

    LOL.....Don't commit crimes and don't run away from the Police and your chances of this happening to you will be reduced significantly.

    regardless of how sound this advice is, how can you type it without knowing without the complete certainty that you're just feeding te trolls an opportunity to discuss the fecundity of 'law-breaking?'. these are the same muhfuckers who actually use finger quotes when they say 'law breaking' at teh bar or at thanksgiving dinner.

  • Face it dude took his life into his own hands the moment he picked up a spray can. As for these others, selling drugs is a crime, what do you expect? Duh. Gotta break some eggs to make this great American omelette.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Face it dude took his life into his own hands the moment he picked up a spray can. As for these others, selling drugs is a crime, what do you expect? Duh. Gotta break some eggs to make this great American omelette.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    BallzDeep said:

    Haha how's that taste?

    The civil trial against the cop is going on right now.
    The girl getting sprayed has testified to how it tastes.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    batmon said:

    Im not pro-police.
    I just question the whole idea that the police are some separate unnatural robot group that isnt connected to society.
    These muthafuckas come from our high schools, send their kids to your soccer camps, drink in your bars, fall asleep at baseball games, and line up to vote with you. They are part and parcel of the whole shebang. They dont come from outer space.
    De-humanizing them makes the pain go down easier but that shit is just illusionary..IMO.
    They fucked up...Carry On.

    Batmon, I'm with you.

    I think the good cop / bad cop dichotomy is usually false.
    I think each cop is capable of good and bad. Most cops do good most of the time.

    But cops have a license to kill.
    Until we start holding cops responsible for their abuses things will get worse not better.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:

    If someone is running at you and you have an opportunity to disarm them from a distance, are you going to do that or risk getting hurt?

    I would step out of the way.
    I would not fire a weapon at another person.

    I certainly would not fire a weapon at someone I suspected of spray painting an abandoned building.

    But that's just me.

  • hey guys! i'm just finding out that 98% of florida is kind of a shitty place to live.

    there's also been rumors circulating that the sky is, in fact, up.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    vintageinfants said:
    Rockadelic said:
    vintageinfants said:
    call me crazy, but i think you kids are gonna finally fix this crazy world of ours. keep up the good work you guys!

    LOL.....Don't commit crimes and don't run away from the Police and your chances of this happening to you will be reduced significantly.

    regardless of how sound this advice is, how can you type it without knowing without the complete certainty that you're just feeding te trolls an opportunity to discuss the fecundity of 'law-breaking?'. these are the same muhfuckers who actually use finger quotes when they say 'law breaking' at teh bar or at thanksgiving dinner.

    Little trolls have to eat to grow up to become big trolls.


    Sound advice is for old people.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Face it dude took his life into his own hands the moment he picked up a spray can. As for these others, selling drugs is a crime, what do you expect? Duh. Gotta break some eggs to make this great American omelette.

    I don't know if people even caught your sarcasm...

    Even taking away crooked cops, racial profiling, etc. whatever happened to subduing people without resorting to tasing, beanbagging, etc. Multiple cops can't take down a skinny teenager without zapping him to death? Or shoot a 95 year old man in a nursing home?

    A 95-year-old man who served his country during World War II is now dead after police stormed his retirement home with riot shields, Tasered him and shot him with bean bag rounds ??? all because he adamantly refused to undergo high-risk surgery.

    It's all bullshit.

    The biggest issue we should all be concerned with is the militarization of police nationwide. You've got Steven Seagal ramming a goddamn TANK into a dude's living room for chrissake. It's time we all ask a collective "what the fuck is going on" and why does a police department even have a tank to begin with?

  • b/w

    Sound advice is for [del]old people[/del] BASS PURITY.

  • Rockadelic said:
    vintageinfants said:
    call me crazy, but i think you kids are gonna finally fix this crazy world of ours. keep up the good work you guys!

    LOL.....Don't commit crimes and don't run away from the Police and your chances of this happening to you will be reduced significantly.

    Says a guy who commits a crime on a near-daily basis.


    But your crimes don't count.

  • if people read Rise Of The Warrior Cop and are not alarmed, I don't know what to say...

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    day said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Face it dude took his life into his own hands the moment he picked up a spray can. As for these others, selling drugs is a crime, what do you expect? Duh. Gotta break some eggs to make this great American omelette.

    I don't know if people even caught your sarcasm...

    Even taking away crooked cops, racial profiling, etc. whatever happened to subduing people without resorting to tasing, beanbagging, etc. Multiple cops can't take down a skinny teenager without zapping him to death? Or shoot a 95 year old man in a nursing home?

    A 95-year-old man who served his country during World War II is now dead after police stormed his retirement home with riot shields, Tasered him and shot him with bean bag rounds ??? all because he adamantly refused to undergo high-risk surgery.

    It's all bullshit.

    The biggest issue we should all be concerned with is the militarization of police nationwide. You've got Steven Seagal ramming a goddamn TANK into a dude's living room for chrissake. It's time we all ask a collective "what the fuck is going on" and why does a police department even have a tank to begin with?

    at this point i don't think it can be stopped.

    there have been some meager concessions as of today which provide a glimmer of hope but as long as the war on drugs and terror-whatever the fuck that means is still being waged no one is safe

  • LaserWolf said:
    Until we start holding cops responsible for their abuses things will get worse not better.

    At least half of the population doesn't see this sort of thing as "abuses."

    People from that half tend to be the ones sitting on juries.

    One of the funniest conceits on American television is the portrayal of cops being terrified by Internal Affairs. In real life they're about as afraid of civilian complaints as they are of Teletubbies.

  • dj_cityboydj_cityboy 1,486 Posts
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    if people read Rise Of The Warrior Cop and are not alarmed, I don't know what to say...

    ha! I just saw that in the other thread, going to try and cop that shit if I can....

  • dj_cityboy said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    if people read Rise Of The Warrior Cop and are not alarmed, I don't know what to say...

    ha! I just saw that in the other thread, going to try and cop that shit if I can....

    too soon bro

  • dj_cityboy said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    if people read Rise Of The Warrior Cop and are not alarmed, I don't know what to say...

    ha! I just saw that in the other thread, going to try and cop that shit if I can....

    Balko's been writing about this subject for a long time.

    This is also worth reading:

  • yeah, just following Balko's twitter is enough to make one's blood boil. He's invaluable.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Herm said:
    when police do bad shit they are very rarely held accountable. I'd hate to be a good/decent person working in a system like this.

    Like the cop who just got his job back after being caught on video punching a woman directly in the face? He's also getting the years pay he missed since he was fired.

    He testified that Aida Guzman refused his order to drop a bottle of beer she was holding. He says he was trying to swat the bottle out of her hand when her left foot went out from under her as she stepped on a can. Guzman fell to the street, and the arbitrator ruled that's what caused her bloody lip, not a punch in the face.

    Case closed.

    I'm done with this thread for a while. This shit it straight up depressing and overwhelming.

    "This gives them free reign to continue to do what they're doing," Latoison said. "Because even when you're caught on video, you can still find a way to get away with that, and you still send a very, very scary message to all the citizens out there."

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    Rockadelic said:
    vintageinfants said:
    call me crazy, but i think you kids are gonna finally fix this crazy world of ours. keep up the good work you guys!

    LOL.....Don't commit crimes and don't run away from the Police and your chances of this happening to you will be reduced significantly.

    Says a guy who commits a crime on a near-daily basis.


    But your crimes don't count.

    If and when I break the law I recognize and accept the possible consequences that come along with it.

    I also recognize that if I run from, drive away from or lurch towards a Police Officer those consequences might be exponentially worse.

    There is a better chance to reduce these incidents by changing my behavior as a "criminal" than trying to change a bad cop.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    day said:
    Herm said:
    when police do bad shit they are very rarely held accountable. I'd hate to be a good/decent person working in a system like this.

    Like the cop who just got his job back after being caught on video punching a woman directly in the face? He's also getting the years pay he missed since he was fired.

    He testified that Aida Guzman refused his order to drop a bottle of beer she was holding. He says he was trying to swat the bottle out of her hand when her left foot went out from under her as she stepped on a can. Guzman fell to the street, and the arbitrator ruled that's what caused her bloody lip, not a punch in the face.

    Case closed.

    I'm done with this thread for a while. This shit it straight up depressing and overwhelming.

    "This gives them free reign to continue to do what they're doing," Latoison said. "Because even when you're caught on video, you can still find a way to get away with that, and you still send a very, very scary message to all the citizens out there."

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