Miami Graff writer Israel Hernandez tasered to death by Police

This is heartbreaking and don't really have any insight to the atrocity but thought this shouldn't go overlooked. Something's gotta give.

Michelle Shocked "Graffiti Limbo"
Because then their just doing the job they're being paid to do. Is that such a rare occurrence that it would be threadworthy?
I've lived and traveled all over the world but your brand of pigs is globally unique. During most my interactions with US police it struck me how they emanate this weird misguided sense of meatheaded superiority and penned up anger that makes police in third world dictatorships seem human and easy to relate to in comparison. It never saddens me when one of them gets it in the line of duty.
police - the largest gang in the world
and being suspended with pay is some scandalous bullshit as well, just a few years ago a cop was suspended so after 2 yrs on suspension the case came to a close and the cop left the force and the crown dropped the charges so he walked away from any charges (basically getting away with what he did) yet, made $200,000...
cops are pigs in my opinion and they get zero sympathy from me what so ever...dangerous job or not
back in the early 90's a few friends and I were out painting we had someone "attempting" to "keep 6" but out of the blue there were so many cops and dogs that seemed to come out of no where that you would have thought we were trying to pull off a bank heist or murder someone, 5 guys painting seemed to have required 8 patty wagons, 4 police cars and dogs? jesus murphy...I mean I know we were breaking the law and everything but damn.. police would rather use excessive force rather than just trying to communicate with people in most of the police interaction that I have witnessed..
You sound nice
you sound simple, naive and oinking on cue
Go ahead.
i called them months ago regarding an assault, and soon felt myself slip into the role of criminal and cross examination......resulting in quite aggressive and extremely illogical probing! ASSHOLES.. Doesn't matter if there are some good cops, it only takes one cook to spoil the broth
That is what the manufacturer says.
That means cops should only use a taser in situation where they would use a gun.
Unfortunately, the majority of the stories about this incident are not including some important details.
The kid was seen tagging and the police approached to arrest him. He then ran and a chase ensued. When they finally caught up with him, he had nowhere to run. He then made the unfortunate decision to run AT the cops, who them tasered him.
Whether he was 'over-tasered' will remain to be seen. But an unfortunate incident regardless.
*crosses Oz off the vacation list*
Unfortunate incidents happen. Like the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia. An unfortunate incident.
In fact, I'll just leave this here for you all to peruse.
Increasing militarization of the police to circumvent the Posse Comitatus Act..
...and on and fucking on. The future does not look bright.
And nothing - NOTHING - happens to the cops who do this. Unless you count a paid suspension as a punishment.
Like the cop who plowed into 3 bikers, killing one, while drunk in his squad car (at twice the legal limit), and was later caught driving drunk again after the incident.
I could be here ALL FUCKING DAY with this, but you get the picture. Nothing's gonna change because the people are afraid. And rightfully so.
Yes, because this is just like the Killing Fields.
That said, this a tragedy. Let's see what the investigation turns up.
There is something deeply wrong with you and you should try to get it fixed.
What, exactly?
I can't say for sure, but I think it involves being an authority-worshiping zombie.
If a couple of cops can't wrestle a skinny kid "running AT them" down without resorting to a weapon they should find another fucking profession.
And your use of the word "unfortunate" - I mean, Jeezus, there is really something in your skull which is just wrong.
Hey, here's some more "unfortunate" news:
your'e very unlikely to have issues with police here unless associated with certain people or practice what are considered anti-social behaviours (for the most part)
I had the misfortune of working for a prick, it required some police inquiries.
The death of the skater is indeed unfortunate. It seems my choice of words was not outrageous enough for you.
Also, I live here in Miami. I used to see that kid skating around south beach. I know some of his friends. Despite this, the details covered by the news have not been entirely accurate and shown the entire story - hence my original post, which neither condemned or condoned MBPDs actions. I'm waiting for more information (including the autopsy) before I take a solid view on this.
Yeah, that's it, your word choice wasn't "outrageous" enough...
Let me know when you solidly decide whether this homicide was acceptable, okay?
Bombjack, do you have a printed source for your info? I would be interested to read about it.
I once read that to decrease your chances of being struck by lightning you should not walk outside during a lightning storm carrying a long metal still may get struck, but the odds are much less.....sounds like good advice.
Is this supposed to be funny?
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