Miami Graff writer Israel Hernandez tasered to death by Police



  • SoulOnIce said:
    Rockadelic said:
    Lightning is an unpredictable motherfucker.

    I once read that to decrease your chances of being struck by lightning you should not walk outside during a lightning storm carrying a long metal still may get struck, but the odds are much less.....sounds like good advice.

    Is this supposed to be funny?

    I don't think so, but he IS getting more diplomatic as he gets older.

  • DJBombjack said:
    Jonny_Paycheck said:
    Tasers warn explicitly against shooting at the chest (or head).

    Bombjack, do you have a printed source for your info? I would be interested to read about it.

    Link here:

    I don't see anything there about the kid "running at them." It's also interesting that you think of police reports as the dependable repository of "facts."

    I suspect the kid lead pissed-off cops on a long, long chase and was tasered in retaliation. Because lots of cops are stupid, brutal thugs who think that sort of thing is funny.

    That's supported by witnesses who saw the cops laughing while their victim died.

    I mostly agree with Frank's take here, but he's slightly off. It's not just the fact that our supposed servants have become out of control, brutal killers that indicates a sickness in our culture. It's also the fact that so many people who should know better make excuses for this sort of "unfortunate" homicide.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Frank said:
    Cops, unlike lightning, are not a force of nature. They are public servants paid for with the tax money of that kids' parents. Once a society has given up control over their armed servants and allowed them to become a gang that acts as unpredictable as lightning (I really like your analogy), follows their own rules and kills at will, you as a people are deep in the shit.

    The Police arent natural human beings that make bad natural decisions?

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    your dad was an exception batmon
    we are now dealing with a fucking nazi robot with limited iq

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    kala said:
    your dad was an exception batmon
    we are now dealing with a fucking nazi robot with limited iq

    Im not pro-police.
    I just question the whole idea that the police are some separate unnatural robot group that isnt connected to society.
    These muthafuckas come from our high schools, send their kids to your soccer camps, drink in your bars, fall asleep at baseball games, and line up to vote with you. They are part and parcel of the whole shebang. They dont come from outer space.
    De-humanizing them makes the pain go down easier but that shit is just illusionary..IMO.
    They fucked up...Carry On.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,798 Posts

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    "I'm not pro-police.
    I just question the whole idea that the police are some separate unnatural robot group that isnt connected to society.
    These muthafuckas come from our high schools, send their kids to your soccer camps, drink in your bars, fall asleep at baseball games, and line up to vote with you. They are part and parcel of the whole shebang. They dont come from outer space.
    De-humanizing them makes the pain go down easier but that shit is just illusionary..IMO.
    They fucked up...Carry On."

    my personal experience has been that as soon as you get close to the "blue line"
    there is an air of smug entitlement,an unrepentant wall of ingrained righteous sanctimony and overall elitism that is obvious and sickening.
    sure they might send their kids to the same soccer camp as yours or use the same public toilet but that is where it begins and ends.

    meanwhile cut to the BX
    say his name
    remarley graham
    another young kid dead and a disgusting miscarriage of justice
    for a a dime bag?
    the heart sinks lower,spirits are crushed.
    We are in a police state,this is the 4th reich,did I just prematurely kill the thread dead like this poor young man's short life?

    A NYPD officer won't be charged with manslaughter in the shooting death of an unarmed Bronx teen, a grand jury voted Wednesday.

    ABC reports the jury decided there wasn't enough evidence to re-indict officer Richard Haste in the death of 18-year-old Ramarley Graham. Haste had been indicted by a different grand jury last year, but a judge threw out that indictment, citing a mistake by the assistant district attorney.

    Cops chased Graham into his grandmother's Bronx apartment in February of 2012. They did not have a warrant to enter the apartment.

    Acting on incorrect information that Graham was carrying a gun, Haste shot and killed the teen while he was attempting to flush marijuana down the toilet.

    The family of the slain teen was quick to condemn the jury's decision. In a post to her Facebook wall, Graham's mother, Constance Malcolm, wrote:

    Dear Ramarleys Friends, Families and supporters,
    I was just informed that "Murderer" Richard Haste will NOT BE RE-INDICTED. I cannot believe the system is allowing Richard Haste who KILLED MY SON in the bathroom of his own home to go home to his family and able to look into their faces and smile. The justice system is making the same mistake again. I am in a state of shock that with all the evidence put in front of the Grand Jury, they had the nerve to let my sons killer off scotch free. However, I am not surprise of their actions because as dating back to almost 20 years ago they (COPS) were murdering our BLACK AND LATINO families and getting away with it. How can we protect our kids when they have to not only watch out for others of their peers wanting to hurt them but to also watch out for police officers who can cold bloodily kill them without any impunity.

    However, I can assure you that this will not end like any other. I will not go away and fold my arms while my sons is asking that i get justice for the injustice that was done to him. I being a person from the Island always see crimes happening around me but I never thought that one day I will have to endure the hurt and pain of loosing my son to not only another civilian but by someone that was sworn in by the law to protect and serve. REALLY??? Who are they here to Protect and Serve?

    As I mentioned in a previous email, that I will take it to the highest. I will make sure Richard Haste pays for his crime. I will be gathering at the DA's Office at 198 East 161st Street, Bronx, NY tomorrow at 1:00pm sharp to announce my disgust and outrage of not only the system but the people behind the system.

    Everybody, from mayor Bloomberg who's fighting the Inspector General oversight to Ray Kelly who keeps his cops skeletons in his closet to Pat Lynch who's the DEVIL behind his Blue Wall Code of Silence to Stuart London who defends COPS WHO MURDERS INNOCENT PEOPLE OF COLOR to walk free and finally JUSTICE Stephen Barrett who sits on the bench behind a motto that says "In God We Trust" but instead trust his comrades. When will our innocent kids gets justice?

    Graham's death led to large rallies in the Bronx outside the NYPD's 47th Precinct, where protesters decried the department's use of stop and frisk.

    Graham's name today is often uttered in the same breath as Amadou Diallo, Kimani Gray, and other black and Latino men living in New York City who were shot and killed by police. His story is also often compared to that of Trayvon Martin's.

  • FrankFrank 2,379 Posts
    batmon said:

    Im not pro-police.
    I just question the whole idea that the police are some separate unnatural robot group that isnt connected to society.
    These muthafuckas come from our high schools, send their kids to your soccer camps, drink in your bars, fall asleep at baseball games, and line up to vote with you. They are part and parcel of the whole shebang. They dont come from outer space.
    De-humanizing them makes the pain go down easier but that shit is just illusionary..IMO.
    They fucked up...Carry On.

    My my poast was meant as a response to Rich's analogy that running from police would be like walking around carrying a lightning rod in a thunderstorm. I sad that "police unlike lightning, are not a force of nature." Nobody wants to de=humanize them. They de-humanize themselves with those robocop outfits and they intentionally do so to look more intimidating.

    Also, at least in NYC cops drink at their own special bars unless they're running one of those plainclothes operation to bust a place to make room for another designer boutique.

    When this protest rally passed one of those cop bars, the meatheads stood on the sidewalk together with their nasty looking groupies and taunted the protesters which was one of the ugliest displays of human depravity I've ever witnessed. Displaying pride and superiority because two of their gang were acquitted of rape charges? Just repulsive.

  • JectWonJectWon (@_@) 1,654 Posts
    batmon said:

    Im not pro-police.
    I just question the whole idea that the police are some separate unnatural robot group that isnt connected to society.
    These muthafuckas come from our high schools, send their kids to your soccer camps, drink in your bars, fall asleep at baseball games, and line up to vote with you. They are part and parcel of the whole shebang. They dont come from outer space.
    De-humanizing them makes the pain go down easier but that shit is just illusionary..IMO.
    They fucked up...Carry On.

    Totally agree.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    pretty sure rich's shocking lightning analogy was referring to the claim that dude was running AT cops after being cornered
    like others mentioned in this thread, I would like to know all the facts before passing judgment but seems like these cops are already guilty in the soulstrut-public eye

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    The same understanding and consideration is not extended to civilians who make bad decisions. Expecting the police to not beat people up in holding cells or empty nine bullets at a panicked and disturbed teenager (Toronto incident) is not asking them to be robots. They do more than fuck up, their actions are not mere bad calls.

    We the people are not responsible for the huge gap/the us and them mentality that exists between law enforcement and citizens.
    The examples and proof of abuses and their cover-ups - not to mention the above-the-law mindset and malicious intent behind them - are plentiful. The issue is no longer whether they do wrong, but that it goes unchecked. Just like they take their kids to soccer, this is just a job to them, not a noble community service.
    I make a bad decision at work, a project gets delayed, client gets pissed, budget goes up and I hear about it from my manager. Crappy day, lesson learned and I'll probably have her overlooking my work more closely next time til things looks right again. I might even be taken off projects if the mistake is big enough.
    A cop makes a bad decision and a teenager is dead with his family left holding lifelong anger and grief. There is more distrust from the community and antagonism that means regular interactions are needlessly escalated. The cop might - might - get suspended with pay and after enough time has passed, quietly comes back to work.
    They are not like me.

  • FrankFrank 2,379 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    pretty sure rich's shocking lightning analogy was referring to the claim that dude was running AT cops after being cornered
    like others mentioned in this thread, I would like to know all the facts before passing judgment but seems like these cops are already guilty in the soulstrut-public eye

    That was a scrawny 18 year old kid. What fragile breed of midget cops do they have in Florida that need a tazer to fight a kid? Yeah, I get it, they "stood their ground".

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,798 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    pretty sure rich's shocking lightning analogy was referring to the claim that dude was running AT cops after being cornered
    like others mentioned in this thread, I would like to know all the facts before passing judgment but seems like these cops are already guilty in the soulstrut-public eye

    Cops that murder un-armed civilians are always guilty imho. I think for some/most people, that's the nub of this.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Frank said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    pretty sure rich's shocking lightning analogy was referring to the claim that dude was running AT cops after being cornered
    like others mentioned in this thread, I would like to know all the facts before passing judgment but seems like these cops are already guilty in the soulstrut-public eye

    That was a scrawny 18 year old kid. What fragile breed of midget cops do they have in Florida that need a tazer to fight a kid? Yeah, I get it, they "stood their ground".

    Right, and if they try to tackle dude and he slips and hits his head then it's their fault for viciously assaulting dude too, right?

    If someone is running at you and you have an opportunity to disarm them from a distance, are you going to do that or risk getting hurt?

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts

    By Vicki Brown
    L E B A N O N, Tenn.
    A 61-year-old man was shot to death by

    police while his wife was handcuffed in another room during a drug

    raid on the wrong house.

    Police admitted their mistake, saying faulty information from a drug informant contributed to the death of John Adams Wednesday night. They intended to raid the home next door.

    The two officers, 25-year-old Kyle Shedran and 24-year-old Greg Day, were placed on administrative leave with pay.

    ???They need to get rid of those men, boys with toys,??? said Adams??? 70-year-old widow, Loraine.

    John Adams was watching television when his wife heard pounding on the door. Police claim they identified themselves and wore police jackets. Loraine Adams said she had no indication the men were police.

    ???I thought it was a home invasion. I said ???Baby, get your gun!,??? she said, sitting amid friends and relatives gathered at her home to cook and prepare for Sunday???s funeral.

    Resident Fired First

    Police say her husband fired first with a sawed-off shotgun and they responded. He was shot at least three times and died later at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville.

    Loraine Adams said she was handcuffed and thrown to her knees in another room when the shooting began.

    ???I said, ???Y???all have got the wrong person, you???ve got the wrong place. What are you looking for???????

    ???We did the best surveillance we could do, and a mistake was made,??? Lebanon Police Chief Billy Weeks said. ???It???s a very severe mistake, a costly mistake. It makes us look at our own policies and procedures to make sure this never occurs again.??? He said, however, the two policemen were not at fault.

    The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation is investigating. NAACP officials said they are monitoring the case. Adams was black. The two policemen are white.

    Family members did not consider race a factor and Weeks agreed, but said the shooting will be ???a major setback??? for police relations with the black community.

    ???We know that, we hope to do everything we can to heal it,??? Weeks said.

    Johnny Crudup, a local NAACP official, said the organization wanted to make sure and would investigate on its own.

    Weeks said he has turned the search warrant and all other evidence over to the bureau of investigation and District Attorney General Tommy Thompson. A command officer must now review all search warrants.

  • kalakala 3,362 Posts
    You???re 8x More Likely to Be Killed by a Police Officer Than a Terrorist

    It got a lot of attention this morning when I tweeted, ???You???re Eight Times More Likely to be Killed by a Police Officer than a Terrorist.??? It???s been quickly retweeted dozens of times, indicating that the idea is interesting to many people. So let???s discuss it in more than 140 characters.

    In case it needs saying: Police officers are unlike terrorists in almost all respects. Crucially, the goal of the former, in their vastest majority, is to have a stable, peaceful, safe, law-abiding society, which is a goal we all share. The goal of the latter is ??? well, it???s complicated. I???ve cited my favorite expert on that, Audrey Kurth Cronin, here and here and here. Needless to say, the goal of terrorists is not that peaceful, safe, stable society.

    I picked up the statistic from a blog post called: ???Fear of Terror Makes People Stupid,??? which in turn cites the National Safety Council for this and lots of other numbers reflecting likelihoods of dying from various causes. So dispute the number(s) with them, if you care to.

    I take it as a given that your mileage may vary. If you dwell in the suburbs or a rural area, and especially if you???re wealthy, white, and well-spoken, your likelihood of death from these two sources probably converges somewhat (at very close to zero).

    The point of the quote is to focus people on sources of mortality society-wide, because this focus can guide public policy efforts at reducing death. (Thus, the number is not a product of the base rate fallacy.) In my opinion, too many people are still transfixed by terrorism despite the collapse of Al-Qaeda over the last decade and the quite manageable ??? indeed, the quite well-managed ??? danger that terrorism presents our society today.

    If you want to indulge your fears and prioritize terrorism, you???ll have plenty of help, and neither this blog post nor any other appeal to reason or statistics is likely to convince you. Among the John Mueller articles I would recommend, though, is ???Witches, Communists, and Terrorists: Evaluating the Risks and Tallying the Costs??? (with Mark Stewart).

    If one wants to be clinical about what things reduce death to Americans, one should ask why police officers are such a significant source of danger. I have some ideas.
    Cato???s work on the War on Drugs shows how it produces danger to the public and law enforcement both, not to mention loss of privacy and civil liberties, disrespect for law enforcement, disregard of the rule of law, and so on. Is the sum total of mortality and morbidity reduced or increased by the War on Drugs? I don???t know to say. But the War on Drugs certainly increases the danger to innocent people (including law enforcement personnel), where drug legalization would allow harm to naturally concentrate on the people who choose unwisely to use drugs.

    The militarization of law enforcement probably contributes to the danger. Cato???s Botched Paramilitary Police Raids map illustrates the problem of over-aggressive policing. Cato alum Radley Balko now documents these issues at the Huffington Post. Try out his ???Cop or Soldier???? quiz.

    There are some bad apples in the police officer barrel. Given the power that law enforcement personnel have ??? up to and including the power to kill???I???m not satisfied that standards of professionalism are up to snuff. You can follow the Cato Institute???s National Police Misconduct Reporting Project on Twitter at @NPMRP.

    If the provocative statistic cited above got your attention, that???s good. If it adds a little more to your efforts at producing a safe, stable, peaceful, and free society, all the better.

  • FrankFrank 2,379 Posts
    PatrickCrazy said:
    Frank said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    pretty sure rich's shocking lightning analogy was referring to the claim that dude was running AT cops after being cornered
    like others mentioned in this thread, I would like to know all the facts before passing judgment but seems like these cops are already guilty in the soulstrut-public eye

    That was a scrawny 18 year old kid. What fragile breed of midget cops do they have in Florida that need a tazer to fight a kid? Yeah, I get it, they "stood their ground".

    Right, and if they try to tackle dude and he slips and hits his head then it's their fault for viciously assaulting dude too, right?

    If someone is running at you and you have an opportunity to disarm them from a distance, are you going to do that or risk getting hurt?

    Disarm? So the kid was armed now?

    As far as I read he was cornered by 5 cops. 5 cops need a taser to subdue one 18 year old kid? And this would be the method of choice because otherwise he might "slip and hits his head"?

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    I just got off the phone with a work associate who had a family member killed by a police officer last week. The young man (20) tried to commit armed robbery of a store with a knife. He was apparently very high and was subdued by an employee and a couple of customers. When the Police arrived the officer told them to get off the kid and when they did he charged the officer (according to all eyewitness accounts) with a second knife. He was shot twice in the chest and died immediately. The family is questioning why he wasn't just Pepper Sprayed or Tased.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    Frank said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    Frank said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    pretty sure rich's shocking lightning analogy was referring to the claim that dude was running AT cops after being cornered
    like others mentioned in this thread, I would like to know all the facts before passing judgment but seems like these cops are already guilty in the soulstrut-public eye

    That was a scrawny 18 year old kid. What fragile breed of midget cops do they have in Florida that need a tazer to fight a kid? Yeah, I get it, they "stood their ground".

    Right, and if they try to tackle dude and he slips and hits his head then it's their fault for viciously assaulting dude too, right?

    If someone is running at you and you have an opportunity to disarm them from a distance, are you going to do that or risk getting hurt?

    Disarm? So the kid was armed now?

    As far as I read he was cornered by 5 cops. 5 cops need a taser to subdue one 18 year old kid? And this would be the method of choice because otherwise he might "slip and hits his head"?
    I'm just saying that if someone was running from me for a while and decided to suddenly charge at me, the first thing I would think is if dude was going to attack me or not and with what. I don't think the number of cops matters one bit in this.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    bassie said:
    The same understanding and consideration is not extended to civilians who make bad decisions. Expecting them to not beat people up in holding cells or empty nine bullets into a panicked and disturbed teenager's body (Toronto incident) is not asking them to be robots. They do more than fuck up, their actions are not mere bad calls.

    We the people are not responsible for the huge gap/the us and them mentality that exists between law enforcement and citizens.
    The examples and proof of abuses and their cover-ups - not to mention the above-the-law mindset and malicious intent behind them - are plentiful. The issue is no longer whether they do wrong, but that it goes unchecked. Just like they take their kids to soccer, this is just a job to them, not a noble community service.
    I make a bad decision at work, a project gets delayed, client gets pissed, budget goes up and I hear about it from my manager. Crappy day, lesson learned and I'll probably have her overlooking my work more closely next time til things looks right again. I might even be taken off projects if the mistake is big enough.
    A cop makes a bad decision and a teenager is dead with his family left holding lifelong anger and grief. There is more distrust from the community and antagonism that means regular interactions are needlessly escalated. The cop might - might - get suspended with pay and after enough time has passed, quietly comes back to work.
    They are not like me.

    Are you in a Union?

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Yup, I'm in a union.
    It is also due to unions that even while suspended, killer cops still get their pay.
    Anyone who protects and enables killer cops is part of the problem.
    Police unions are just another part of a larger cultural problem.


    You want to make it about unions, I'll let others take it up with you.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,798 Posts
    bassie said:

    You want to make it about unions, I'll let others take it up with you.


  • Duderonomy said:
    bassie said:

    You want to make it about unions, I'll let others take it up with you.


    We've already said there are good union and bad unions.

    Btw, Detroit was run by unions. :sick:

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,798 Posts
    GatorToof said:
    Duderonomy said:
    bassie said:

    You want to make it about unions, I'll let others take it up with you.


    We've already said there are good union and bad unions.

    Btw, Detroit was run by unions. :sick:

    I was laughing at what I took to be a joke inferring that Rock would have to take it up with Bassie's union.

    :next_level: :get_on_my_level:

  • HarveyCanalHarveyCanal "a distraction from my main thesis." 13,234 Posts

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    bassie said:
    Yup, I'm in a union.
    It is also due to unions that even while suspended, killer cops still get their pay.
    Anyone who protects and enables killer cops is part of the problem.
    Police unions are just another part of a larger cultural problem.


    You want to make it about unions, I'll let others take it up with you.

    I assumed you were because getting fired wasn't one of your stated consequences.

    If I fuck up at my job I'll be looking for a new one.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    It is about the culture of the profession and the workplace. I have worked in non-union jobs for most of my life and in those, I have seen everything from sexual harrassment, drunkenness, lost clients, damaged/lost equipment, public releases of incorrect/sloppy information and repeated complaints and still no one lost their jobs.

  • PatrickCrazy said:
    Frank said:
    PatrickCrazy said:
    pretty sure rich's shocking lightning analogy was referring to the claim that dude was running AT cops after being cornered
    like others mentioned in this thread, I would like to know all the facts before passing judgment but seems like these cops are already guilty in the soulstrut-public eye

    That was a scrawny 18 year old kid. What fragile breed of midget cops do they have in Florida that need a tazer to fight a kid? Yeah, I get it, they "stood their ground".

    Right, and if they try to tackle dude and he slips and hits his head then it's their fault for viciously assaulting dude too, right?

    If someone is running at you and you have an opportunity to disarm them from a distance, are you going to do that or risk getting hurt?

    Note to dipshit: The kid wasn't armed, so what's this "disarm" bullshit?

    And again, where does this "running at them" shit come from? It wasn't in the police report Bombjack linked to.

  • Rockadelic said:
    I just got off the phone with a work associate who had a family member killed by a police officer last week. The young man (20) tried to commit armed robbery of a store with a knife. He was apparently very high and was subdued by an employee and a couple of customers. When the Police arrived the officer told them to get off the kid and when they did he charged the officer (according to all eyewitness accounts) with a second knife. He was shot twice in the chest and died immediately. The family is questioning why he wasn't just Pepper Sprayed or Tased.

    What's your point? That if one shooting is justified they all are?

  • HarveyCanal said:

    Jeezus, that murderous bacon couldn't even be bothered to come up with a plausible story.
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