Is Baseball slowly dying?



  • Horseleech said:
    Nonetheless the stats were a total lie. Watch this and tell me if you think 86% of the seats are full:

    The Rangers are hardly unique in this regard, virtually every game that I bother to check is completely misrepresented attendance-wise.

    MLB attendance figures are complete BS. Not exaggerations, complete lies.

    Seats are either sold or they aren't sold. I completely fail to see how baseball is different from football or basketball or hockey in this regard.

    You have no point and are just playing your eternal role as devil's advocate. Which would be okay if you'd just for once admit that you do it constantly.

    The fact is that MLB attendance has been climbing steadily over the past 5 decades and all the pissiness in the world won't obviate that fact.

    PS - Red Sox scored 1 in the 8th and 6 in the 9th tonight to win 8-7 and you cranks can type all the "baseball is dying" nonsense you want.

    It'll still be here when rap is 100 miles in the rear view mirror, just like barbershop quartets are.

  • Is it common for teams/broadcasts to give attendance numbers in percentage? I've always just heard the actual number like, you know, 39,504 or whatever.

    full disclosure- my team/braodcast is the one that got slapped around by Yu Darvish tonight. :shitty:

    Not sure if you've noticed it or not, Rock, but.the dbacks did pretty great at home against the Rangers this year (doubleheader -R) but have been completely fucked at your place! loses, Eric Chavez getting injured while he was super hot - pause - , rain outs etc... What gives!

  • PS - Red Sox scored 1 in the 8th and 6 in the 9th tonight to win 8-7 and you cranks can type all the "baseball is dying" nonsense you want.

    yeah, great game! See ya tomorrow Boston. #Dbacks!!!!!

  • walter_chron said:
    PS - Red Sox scored 1 in the 8th and 6 in the 9th tonight to win 8-7 and you cranks can type all the "baseball is dying" nonsense you want.

    yeah, great game! See ya tomorrow Boston. #Dbacks!!!!!

    I hope your players are ready for lots of Dbag jokes from the stands.

  • Yeah, it is pretty unfortunate, huh? But, damn, if they're not used to that shit by now, I mean, what the fuck....

    For real though, I'm curious what you East coast guys have seen/think/heard about Paul Goldschmidt? I'm really not the type to be a totally homer, but, I really think this dude is the real deal. I mean this guys got home runs, opposite feild hitting, few strike outs, clutch hitting, 15 stolen bases, a great eye at the plate AND arguably one of the best defensive first basemen in the game. i just wonder if y'all around the country have seen any of this because I've been watchin this guy all season and it's been pretty crazy. especially for a second year player.

    And if I'm gonna talk a little about the Diamondbacks it would be a shame not to mention Patrick Corbin. This kid is the truth. I don't know how much you've seen of him either, but, god damn he's been really fucking good this year. Not to mention, he should have like 16 wins or more right now if it wasn't for our extremely inconsistent bullpen. Fuck. Anyway. I honestly think these two got a legit chance to catch a Cy Young/MVP at some point.

  • walter_chron said:
    For real though, I'm curious what you East coast guys have seen/think/heard about Paul Goldschmidt? I'm really not the type to be a totally homer, but, I really think this dude is the real deal. I mean this guys got home runs, opposite feild hitting, few strike outs, clutch hitting, 15 stolen bases, a great eye at the plate AND arguably one of the best defensive first basemen in the game. i just wonder if y'all around the country have seen any of this because I've been watchin this guy all season and it's been pretty crazy. especially for a second year player.

    And if I'm gonna talk a little about the Diamondbacks it would be a shame not to mention Patrick Corbin. This kid is the truth. I don't know how much you've seen of him either, but, god damn he's been really fucking good this year. Not to mention, he should have like 16 wins or more right now if it wasn't for our extremely inconsistent bullpen. Fuck. Anyway. I honestly think these two got a legit chance to catch a Cy Young/MVP at some point.

    I haven't seen a single Dbacks game all year but I'm looking forward to seeing both of those guys.

    Corbin looks like he's about 15 and I'd be worried about him falling apart in the 2nd half because of inning overload.

    Meanwhile Paul Goldschmidt sounds like the name of a Deutsche Grammaphon conductor.

    Meanwhile on-again off-again Red Sox pitcher Alfredo Alceves has named his son Appollo The First Aceves. No kidding.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Wait. There's a player called Antonio Bastardo?

    Why the fuck did no-one relate this before?

    Antonio Bastardo, bitches.

    Antonio muhfuckin BASTARDO!

    I got my Carlos Danger name right there. And he fux wit growth hormone shit too.
    This is NOT how I remembered rounders.
    That is all.

  • I despise A-Rod but the proposed ban is complete bullshit and should be overturned by an arbitrator.

    Baseball should follow its own rules here and give him the same 50 game ban the others got. This is just Bud Selig playing dictator. He's been a shitty Commissioner and this move is no exception.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    I despise A-Rod but the proposed ban is complete bullshit and should be overturned by an arbitrator.

    Baseball should follow its own rules here and give him the same 50 game ban the others got. This is just Bud Selig playing dictator. He's been a shitty Commissioner and this move is no exception.

    Why shouldnt the Commish make an example of him? I was under the impression the MLB was headhunting now.
    If so, A-Rod can take it in the ass for the sport's image. Both sides already made their money.

    Has A-Rod been officially found guilty?

  • batmon said:
    Has A-Rod been officially found guilty?

    What does that even mean?

    "Officially found guilty" by who?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    batmon said:
    Has A-Rod been officially found guilty?

    What does that even mean?

    "Officially found guilty" by who? bad, fake tickets sales are fine. 50 game bans are just an anomaly and Jazz is the sound of young America.

  • parallaxparallax no-style-having mf'er 1,266 Posts
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    batmon said:
    Has A-Rod been officially found guilty?

    What does that even mean?

    "Officially found guilty" by who?

    Dude, you are not an easy person to have a discussion with. I don't know what or where the source of your anger comes from, but you AND this board would be so much better off if you just chilled a bit. You actually have intelligent things to say here and there tbh. But you almost always come off very antagonistically. It's a shame, really. Reading most of your posts have the same effect as if they were in ALL-CAPS, even though they aren't.

  • parallax said:
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    batmon said:
    Has A-Rod been officially found guilty?

    What does that even mean?

    "Officially found guilty" by who?

    Dude, you are not an easy person to have a discussion with. I don't know what or where the source of your anger comes from, but you AND this board would be so much better off if you just chilled a bit. You actually have intelligent things to say here and there tbh. But you almost always come off very antagonistically. It's a shame, really. Reading most of your posts have the same effect as if they were in ALL-CAPS, even though they aren't.

    The anger is in your imagination. I didn't know what batmon means by "officially." So I asked. I still don't know.

    And sure, there's been some antagonism, but you haven't been paying attention if you think it's all been going one way. Not that it really matters in the end...

  • batmon said:
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    batmon said:
    Has A-Rod been officially found guilty?

    What does that even mean?

    "Officially found guilty" by who? bad, fake tickets sales are fine. 50 game bans are just an anomaly and Jazz is the sound of young America.

    The "fake ticket sales" bit makes no sense. The seats are sold. If some people don't show up, who cares?

    Is it a "fake record sale" if the buyer never listens to the record?

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    batmon said:
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    batmon said:
    Has A-Rod been officially found guilty?

    What does that even mean?

    "Officially found guilty" by who? bad, fake tickets sales are fine. 50 game bans are just an anomaly and Jazz is the sound of young America.

    The "fake ticket sales" bit makes no sense. The seats are sold. If some people don't show up, who cares?

    Is it a "fake record sale" if the buyer never listens to the record?

    U cant cheer for tickets being sold, shrug at half-empty stadiums, and claim shit is all good.

  • batmon said:
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    batmon said:
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:
    batmon said:
    Has A-Rod been officially found guilty?

    What does that even mean?

    "Officially found guilty" by who? bad, fake tickets sales are fine. 50 game bans are just an anomaly and Jazz is the sound of young America.

    The "fake ticket sales" bit makes no sense. The seats are sold. If some people don't show up, who cares?

    Is it a "fake record sale" if the buyer never listens to the record?

    U cant cheer for tickets being sold, shrug at half-empty stadiums, and claim shit is all good.

    I know you lead a fact-free life, but actual attendance is better (by far) now than it was 50 years ago.

    So what else have you got?

    Oh, right, not enough baseball-related gossip on TMZ or somesuch bullshit...

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    50 years ago baseball was America's game. The most popular sport.
    Today it is a distant third to football and basketball.

    Football on TV is extremely popular in every city and town in the country.
    Baseball only has a fan base in places with a winning team, or a long baseball tradition.


  • LaserWolf said:
    50 years ago baseball was America's game. The most popular sport.
    Today it is a distant third to football and basketball.

    Football on TV is extremely popular in every city and town in the country.
    Baseball only has a fan base in places with a winning team, or a long baseball tradition.


    Already dealt. The question isn't "is baseball still the most popular sport." The question is whether it's dying.

    Football is the most popular sport. Baseball and basketball are runners-up. Your claim that baseball lags far behind basketball is completely wrongheaded, though.

    Baseball remains, by far, the sport that puts the most asses in the most seats. And it's doing so in much greater numbers than it was 50 years ago. Why can't you deal with that?

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I have no problem dealing with it.

    I love baseball, as I have stated.

    Why can't you understand that more games means more tickets?
    Why can't you understand that baseball stadiums hold more people than basketball arenas?

    The proof you have presented that baseball is more popular than ever is comparing old stadium attendance to new stadium attendance.
    Comparing losing year attendance to winning year attendance.
    Comparing the year after the strike attendance to a better years attendance.
    Comparing an old world series between 2 small market teams to a more recent ws between 2 major market teams.

    We all know how to lie with statistics.
    Some of us also know how to deal with reality. And the reality is baseball is less popular than it used to be. Deal.

  • LaserWolf said:
    I have no problem dealing with it.

    I love baseball, as I have stated.

    Why can't you understand that more games means more tickets?
    Why can't you understand that baseball stadiums hold more people than basketball arenas?

    The proof you have presented that baseball is more popular than ever is comparing old stadium attendance to new stadium attendance.
    Comparing losing year attendance to winning year attendance.
    Comparing the year after the strike attendance to a better years attendance.
    Comparing an old world series between 2 small market teams to a more recent ws between 2 major market teams.

    We all know how to lie with statistics.
    Some of us also know how to deal with reality. And the reality is baseball is less popular than it used to be. Deal.

    More games has nothing to do with average attendance per game, Wolfie.

    The stats I presented clearly show attendance per game is much higher than it was 50 years ago.

    And maybe the fact that there are more games and more teams than there were 50 years ago also suggests the game is far from dying.

    Again, "popularity" isn't the issue. It's "dying." And if baseball is dying you're the Crown Prince of Dubai.

    Which would be extremely funny, even though it would be bad news for the people of Dubai.

  • rootlesscosmorootlesscosmo 12,848 Posts
    my team is in the shitter and I still went to 5 games last home stand.

  • rootlesscosmo said:
    my team is in the shitter and I still went to 5 games last home stand.

    I hope you're not dying.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:

    And maybe the fact that there are more games and more teams than there were 50 years ago also suggests the game is far from dying.

    50 years ago. 1963 US population less than 190,000,000. US population today more than 300,000,000. More than a 30% increase in population.
    There are more teams and attendance today. Statistically meaningless.
    Stop lying and start dealing.

    As I have said I don't think the game is dying.
    I have never said that.
    I have never argued that.
    I am not talking about that.
    I have said before that I don't believe that.

    I can understand why you don't want to address what I have said.
    I can understand why you continue to lie with statistics.
    You have taken a position you can't win and would rather argue than admit you are wrong.

  • LaserWolf said:
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:

    And maybe the fact that there are more games and more teams than there were 50 years ago also suggests the game is far from dying.

    50 years ago. 1963 US population less than 190,000. US population today more than 300,000. More than a 30% increase in population.
    There are more teams and attendance today. Statistically meaningless.
    Stop lying and start dealing.

    As I have said I don't think the game is dying.
    I have never said that.
    I have never argued that.
    I am not talking about that.
    I have said before that I don't believe that.

    I can understand why you don't want to address what I have said.
    I can understand why you continue to lie with statistics.
    You have taken a position you can't win and would rather argue than admit you are wrong.

    Back off with that "lying" bullshit, chuckles.

    Your statistical analysis - such as it is - is all geared towards attacking a position I'm not taking. That's a very odd approach to any discussion.

    I never said you said baseball is dying, but that is in fact the premise of this thread. So what exactly are you wasting all those words on, exactly?

    50 years ago. 1963 US population less than 190,000. US population today more than 300,000. More than a 30% increase in population.

    Was that intentional humor? Because it's funny on multiple levels.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:

    50 years ago. 1963 US population less than 190,000. US population today more than 300,000. More than a 30% increase in population.

    Was that intentional humor? Because it's funny on multiple levels.

    Good point. I will add some zeros.

  • LaserWolf said:
    Jean-ClaudeBanDamned said:

    50 years ago. 1963 US population less than 190,000. US population today more than 300,000. More than a 30% increase in population.

    Was that intentional humor? Because it's funny on multiple levels.

    Good point. I will add some zeros.

    That's a start, but you also need to learn how to calculate a population increase percentage.

    It's okay, though, I'm used to being lectured on statistics by innumerates. It always amuses me.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,096 Posts
    Hideo Nomo for the Dodgers was pushed hard when I was a kid. $40 Nomo bobblehead paperweights? What a deal!

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Tom Seaver's sinking slider.....

    add on
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