breaking bad season 5 ...lets smoke some glass



  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    Another proponent of the "Finale = Walter White's fantasy" idea. Granted, it is Norm Macdonald, but I agree with his point.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    asstro said:
    Another proponent of the "Finale = Walter White's fantasy" idea. Granted, it is Norm Macdonald, but I agree with his point.

    It seems hard to believe this was a secret ending. Vince had no problem ripping our guts out for 5 seasons so I'm sure they would have cut back to Walt in the car if this was true

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    The reality is that Walt was always half lucky/half smart to have made it that far and get past so many professional killer/drug dealers/law enforcement. The ending was no different from a lot of the regular episodes in that respect. I believe the end showed that he could do anything he put his mind to but he had a screwed up perspective on things and it wasn't until it all unraveled that he could admit he was doing most of this just to serve himself. He did think he was providing for his family but he didn't care that he might destroy them in the process. He had the out that he knew he would die and wouldn't have to pay the consequences for his actions, oblivious to the fact that his family would.

  • volumen said:
    asstro said:
    Another proponent of the "Finale = Walter White's fantasy" idea. Granted, it is Norm Macdonald, but I agree with his point.

    It seems hard to believe this was a secret ending. Vince had no problem ripping our guts out for 5 seasons so I'm sure they would have cut back to Walt in the car if this was true

    Also because in his head he thought Jesse had partnered up with the Nazi's after seeing that news report. In the "fantasy" they get Jesse out of confinement and bring him in, Walt would have never known about that part...

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Vince Gilligan, literally minutes after the finale aired, basically said, "yeah, we tried to tie up all loose ends." It's not like David Chase being coy about "The Sopranos."

    Emily and Norm are projecting the finale they wanted vs. the ones they got. But love it or hate it, what we got was no dream sequence.

    BTW, I assumed Ashrock got this from here but who created this? Feels so "Strut":

  • For the record, I am not laboring under the illusion that the final episode was actually a dream sequence.

    Vince G is not subtle enough to have crafted the episode as such and *not* included a reveal at the end.

    But that would have been a great way to end the show is all I'm saying.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts

    Featuring the hit tracks

    "92% Blue"
    "The Day Management Changed"

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    Watching the last episode again last night. I kinda wish they never did the scene with Lydia at the end. Did we really need that phone call?

  • the lydia scene at the end is just the kind of patness that is kinda irking me a bit. it was a way of comforting the audience by making it absolutely clear that she was successfully poisoned by walt. a totally unnecessary coup de grace to tie up any possible loose end.

    the more i think about, the more i think that the last episode was, by and large, a missed opportunity. i mean it didn't have be a coy ending like the sopranos (which was brilliant, in retrospect) but did things really have to end so neatly? oh well, it was a great run. looking forward to re-watching this in years to come.

  • How did Walt get the ricin into a sealed packet of sweetener?

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    rootlesscosmo said:
    How did Walt get the ricin into a sealed packet of sweetener?

    what I figured is since Lydia is a creature of habit, walt knew not only the time she'd be there, but what table she'd sit at. He removed all the stevia from that table and replaced it with a stevia packet he had already doctored and resealed.

  • Wouldn't be that hard. It would have to be done ahead of time, maybe steam it open, dry it, refill it, glue it shut. It wouldn't have to be perfect in the sense that she's not going to inspect it. She took for granted that it was safe, as anyone would...

    Until now!

    Don't trust the Stevia. BYOS!

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    When she was pouring it into her coffee and the camera was locked in, I thought it was just a given that everyone who watches the show would know the deal.

    I personally just thought it wasn't needed. It was like they put that there for someone who has never watched the show before.

  • volumenvolumen 2,532 Posts
    We knew the deal but Lydia didn't so Walt had to be sure he rubbed it in before he died. Walt likes everyone to know he's smart in case you hadn't noticed. The audience didn't need the extra scene. Walt's ego did.

  • This show is so hyped???never seen anything like this. Every forum I read has people obsessed with this show.

    Don't get me wrong, I liked the series and watched every episode, but I've read numerous times about how people are glad the show is over so they can get on with their lives. Really?

    Some of the characters were so lame throughout the entire series. Jesse in particular was terrible. Flynn was also grating from the get go.

    Last episode was weak, but the 3rd to last episode was definitely one of the best of the entire show to me. I don't think any episode had me anywhere near as tense and emotionally invested as that.

    Not really sure what I'm rambling about but I guess I find it strange to find near universal praise for this series across a wide spectrum of communities that are extremely opinionated and hard to please.

  • highscheme said:
    This show is so hyped???never seen anything like this. Every forum I read has people obsessed with this show.
    I guess I find it strange to find near universal praise for this series across a wide spectrum of communities that are extremely opinionated and hard to please.

    For all the talk of a golden age of tv drama I think BB is so popular due to a lack of competition. There are only a couple of other good long form dramas around at the moment IMO and neither is currently TXing.
    I'll watch Justified and Sons Of Anarchy and a few others but only to relax rather than to emotionally invest in.
    I wonder what the next big good one will be. For the record Mad Men and Treme are the other 2 I consider worthy (and both are finishing up next season).

    edit: added the word 'good'

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,144 Posts
    granjero said:

    I wonder what the next big good one will be.

    Me too. What ever it is, this time around I'll watch it from day 1 so I can finally keep up with what everyone on the planet is talking about. I'm always :latte: when it comes to these crime dramas. And this time I'll remember that I do in fact have AMC.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    lamas said:
    djwaxon said:
    Walt sitting waiting for Jesse reminded me of Mike - not sure if that was an intention like some of the other characteristics of Walt's victims.

    Anyone think that in the flash forward Walt is on a final dash which ends with a meeting with Saul's vacuum cleaner repair guy?

    I think it's well after Walt has already gotten a new identity - fake ID at the breakfast spot and out of state tags on the car in the parking lot. Walt is sweaty and dirty - I think he's just come back to town, dug up his money and gets the gun to settle up with the Aryans. I'm assuming the hit Walt is about to place on Jesse goes horribly wrong. Maybe Hank gets killed in the crossfire, Marie goes public with the Walt=Heisenberg connection forcing his exile, Jesse gets held hostage by Todd and the Aryans?

    Wow, almost completely spot on way, way back.

    Just finished the entire series after some marathon nights over the last month or so.

    The only other TV show I've had this kind of investment in is The Shield, but this was on another level. When pop culture monoliths like this reach the pitch BB did, there really is no way to please everybody. I had no problem with tidying up the loose ends in the finale.

    Great show, would watch again. 10/10

  • Haven't seen an episode of Breaking Bad because I don't have TV or house internet, however; I heard that Breaking Bad's theme is Pride, like the story of Satan.

  • GatorToof said:
    Haven't seen an episode of Breaking Bad because I don't have TV or house internet, however; I heard that Breaking Bad's theme is Pride, like the story of Satan.

    I can totally picture those words coming out of you. The cypher is complete.

  • If you haven't seen it yet, pretty cool...

  • Super cool, Hollafame. Thanks for posting that.
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