Michael Jackson AGAIN



  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Can we all just separate the art from the artist.Dont let the media inform your opinions about the art that you love. All the greats are messed up. None of these guys are heroes. They're just musicians.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    Since your speaking rhetorically. How many young boys would you sacrifice to have M.J. continue to create OTW&THRLR? Someone asked me this question recently,in a joking way.

  • alieNDNalieNDN 2,181 Posts
    another child actor that turned out fine:

    "oh fuuuuuu...dge"

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    Can we all just separate the art from the artist.Dont let the media inform your opinions about the art that you love. All the greats are messed up. None of these guys are heroes. They're just musicians.

    I don't seperate the music from the artists, or the historical cultural context it was created in or the context it is being listened in.

    I will still listen to MJ, and every time I do I will be reminded or the freak he has become, and the probable damage he has caused. I will hear his tortured childhood and his desprate attempt to remain a child.

    I am not interested in listening to music made by anonymous musicians at an unknow time and location.

    So, NO! I can not separate the art from the artist.


  • I am not interested in listening to music made by anonymous musicians at an unknow time and location.

    oh... i am. i live for this.

  • OlskiOlski 355 Posts
    Can we all just separate the art from the artist.Dont let the media inform your opinions about the art that you love. All the greats are messed up. None of these guys are heroes. They're just musicians.

    I don't seperate the music from the artists, or the historical cultural context it was created in or the context it is being listened in.

    I will still listen to MJ, and every time I do I will be reminded or the freak he has become, and the probable damage he has caused. I will hear his tortured childhood and his desprate attempt to remain a child.

    I am not interested in listening to music made by anonymous musicians at an unknow time and location.

    So, NO! I can not separate the art from the artist.



  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    so do you know the history behind the chef at your restaurant,the designer of your car,the archtitect of you home. does every artist need a background check in order to be absorbed.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    so do you know the history behind the chef at your restaurant
    I find that the Chinese resturants with chinese chefs tend to better than those without. Resturants that pay minimum wage for untrained fry cooks I tend to avoid.

    the designer of your car
    My car was designed by a design group that split off from a Detroit major.

    the archtitect of you home.
    My home was built in 1929 as a rural grocery just before the market crashed. It is doubtful any architect was involved it was built in the Western store front vernacular.

    does every artist need a background check in order to be absorbed.

    Any artist who is worth absobing is a product of their life, time and culture. When people say "I don't like Picasso", it is a safe bet that they know zero about Picasso and art history.

    True story


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    I am not interested in listening to music made by anonymous musicians at an unknow time and location.

    oh... i am. i live for this.

    When you find that anon musician don't you want to find out all you can about them?

    Or do you perfer your Folkways without the booklets?


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    so you only listen to music that you know about.you only watch reruns on tv, and you eat the same things over and over because you know whats behind it.anything new and unchecked youll ignore.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    so you only listen to music that you know about.you only watch reruns on tv, and you eat the same things over and over because you know whats behind it.anything new and unchecked youll ignore.


  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts

    So you wont listen to any artist you know about. You wont eat at Chinese resturants because you don't want to know anything about the food you will eat. You have the dealership remove the all brand markings from your car because you don't want to know anything about it's make.

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    what the fuck are you guys going on about? Michael jackson is innocent and hes a genius. there I said it.



    AP was at my house and wrote that. I don't even know or care what you guys are debating.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts


    AP was at my house and wrote that. I don't even know or care what you guys are debating.

    Sorry to drag you into this... Wait I didn't drag you in. Anyway, I'll never hold a soulstrut debate against anyone.


  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    MJ is innocent. Let the man live.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    MJ is innocent. Let the man live.

    I'm honestly trying not to have an opinion on this until i've heard the whole story but you gotta admit that shit looks bad.

    Dude has paid off 2 prior allegations of molestation?

    That alone combined with all the other shit is enough to make me question his innocence.

    Why are you sure he's not guilty?


    My son saw his picture and said "daddy, that's creepy monster!"

    I'll still be rocking OFW and Thriller regardless and Batmon is breaking it down forilly.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    MJ is innocent. Let the man live.

    Dude has paid off 2 prior allegations of molestation?

    dude, to me that's more of a testament to his innocence. I mean as a parent would you take money to let a case go if some fool molested your child? I sure the fuck wouldn't. EVER



    AP was at my house and wrote that. I don't even know or care what you guys are debating.

    yeah right

  • but Dan seriously that idle place of wonderment and curiosity while discovering and artist is the whole reason I seek music and art in the first place. I am always on to the next thing. 9 times out of 10 when I find out about an artist " behind the music " I am not really into it.

    the problem happens because someone's storytelling and reporting and assumptions and most of all hype just spoiled the most pure thing left on this earth... experience ( and judgment ). this is real and vital and important to me.

    I am by no means an anti-intellectual I just hold liberty to interface with my music the way that pleasures me and that way for me is discovery and bewilderment not bogus rolling stone history lessons and decontextualizations of art. blah blah but seriously jello biafria or whatever that dudes name is ruined kit ream for me with his bullshit blah blah.

    I enjoy meeting and knowing artists and but it disrupts my relationship to their work often.



  • case in point michael jackson

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    MJ is innocent. Let the man live.

    Dude has paid off 2 prior allegations of molestation?

    dude, to me that's more of a testament to his innocence. I mean as a parent would you take money to let a case go if some fool molested your child? I sure the fuck wouldn't. EVER

    That's a very good point.

    The fact that the allegations came up in the first place is to me, another good point.

    But yeah, as a parent i'd just meet with him like everything was fine and take a hammer to his face.

  • I am not interested in listening to music made by anonymous musicians at an unknow time and location.


    Anthony Pearson respectfully requests that you send him all your private press raer since you can't possibly know enough about their creators to allow yourself to like their music or not.

  • Where were you all when the "artist" in question was touching the little boys, that's what I'd like to know. Out digging for records would be my guess. SHAME.

  • oh unless it is that electronic academia noodling drama. if the music is based in the academy my approach to it is all about ideas and knowledge. historical perspective. but MJ is gruel and i still think keith richards is a stinker and his legend is bogus. crappy guitarist rip off artist.
    whatver dude.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    but Dan seriously that idle place of wonderment and curiosity while discovering and artist is the whole reason I seek music and art in the first place.

    I don't think this is anyway in conflict with what I said: "I don't seperate the music from the artists, or the historical cultural context it was created in or the context it is being listened in."

    When you, or I, discover an artist we both feel wonderment and curiosity. We then begin the process of placing that artist in their cultural context. This is not some academic masterbation. It is the natural state of the record collector.

    For some reason stating this has gotten me accused of listening only to Amy Grant, reading Rolling Stone, and being full of bullshit.

    All I'm saying is we both do the same thing when we find a private press. If it is good, we try to find out when it was from, where it was from, who was involved. In other words we place it in its context.

    When I found Aposento Alto, the cultural context of Bay Area funk and Hispanic rock was obvious. If the context had been dixieland tunes on the lowery organ, I would have tossed it out.

    If you disagree I hundred Tanners here with no mention of year or artists or location. They all have the same generic cover art. Thus you would prize only your anon white labels without jackets over them.

    If you are saying learing about MJ's private life has changed the way you hear his music, then we are in agreement.

    I don't need to know every detail of an artists life (but I do like well researched music bios like the Billy Strayhorn book). I do like to know basic facts; time, place, associations...


  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    what the fuck are you guys going on about? Michael jackson is innocent and hes a genius. there I said it.

    I respect that you are getting your info from the family. It is a perspective none of the rest of us have.

    I have to admit I do not watch tv news or entertainment/gossip programs. Nor have I been following MJ in the newspaper. An occasional NPR mention and the tabaloid headlines at the supermarket and soulstrut is where I've gotten most of my information.

    The strongest influnces on my opinion of his current troubles come from seeing pictures of him and that interview years ago with Pirscilla which I did watch.

    I will try to remember your statements when I listen to him.

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