Getting Out Of Jury Duty



  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121 I know it's more of a 'fraternal' response elicited from good 'ol chums who respect each other on matters of music when Cosmo and O-dub write after each other on this particular thread (and probably most other threads), essentially parroting one another, and not an actual case of mental retardation. For the record, I respect you both, no matter how stupid you are in this thread, or others.b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Wow. For being so benevolent you sure are a dick.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Dude, you're basically tossing out this "holier-than-thou" card as an excuse for skipping out on jury duty. It's displaced arrogance. b,121b,121If you want to opt out of the jury duty system b/c you think it's a colossal waste of time, fine. But spare us the bleeding heart routine to justify it.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,025 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 I know it's more of a 'fraternal' response elicited from good 'ol chums who respect each other on matters of music when Cosmo and O-dub write after each other on this particular thread (and probably most other threads), essentially parroting one another, and not an actual case of mental retardation. For the record, I respect you both, no matter how stupid you are in this thread, or others.b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Wow. For being so benevolent you sure are a dick. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121^^^Good 'ol chum, fraternal feelings revealed!b,121b,121Which is ironic since, by and large, I can't stand Day's taste in music. img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" 21

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 I know it's more of a 'fraternal' response elicited from good 'ol chums who respect each other on matters of music when Cosmo and O-dub write after each other on this particular thread (and probably most other threads), essentially parroting one another, and not an actual case of mental retardation. For the record, I respect you both, no matter how stupid you are in this thread, or others.b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Wow. For being so benevolent you sure are a dick. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121I'm not at all benevolent, Day, and I apologize if that's how I'm coming across. A dick, maybe. But let's be honest--you were being a dick first.b,121b,121And O-dub, I guess you just don't know me personally, so I can't take your words personally. I know you're a smart guy (you both are) as I've read your other postings, so I apologize for the 'mental retardation' comment.

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 I know it's more of a 'fraternal' response elicited from good 'ol chums who respect each other on matters of music when Cosmo and O-dub write after each other on this particular thread (and probably most other threads), essentially parroting one another, and not an actual case of mental retardation. For the record, I respect you both, no matter how stupid you are in this thread, or others.b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Wow. For being so benevolent you sure are a dick. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121I'm not at all benevolent, Day, and I apologize if that's how I'm coming across. A dick, maybe. But let's be honest--you were being a dick first.b,121 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121If you're talking about the "kid" comment I'll cop to that. You know what I meant tho.

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 I know it's more of a 'fraternal' response elicited from good 'ol chums who respect each other on matters of music when Cosmo and O-dub write after each other on this particular thread (and probably most other threads), essentially parroting one another, and not an actual case of mental retardation. For the record, I respect you both, no matter how stupid you are in this thread, or others.b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Wow. For being so benevolent you sure are a dick. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121I'm not at all benevolent, Day, and I apologize if that's how I'm coming across. A dick, maybe. But let's be honest--you were being a dick first.b,121 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121I'll cop to that. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Okay. Salut.... NOW GO HOME AND GET YOUR FUCKIN' SHINE BOX!b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121b,121I KEED, I KEED img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" 21b,121b,121a href="" target="_blank"1

  • Who is this clown?b,121b,121b,121b,121I feel that someone like you working for a "charity" is hurting the cause. If you don't want to man up to some simple civic duties (what 5 fukin days?), quit taking a shit on everyones head and stand up and screamb,121b,121"My charity is bigger than your possible death sentance muthafuka!"b,121b,121I cannot describe how lame you appear to me right now with your "sponser a child in africa" self righteousness.

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121Who is this clown?b,121b,121b,121b,121I feel that someone like you working for a "charity" is hurting the cause. If you don't want to man up to some simple civic duties (what 5 fukin days?), quit taking a shit on everyones head and stand up and screamb,121b,121"My charity is bigger than your possible death sentance muthafuka!"b,121b,121I cannot describe how lame you appear to me right now with your "sponser a child in africa" self righteousness. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121b,121This is a simple case of holding different priorities. It's not about me saying 'look how great i am', or 'My charity is bigger than your possible death sentance muthafuka!' Sorry if that's the way it came across. Maybe poor choice of words on my part in earlier posts, or lack of understanding on your part.b,121b,121Just sayin' I have never heard of a case in history where a trial could not proceed due to lack of volunteer jurors. Now go to your local American Cancer Society office, or hospital, or college radio station and ask if they ever encounter a shortage of volunteers. The shortage in people is constant and some fundraisers don't happen as a result. b,121b,121Do I think I'm better than people for what I do? Absolutely not. My shit is as brown and smelly as yours and anyone else's. Maybe smellier tonight on account of all the beer and curry I've had. b,121b,121If you think (hypothetically) jury duty is more important than anything else you're doing in your life, that's fine. I don't think you're wrong. It works for you, just not for me. I'm not better than you, I just choose to spend my time differently. b,121b,121Peace.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121Skipping jury duty is just weaksauce.b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Sorry, I disagree. For every person who ducks out of jury duty, there are hundreds just waiting to be tapped for the 'privilege'. Jury duty is disruptive to people who work, go to school, volunteer, and dig for records all on the same day.b,121b,121Leave jury duty to the people who really want it. There are many. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121This is a retarded thing to say.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121b,121b1Just sayin' I have never heard of a case in history where a trial could not proceed due to lack of volunteer jurors. [/b] Now go to your local American Cancer Society office, or hospital, or college radio station and ask if they ever encounter a shortage of volunteers. The shortage in people is constant and some fundraisers don't happen as a result. b,121b,121b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Funny, last time I looked, there has never been a case in the US Courts where ANY jury member has been a volunteer.b,121b,121How dumb are you? Jury duty is NOT volunteer shit! It is REQUIRED when you are called. That is why you get issued a bench warrant if you do not show. You probably also think that people VOLUNTEER to pay their taxes, or VOLUNTEER to pay traffic tickets. You at the very LEAST have to go down there and plead your case that jury duty would impact you in a detrimental way. This shit about people throwing the letters away is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard! This isn't some private company who is badgering you about a credit card bill, it's the government! Local or Federal it won't matter, this shit will come back to you and it should. Jesus Christ, no wonder the country is the way it is. Dumbshits can't be expected to do the smallest thing they are REQUIRED BY LAW to do, and then want to complain that there aren't enough volunteers at the American Cancer Society? Dude, that is some ignorant idiot shit.b,121b,121I will reiterate, who is this clown? b,121b,121Oh, yeah, it's Mother-fusking-Theresa....all is forgiven for not doing the most basic of civil duties. But I bet you'd be the first in line to whine when the city/state/Fed does something to cut funding for some charity you support, but you can't find the time to do the minimum.

  • DB_CooperDB_Cooper Manhatin' 7,823 Posts
    Come on. You get called once every two years, max. If rational, intelligent people don't serve, they're leaving people's lives in the hands of the ignorant. You don't have to like our justice system, but I'd rather take responsibility for my own actions in the jury box than defer and wash my hands of it.b,121b,121In short, the world can take care of itself for a few days while you do your civic duty.

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,135 Posts
    I was called but but released without having to give some BS reason like "I'm friends with a cop" (my dad used this successfully since his best friend is a retired LAPD detective) or "I'm a lawyer/going to law school/hate lawyers/etc." (heard this used. It doesn't work and will only piss the judge off). You miss work, but you do get some quality reading time and have good conversations with other people who are just as uncomfortable and inconvenienced as you are. It sucks, but there are much worse things to be dragged into.

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121 This shit about people throwing the letters away is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard! b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1 b,121b,121Of course it is. In the entire history of your thoughts and experiences, throwing out jury duty letters is the very pinnacle of stupidity. b,121b,121Sounds reasonable. No rhetoric there!b,121b,121Plaese to pour yourself another glass of teh tap water. Don't worry: it's safe!b,121b,121/font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Jesus Christ, no wonder the country is the way it is. Dumbshits can't be expected to do the smallest thing they are REQUIRED BY LAW to do/b1 b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121You're right, Birdman.b,121b,121ATTENTION STRUTTERS: You will listen to your government and do all that is asked of you without question. Your country depends on you. b,121b,121BE REMINDED THAT THE FOLLOWING MUST BE AVOIDED AS REQUIRED BY LAW/b1: jaywalking, smoking marijuana, speeding just slightly above posted speed limits, performing illegal u-turns, downloading music, movies, TV shows, software, etc. that you have not paid for.b,121b,121DO NOT QUESTION THE FOLLOWING /b1:b,121b,121Our 2-party political system that engenders a weak democracy and stifles honest public discourse. This has no bearing on why our country is the way it is, and neither does the following:b,121b,121The military industrial complex and the state of perpetual war. (Attn: Prospective Ballers: Buy them defence company stocks y'all!!) b,121b,121Our hyper-consumerist culture and the corporate control of global capital.b,121b,121The rising rates of obesity, currently at 25% and rising dramatically--not to be confused with overweight rates, which are at 66% (!!) and also rising dramatically. It's okay. We're on it.b,121b,121Our gun laws (hi, murder victims!). Investment/credit laws (hi, fanny mae and enron!), the electoral college (hi mr gore!), endless TV commercials convincing you that you have a disease/syndome/abnormality/disability/disorder/disfunction (hi, you!)b,121b,121NONE OF THE ABOVE HAVE ANY BEARING ON "WHY OUR COUNTRY IS THE WAY IT IS" b,121ONLY JURY DUTY DODGERS HAVE ANY BEARING ON THE CURRENTLY DEPLORABLE STATE OF THE NATION/b1b,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 I bet you'd be the first in line to whine when the city/state/Fed does something to cut funding for some charity you support, but you can't find the time to do the minimum. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121The American Cancer Society does not receive any funding from any level of gov't. It never has, and I'm cool with it because I know tax dollars are being spent responsibly on far more important things, like defence. More money should be funneled to support a fully operational national defence strategy.b,121b,121The country is perfect, but for those pesky jury duty dodgers.b,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Jesus Christ, no wonder the country is the way it is. Dumbshits can't be expected to do the smallest thing they are REQUIRED BY LAW to do/b1 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121pffft. img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/walkawaysonfinal.gif" alt="" 21

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,917 Posts
    I really don't understand why there are so many angry and frustrated statements in this thread. Whether you're for or against jury duty (or more ambivalent, like me), your stance doesn't require an aggressive defense. It comes across more like rationalization than reasonable debate or argument like that.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121Birdman...b,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 This shit about people throwing the letters away is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard! b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1 b,121b,121Of course it is. In the entire history of your thoughts and experiences, throwing out jury duty letters is the very pinnacle of stupidity. b,121b,121Sounds reasonable. No rhetoric there!b,121b,121Plaese to pour yourself another glass of teh tap water. Don't worry: it's safe!b,121b,121/font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Jesus Christ, no wonder the country is the way it is. Dumbshits can't be expected to do the smallest thing they are REQUIRED BY LAW to do/b1 b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121You're right, Birdman.b,121b,121ATTENTION STRUTTERS: You will listen to your government and do all that is asked of you without question. Your country depends on you. b,121b,121BE REMINDED THAT THE FOLLOWING MUST BE AVOIDED AS REQUIRED BY LAW/b1: jaywalking, smoking marijuana, speeding just slightly above posted speed limits, performing illegal u-turns, downloading music, movies, TV shows, software, etc. that you have not paid for.b,121b,121DO NOT QUESTION THE FOLLOWING /b1:b,121b,121Our 2-party political system that engenders a weak democracy and stifles honest public discourse. This has no bearing on why our country is the way it is, and neither does the following:b,121b,121The military industrial complex and the state of perpetual war. (Attn: Prospective Ballers: Buy them defence company stocks y'all!!) b,121b,121Our hyper-consumerist culture and the corporate control of global capital.b,121b,121The rising rates of obesity, currently at 25% and rising dramatically--not to be confused with overweight rates, which are at 66% (!!) and also rising dramatically. It's okay. We're on it.b,121b,121Our gun laws (hi, murder victims!). Investment/credit laws (hi, fanny mae and enron!), the electoral college (hi mr gore!), endless TV commercials convincing you that you have a disease/syndome/abnormality/disability/disorder/disfunction (hi, you!)b,121b,121NONE OF THE ABOVE HAVE ANY BEARING ON "WHY OUR COUNTRY IS THE WAY IT IS" b,121ONLY JURY DUTY DODGERS HAVE ANY BEARING ON THE CURRENTLY DEPLORABLE STATE OF THE NATION/b1b,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 I bet you'd be the first in line to whine when the city/state/Fed does something to cut funding for some charity you support, but you can't find the time to do the minimum. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121The American Cancer Society does not receive any funding from any level of gov't. It never has, and I'm cool with it because I know tax dollars are being spent responsibly on far more important things, like defence. More money should be funneled to support a fully operational national defence strategy.b,121b,121The country is perfect, but for those pesky jury duty dodgers.b,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Jesus Christ, no wonder the country is the way it is. Dumbshits can't be expected to do the smallest thing they are REQUIRED BY LAW to do/b1 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121pffft. img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/walkawaysonfinal.gif" alt="" 21 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121You are a complete moron who lives in a fantasy world. Enjoy yourself.b,121b,121By the way, I noticed no mention of your complete lack of understanding of how a jury is actually selected. Still believe in the myth of 'Volunteer jurors', Einstein?

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121I really don't understand why there are so many angry and frustrated statements in this thread. Whether you're for or against jury duty (or more ambivalent, like me), your stance doesn't require an aggressive defense. It comes across more like rationalization than reasonable debate or argument like that. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1 b,121b,121img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cos3ve.gif" alt="" 21b,121b,121b,121You are 100% correct.

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121Birdman...b,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 This shit about people throwing the letters away is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard! b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1 b,121b,121Of course it is. In the entire history of your thoughts and experiences, throwing out jury duty letters is the very pinnacle of stupidity. b,121b,121Sounds reasonable. No rhetoric there!b,121b,121Plaese to pour yourself another glass of teh tap water. Don't worry: it's safe!b,121b,121/font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Jesus Christ, no wonder the country is the way it is. Dumbshits can't be expected to do the smallest thing they are REQUIRED BY LAW to do/b1 b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121You're right, Birdman.b,121b,121ATTENTION STRUTTERS: You will listen to your government and do all that is asked of you without question. Your country depends on you. b,121b,121BE REMINDED THAT THE FOLLOWING MUST BE AVOIDED AS REQUIRED BY LAW/b1: jaywalking, smoking marijuana, speeding just slightly above posted speed limits, performing illegal u-turns, downloading music, movies, TV shows, software, etc. that you have not paid for.b,121b,121DO NOT QUESTION THE FOLLOWING /b1:b,121b,121Our 2-party political system that engenders a weak democracy and stifles honest public discourse. This has no bearing on why our country is the way it is, and neither does the following:b,121b,121The military industrial complex and the state of perpetual war. (Attn: Prospective Ballers: Buy them defence company stocks y'all!!) b,121b,121Our hyper-consumerist culture and the corporate control of global capital.b,121b,121The rising rates of obesity, currently at 25% and rising dramatically--not to be confused with overweight rates, which are at 66% (!!) and also rising dramatically. It's okay. We're on it.b,121b,121Our gun laws (hi, murder victims!). Investment/credit laws (hi, fanny mae and enron!), the electoral college (hi mr gore!), endless TV commercials convincing you that you have a disease/syndome/abnormality/disability/disorder/disfunction (hi, you!)b,121b,121NONE OF THE ABOVE HAVE ANY BEARING ON "WHY OUR COUNTRY IS THE WAY IT IS" b,121ONLY JURY DUTY DODGERS HAVE ANY BEARING ON THE CURRENTLY DEPLORABLE STATE OF THE NATION/b1b,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 I bet you'd be the first in line to whine when the city/state/Fed does something to cut funding for some charity you support, but you can't find the time to do the minimum. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121The American Cancer Society does not receive any funding from any level of gov't. It never has, and I'm cool with it because I know tax dollars are being spent responsibly on far more important things, like defence. More money should be funneled to support a fully operational national defence strategy.b,121b,121The country is perfect, but for those pesky jury duty dodgers.b,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Jesus Christ, no wonder the country is the way it is. Dumbshits can't be expected to do the smallest thing they are REQUIRED BY LAW to do/b1 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121pffft. img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/walkawaysonfinal.gif" alt="" 21 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121You are a complete moron who lives in a fantasy world. Enjoy yourself. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121And you are a child, Birdman/b1. Grow up and learn how to challenge ideas, not people. YOU are what's wrong with the country, son.

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121b,121By the way, I noticed no mention of your complete lack of understanding of how a jury is actually selected. Still believe in the myth of 'Volunteer jurors', Einstein? b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121I am the first to admit when I'm wrong, and I have no problems apologizing when I've done someone wrong.b,121b,121That said, yes, you're right. I DO understand how a jury is selected, it was just a poor choice of words on my part. However, this is irrelevant to the overall argument of the thread and clearly meant to insult me, not challenge my ideas. b,121b,121Speaks volumes about the kind of person you are.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121Birdman...b,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 This shit about people throwing the letters away is just the dumbest thing I have ever heard! b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1 b,121b,121Of course it is. In the entire history of your thoughts and experiences, throwing out jury duty letters is the very pinnacle of stupidity. b,121b,121Sounds reasonable. No rhetoric there!b,121b,121Plaese to pour yourself another glass of teh tap water. Don't worry: it's safe!b,121b,121/font1
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Jesus Christ, no wonder the country is the way it is. Dumbshits can't be expected to do the smallest thing they are REQUIRED BY LAW to do/b1 b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121You're right, Birdman.b,121b,121ATTENTION STRUTTERS: You will listen to your government and do all that is asked of you without question. Your country depends on you. b,121b,121BE REMINDED THAT THE FOLLOWING MUST BE AVOIDED AS REQUIRED BY LAW/b1: jaywalking, smoking marijuana, speeding just slightly above posted speed limits, performing illegal u-turns, downloading music, movies, TV shows, software, etc. that you have not paid for.b,121b,121DO NOT QUESTION THE FOLLOWING /b1:b,121b,121Our 2-party political system that engenders a weak democracy and stifles honest public discourse. This has no bearing on why our country is the way it is, and neither does the following:b,121b,121The military industrial complex and the state of perpetual war. (Attn: Prospective Ballers: Buy them defence company stocks y'all!!) b,121b,121Our hyper-consumerist culture and the corporate control of global capital.b,121b,121The rising rates of obesity, currently at 25% and rising dramatically--not to be confused with overweight rates, which are at 66% (!!) and also rising dramatically. It's okay. We're on it.b,121b,121Our gun laws (hi, murder victims!). Investment/credit laws (hi, fanny mae and enron!), the electoral college (hi mr gore!), endless TV commercials convincing you that you have a disease/syndome/abnormality/disability/disorder/disfunction (hi, you!)b,121b,121NONE OF THE ABOVE HAVE ANY BEARING ON "WHY OUR COUNTRY IS THE WAY IT IS" b,121ONLY JURY DUTY DODGERS HAVE ANY BEARING ON THE CURRENTLY DEPLORABLE STATE OF THE NATION/b1b,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 I bet you'd be the first in line to whine when the city/state/Fed does something to cut funding for some charity you support, but you can't find the time to do the minimum. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121The American Cancer Society does not receive any funding from any level of gov't. It never has, and I'm cool with it because I know tax dollars are being spent responsibly on far more important things, like defence. More money should be funneled to support a fully operational national defence strategy.b,121b,121The country is perfect, but for those pesky jury duty dodgers.b,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121 Jesus Christ, no wonder the country is the way it is. Dumbshits can't be expected to do the smallest thing they are REQUIRED BY LAW to do/b1 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121pffft. img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/walkawaysonfinal.gif" alt="" 21 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121You are a complete moron who lives in a fantasy world. Enjoy yourself. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121And you are a child, Birdman/b1. Grow up and learn how to challenge ideas, not people. YOU are what's wrong with the country, son. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121Listen, SON, I accept my civic responsibilities when it is necessary. I even bitch and complain about them, but I DO ACCEPT THEM AS REALITY. Your position here, and yes, YOU, are the pinnacle of immaturity. I don't give a shit if you shirk every responsibility that comes your way or not. You put your views out their for comment, and I commented. Your views ("Let somebody else do it") are idiotic.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121b,121By the way, I noticed no mention of your complete lack of understanding of how a jury is actually selected. Still believe in the myth of 'Volunteer jurors', Einstein? b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121I am the first to admit when I'm wrong, and I have no problems apologizing when I've done someone wrong.b,121b,121That said, yes, you're right. I DO understand how a jury is selected, it was just a poor choice of words on my part. However, this is irrelevant to the overall argument of the thread and clearly meant to insult me, not my ideas. /b1 b,121b,121Speaks volumes about the kind of person you are. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121No, it goes to the heart of the argument. You have zero understanding of something that you were blowing loud and hard about. The understanding part makes you wrong, the loud and hard part makes you an idiot. You can blame me all you want because you feel bad, but you are putting shit out there that other people may wrongly take as sound advice (just throw the juror selction letters away) and find themselves in some serious mess. That's just plain irresponsible AND stupid.

  • Options
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121 you are putting shit out there that other people may wrongly take as sound advice (just throw the juror selction letters away) and find themselves in some serious mess. That's just plain irresponsible AND stupid. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121You are right. Someone might read something posted on the internet and blindly follow it like biblical truth rather than critically examine if their best interests are at stake. b,121 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/laugh.gif" alt="" 21 img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/liljohn.gif" alt="" 21

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    Soulstrut: The new Wikipedia?

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,917 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121I really don't understand why there are so many angry and frustrated statements in this thread. Whether you're for or against jury duty (or more ambivalent, like me), your stance doesn't require an aggressive defense. It comes across more like rationalization than reasonable debate or argument like that. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1 b,121b,121img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cos3ve.gif" alt="" 21b,121b,121b,121You are 100% correct. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121Don't take this as a personal attack, but you're definitely included in my statement. You've made your views known and you're kind of just arguing to argue at this point (not that I've never fallen into that trap myself). For all practical purposes, this thread probably isn't going anywhere at this point.

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    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121I really don't understand why there are so many angry and frustrated statements in this thread. Whether you're for or against jury duty (or more ambivalent, like me), your stance doesn't require an aggressive defense. It comes across more like rationalization than reasonable debate or argument like that. b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1 b,121b,121img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cos3ve.gif" alt="" 21b,121b,121b,121You are 100% correct. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121Don't take this as a personal attack, but you're definitely included in my statement. You've made your views known and you're kind of just arguing to argue at this point (not that I've never fallen into that trap myself). For all practical purposes, this thread probably isn't going anywhere at this point. b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121I included myself in your original statement. I'm not bias-free and my arguments aren't air-tight. I haven't always 'fought fair' in this thread. All of my latest postings are just me defending myself against personal attacks. b,121b,121You're also right about this thread going nowhere.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121I included myself in your original statement. I'm not bias-free and my arguments aren't air-tight. I haven't always 'fought fair' in this thread. All of my latest postings are just me defending myself against personal attacks. b,121b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Personal attacks? Jesus, dude, you need to sac up if you are taking up any kind of residency around here! I don't know you and vice versa. If you don't want to be called out don't step up and say stupid shit! I haven't said anything about your looks, your family, your race, your sexual preference, your hometown, or anything personal. I commented soley on the views YOU put out there, which were and are patently ridiculous. Ok, so I called into question how smart you are(n't), and if I upset your precious equilibrium, I am surely sorry.

  • img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/popcorn.gif" alt="" 21

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    Quote:/font1h,121b,121/font1Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121I included myself in your original statement. I'm not bias-free and my arguments aren't air-tight. I haven't always 'fought fair' in this thread. All of my latest postings are just me defending myself against personal attacks. b,121b,121 b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121Personal attacks? Jesus, dude, you need to sac up if you are taking up any kind of residency around here! I don't know you and vice versa. If you don't want to be called out don't step up and say stupid shit! I haven't said anything about your looks, your family, your race, your sexual preference, your hometown, or anything personal. I commented soley on the views YOU put out there, which were and are patently ridiculous. Ok, so I called into question how smart you are(n't), and if I upset your precious equilibrium, b1I am surely sorry./b1 b,121b,121h,121font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121Not as sorry as the poor slob who eventually get's this bargain basement refusenik as a juror.

  • RockadelicRockadelic Out Digging 13,993 Posts
    If you're not participating in Jury Duty because you're apathetic or just pathetic it's really nothing to be proud of or brag about.b,121b,121What concerns me are the folks who don't participate because they "don't want to judge people".b,121b,121I guess religious folks fall back on the "only God can judge" concept, but make no mistake, that is only AFTER they leave this earth.b,121b,121As humans we MUST be able to judge people and their actions, we MUST be able to stand up and say something is wrong and it deserves punishment. And we MUST be the ones to dole out that punishment. HERE ON EARTH.b,121b,121Not the government, not specific groups, but US, the people as a whole.b,121b,121The Jerry Springer mentality of "You don't know me" as an excuse to not judge one's actions is indeed pathetic.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,917 Posts
    Quote:/font1h,121b,121b,121b,121As humans we MUST be able to judge people and their actions, we MUST be able to stand up and say something is wrong and it deserves punishment. And we MUST be the ones to dole out that punishment. HERE ON EARTH.b,121b,121h,121
    font class="post"1b,121b,121b,121See, that's the attitude that concerns [i]me/i1. I don't believe in the black and white right/wrong mentality that you do. An action which I would consider wrong in one situation, I might consider right in another. I don't trust all lawyers, judges, and jurors to have the ability to detect the uniqueness and subtleties of every case. b,121b,121However, in the spirit of my earlier comments, I don't mean to say that you are wrong in feeling the way you do, rather that your views don't feel like a good fit for me.
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