The Wire Season 5 SPOILER Thread



  • Beard...goatee...whatever...I'VE BEEN VINDICATED!!!

    Man, this episode was amaaaaaaaaaaaazing. Marlo's shook.The only time I've ever seen him lose his cool!

    Is it me or is Freamon the only real hero on this show? I'm scared/sad for McNulty.
    why isnt mcnutty a hero? he threw his career away to try to take down a drug lord?

    why didnt mike and dook just get out of town?

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    Is it me or is Freamon the only real hero on this show?

    At one time or another, I'd categorize all of the following as heroes. Or at least to have acted like or had certain personal properties of one. You could make arguments for a lot more too.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    last I checked that was known as a goatee, my friend.

    A goatee is a type of beard. (that is, last I checked)

    Or is it simply a mustache with company?

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Is it me or is Freamon the only real hero on this show?

    At one time or another, I'd categorize all of the following as heroes. Or at least to have acted like or had certain personal properties of one. You could make arguments for a lot more too.

    Yeah, you're right. I'm just saying that with the exception of playing into McNulty's scandal, he's been straight up the whole time. Honest (for the most part), good-hearted, know.

    And Bubbles should take Dookie in. They could open their own business star in a sitcom together!

  • Damn, that shit was heart-wrenching.

    Seriously. What a great episode.

  • Is it me or is Freamon the only real hero on this show?

    At one time or another, I'd categorize all of the following as heroes. Or at least to have acted like or had certain personal properties of one. You could make arguments for a lot more too. happy for namond too, but can we leave him off the hero shortlist?

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Plus, as far as I can remember, Lester never wronged anybody.

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    Is it me or is Freamon the only real hero on this show?

    At one time or another, I'd categorize all of the following as heroes. Or at least to have acted like or had certain personal properties of one. You could make arguments for a lot more too. happy for namond too, but can we leave him off the hero shortlist?

    I think it takes a lot of guts to take the high road instead of the corner. Some might disagree. But sure.

  • is dookie a junky now? Is the dude he was collecting scraps for the one that was in the alley?

    plus i realised.. As great as a character Marlo is.. the jail scene was only like his third time he had any dialogue.

    And FUCK KIMA! Stop snitching.......

  • kima fell the fuck off, but i dont see how it wouldnt have blown up regardless.
    lester is valiantly playing chess and shoring up vulnerabilities, but its gonna be real tough.
    so many great scenes. gus and the vet, levy snoop and odog, prison scene, lester and marlo in the playground, snoop and mike in the car,bubbz at NA,

    i was getting alllll anxious right before they raided the warehouse.knew what was coming, but.....just had to be sure

    what the fuck was up with the cop scratching the shit out of himself???
    why is non of the evidence admissable in court? arent the patriot acts good for anything?

  • and did kenard already get this money????

  • is dookie a junky now? Is the dude he was collecting scraps for the one that was in the alley?

    Yup. A few pages back I thought....


  • fit has hit the shan!

    location test

  • Oh and anybody else catch the return of Prez? Odub called that one.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Oh and anybody else catch the return of Prez? Odub called that one.

    Huh? Where?!

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Not too surprising in cameo season. Auggie Polk was a fun season 1 & 2 shoutout.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Oh and anybody else catch the return of Prez? Odub called that one.

    Huh? Where?!

    Preview clip for Ep 60.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts
    Oh and anybody else catch the return of Prez? Odub called that one.

    Huh? Where?!

    Preview clip for Ep 60.

    Yeah, that's what I figured. I hope him and Dookie cross paths again.

    Speaking of cameos, did you guys catch the lazy ass cop from Season 1 working the evidence room?

    "It's better than working."

  • FYBSFYBS 271 Posts
    slim charles!

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts

    Speaking of cameos, did you guys catch the lazy ass cop from Season 1 working the evidence room?

    "It's better than working."

    Oh, oops. That was Augie Polk, right?

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    Speaking of cameos, did you guys catch the lazy ass cop from Season 1 working the evidence room?

    "It's better than working."

    Oh, oops. That was Augie Polk, right?

    Yeah, but I had to look the name up.

  • Hotsauce84Hotsauce84 8,450 Posts

    Speaking of cameos, did you guys catch the lazy ass cop from Season 1 working the evidence room?

    "It's better than working."

    Oh, oops. That was Augie Polk, right?

    Yeah, but I had to look the name up.

    Ha ha! I was like "damn, these dudes know EVERYTHING about this show!"

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Predictions for the final ep. ?

    Lester vs Levy - Will Levy discover the truth, or will Lester find evidence to connect him to the money? The race is on, who will win?

    McNulty either gets exposed and goes crazy/suicidal. Or the one I prefer, he gets quietly kicked out, and is happier for it (like he was when he was just working foot patrol).

    Marlo gets out - kills lots of people, inc Michael and or Dookie
    Marlo goes down, Slim Charles and Michael take over.

    Prezbo saves Dookie. Yay!

    It all hangs on whether or not the truth of the Marlo/Homeless investigation comes out or not. If not then all the good things can happen. If it goes public, then it's all fuct.

  • Man, I am amped up. Ready to keep a vigil at 12 midnight on Sunday!

    - Marlo throws joints!

    - Slim Charles!

    (I wonder if the whole, "I wasn't built to run my own shop" thing he said at the coop meeting is gonna come back... Slim as the new Joe?)

    - Prezbo & Dukie, reunited? Seems sad tho...

    - Do we see Michael again?

    As far as 59....


    So dope.

  • magpiemagpie 160 Posts
    im all caught up (took about 3 weeks, 1-59)!!!!

    just in time...

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts


    It look good, girl.


    I didn't think I'd be so touched by that scene but I was.

    As was the look of pride on Colvin's face as he watched Namond drop science on AIDS in Africa.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    the scene with Michael and Dukie talking in the car and Michael can't remember buying the ice cream.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    the scene with Michael and Dukie talking in the car and Michael can't remember buying the ice cream.

    Touching as a parting scene but that dialogue was just maudlin.

  • white_teawhite_tea 3,262 Posts
    Speaking of cameos, did you guys catch the lazy ass cop from Season 1 working the evidence room?

    "It's better than working."

    That was awesome.

    I shed a little tear during Bub's Emmy moment at the meeting.

    That scene with Clay and Lester having a drink was like the entire series in a nutshell -- so cool seeing Davis level with Freamon.

    The last two episodes have redeemed all of the somewhat half-baked plot points in this season. Not that it was that bad but it's gotten a lot better the past two weeks.
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