I've paid money to post on this message board...



  • this thread has potential...

  • Salary_DizSalary_Diz 735 Posts

    So it's OK for you to post up one-bug's feedback but when I post yours its no-one's buisness?. Just because dude is Japanese doesn't mean it's ok to put his modern soul tastes on blast. Dude you're a hypocrite deadbeat Ebayer. And I'm ashamed for you to be apart of this site.

    i smell another ban coming up

    TheMack doesn't get banned. He gets "Time Outs" which also makes me laugh out loud. Man, I love this place.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    Dude you're a hypocrite deadbeat Ebayer. And I'm ashamed for you to be apart of this site.

    Dude we need that Sam Jackson Radio DJ from Do the Right thing to jump in right now and say "EVERYBODY CHILL!"

    I thought I was the only dude on this site allowed to fly off and say dumb shit. If you 2 keep it up soon everyone will be talking about your tiny penises as well.

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    you guys need to respect raj. you would not be sitting there naked stroking your wang and posting up in this shit if it were not for the man raj. so archiac sent raj $15 to post on here? HA HA!!! that is hysterical. I donated ( 7 times more than that butthole ) and expect no special treatment. i sent the money because i am a fan of the site. thats it. i propose no condition on my donation of funds to this site. fuck archiac. you aint got no special rights on here. this is a group thing. if you make an ass out of yourself and people sweat you pay the price. dont bring raj's name into it dude. by creating the site he gave you an outlet to be a dick and make an ass out of yourself. that should be enough right there.

    SERIOUSLY. I fucking love when RAJ bans somebody just because he feels like it. I swear its the funniest shit ever, especially when people throw a shit fit. Archaic annoyed the crap out of me, so I could care less if he got banned. Is it really that hard to post on this website without pissing of RAJ? I mean jesus.... And seriously, he pays to keep this site up, and it IS his kingdom! Sure we are a "community" and all of that, and I love most of you, but RAJ is the one who keeps it going.

    I'm glad that Shig thought it was funny too that RAJ offered to refund his 15 bucks. Shame on the rest for not realizing the RADNESS of it all!

    Am I totally riding RAJ's nuts? FUCK YEAH! And I've never been banned either!

    great minds drink alike. i mean think alike.

    and plaese to not give me moder-hating priveleges like on some NRR forum or some shit cuz i'll just ban motherfuckers for my own kicks. or change titles and shit. i could edit your posts and switch out jpegs for weirder jpegs just because i can. wow. that sounds like a lot of fun tho.

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    Archaic ought to be allowed to stay (though that "I pay to post" shit is wack). That said, deleting threads without any notice/notification isn't cool either.
    THAT[/b] said....if Raj's baby is keeping him up at night, leave him the fuck alone. It's BRUTAL.

    I'm glad you feel my pain. Does anybody remember how i was this time last year with a newborn infant???... dreadful. I was being a dick to tripldoubl. Everything will be alright.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    please GOD anything but that!!! and plus, we'd have nowhere to go being that stonesthrow msg board is shut down... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    Yeah whatever happened to that dude that was giving you the bizness one minute, then all chummy with you the next....that guy was a trip.

    jonthedj from CT? hes over on the deepfunk forum chilling...

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    and trust me, i've had my fair share of conflicts with the dude, but i think you greatly exaggerate the negative influence he has on this board. and of all the threads to delete, the one where we were discussing two records in a civilized manner was not the one.

    I agree.

    Archaic is actually one of the board's most valuable contributors, in my opinion.

    I agree with both of the above.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    ... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    or you can call little dudes back while shopping at amoeba and save them from dropping $50 on bad gospel LPs

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    please GOD anything but that!!! and plus, we'd have nowhere to go being that stonesthrow msg board is shut down... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    well at least you guys share the dental thing

    look dick... i just got a replacement tooth today and the permanant one will be in in two weeks so SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!! and plus when i get the last tooth you, day, and myself can finally take a picture and look like triplets... oh yeah, and...


    LA is on some hate justin shit right now... fucking socal loser fucks!!! NORCAL BOOTCHES!!!

    and this is turning into one of the better threads ive read in a long while...

  • soulmarcosasoulmarcosa 4,296 Posts
    jonthedj from CT? hes over on the deepfunk forum raving over $5 funk 45s...

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    please GOD anything but that!!! and plus, we'd have nowhere to go being that stonesthrow msg board is shut down... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    well at least you guys share the dental thing

    look dick... i just got a replacement tooth today and the permanant one will be in in two weeks so SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!! and plus when i get the last tooth you, day, and myself can finally take a picture and look like triplets... oh yeah, and...


    LA is on some hate justin shit right now... fucking socal loser fucks!!! NORCAL BOOTCHES!!!

    and this is turning into one of the better threads ive read in a long while...


  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    jonthedj from CT? hes over on the deepfunk forum raving over $5 funk 45s...

    Chilling in his paid-for-with-bass-lessons mansion...yeah, now I remember, that was a good thread. Jinx had dude rimming him like 2 posts after challenging him to a fistfight. Jinx is my hero.

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    ... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    or you can call little dudes back while shopping at amoeba and save them from dropping $50 on bad gospel LPs

    oy vey! did you read about my dad and his heart attack you fucking skinny jew bastard? i was in ICU last night when you called chilling with my dad... i got your msg this morning... on the forillymyniggles... sorry i missed your call...

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    please GOD anything but that!!! and plus, we'd have nowhere to go being that stonesthrow msg board is shut down... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    well at least you guys share the dental thing

    look dick... i just got a replacement tooth today and the permanant one will be in in two weeks so SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!! and plus when i get the last tooth you, day, and myself can finally take a picture and look like triplets... oh yeah, and...


    LA is on some hate justin shit right now... fucking socal loser fucks!!! NORCAL BOOTCHES!!!

    and this is turning into one of the better threads ive read in a long while...


    ima have that shit on some bionic toof style.. jump out my mouth and transform and shit into a portable record player... dont be jealous that i got a bionic toof shiggerific...

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    ... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    or you can call little dudes back while shopping at amoeba and save them from dropping $50 on bad gospel LPs

    oy vey! did you read about my dad and his heart attack you fucking skinny jew bastard? i was in ICU last night when you called chilling with my dad... i got your msg this morning... on the forillymyniggles... sorry i missed your call...

    oh snap I missed that post. Mea culpa. I"ll say a prayer for yo' daddy today

    Luckily I can still get 75% credit on the shitty rackords

  • DubiousDubious 1,865 Posts
    there's really some bitches out there eh?

    Raj do your thing...you deserve nothing but props / kudos and laurels for the work you've put in man.

    i don't get 95% of the in jokes on here and i've been on this board for a long ass time... it shocks me the lack of respect most of these newbies have these days...

    there was a community / vibe to the strut that was in place a long time ago and that included a SHIT load of clowning / banning / burning... that shit was dope... i can't believe some of the stoooooooopid comments some of the newbies are makin on here on the daily and nobody seems to call them on it anymore...

    i for one will be quite happy not to have to wade through 5 project blowed / why don't i get the respect i deserve / crave threads from Archaic... dude came off as a 16 year old nutthanger and we certainly do not need any more of those around here AT ALL.

  • grandpa_shiggrandpa_shig 5,799 Posts
    Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    please GOD anything but that!!! and plus, we'd have nowhere to go being that stonesthrow msg board is shut down... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    well at least you guys share the dental thing

    look dick... i just got a replacement tooth today and the permanant one will be in in two weeks so SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!! and plus when i get the last tooth you, day, and myself can finally take a picture and look like triplets... oh yeah, and...


    LA is on some hate justin shit right now... fucking socal loser fucks!!! NORCAL BOOTCHES!!!

    and this is turning into one of the better threads ive read in a long while...


    ima have that shit on some bionic toof style.. jump out my mouth and transform and shit into a portable record player... dont be jealous that i got a bionic toof shiggerific...

    HA HA!!!

    it's good to have you [and diz] back even if just for a moment.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,907 Posts
    You All Need To Click Here!!!

    I'd make a gif outta this if I wasn't at work...

  • ... Archaic... dude came off as a 16 year old nutthanger ...

    quote of the day... that made me laugh

  • BsidesBsides 4,244 Posts
    I kind of enjoyed archaic's posts about texas rap and stuff. I also think his blowed arguments were very enjoyable.

    On the other hand it sounds like he was being a dick to raj. Which is a no no. This is his house and everyone else here is just a guest.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    please GOD anything but that!!! and plus, we'd have nowhere to go being that stonesthrow msg board is shut down... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    well at least you guys share the dental thing

    look dick... i just got a replacement tooth today and the permanant one will be in in two weeks so SHUT YOUR PIE HOLE!!! and plus when i get the last tooth you, day, and myself can finally take a picture and look like triplets... oh yeah, and...


    LA is on some hate justin shit right now... fucking socal loser fucks!!! NORCAL BOOTCHES!!!

    and this is turning into one of the better threads ive read in a long while...

    HATE?!?! neber that foll...I lub me some jinxy-pie. you are the only one to give me my own day. And the comparison of that (djdazeday) to the fact that djdaze and day are cornfused as the same dude is totally random(hi doc).

  • dayday 9,611 Posts
    I wonder when you get banned if it feels like this

    Jinx i'm down to have a threesome dude as long as i'm the top slice of bread.

  • Danno3000Danno3000 2,851 Posts
    shig i think you meant

    NOZ I've got nothing against you. You've been around this place for years and I've got nothing but love. Archaic on the other hand, his presence on this board has affected my ability to even keep up with this place. I had a kneejerk reaction to delete the thread because it had a link on there on where you could buy the CD... didn't even read it. But seriously... Archaic needs to go and I am ready to PayPal him $15 and ban his ass.

    is Raj a Rothschild???

    No dude, I'm the Rothschild; Raj is shin-bet operative.

    But seriously, like others have said, this board is Raj's and he's free to do as he pleases. Don't like it? Leave. I've been on this board for something like four years now and have had the pleasure of meeting Raj in person twice. Dude is beyond reproach and even if he wasn't it would be poor form to criticise him when we're all guests in his pad. If he wants to ban Archaic, let him. Who was it that carried a beating stick in their car? I don't remember, but I'd ask to borrow that beating stick so that I could wave it dangerously in front of anyone who took issue with my right to boot an annoying goof from my apartment. So there.

  • Options

    I kind of enjoyed archaic's posts about texas rap and stuff. I also think his blowed arguments were very enjoyable.

    On the other hand it sounds like he was being a dick to raj. Which is a no no. This is his house and everyone else here is just a guest.

    I'm with BSides.

    You know though, you gotta be a little strange to get yourself banned from a record collecting forum. And blabbing about a 15 dollar donation is as little dude as it gets.

    Another thing. The only other board like this that I check out every now and then is a surffishing board. It handles maybe 20 posts a day, nowhere near what this board handles. Every once in a awhile a non-fishing related topic comes up, but doesn't draw a fraction of the attention that the NRR threads on here get (I fully acknowledge that I'm one of the kings of NRR posting, but I don't know a things about records compared to dudes on here).

    My point is, when Raj started this thing it was probably a nice place where mostly music was discussed, and he didnt have to devote as much attention to it as he does now. Now you got dudes like me busting on showing pictures of fish I caught, or giving advice on how to clean sneakers, or talking about how I paid a crackhead to hammer the mirror off my partner's truck at work while dude was sleeping. Raj didn't intend this site for folls like me.

    If this place was ALL ABOUT RECORDS, as some of you would like it be (which is cool, everyone is everyone), it would defintely be more efficient I guess and easier for the don to run. And honestly, if it was like that I would probably just be a lurker because I can't come anywhere near the knowledge that gets dropped here daily (I have said in the past that I'm mainly here to learn). So you'd have me out of the way.

    If that fishing board ever got like this board, dude running it would shut it down or pass it off onto someone else. I know because I know the guy.

    Raj needs to be cut massive slack. I'm in the camp where I don't think Archaic should have been banned, but like AI and Jinx pointed out, it doesn't really affect me at all. Tomorrow dude is a memory. But yo, Raj runs this shit with his first child still in diapers and a full time job as well. If he wants someone gone that's how it goes.

    Raj provided the forum, but dudes on here built it up to where folks are posting pictures of their kids, or dudes are venting about family issues, or folks are bigging each other up via PM. Respect the architect.

    I lost my train of thought. Anyone ever see the baseball player Mike Cameron? Blackest man alive, dudes on the Mets call him Midnight.

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts

  • Options
    Hi Cosmo!!!

  • spaceghostspaceghost 605 Posts
    Respect the architect.

    thanks bro.

    silence fills the room

    uuuuh guess you weren't talking about me.

  • Jonny_PaycheckJonny_Paycheck 17,825 Posts
    BTW why does Raj need donations when hes droppin money on records like this?

    this is the most retarded shit ever. like it is any of your business what this guy spends his money on. this site ain't nothing but a gift to your bored ass. give thanks to the man if anything. you think you are entitled to something? i just sent raj another donation. some of you buttholes should do the exact same thing. it is a joke that you guys get so much pleasure and entertainment and INFORMATION for free. you have learned more about records from this site than you would have ever hoped to have known. wake up an show some appreciation and gratitude you fucking buttholes.


    I used to sit on this shit all day at my job. Now I can't even bother unless when I'm eating toast in the morning or gunning price tags at night. It's fucking awesome, I've met tons of good folk, and gotten great records, great information, leads, trades, etc etc etc.

    It's probably safe to say that my business would not be what it is without soulstrut.

    Motherfuckers clog up this board all day with BULLSHIT - recordwise and otherwise. HEY GUYS! LOOK WHAT (weak, common, corny) RECORD I JUST DISCOVERED! HEY GUYS! I JUST CAUGHT MY BOSS SCRATCHING HIS NUTS! DO YOU SCRATCH YOUR PRIVATES??? HEY! WHAT'S THE VALUE OF THIS RECORD? HAVEN'T LISTENED TO IT, DON'T KNOW SHIT, BUT SOMEONE ON THE INTERNET WILL TELL ME WHAT TO THINK ABOUT IT! If you're selling anything on ebay you gotta advertise on here. Dudes are probably getting $5-10 more per record just because of soulstrut.

    Fuck it if Rick wants to ban someone. If dude wants to blow all his money on hookers and blow in Atlantic City I don't give a fuck and neither should anyone here. Half of yalls social lives is fucking encapsulated on this here website...

    Yall disagree with Archaic all day and then when you disagree with Raj "OMG! SOULSTRUT IS DEAD!" dude.

  • BrianBrian 7,618 Posts
    i was thinking about posting something like sweeeeeeeenie did but im kind of tired and kind of bad with words so yeah

  • Options
    Respect the architect.
    thanks bro.

    silence fills the room

    uuuuh guess you weren't talking about me.

    I used to watch Spaceghost sometimes.
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