I've paid money to post on this message board...



  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    I co-sign flatblackplastic

    I always wondered why there wasn't a (NRR) section to the forums?

    we talked about it a few years a go.. consensus was it was the whole charm of the soul strut community to have the NRR mingle with the RRs. Question is who wants to moderate the NRR forum? E-Dub?

    you know im down to help out in anyway raj, i think these people could be good candidates:

    back when it was discussed before i couldn't help but agree with the "whole charm" thing but the site was a bit more of a closeknit family then, today the site has blown the fuck up.

    Someone recently linked to Stark Reality and bean dip thread. It reminded me that I used to read every thread. Just log on once a day spend 1/2 an hour reading the threads, return to life. Now I have done no work all morning just keeping up with 4 or 5 threads.

    I love soulstrut because it still feels like community to me.

    Raj has always been nice to me.

    But it is Raj's board, we are his guests, he can do what he wants.


  • Pistol_PetePistol_Pete 1,289 Posts
    I like the way things are mixed as well, however I've asked a member or two that are friends of mine that they need to contribute more to the record related stuff - because at times it gets a little out of hand. It came to my attention yesterday at one point that there was like a 3:1 ratio of NRR to RR posts on the 1st page.

  • FatbackFatback 6,746 Posts
    I co-sign flatblackplastic

    I always wondered why there wasn't a (NRR) section to the forums?

    we talked about it a few years a go.. consensus was it was the whole charm of the soul strut community to have the NRR mingle with the RRs. Question is who wants to moderate the NRR forum? E-Dub?

    yeah, a NRR forum might be in order...

    Is that what the problem is here?

    If it wasn't for the fact that I'd probably have to sift through endless pages of hemorroid pictures while I'm at work (where my screen is visible to everyone), I wouldn't mind being the moderater of said forum.

    trust me dude. your employers care about you dicking around on here all day a hell of lot more than glimpsing an ass turned insideout for a second.

    "B-Boss, I was just peeping the forums and someone else posted this random picture."

    "OK Wafflie, that's fine, but why are you peeping forums at work?"

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    But for real though, I like the way shit is mixed in.

    same here. My conversations in real life always go off on tangents and I kinda look at this message board as one big oddly focused tangent. I can go ahead and drop some knowledge on a soul LP from '79 than get into a discussion about the holocaust within 2 clicks.

    For those who think we need to seperate it up take a look at the-breaks.com and see how boring that shit is. Trust me the way we got it now is the way it should stay.

    BTW I'm with the crowd on this, despite Archaic and I having disagreements I think he is a very important contributor to this site and I'd be sad to see him go

  • really i was speaking on mrs. cos, but you wouldnt be a bad pick either. you moderate hollerboard yes?
    im just kinda typing outloud over here.

    Yeah, but I'm not up for it dog.

    i dont think it really matters who would moderate it. you could even have it an unmoderated free for all anything goes forum.

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    Raj is cool, man, he put this fucking board up. We all use this shit. We donate a couple dollars (I did) to keep it running, we all do our thing.

    Raj can do what the fuck he wants. He had a beef with Archaic, let him ban him. Yeah. Archaic in an "interesting contributor" I will agree, if for any reason as to just to stir up a shit storm, but he's also a fucking lame.

    Who cares? Do y'all really care? I don't care.

    Fuck it.

    bitchstrut dot com for real.
    but im sayin, if you just do whatever you feel like on impulse the boards gonna suck! dude just does whatever he wants on some "fuck you, its my board, i'll do whatever i want" like on some childish tantrum shit. as fuck to me

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    I'f I'm getting paid then I will moderate the shit out this board.

    Raj you got 401 K motherfucker?

  • CosmoCosmo 9,768 Posts
    Raj is cool, man, he put this fucking board up. We all use this shit. We donate a couple dollars (I did) to keep it running, we all do our thing.

    Raj can do what the fuck he wants. He had a beef with Archaic, let him ban him. Yeah. Archaic in an "interesting contributor" I will agree, if for any reason as to just to stir up a shit storm, but he's also a fucking lame.

    Who cares? Do y'all really care? I don't care.

    Fuck it.

    bitchstrut dot com for real.
    but im sayin, if you just do whatever you feel like on impulse the boards gonna suck! dude just does whatever he wants on some "fuck you, its my board, i'll do whatever i want" like on some childish tantrum shit.
    as fuck to me

    YOu just mad he blasted you out on that other shit, son.

  • twoplytwoply Only Built 4 Manzanita Links 2,918 Posts
    I was just thinking the other day about how there haven't been any "State of Soulstrut" threads lately. Well, here it is!

  • you guys need to respect raj. you would not be sitting there naked stroking your wang and posting up in this shit if it were not for the man raj. so archiac sent raj $15 to post on here? HA HA!!! that is hysterical. I donated ( 7 times more than that butthole ) and expect no special treatment. i sent the money because i am a fan of the site. thats it. i propose no condition on my donation of funds to this site. fuck archiac. you aint got no special rights on here. this is a group thing. if you make an ass out of yourself and people sweat you pay the price. dont bring raj's name into it dude. by creating the site he gave you an outlet to be a dick and make an ass out of yourself. that should be enough right there.

  • "OK Wafflie, that's fine, but why are you peeping forums at work?"

    I have considerable "down-time" while my computer "crunches numbers" for me. During these periods, I internally justify my "relaxation".

    With two 20" screens, there's always a free opening for my browser window, and to the casual observer, at least half my screen real estate always has programs with work related stuff.

  • 99Problems99Problems 1,541 Posts
    you guys need to respect raj. you would not be sitting there naked stroking your wang and posting up in this shit if it were not for the man raj.

    so classic

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    BTW why does Raj need donations when hes droppin money on records like this?

  • jdeezjdeez 638 Posts
    "screws fall out all the time, sir. the world's an imperfect place."

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    if you want to talk about records... then start a thread. its not like its very hard to do. seriously, if your topic and post sounds interesting people will respond. if you need to talk about rap music, then talk about it. if you feel like you have a soul question, then ask and speak about it. its not anyones job to keep record related questions popping up so you all can go and queer off on shit. its not anyones job to post about daily, weekly, or weekend finds so you can go out and find them for yourself. this website is handled fine with and without all the bullshit that goes on here...

    archaic can be a bitch and i dont agree with dude most of the time but he brings up some good shit sometimes and it can be quite entertaining to watch him go toe to toe (or is it finger to finger) with other cats on the board... banning him would be bad but who the fuck really cares? if he really is bounced out... in a week or two weeks or three weeks itll be like dude was never here... sorry to say this to those who live and die by this site but i nor anyone else is connected at the hip...

    and for you newbies... cats have come and gone here and this type of discussion has been touched on a number of times... it used to actually be fun to wild out on some dude who was talking nonsense and watch dude get thrown the fuck out... that was soulstrut... one big family that was down for one another... and while change can be good... there are a lot of times that i find myself looking for the homies i used to fuck around with... whether they were hated on or not... or shit, whether i was hating on them for that minute or not...

    well... hopefully i made sense to you all, its just what i was thinking after reading through everyones posts...

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    BTW why does Raj need donations when hes droppin money on records like this?

    Seriously dude... my finances are none of your business. Just like your life of destitute is none of mine. Be thankful to the people who have given back to this site because your very existence depends upon it. The donation drive brought in a couple grand and my hosting costs for the year will be around $2400. I upgraded to a more expensive server because the demand was there. Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    Right now all this is a lose / lose situation. I'm damned if I try to explain myself and I'm damned if I stay mute.

  • 33thirdcom33thirdcom 2,049 Posts
    if you want to talk about records... then start a thread. its not like its very hard to do. seriously, if your topic and post sounds interesting people will respond. if you need to talk about rap music, then talk about it. if you feel like you have a soul question, then ask and speak about it. its not anyones job to keep record related questions popping up so you all can go and queer off on shit. its not anyones job to post about daily, weekly, or weekend finds so you can go out and find them for yourself. this website is handled fine with and without all the bullshit that goes on here...

    archaic can be a bitch and i dont agree with dude most of the time but he brings up some good shit sometimes and it can be quite entertaining to watch him go toe to toe (or is it finger to finger) with other cats on the board... banning him would be bad but who the fuck really cares? if he really is bounced out... in a week or two weeks or three weeks itll be like dude was never here... sorry to say this to those who live and die by this site but i nor anyone else is connected at the hip...

    and for you newbies... cats have come and gone here and this type of discussion has been touched on a number of times... it used to actually be fun to wild out on some dude who was talking nonsense and watch dude get thrown the fuck out... that was soulstrut... one big family that was down for one another... and while change can be good... there are a lot of times that i find myself looking for the homies i used to fuck around with... whether they were hated on or not... or shit, whether i was hating on them for that minute or not...

    well... hopefully i made sense to you all, its just what i was thinking after reading through everyones posts...

    fuckin ban jinx already...

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts
    Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    please GOD anything but that!!! and plus, we'd have nowhere to go being that stonesthrow msg board is shut down... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    BTW why does Raj need donations when hes droppin money on records like this?

    Seriously dude... my finances are none of your business. Just like your life of destitute is none of mine. Be thankful to the people who have given back to this site because your very existence depends upon it. The donation drive brought in a couple grand and my hosting costs for the year will be around $2400. I upgraded to a more expensive server because the demand was there. Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    Right now all this is a lose / lose situation. I'm damned if I try to explain myself and I'm damned if I stay mute.

    im sayin, it seemed like you thought my finances were YOUR business

    and dog, i'll exsist with or without this forum just fine

  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts

    fuckin ban jinx already...


  • jinx74jinx74 2,287 Posts

    and dog, i'll exsist with or without this forum just fine

    but youll never have kingphonics dictionary to use anymore if you leave the forum....

  • Archaic ought to be allowed to stay (though that "I pay to post" shit is wack). That said, deleting threads without any notice/notification isn't cool either.
    THAT[/b] said....if Raj's baby is keeping him up at night, leave him the fuck alone. It's BRUTAL.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    please GOD anything but that!!! and plus, we'd have nowhere to go being that stonesthrow msg board is shut down... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    Yeah whatever happened to that dude that was giving you the bizness one minute, then all chummy with you the next....that guy was a trip.

  • BTW why does Raj need donations when hes droppin money on records like this?

    this is the most retarded shit ever. like it is any of your business what this guy spends his money on. this site ain't nothing but a gift to your bored ass. give thanks to the man if anything. you think you are entitled to something? i just sent raj another donation. some of you buttholes should do the exact same thing. it is a joke that you guys get so much pleasure and entertainment and INFORMATION for free. you have learned more about records from this site than you would have ever hoped to have known. wake up an show some appreciation and gratitude you fucking buttholes.

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    please GOD anything but that!!! and plus, we'd have nowhere to go being that stonesthrow msg board is shut down... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    Yeah whatever happened to that dude that was giving you the bizness one minute, then all chummy with you the next....that guy was a trip.

    Yo, man, that guy owned his own house which he'd partially purchased by giving bass lessons... I don't think you're really on a level where you can talk about him.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    please GOD anything but that!!! and plus, we'd have nowhere to go being that stonesthrow msg board is shut down... id be lost and would have to give all my stellar advice and witty comments to the UK forums...

    well at least you guys share the dental thing

  • RAJRAJ tenacious local 7,783 Posts
    BTW why does Raj need donations when hes droppin money on records like this?

    Seriously dude... my finances are none of your business. Just like your life of destitute is none of mine. Be thankful to the people who have given back to this site because your very existence depends upon it. The donation drive brought in a couple grand and my hosting costs for the year will be around $2400. I upgraded to a more expensive server because the demand was there. Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    Right now all this is a lose / lose situation. I'm damned if I try to explain myself and I'm damned if I stay mute.

    im sayin, it seemed like you thought my finances were YOUR business

    and dog, i'll exsist with or without this forum just fine

    So it's OK for you to post up one-bug's feedback but when I post yours its no-one's buisness?. Just because dude is Japanese doesn't mean it's ok to put his modern soul tastes on blast. Dude you're a hypocrite deadbeat Ebayer. And I'm ashamed for you to be apart of this site.

  • Salary_DizSalary_Diz 735 Posts
    you guys need to respect raj. you would not be sitting there naked stroking your wang and posting up in this shit if it were not for the man raj. so archiac sent raj $15 to post on here? HA HA!!! that is hysterical. I donated ( 7 times more than that butthole ) and expect no special treatment. i sent the money because i am a fan of the site. thats it. i propose no condition on my donation of funds to this site. fuck archiac. you aint got no special rights on here. this is a group thing. if you make an ass out of yourself and people sweat you pay the price. dont bring raj's name into it dude. by creating the site he gave you an outlet to be a dick and make an ass out of yourself. that should be enough right there.

    SERIOUSLY. I fucking love when RAJ bans somebody just because he feels like it. I swear its the funniest shit ever, especially when people throw a shit fit. Archaic annoyed the crap out of me, so I could care less if he got banned. Is it really that hard to post on this website without pissing of RAJ? I mean jesus.... And seriously, he pays to keep this site up, and it IS his kingdom! Sure we are a "community" and all of that, and I love most of you, but RAJ is the one who keeps it going.

    I'm glad that Shig thought it was funny too that RAJ offered to refund his 15 bucks. Shame on the rest for not realizing the RADNESS of it all!

    Am I totally riding RAJ's nuts? FUCK YEAH! And I've never been banned either!

  • the3rdstreamthe3rdstream 1,980 Posts

    So it's OK for you to post up one-bug's feedback but when I post yours its no-one's buisness?. Just because dude is Japanese doesn't mean it's ok to put his modern soul tastes on blast. Dude you're a hypocrite deadbeat Ebayer. And I'm ashamed for you to be apart of this site.

    i smell another ban coming up

  • TheMackTheMack 3,414 Posts
    BTW why does Raj need donations when hes droppin money on records like this?

    Seriously dude... my finances are none of your business. Just like your life of destitute is none of mine. Be thankful to the people who have given back to this site because your very existence depends upon it. The donation drive brought in a couple grand and my hosting costs for the year will be around $2400. I upgraded to a more expensive server because the demand was there. Would you like me to go back to the days where I had 40 GB/transfer and the site would crash every hour? I would -- because it cost me $30/month.

    Right now all this is a lose / lose situation. I'm damned if I try to explain myself and I'm damned if I stay mute.

    im sayin, it seemed like you thought my finances were YOUR business

    and dog, i'll exsist with or without this forum just fine

    So it's OK for you to post up one-bug's feedback but when I post yours its no-one's buisness?. Just because dude is Japanese doesn't mean it's ok to put his modern soul tastes on blast. Dude you're a hypocrite deadbeat Ebayer. And I'm ashamed for you to be apart of this site.
    im seriously GLAD you feel that way.
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