WORST SONG OF THE YEAR (cast your vote)

Hands down it has to be "AY BAY BAY" I've never made it past 10 seconds of this song. Its that bad. it sounds like a retarded kid asking for something, and you aren't sure what it is he wants and he's like "AY BAY BAY!" 'what?' "AY BAY BAY!" 'i dont understand what you want' "AY BAY BAY!" and then the thrashing starts. I was in tears the other night in the car as we were listening to this song and we started screaming AY. BAY. BAY! So funny. Even then I don't think we broke the 10 second mark.So honestly I'm not even sure what market this song was made for. Kids? Do kids really like it? I mean, Biz markie sounded semi retarded on 'you got what i need' and we all like it, but then again we all know biz was just clowning around too. who knows.but anyways, thats my vote, hands down, for worst song of the year. I dare you to find something worse than that.
I loved this song. This was my Summer of '08 track.
however, i think i am gonna vote for that gwen stefani night mare, "wind it up."
When I see a bad chick, i'm like Ay Bay bay!
Good Call. I might have killed her career. Fergie has seemed to have jacked her demographic.
again Harvey, pure comedy...a white guy calling another white guy racist because he doesnt like a song....your comedy is like the Ivory Soap of comedy, white and 99 44/100ths pure
I agree w/ Harvey
ehh. they have their moments. i found myself not turning the channel when "buy u a drink" and "shawty" came on the radio and tpain also sounds okay on that new kanye song. akon's voice can be very irritating, the "sweetest escape" being a prime example, but i like him in some of his supporting roles..i.e., "soul survivor", "boss' life"
^^^^ while this is true, I humbly offer my suggestions:
1. Sean Kingston faux lover's rock chipmunk garbage.
2. Ay Bay Bay: just when you thought rap could not get any dumber in '07.
3. Soulja Boy Crank That aka a 5 minute chorus is not a song homie.
4. Umbarella aka clinical name for cottage cheese discharge.
5. Party Like a Rockstar: "Hi faux!"
Fergie, etc. are not really even on my radar. I don't care when "artists" ruin music I don't like anyway, i.e. bullshit pop. But when the biggest rap and R&B singles are this bad it sort of hurts as a rap and R&B fan.
Damn, somma ya'll dudes really hate contemporary Black music.
"Ay Bay Bay," "Crank Dat," "Party Like a Rockstar," "Umberella" and any record featuring T-Pain are all hot.
Sean Kingston is genuinely awful, though.
How many years do dudes have to go through realizing that they only like about .0002% of all rap that comes out before they stop considering themselves as "rap fans"?
"I like 'real Rap' though...."
so you're saying the top five BS rap singles on Clearchannel = 99.9998% of rap?
how ironic coming from the self-proclaimed king of underground regional rap movements.
Give me a break. Most legitimate rock fans don't like .0002% of all rock that comes out either.
Most of the songs listed in this thread so far are annoying at best and utter garbage at worst, and it's
pathetichighly amusing that the race card is being played in this discussion, especially considering how weak the songs in question really are. I thought straw men were supposed to be knocked down, not defended.In any case, for the benefit of the crap music defenders in this thread, I think the "You're Old" argument holds a lot more weight in this discussion than the "You Don't Like Black Music" defense. I'd be highly suspect of the taste of anyone over 24 who sincerely "gets into" most of the music discussed thus far.
And yes I know I sound white (with a hairstylist).
You mad cuz Hyphy is dead?
isn't there a pre-pre-pre-season basketball message board you should be at right now?
i dont know what sucks this year. i barely hear that ay bay bay song but thats only cuz i dont really listen to the rap station and ay bay bay hasnt broken into the KOST line up...yet.
i really hated that chemical romance song that starts off "when i was a young boy". makes me wanna run into hot topic and stage dive on the paul frank section.
Right now though, I am loving 'Let It Go' and Ludacris on 'I Get Money'.
You mad cuz the WNBA has a greater reach than hyphy.
In other words, whether you're old, lame, or actually afraid of real "hard-as-fuck" people...most of y'all obviously don't frequent the places where a song like Ay Bay Bay is most at home.
Therefore, you never witness such a song in its proper context and are thus ill-equipped to judge it.