Amy Winehose- graetest white chick EVER???



  • SnagglepusSnagglepus 1,756 Posts
    okay, spanky, this one for you....

    amy winehouse vs. nicole willis, STEELCAGE bare knuckles... who you got?

    Make it Sharon Jones instead of Ms. Willis and we'll have a fight.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    excuse me, jewbacca... the SEMETIC girl

  • faux_rillzfaux_rillz 14,343 Posts
    a-ight, faux, check this out...

    amy wineblouse vs CASSIE

    Wineblouse, clearly--I don't find that trait particularly appealing, though.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    okay, spanky, this one for you....

    amy winehouse vs. nicole willis, STEELCAGE bare knuckles... who you got?

    Make it Sharon Jones instead of Ms. Willis and we'll have a fight.

    aw, well naw... then i might have a bit of a quandary... i'm trying to defend this drunkard, dammit!

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    okay, spanky, this one for you....

    amy winehouse vs. nicole willis, STEELCAGE bare knuckles... who you got?

    Well, if you're talking about straight rumbling? I'd probably go with Amy since she's seemed to have had a rough enough life that I bet she fights dirty.

    Song for song? Nicole.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    okay, spanky, this one for you....

    amy winehouse vs. nicole willis, STEELCAGE bare knuckles... who you got?

    Make it Sharon Jones instead of Ms. Willis and we'll have a fight.

    Sharon Jones would have Winehouse on the floor bleeding within a horn stab.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    okay, spanky, this one for you....

    amy winehouse vs. nicole willis, STEELCAGE bare knuckles... who you got?

    Well, if you're talking about straight rumbling? I'd probably go with Amy since she's seemed to have had a rough enough life that I bet she fights dirty.

    Song for song? Nicole.

    your telling me YOU think nicole willis is a better soul singer than amy winehouse???

    reverse discrimination (everything else has gone according to plan... now let's draw Rockadelic into the fray )

  • Amy over nicole for me as well; at times, n. willis starts to sound a little too smoothed out for me.

    Sharon Jones tops both, but it takes her 6 rounds to KO winehouse.

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    I think Amy's voice is compelling that Nicole's but I think, all things together, Willis' last album > "Back to Black"

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    Amy over nicole for me as well; at times, n. willis starts to sound a little too smoothed out for me.

    i love the willis record, but for real? she can't sing. amy winehouse CAN sing. she a little crazy but thats a good thing. dudes just be hattin cuz shes white and her music is popular... if she was a 50 yr old black chick and her record came out on Jazzman or something foolios who be hattin would probably be going ga ga goo goo over her skeletal, syphilitic ass

  • dudes just be hattin cuz shes white and her music is popular... if she was a 50 yr old black chick and her record came out on Jazzman or something foolios who be hattin would probably be going ga ga goo goo over her skeletal, syphilitic ass


  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    doods here want to be hipsterer than the starbucks crowd- thats all it is

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    dudes just be hattin cuz shes white and her music is popular... if she was a 50 yr old black chick and her record came out on Jazzman or something foolios who be hattin would probably be going ga ga goo goo over her skeletal, syphilitic ass

    Hey but if it were on Jazzman records, you'd have a much smaller audience. And people would be like Amy who?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    dudes just be hattin cuz shes white and her music is popular... if she was a 50 yr old black chick and her record came out on Jazzman or something foolios who be hattin would probably be going ga ga goo goo over her skeletal, syphilitic ass


    Uh, the fact that she's a 20 something White chick with a Cockney accent is WHY people are going "ga ga goo goo over her."

    # of people riding for Amy > # of people hating on her.

    She's not an underdog!

    And I LIKE Amy. I really do. But I still like "Keep Reachin Up" > "Back to Black"

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    dudes just be hattin cuz shes white and her music is popular... if she was a 50 yr old black chick and her record came out on Jazzman or something foolios who be hattin would probably be going ga ga goo goo over her skeletal, syphilitic ass

    Hey but if it were on Jazzman records, you'd have a much smaller audience. And people would be like Amy who?


  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    Amy Whinehouse got nothing on Norah Jones though. That chick got MAD grammys yo. MAD GRAMMYS.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    dudes just be hattin cuz shes white and her music is popular... if she was a 50 yr old black chick and her record came out on Jazzman or something foolios who be hattin would probably be going ga ga goo goo over her skeletal, syphilitic ass

    Hey but if it were on Jazzman records, you'd have a much smaller audience. And people would be like Amy who?


    um, which goes right back to....

    dudes just be hattin cuz shes white and her music is popular... if she was a 50 yr old black chick and her record came out on Jazzman or something foolios who be hattin would probably be going ga ga goo goo over her skeletal, syphilitic ass


    it's the endless cycle, chicken or the egg.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    dudes just be hattin cuz shes white and her music is popular... if she was a 50 yr old black chick and her record came out on Jazzman or something foolios who be hattin would probably be going ga ga goo goo over her skeletal, syphilitic ass

    Hey but if it were on Jazzman records, you'd have a much smaller audience. And people would be like Amy who?


    OF COURSE. which is why the dudes here WHO ARE HATTIN' would go goo goo ga ga over her- she wouldn't be a starbucks favorite and therefore yall would be free to dig her without feeling like your typical starbucks dork. you could actually feel COOL. relax and enjoy this chick and her music... it may be the "in" thing with the starbuckians but it's not your typical starbucks fare. i'm actually surprised that it has been so well recieved by the mainstream. there's a reason prince, ghostface & raekwon etc and whole lot of other respected black (and non-black) folk like this schitt

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    dudes just be hattin cuz shes white and her music is popular... if she was a 50 yr old black chick and her record came out on Jazzman or something foolios who be hattin would probably be going ga ga goo goo over her skeletal, syphilitic ass

    Hey but if it were on Jazzman records, you'd have a much smaller audience. And people would be like Amy who?


    OF COURSE. which is why the dudes here WHO ARE HATTIN' would go goo goo ga ga over her- she wouldn't be a starbucks favorite and therefore yall would be free to dig her without feeling like your typical starbucks dork. you could actually feel COOL. relax and enjoy this chick and her music... it may be the "in" thing with the starbuckians but it's not your typical starbucks fare. i'm actually surprised that it has been so well recieved by the mainstream. there's a reason prince, ghostface & raekwon etc and whole lot of other respected black (and non-black) folk like this schitt

    I'm just guessing here, but I think a lot of dudes that are questioning her popularity are questioning her potential longevity as an artist. I mean when you have a strong fan base and have been around for a while i.e. Christina Aguilera or Fiona Apple, then it adds to the legitimacy as an artist, imo.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts

    I'm just guessing here, but I think a lot of dudes that are questioning her popularity are questioning her potential longevity as an artist.

    i question her longevity too... i think she may not survive to see her 30th birthday. But hey, Courtney Love is still alive, so who knows
    i don't question that she's got talent and style, though. and she's got that "it" thing that you can't really put a finger on... whatever "it" is, she got it

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    i think "it" may be highly contagious... hopefully curable with penicillin

  • okay, spanky, this one for you....

    amy winehouse vs. nicole willis, STEELCAGE bare knuckles... who you got?
    I'd probably go with Amy since she's seemed to have had a rough enough life

    Based on what - her press release?

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts
    Amy, on her own, is a perfectly fine artist. If she were Black and 50, she'd had a niche, daptones audience. As a 20 something white brit, she's got crossover appeal.

    What's the chicken/egg conundrum?

  • The idea is that many people who diss Winehouse - and I don't feel any way about her - are doing so partially because she is being embraced, talked up, etc. That if you took exactly the same music, an older Black woman, a story of pain and redemption, and put it on a boutique label a lot of those same dudes would be riding HARD for it

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts

    Strutters need to get out more. I will apply for the grants. The minibus can be ours.

  • LaserWolfLaserWolf Portland Oregon 11,517 Posts
    This is all interesting.

    I don't listen to much contemperary soul. Too many old records I have not heard yet.

    I heard AW on NPR and thought the songs were good. Great personal lyrics, good melodies and settings. Her voice was hard to take. On the annoying side really.

    Next I knew of her was that Beat It video right here on soulstrut. That video should have put the end to any talk of her being a soul singer. It made you wonder how she ever got a recording contract.

    Anyway, no 50 year old Black singer on Jazzman sings that bad. Not gonna happen. Being a good singer is an important part of being a good soul singer.

    so is she really better than the contemporary female soul singers I know of? Better than Jill Scott? Eryka Badu?

    What about British singer songerwriter singers like Joan Armatrading?

    Is she better than Eva Cassidy? Sandy Denny? Tracy Nelson? Bonnie Raitt? Large Storm?

    I think that the original post said she was better than Olivia Newton John told me everything I need to know about how good she is.

    I'll take Dolly Parton any day over Amy Wineglass.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    Next I knew of her was that Beat It video right here on soulstrut. That video should have put the end to any talk of her being a soul singer. It made you wonder how she ever got a recording contract.

    Anyway, no 50 year old Black singer on Jazzman sings that bad. Not gonna happen. Being a good singer is an important part of being a good soul singer.

    well, she was high out of her gourd when she did that Beat It performance. i wouldn't say she's a great singer ala gladys, ree ree, or even on a sharon jones level. but i WOULD say that she can sing and she has a distinct style that does, as spanky said, borrow from lady day and others. hey, to each his own but i love this album of hers - ESPECIALLY in a time like right now when there is so much to not like IMO. i would think most people who like older musics and are dissatisfied with much of what is currently released would enjoy this wino broad and her soulful stylings. shes a breath of fresh aire to me

    would i rather hear Aretha or somebody make an album like Back To Black? Hells yeah! but they aint doin' it, so i'm down with the drug abusing jewish chick. I'm sorry but i'm taking this over the new Rhianna! (i aint mad at the umbrella song but i'm with amy... deal...)

  • mannybolonemannybolone Los Angeles, CA 15,029 Posts

    so is she really better than the contemporary female soul singers I know of? Better than Jill Scott? Eryka Badu?

    Better? Naw. I mean, we're talking one album here. Jill and Erykah have catalogs.

    But would I rather go to see a Winehouse show or Jill Scott show? Winehouse, in a heatbeat. I like her current set of songs better than I do Jill Scott but I've always found Scott boring.

  • Bambouche is that dude, fo' really doe. BTW, Bam..thanks for your help about the radio thing. The first meeting went tonight and I think I might be having multiple being a rap show. basically a non offensive rap show..u know the usual suspects..BDP,Tribe,De La,Slick Ricky D..all the way up to Kweli,Mos,Pharoahe,etc. Hey, some I like..some I dont because it just didnt age well, or I just dont liek it cause it got corny. But either way...if I get a radio show out of it..I am SOLD!

    again, thanks BAM!!!

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    she has two albums.

    last time I checked jill scott only has 2 studio albums and 1 live album.
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