Amy Winehose- graetest white chick EVER???



  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    "fugly".."she's not cute"(???) ...I know some of yall prefer "Beckys"..but c'mon..she aint bad looking at all.

    Not a pretty girl, IMO. But I think that is how she's rendered herself. She may have been pretty once, she may be pretty again. Right now....not so much.

  • yuichiyuichi Urban sprawl 11,332 Posts
    And it's funny that the usual peanut gallery shows up to show support for whoever.

    Look lil potna, Eric is in no uncertain terms THAT_DUDE. You do not have to be an acquaintance of his to recognize.

    Filed under TALKING VERSUS WALKING, Subsection VII, clause 2.8.

    Game recognize game, it's all good. But do we need 1 against 5 in every argument? Just saying yo.

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts

    Is that ridiculous? Why else would I be compelled to listen?

    Not ridiculous at all. Vive le difference and all that. But don't look down on people just because they like a catchy melody and don't care about the rest.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    Not to belabor the point, but alot of you seriously
    think she is good looking? I mean, she's tall, and, um,
    she's a woman, and um ... yeah. I don't find her attractive
    at all, and I love how thinking that, in the eyes of at least
    one poster, makes one "suspect."

    I do, however, like the new album. I've only heard it when other
    people play it around me, but it is one of the better new releases
    I've heard lately. Those youtube videos make me wonder how much she
    can really sing, though, and how much is studio trickery.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts

    can you name an all-time deffer wite broad than amy? i'd like to hear some suggestions
    [soft spot revealed][/soft spot revealed]
    last time i saw her, she was wearing a dress with an enormous print of her own face on it.

    (yeah, that just happened)

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    lord have mercy. i mean really.

    there's this gal too, which, to be honest, i have a love / hate thing with.

    An interesting proposition.

    Several people whose recommendations I respect (people who have introduced me to some of my favorite music ever) told me I should listen to Cat Power. Told me about her weirdness on stage and the other odd things about her personality. The description reminded me a bit of Glenn Gould, and I love Glenn Gould.

    I've never really been engaged by her. Even after I saw her perform a duet of one of my favorite Neil Young songs with someone I really enjoy. I think she's phony. I don't buy it. And the Gap ads and shit just add to my distaste.

    Similarly, I found Joanna Newsom equally intriguing by the way she was described. But, unlike Cat Power, I find Newsom to be engaging and full of conviction. She's weird, and looks like an elf, and has a voice that can make people throw up, but outside of that (that is, artificiality), I find myself thinking about what she's singing about. There are worlds inside her lyrics that I enjoy exploring. Private Mind Garden shit.

    You see, it's fun! Forming your own opinion on people and sharing those opinions with other people. Thinking about music beyond it's sound, and exploring why you think about what you think about when you listen to that music. And then writing those thoughts down. Reconciling your beliefs with the compelling thoughts offered by others.

    (The fact of whether I would fuck either of these women--or how I'd fuck them, or if I would more rather fuck them if they were fat, or thin, or lesbos, or dyking off together specifically for me--has nothing to do with how I think of their music. Similar things can be said about most of the women-based records I own.)

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts
    I had the same thoughts about her being a studio singer, but I saw thee clips and it seems like she's got some chops to me, check them out:

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts

    I think you were selectively reading posts there

    my initial response to Bam statement was this

    you're right. liking music for how it sounds is pretty much boring. I like my music to have explosions and car chases in it. Otherwise its crap.

    does this mean deaf people have a hand up in enjoying music cause they can afford to be Bam style purists and aren't stuck in the same "sad" trap the rest of us are forced to deal with

    while Asstro said this:

    That's gotta be the quote of the year. I'm in awe that a music fan would say that judging music by whether it sounds good to you or not is sad. Elitism Rules!!!

    what you seem to be citing is what came after. Bam reacted by typing this:

    Your childish oversimplification is retarded

    about my response to this
    I think considering music for only the sound it makes is a sad way to listen

    I stand by what I said and I agree that stewing in anger is pretty lame and I do my best not to deal with those who want to act/ react to me with some chip on their shoulder. You can do a search for the word "guzzo" in the soulstrut search over the last year and see several posts by Bam in which he used my name simply to insult, even when I wasn't involved in the thread.

    here are some examples

    what I'm trying to get at is it really wouldn't matter what I say Bam's shoulder chip AKA asshurtedness would have led him to say something more fueled by negative emotion than logic and I am not one to sit there and just let some guy make insults just for the hell of it.

    when it comes to anger I'm dealing with it. The grudge is something I'm not trying to hold on to, however I will react nastily to someones verbal grudge against me.

    and on a higher point, if someone can't take criticism of their ideas they shouldn't lay them out in writing on a message board that offers the ability for people to reply.

  • djkingottodjkingotto 1,704 Posts
    Not to belabor the point, but alot of you seriously
    think she is good looking? I mean, she's tall, and, um,
    she's a woman, and um ... yeah. I don't find her attractive
    at all...

    she is not that attractive at all. i do find her sexy due to her voice though. her voice is tall but yo, that girl is barely 5 feet! if it weren't for her wig she would be a little skinny white dot on the stage drinking from a glass of jack and coke that is taller than her!

  • edith headedith head 5,106 Posts

    can you name an all-time deffer wite broad than amy? i'd like to hear some suggestions
    [soft spot revealed]
    [/soft spot revealed]
    last time i saw her, she was wearing a dress with an enormous print of her own face on it.

    that's hilarious!

    i admire pj harvey, not always her songs. but it's nice to be reminded that a big voice can come out of such a little body.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    I would recommend anybody see her live who has not, even if not familiar with all her music. As for the voice- It's like an air raid siren. Crazy for someone who is maybe pushin' what, 5'2" and 100lbs soaking wet?

    She puts on a much better show than I was expecting, and I've been a fan for years.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    why are all these women so fucking skinny?????????????????????

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    why are all these women so fucking skinny?????????????????????
    well, in ms. harvey's case, she was a stringbean before she could afford the smack. (I'm under the impression that she's mellowed out on that shit in her later years)
    edit: that sounds retarded. sorry, no pun intended. meaning: she's stopped.

  • Phill_MostPhill_Most 4,594 Posts
    And it's funny that the usual peanut gallery shows up to show support for whoever.

    Look lil potna, Eric is in no uncertain terms THAT_DUDE. You do not have to be an acquaintance of his to recognize.

    Filed under TALKING VERSUS WALKING, Subsection VII, clause 2.8.

    Game recognize game, it's all good. But do we need 1 against 5 in every argument? Just saying yo.

    that paycheck a mutha, aint he? he don't start too many fights but he happy to jump on top of the pile once the whole gang starts swingin' on some outnumbered opponent. yeah, i plucked yo card a LONG time ago, son

  • jleejlee 1,539 Posts
    I think she's phony. I don't buy it. And the Gap ads and shit just add to my distaste.

    I used to think Chan was a phony, but over the years apparently it has come to light that she had a pretty serious drinking problem. i think thats what led to most of her antics. for me that was enough to see past those on-stage 'antics'. But her music (with the exception of songs like "names" that come across as cheezy regardless of the subject matter) have always had a pretty powerful impact on me.

    and while i too tend to look at the entire package of an artist (including how they are being marketed) in the end i usually will stick with the music as the true reason why i like a musician. it's the reason i have been able to fully cosign many a rapper who said/did things i don't always agree with.

    as for ms. winehouse, i honestly don't love her music that much. i think the production is nice, but her voice doesn't move me.

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts

    Is that ridiculous? Why else would I be compelled to listen?

    Not ridiculous at all. Vive le difference and all that. But don't look down on people just because they like a catchy melody and don't care about the rest.

    I don't look down on people for what they like. I told Phill (whom I was replying to) that I respect his opinion on Winehouse. When I say "I think it's sad" I mean that. Thinking of listening to just the sound coming off a record is sad to me. Not that your life is sad or anything. That's for you to decide.

    I see this place as a forum for discussion. Phill should feel free to respond to any of my 100 posts in admiration of Ramblin' Jack Elliott and tell me why he might disagree. Debate is healthy. Especially when someone offers a compelling argument that makes me reconcile my opinion with theirs. So far, in this thread, I've read nothing that compels me to change my mind about Winehouse.

    Guzzo, as well, still can't read English.

  • This bitch winehouse is garbage. I refuse to believe anyone sincerely likes this puddle of acoustic vomit. All I can figure is that as with every media puffed artist which comes along you hipsters flipped a coin to decide whether to endorse her and succumb to your hipster passions or reject her her to attempt to conceal your hipster passions. On this particular occassion a greater number than usual coin tosses have resulted in the former action.

    That was quick.

    People stop checking your blog?

  • jaymackjaymack 5,199 Posts
    This bitch winehouse is garbage. I refuse to believe anyone sincerely likes this puddle of acoustic vomit. Her jazz-lite crap is terribly terrible and only reason dudes likin her is a) she is puffed up by the music press and b) shes the type of hoe you can imagine yourself bagging.

    great 2nd post. can't wait till 3 and 4.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    why are all these women so fucking skinny?????????????????????
    well, in ms. harvey's case, she was a stringbean
    before she could afford the smack.

    it's true - i remember seeing her live the first time and being in awe of her head which seemed giant in relation to her body, her guitar didn't help either. i was just looking through the thread and realized every one of these (contemporary) women is skin and bones - marshall, sandoval, harvey, winehouse, newsom.

    hilarious - this about sums my far as vocal stylings go, dudette is a one-trick pony.

    separated at birth?

  • And it's funny that the usual peanut gallery shows up to show support for whoever.

    Look lil potna, Eric is in no uncertain terms THAT_DUDE. You do not have to be an acquaintance of his to recognize.

    Filed under TALKING VERSUS WALKING, Subsection VII, clause 2.8.

    Game recognize game, it's all good. But do we need 1 against 5 in every argument? Just saying yo.

    that paycheck a mutha, aint he? he don't start too many fights but he happy to jump on top of the pile once the whole gang starts swingin' on some outnumbered opponent. yeah, i plucked yo card a LONG time ago, son

    Oh hells naw! I got stripes up in this bitch cat daddy. I was rumbling with these scrappers back when you were just an "older head".

  • asstroasstro 1,754 Posts

    Is that ridiculous? Why else would I be compelled to listen?

    Not ridiculous at all. Vive le difference and all that. But don't look down on people just because they like a catchy melody and don't care about the rest.

    I don't look down on people for what they like. I told Phill (whom I was replying to) that I respect his opinion on Winehouse. When I say "I think it's sad" I mean that. Thinking of listening to just the sound coming off a record is sad to me. Not that your life is sad or anything. That's for you to decide.

    I see this place as a forum for discussion. Phill should feel free to respond to any of my 100 posts in admiration of Ramblin' Jack Elliott and tell me why he might disagree. Debate is healthy. Especially when someone offers a compelling argument that makes me reconcile my opinion with theirs. So far, in this thread, I've read nothing that compels me to change my mind about Winehouse.

    I hear you, but I still don't get what's "sad" about someone hearing something and just enjoying the music. You claiming that you get more out of the music you listen to than Becky does out of Winehouse is elitist though, IMO. You sound like some Deadhead fan saying they feel sorry for people who never experienced "Dark Star" live in '74 or some shit like that. Great, you appreciate music on a "deeper" level than most, but so what? People who just want to dance feel it just as deeply.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    why are all these women so fucking skinny?????????????????????
    well, in ms. harvey's case, she was a stringbean
    before she could afford the smack.

    it's true - i remember seeing her live the first time and being in awe of her head which seemed giant in relation to her body, her guitar didn't help either. i was just looking through the thread and realized every one of these (contemporary) women is skin and bones - marshall, sandoval, harvey, winehouse, newsom.

    person i took to the last pj show i saw, when asked afterward what she thought, among the comments: "She was like a really loud lollipop playing guitar..."

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    I hear you, but I still don't get what's "sad" about someone hearing something and just enjoying the music. You claiming that you get more out of the music you listen to than Becky does out of Winehouse is elitist though, IMO. You sound like some Deadhead fan saying they feel sorry for people who never experienced "Dark Star" live in '74 or some shit like that. Great, you appreciate music on a "deeper" level than most, but so what? People who just want to dance feel it just as deeply.

    What's sad is to think of what I get out of music and then to imagine forming my opinion only on the sound. You're reading all sorts of stuff beyond what I actually wrote, as I don't consider my experience any "deeper" that an average deadhead's. When I say it's sad, rather than thinking I am getting more out of it than Becky is, think that I am getting more out of it than if I didn't take it all into consideration, as I don't really care how Becky experiences music as much as how I experience music.

    And for chrissakes, all this is not at the exclusion of putting on a record to have a little fun. Remember, this discussion has been specifically limited to:

    1) Winehouse, greatest white chick ever
    2) Winehouse, totally fuckable or not
    3) Fat Winehouse v Skinny Winehouse
    4) Other skinny fuckable chicks
    5) Skinny chicks (fuckable or not?) who have serious pipes
    6) Why are contemporary chicks so fucking skinny
    7) Winehouse: Horseface Drescher... discuss
    8) Paycheck: a total dogpiler... discuss
    9) Guzzo: nutjob?
    10) Bam: elitist snob verbose with golden excrement?

    You should see me dance to Whitehouse.

  • jamesjames chicago 1,863 Posts
    I quit reading when you expressed an appreciation for some guy who was in Toto.

  • Toody Cole could chew up Amy Winehouse with a glance, and spit her out with a sigh.

  • BamboucheBambouche 1,484 Posts
    I quit reading when you expressed an appreciation for some guy who was in Toto.

    A guzzonian reading of the golden excrement I dropped for you.

    Well played.

  • GuzzoGuzzo 8,611 Posts
    I've got boy on ignore now but judging by how many times my name came up in the search function I can see that his ass hurt levels have expanded to new areas of ugly.

    I'm wondering how long it is before I become a part of each and every one his posts.

    Jonny:[/b] that whole "If you stew in anger, you come off sounding pretty lame" thing you were talking about earlier, you might want to tell your little buddy about it.

  • AserAser 2,351 Posts
    she on accordion, myself on my modified turntable, and my friend mike with a glove fitted w/ motion sensors that tweaked sounds + video.

    bitchin, moded power glove!

    this thread = definition of soulstrut.

    I heard this fronch lyrics version of Toto's Georgy Porgy, I need an id on that!

  • HAZHAZ 3,376 Posts

    If you stew in anger, you come off sounding pretty lame.

    Anger is a curse. Love will set us free.

  • JimBeamJimBeam Seattle. 2,012 Posts
    I am getting more out of it than if I didn't take it all into consideration, as I don't really care how Becky experiences music as much as how I experience music.

    And for chrissakes, all this is not at the exclusion of putting on a record to have a little fun. Remember, this discussion has been specifically limited to:
    Music, as with all art, is created as a contextual experience, influenced by whatever the creator (no holy) reacts to. Removing the context, imo, removes the significance.

    It's good to see people that can appreciate it on that level, for whatever reason, with certain artists, I do this as well, in both critique and praise.
    Beckys still have fun. Let 'em live. (not directed at anyone)
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