Not a Pizza Post....

batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
edited January 2007 in Strut Central
How come Sicilian style pizza hasnt gone gourmet/stylish/more popular.When u go to the pizza shop it sits there all by itself - 3 days old dry and stale. WTF.I can get pizza w/ any toppings in the world but Sicilians are treated like a redheaded stepchild.Catch 22 situation. Its badly made and no one orders it.


  • Reminds me of those rectangular slab pizzas we got for school lunch on Fridays, and came in a white cardboard box.

  • The_NonThe_Non 5,691 Posts
    A well made Sicilian pizza is a work of art and tastes way better than many regular pizzas. They are just few and far between.

  • Big_ChanBig_Chan 5,088 Posts
    Batmon, you just need to go to the right spot hommie. My brother's wife is half Sicilian and her family knows the deal. She took me to a spot in Brooklyn one night that had the Sicilian slices AND Palermo slices. Palermo slices are CRAZY good! No cheese and no red sauce. Square slices with carmalized onions, bread crumbs, olive oil and garlic. That's whats really. I'll get the address of a good spot in Brooklyn for the Sicilian slices and post it for you. Don't you live in the Bronx? There has to a spot on Arthur Avenue with good Sicilian slices.

  • SoulOnIceSoulOnIce 13,027 Posts
    There's a legendary pizza spot in Harvard Sq named Pinochio's
    that has 8 different kinds of Sicilian all day, and they are
    the BOMB. They keep a standard pie on hand for folls who don't
    know the deal, and I always have to chuckle to see someone order
    that plain old pizza instead of the Killin' Sicilian.

    Sliced tomato and basil is what's really.

  • I'd like to add myself as a sicilian lover.

    Sometimes I like a regular slice but I also like doughy breads, like biscuits fresh out of the oven, and my favorite sicilian slices can have that quality. I also find that I'm more aware of the sauce on a sicilian slice (in fact I sometimes prefer the cheeseless or four-seasons type ricotta or mozarella) so if I like the sauce at a place I tend to eat the sicilian. I recently enjoyed a good one at the place on the corner of Manhattan Ave. and Green St. in Greenpoint.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    8 different kinds of Sicilian all day

    By this isnt the standard in most shops.

    I'm not sayin I cant find a good Sicilian, Im just wondering why it's still the "alternative".

  • pjl2000xlpjl2000xl 1,795 Posts
    anybody ever hear of old forge pizza? its like a local thing out here in NEPA. Its basically fried silican pizza, but they use american cheese instead of the mozzz. Shit is banging. These rednecks out here gotta flip everything their way.

    This place by my house though makes the best silicain pizza ive ever had. You have to buy it by the tray but it is so good. They pour a ton of oil in the pan when they bake it and it fries that shit up proper. MMMMMMMM MMMMMMMMMM. Get that shit with onions,

  • DjArcadianDjArcadian 3,632 Posts
    Reminds me of those rectangular slab pizzas we got for school lunch on Fridays, and came in a white cardboard box.

    Gross. I always hated those. Soggy ass pizza. Made me want to vomit when I used to bite into those.

  • There's a legendary pizza spot in Harvard Sq named Pinochio's
    that has 8 different kinds of Sicilian all day, and they are
    the BOMB. They keep a standard pie on hand for folls who don't
    know the deal, and I always have to chuckle to see someone order
    that plain old pizza instead of the Killin' Sicilian.

    Sliced tomato and basil is what's really.

    YES - Pinocchio's is the shit. That was thee default location for a cheap to-go lunch in high school, college, after college.... basically as long as I can remember.

  • someone, anyone...send me a good pizza.

    Im living in California, and there is NO good pizza in this state.

    Nothing like I remeber from the mid west and east coast.

    Pizza here has no life, no pazzaz if you will....its all thick nasty crust, with flavorless sauce, and thin toppings, or over blown with cheese.

    I ve tried every place in the bay area ive HEARD has a good pizza, only to be dissapointed everytime.

    My family from here has a Fav place called Frankie Johnnie and Luigi's, but its not italian pizza...not even close.

    Ive been to pizza joints owned by mexicans, chineese, koreians, summalies, and guatamalians....but not Italians.

    Maybe thats the problem.

    No offence to you and yours if your of one of the afore mentioned races, but your people just cant make pizza like the Italians and Siscilains.

    If you live in the bay area, and you think you know of a good pizza let me know.

    Peace for now Peace for later

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    No offence to you and yours if your of one of the afore mentioned races, but your people just cant make pizza like the Italians and Siscilains.

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    man I had a pizza jones after the eagles game last night. After sitting in traffic to get out of the stadium parking lot I jetted over to south street for some...

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    Sicilian is my absolute go to pizza, but you do have to check what you're getting into (3 days old looking related)....a lot of spots around me only sell whole pies of Sicilian because they don't sell enough slice by slice. The sandwich shop by my parents house has a sicilian with everything that is really really good. Hot, cold, whatever i tear it up.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    man I had a Sicilian jones after the Eagles game last night.

  • DrJoelDrJoel 932 Posts
    man I had a pizza jones after the eagles game last night. After sitting in traffic to get out of the stadium parking lot I jetted over to south street for some...

    I love Lorenzo's. In my college days we would do damage to whole pies.

    In the little 'dining room' in the back me and my friends were approached by a guy offering us a limo ride to his homemade casino that he had set up in his apartment.

    TLA + Lorenzo's = A good night.

  • Reminds me of those rectangular slab pizzas we got for school lunch on Fridays, and came in a white cardboard box.

    Gross. I always hated those. Soggy ass pizza. Made me want to vomit when I used to bite into those.

    Ah, what I like to call "carpet sample pizza."

    The pizza was bad--that's a given--but the really odd thing about that lunch was not the pizza itself, but the fact that it was always served with corn as a side dish. This was standard in my school district, and over the years, I've learned that it was fairly standard in many other districts.

    Now, by show of hands, who has ever seen corn on the menu at a pizza restaurant?

    (Shig: corn ON pizza in Japan does not count.)

  • PrimeCutsLtdPrimeCutsLtd jersey fresh 2,632 Posts
    I remember my school always pushing the peanut butter on celery. I never got into that. Also remember my school dishing out steak-um with gravy and calling it hot roast beef....can't say I miss it

  • (Shig: corn ON pizza in Japan does not count.)

    that white criss-cross shit on the pizzas is another japanese pizza topping. its called mayonnaise[/b].

    speaking on pizza day. in japan, the school lunch equivalent to pizza day is natto day. holy crap, dudes, them kids go crazy for natto day. all running around class chanting "natto day, natto day!". the sad thing about school lunch in japan is that there isnt a cafeteria. they eat all that shit IN THE CLASSROOM. so on natto day the whole classroom smell like FEET.

  • No offence to you and yours if your of one of the afore mentioned races, but your people just cant make pizza like the Italians and Siscilains.

    Ok geeme yer address, Ill buy,freeze and ship you a pizza made by the best Chineese run pizza house in the bay area, and you can be the judge.

    Its just not their forte if you will.

    Just like I wouldnt expect good sushi from casa lupe, which BTW is a KILLER mexican food joint in Campbell, ca.

  • batmonbatmon 27,574 Posts
    No offence to you and yours if your of one of the afore mentioned races, but your people just cant make pizza like the Italians and Siscilains.

    Ok geeme yer address, Ill buy,freeze and ship you a pizza made by the best Chineese run pizza house in the bay area, and you can be the judge.

    As long as your describing your area, 'cause in NYC decent pizza is made by non-Italians.

  • What is that mozzarella and kidney beans? Fuck that looks nasty.

  • This thread makes me both hungry and sad.

  • What is that mozzarella and kidney beans? Fuck that looks nasty.

    nope, just 100% rotten beans...saying it smells like feet is being kind...smells like feet covered in vomit.

  • Don't you live in the Bronx? There has to a spot on Arthur Avenue with good Sicilian slices.

    No good pizza spots on Arthur Ave, and no one bring up Full Moon pizzeria because that place is wack. There are very, very few Italians left on Arthur Ave, its mainly Eastern Europeans there now. Even the Arthur Ave market is slipping with the quality of Italian goods.

    A good sicilian pie can be found at Mike's pizza on Southern Boulevard off of Webster Ave.

    The Palermo pie sounds ill!

  • What is that mozzarella and kidney beans? Fuck that looks nasty.

    nope, just 100% rotten beans...saying it smells like feet is being kind...smells like feet covered in vomit.

    dogg, it was school lunch. not that good gourmet shit!

  • rkwparkrkwpark 915 Posts
    someone, anyone...send me a good pizza.

    Im living in California, and there is NO good pizza in this state.

    dude, pizza my heart makes a solid slice and is prolly the only place you can buy by the slice in the south bay. it aint NYC but a solid pizza. also, amici's is also pretty decent. both those spots are a bit greasy but pretty good for san jose.

  • No offence to you and yours if your of one of the afore mentioned races, but your people just cant make pizza like the Italians and Siscilains.

    Ok geeme yer address, Ill buy,freeze and ship you a pizza made by the best Chineese run pizza house in the bay area, and you can be the judge.

    As long as your describing your area, 'cause in NYC decent pizza is made by non-Italians.

    You guys gots it good on the left coast.......I cant speak for the whole state of California, but the Bay Area is Devoid of a good pizza.

    Theres a few that are passable, but not ANYTHING like the pizza from the mid west to the atlantic coast.

    I miss Chicago Style.

  • you're trippin' dude...

    just this past weekend I finally ate a Zachary's in Piedmont...

  • you're trippin' dude...

    just this past weekend I finally ate a Zachary's in Piedmont...

    Ok..... ill give yet another pizza joint a try, Ive heard of that place, and was told its good, Im willing to give it a shot.
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