Got up at 4am in the morning to get at the cinema with my girlfriend at 6am.
I don??t know what to say but
definately the WORST acting of all 6 parts :-(
The Storyline has filled the gaps ok, but the timing of this one is just bad.
The intro is wayyyyyyy to long, zero to non action at the wookie planet (COME ON!!) and the final battles are just lagging of something. Even the transformation into masked Darth laggs of darkness and atmosphere.
It??s still a good end of the story, of course it could have gone much worse but as a stand alone movie I really would deny it.
Ps. Have there been any pirate copies floating around before the official run ?
Ps. Have there been any pirate copies floating around before the official run ?
It was on IRC but the aspect ratio is messed up. they squeezed the 16:9 image into 4:3 (everything squished and elongated) and it's a workprint so you have timecode stamp running on the top third of the screen. The release group had it for about 3 months and decided to release it the day before the official opening. They also had to go frame by frame to remove any digital watermarks so as not to reveal their source.
I saw Kool Keith in line at Universal Citywalk waiting to see it. He was wearing a cape with a hood. The fat daughter from The Parkers tv show was also there.
The movie itself was a'ight. Overall good except for the Jar Jar cameo, the sound the big lizard Obi was riding kept making, and the bad dialogue when Anakin and ol' girl are expressing their love for each other. I'll watch it again.
I saw Kool Keith in line at Universal Citywalk waiting to see it. He was wearing a cape with a hood. The fat daughter from The Parkers tv show was also there.
cosign, i saw it last night. it was entertaining, hillarious and kinda suspensful. anyone expecting high art deserves a slap in the face. dialouge? go watch the originals again, homie. obviously the plot line isn't going to be quite as impactful because you know exactly what happens, but that's just the nature of a prequel. it suceeds at tying a lot of loose ends together and answering some questions about the first one.
anyone down to start a seperate spoiler thread to discuss plot points in detail?
btw, are people actually waiting in line to see this one? i caught it a 12:01 at union station, where they were playing it on (i think) every screen and had no problems getting tickets right before the show. the theatre we were in was half empty too. (admittedly, it's location is a little bit detached from the white nerd fan boy demographic that this movie draws, but still, you'd think people would drive into the city before waiting in line for ten hours). does the lineup thing only happen in la and ny? or is it a national phenomenon?
cosign, i saw it last night. it was entertaining, hillarious and kinda suspensful. anyone expecting high art deserves a slap in the face. dialouge? go watch the originals again, homie. obviously the plot line isn't going to be quite as impactful because you know exactly what happens, but that's just the nature of a prequel. it suceeds at tying a lot of loose ends together and answering some questions about the first one.
anyone down to start a seperate spoiler thread to discuss plot points in detail?
btw, are people actually waiting in line to see this one? i caught it a 12:01 at union station, where they were playing it on (i think) every screen and had no problems getting tickets right before the show. the theatre we were in was half empty too. (admittedly, it's location is a little bit detached from the white nerd fan boy demographic that this movie draws, but still, you'd think people would drive into the city before waiting in line for ten hours). does the lineup thing only happen in la and ny? or is it a national phenomenon?
not just LA and NYC, in DC too like a mug. people were camping out at some spots.
at the uptown theatre on connecticut ave. then again it's just one room with a huge screen. dope spot to see it in, but crazy difficult to score a ticket without camping...i guess.
also the regal cinema's and lowes cenima's had lines around the block yesterday.
at the uptown theatre on connecticut ave. then again it's just one room with a huge screen. dope spot to see it in, but crazy difficult to score a ticket without camping...i guess.
also the regal cinema's and lowes cenima's had lines around the block yesterday.
I would think that Union Station would have the better crowd participation! And no lines.
I've never seen a Star Wars movie, nor do I ever plan to...There was an article today on the front page of the Wall Street Journal that reminded me why:
"Tough Sithuation: 'Star Wars' Fanatics Loathe the Prequels"
When I saw the groomsmen at these fools' wedding were dressed up as stormtroopers, I was like, hell naw!
to those of you who've seen it... theres this one part that reminded me of frankenstein for some reason... any one feel me on that?
Lucas is pretty up front about ripping off classic cinema. He's basically just recounting the story of good vs evil that's been retold a million times. He doesn't try to hide the stuff he copies. His focus is the huge advance in filming that he's been a leader of.
As for the other stuff.........
Plus, anyone that's annoyed about dialouge is just silly. I think 35 years old nerds forget these movies are still made for kids. So you can't expect any deep conversations. Admitedly this one got a PG-13 rating, but really the movies are aimed at 8-18 year olds. Older people just expect to have the same experience they had when they were 8 and it will never happen. The original Star Wars was so far ahead of it's time there is no way that experience can be duplicated.
I'm going to Star Wars to see shit blow up in space, you want talk go rent Life As A House. Darth Vader plays a troubled youth you'll love it.
Plus, anyone that's annoyed about dialouge is just silly. I think 35 years old nerds forget these movies are still made for kids. So you can't expect any deep conversations. Admitedly this one got a PG-13 rating, but really the movies are aimed at 8-18 year olds. Older people just expect to have the same experience they had when they were 8 and it will never happen. The original Star Wars was so far ahead of it's time there is no way that experience can be duplicated.
I'm going to Star Wars to see shit blow up in space, you want talk go rent Life As A House. Darth Vader plays a troubled youth you'll love it.
Ha, true. I saw it today with my son and I thought it was a pretty good, especially considering what some of the people had said earlier in this thread. Yeah, I don't think that guy that plays Anakin was that great but overall I thought it was a good movie. The best part, for me, having watched the original 3 about 9,000,000 times as a kid, was having the answers to some questions - like why the fuck is Darth Vader in that suit anyway???
I still prefer the models of the OG's to the computer animation but I thought it was about as a good a follow-up to the classics as you could get.
The only thing I thought really didn't make much sense was to have Chewbacca kickin' it with Yoda... I mean, he turns into a pirate with Hans Solo in the OG's, what sense does that make?
I'm such a nerd today.
As far as waiting in line, gotta love the dilapidated mall ghetto theater - got there 20 mins late and the theater was only 1/8 full, 30 people tops.
Got up at 4am in the morning to get at the cinema with my girlfriend at 6am.
I don??t know what to say but
definately the WORST acting of all 6 parts :-(
The Storyline has filled the gaps ok, but the timing of this one is just bad.
The intro is wayyyyyyy to long, zero to non action at the wookie planet (COME ON!!) and the final battles are just lagging of something. Even the transformation into masked Darth laggs of darkness and atmosphere.
It??s still a good end of the story, of course it could have gone much worse but as a stand alone movie I really would deny it.
Ps. Have there been any pirate copies floating around before the official run ?
lol. you expected to enjoy it at 6 in the morning? Man, I wouldnt enjoy SHIT that I actually had to get out of bed just to watch!
I just saw it a minute ago and thought it was very good.
I am a pretty big Star Wars although maybe I???m not as I think episode I is bearable and episode II is actually pretty good oh and god hate me I think Hayden Christensen is actually quite good. Also I am quite a young Star Wars fan oh the worst kind.
I think the problem with Star Wars has always been the fake so called Star Wars lovers I have talked to many people who say oh Star Wars is so bad now but can't even place the first 3 films (as in episode IV- VI) in order. I wouldn't ever say my Star Wars knowledge is brilliant but I know quite a bit about Star Wars having played many a Star Wars game etc Knights Of The Old Republic et al watched obviously all the films seen the Clone Wars read many comic books etc (not too show off mind) But I guess I am just trying to make the point that you don't have to be a Star Wars diehard fan and hate the new ones that???s played out.
I just do find it very amusing when people say the new Star Wars films are so poorly acted. I guess the main problem stems from the fact that many pretty good actors take up roles in the newer films extending peoples expectations a little high I guess that is kind of understandable.
Back to episode 3 well I did not find this film boring at all found it very entertaining lots of people and I am one don't really like the special effects used these days all over the place but for now anyway these were pretty spot on and impressive. The story was well handled with pretty excellent pacing throughout. If you are looking for good acting its improved ever so slightly Seeing the slow decent of Anakin to Vader was executed perfectly in my book. For me anyway it really does have some of the most memorable parts for any of the Star Wars films.
Anyway something I must say was that when I was young which I still am but younger I used to really enjoy Return of the Jedi but the more I saw it the less I liked it compared to A New Hope and Empire Strike Back. So I would go as far as saying I prefer episode 3 Revenge Of the Sith to Return Of the Jedi which is quite a big compliment in my book.
But as much as I liked it I know why others might not which is
Anyway blah blah thats what I think hate me if you must also I need a new adjective 'good' has been so worn out on this
R2 and C3PO escape from an Empire boarding in Episode IV. R2 has just got the Death Star plans from Leia and they take an escape pod down to Tatooine, when there they get kidnapped by JarWars and then sold to Luke, thats in a nutshell how they got to Lukes crib, if thats what ya mean
I didn't mean it as a diss if it came off that way. But yeah the rest is left to your imagination which is nice. The thing I have always wanted to know is the real back story to Yoda from a young padawan up to being the most powerful and respected Jedi I think that would be cool. There are lots of rumours that always are around about what Lucas is going to do next and its been said about further Star Wars projects maybe a TV series.
I just saw it a minute ago and thought it was very good.
I am a pretty big Star Wars although maybe I???m not as I think episode I is bearable and episode II is actually pretty good oh and god hate me I think Hayden Christensen is actually quite good. Also I am quite a young Star Wars fan oh the worst kind.
I think the problem with Star Wars has always been the fake so called Star Wars lovers I have talked to many people who say oh Star Wars is so bad now but can't even place the first 3 films (as in episode IV- VI) in order. I wouldn't ever say my Star Wars knowledge is brilliant but I know quite a bit about Star Wars having played many a Star Wars game etc Knights Of The Old Republic et al watched obviously all the films seen the Clone Wars read many comic books etc (not too show off mind) But I guess I am just trying to make the point that you don't have to be a Star Wars diehard fan and hate the new ones that???s played out.
I just do find it very amusing when people say the new Star Wars films are so poorly acted. I guess the main problem stems from the fact that many pretty good actors take up roles in the newer films extending peoples expectations a little high I guess that is kind of understandable.
Back to episode 3 well I did not find this film boring at all found it very entertaining lots of people and I am one don't really like the special effects used these days all over the place but for now anyway these were pretty spot on and impressive. The story was well handled with pretty excellent pacing throughout. If you are looking for good acting its improved ever so slightly Seeing the slow decent of Anakin to Vader was executed perfectly in my book. For me anyway it really does have some of the most memorable parts for any of the Star Wars films.
Anyway something I must say was that when I was young which I still am but younger I used to really enjoy Return of the Jedi but the more I saw it the less I liked it compared to A New Hope and Empire Strike Back. So I would go as far as saying I prefer episode 3 Revenge Of the Sith to Return Of the Jedi which is quite a big compliment in my book.
But as much as I liked it I know why others might not which is
Anyway blah blah thats what I think hate me if you must also I need a new adjective 'good' has been so worn out on this
holy shit! where did this guy come from?
haha, that bitch ass movie is sold out everywhere. I guess it serves me right for hating on it so much.
AS A FILMMAKER (sorry but there's no other way to put it) I am a little upset by what feels like in this movie a dismissal of the Star Wars Style, which basically means a nerdish / stoner type of interest in locales, alien races, customs, that sort of thing, as well as an anachronistic degree of asthetic restraint -- long shot compositions, pre-MTV cutting, etc. There's a big list of things you don't do in Star Wars movies, there are stylistic rules, and whether you recognize them or not they are a large part of what makes these movies special. They have a code, so to speak, whereas other summer action movies basically will resort to any trick in the book in order to get a reaction. Maybe all of this is a fancy way of saying that up to now Star Wars, with the exception of a couple of bits in Attack of the Clones, has always been old school. It seems to me that this movie had a lot of the swooping camera digital bullshit that characterizes the Lord of the Rings movies, an ugly type of shotmaking that did not exist before digital technology, and with good reason. The scene wipes were for shit, fight scenes often had the same cartoonish hyperkineticism of Spiderman, and the eye never gets enough time to appreciate any of the details. Compare for instance the dogfighting in this movie to the battles in the original trilogy. It all feels like a blur. Dramatically there are a ton of really killer, intense, well-written (by Tom Stoppard, for sure) scenes between Anakin and Palpatine, and Anakin's fate is so fuckin badass I can hardly believe it. I am sure I will like this movie more the more I watch it. But I regret that Lucas took so much shit for his idiosyncratic approach to composition and pacing in the first two prequels that he switched editors and abandoned the cool, deliberate feel of the other movies. It is really weird, I know, to be a Star Wars fanatic and be more worried about how the stories are told than about the stories themselves, but that's my way of being different.
AS A FILMMAKER (sorry but there's no other way to put it) I am a little upset by what feels like in this movie a dismissal of the Star Wars Style, which basically means a nerdish / stoner type of interest in locales, alien races, customs, that sort of thing, as well as an anachronistic degree of asthetic restraint -- long shot compositions, pre-MTV cutting, etc. There's a big list of things you don't do in Star Wars movies, there are stylistic rules, and whether you recognize them or not they are a large part of what makes these movies special. They have a code, so to speak, whereas other summer action movies basically will resort to any trick in the book in order to get a reaction. Maybe all of this is a fancy way of saying that up to now Star Wars, with the exception of a couple of bits in Attack of the Clones, has always been old school. It seems to me that this movie had a lot of the swooping camera digital bullshit that characterizes the Lord of the Rings movies, an ugly type of shotmaking that did not exist before digital technology, and with good reason. The scene wipes were for shit, fight scenes often had the same cartoonish hyperkineticism of Spiderman, and the eye never gets enough time to appreciate any of the details. Compare for instance the dogfighting in this movie to the battles in the original trilogy. It all feels like a blur. Dramatically there are a ton of really killer, intense, well-written (by Tom Stoppard, for sure) scenes between Anakin and Palpatine, and Anakin's fate is so fuckin badass I can hardly believe it. I am sure I will like this movie more the more I watch it. But I regret that Lucas took so much shit for his idiosyncratic approach to composition and pacing in the first two prequels that he switched editors and abandoned the cool, deliberate feel of the other movies. It is really weird, I know, to be a Star Wars fanatic and be more worried about how the stories are told than about the stories themselves, but that's my way of being different.
An excellent point. I do think though all the usual Star Wars ideals had to be thrown out the window as soon as they started to tell this story in fact since episode I came out all these little rules were. Especially with episode 3 when its heavily story based and focused it does not really have a minute to let up and escape like the other films could. If you look at (IV-VI) there are so many irrelevant bits but these do make for great moments. I think the main problem with the prequels is no Han Solo or just no character like him, someone who moves the story forward but is actually really funny (thats just me wanting some Han I guess). It seems strange though with a film that is so heavily story based to detract and show off special effects swoopy camera shit, I guess this is a really cheap yet expensive way to make the film seem grand and on some epic scale which is quite an annoying gimmick but kind of has to be done. I think though it is very important for a story to be told well so you certainly are allowed to feel disappointed and it certainly is a shame that the style of Star Wars isn???t so prominent and certain iconography can not be even found still saying all that I really like it. God I have contradicted myself so much here lol.
EDIT: Also the film still makes me wish I was in it so thats a pretty good thing
I liked it a lot except most of the scenes with Natalie Portman. I thought most of her scenes were not good with Darth. I absolutely loved the last 30-40 minutes where almost all of it interconnected with A New Hope. I thought the part with Mace Windu, Samuel L Jackson, was very dope as well. Palpatine looked wack when his face got fucked up. I rememeber feeling kinda bad though as the end came near, like this is it...DAMN. The movie was great but too much was left unsolved....SPOILER ALERT kinda...They didn't show Yoda get to his swamp. Yoda didn't show Obi-Wan how to talk to his homie Qui-Gon like he said he was. How did R2-D2 and C3-PO get to where LUKE was set to live. DO I SENSE A EPISODE 3.5...MAYBE? PEACE...
I agree it woulda been cool to see Yoda arrive in Degoba, even for a second. As for "Yoda didn't show Obi-Wan how to talk to his homie Qui-Gon like he said he was" you'll remember that Luke was able to talk to his master Obi Wan in the first three movies even when Obi was dead or not around. Yoda suggesting that there's a way for Jedis to talk to their old dead masters is just a set-up for this I think.
I liked it a lot except most of the scenes with Natalie Portman. I thought most of her scenes were not good with Darth. I absolutely loved the last 30-40 minutes where almost all of it interconnected with A New Hope. I thought the part with Mace Windu, Samuel L Jackson, was very dope as well. Palpatine looked wack when his face got fucked up. I rememeber feeling kinda bad though as the end came near, like this is it...DAMN. The movie was great but too much was left unsolved....SPOILER ALERT kinda...They didn't show Yoda get to his swamp. Yoda didn't show Obi-Wan how to talk to his homie Qui-Gon like he said he was. How did R2-D2 and C3-PO get to where LUKE was set to live. DO I SENSE A EPISODE 3.5...MAYBE? PEACE...
I agree it woulda been cool to see Yoda arrive in Degoba, even for a second. As for "Yoda didn't show Obi-Wan how to talk to his homie Qui-Gon like he said he was" you'll remember that Luke was able to talk to his master Obi Wan in the first three movies even when Obi was dead or not around. Yoda suggesting that there's a way for Jedis to talk to their old dead masters is just a set-up for this I think.
I think it's possable a lot of this stuff will end up in deleted scenes on the DVD. Just too much to squeeze into one movie.
Well I saw the movie with the girlfriend and kid today. Kid wanted a light saber after the movie, girlfriend thought it was too long. I actually liked it. The lovey dovey scenes I could've done without because I started making wisecracks about it, but otherwise I thought it was a competent movie. It was good but not great was the feeling I walked out of the movie theater with. For futuristic/sci fi movies so far, I'd actually rather go see Robots. Not only is it funny but it actually has a little social message behind it. That I would recommend, new Star Wars I would give it an okay.
I don??t know what to say but
definately the WORST acting of all 6 parts :-(
The Storyline has filled the gaps ok, but the timing of this one is just bad.
The intro is wayyyyyyy to long, zero to non action at the wookie planet (COME ON!!) and the final battles are just lagging of something. Even the transformation into masked Darth laggs of darkness and atmosphere.
It??s still a good end of the story, of course it could have gone much worse
but as a stand alone movie I really would deny it.
Ps. Have there been any pirate copies floating around before the official run ?
It was on IRC but the aspect ratio is messed up. they squeezed the 16:9 image into 4:3 (everything squished and elongated) and it's a workprint so you have timecode stamp running on the top third of the screen. The release group had it for about 3 months and decided to release it the day before the official opening. They also had to go frame by frame to remove any digital watermarks so as not to reveal their source.
I saw Kool Keith in line at Universal Citywalk waiting to see it. He was wearing a cape with a hood. The fat daughter from The Parkers tv show was also there.
The movie itself was a'ight. Overall good except for the Jar Jar cameo, the sound the big lizard Obi was riding kept making, and the bad dialogue when Anakin and ol' girl are expressing their love for each other. I'll watch it again.
i respect that a hell of a lot
cosign, i saw it last night. it was entertaining, hillarious and kinda suspensful. anyone expecting high art deserves a slap in the face. dialouge? go watch the originals again, homie. obviously the plot line isn't going to be quite as impactful because you know exactly what happens, but that's just the nature of a prequel. it suceeds at tying a lot of loose ends together and answering some questions about the first one.
anyone down to start a seperate spoiler thread to discuss plot points in detail?
btw, are people actually waiting in line to see this one? i caught it a 12:01 at union station, where they were playing it on (i think) every screen and had no problems getting tickets right before the show. the theatre we were in was half empty too. (admittedly, it's location is a little bit detached from the white nerd fan boy demographic that this movie draws, but still, you'd think people would drive into the city before waiting in line for ten hours). does the lineup thing only happen in la and ny? or is it a national phenomenon?
i was cracking up.
not just LA and NYC, in DC too like a mug. people were camping out at some spots.
also the regal cinema's and lowes cenima's had lines around the block yesterday.
I would think that Union Station would have the better crowd participation! And no lines.
"Tough Sithuation: 'Star Wars' Fanatics Loathe the Prequels"
When I saw the groomsmen at these fools' wedding were dressed up as stormtroopers, I was like, hell naw!
there were definitley some laughably bad parts here and there, but i still loved it.
"putting on the riiiiiiiitzzzz!"
Lucas is pretty up front about ripping off classic cinema. He's basically just recounting the story of good vs evil that's been retold a million times. He doesn't try to hide the stuff he copies. His focus is the huge advance in filming that he's been a leader of.
As for the other stuff.........
Plus, anyone that's annoyed about dialouge is just silly. I think 35 years old nerds forget these movies are still made for kids. So you can't expect any deep conversations. Admitedly this one got a PG-13 rating, but really the movies are aimed at 8-18 year olds. Older people just expect to have the same experience they had when they were 8 and it will never happen. The original Star Wars was so far ahead of it's time there is no way that experience can be duplicated.
I'm going to Star Wars to see shit blow up in space, you want talk go rent Life As A House. Darth Vader plays a troubled youth you'll love it.
Ha, true. I saw it today with my son and I thought it was a pretty good, especially considering what some of the people had said earlier in this thread. Yeah, I don't think that guy that plays Anakin was that great but overall I thought it was a good movie. The best part, for me, having watched the original 3 about 9,000,000 times as a kid, was having the answers to some questions - like why the fuck is Darth Vader in that suit anyway???
I still prefer the models of the OG's to the computer animation but I thought it was about as a good a follow-up to the classics as you could get.
The only thing I thought really didn't make much sense was to have Chewbacca kickin' it with Yoda... I mean, he turns into a pirate with Hans Solo in the OG's, what sense does that make?
I'm such a nerd today.
As far as waiting in line, gotta love the dilapidated mall ghetto theater - got there 20 mins late and the theater was only 1/8 full, 30 people tops.
lol. you expected to enjoy it at 6 in the morning? Man, I wouldnt enjoy SHIT that I actually had to get out of bed just to watch!
No deep conversations with children aged 12 ?
The playstation generation ?
Come on, wake up, these kids are the FUTURE! can't print that, can you print that?
I am a pretty big Star Wars although maybe I???m not as I think episode I is bearable and episode II is actually pretty good oh and god hate me I think Hayden Christensen is actually quite good. Also I am quite a young Star Wars fan oh the worst kind.
I think the problem with Star Wars has always been the fake so called Star Wars lovers I have talked to many people who say oh Star Wars is so bad now but can't even place the first 3 films (as in episode IV- VI) in order. I wouldn't ever say my Star Wars knowledge is brilliant but I know quite a bit about Star Wars having played many a Star Wars game etc Knights Of The Old Republic et al watched obviously all the films seen the Clone Wars read many comic books etc (not too show off mind) But I guess I am just trying to make the point that you don't have to be a Star Wars diehard fan and hate the new ones that???s played out.
I just do find it very amusing when people say the new Star Wars films are so poorly acted. I guess the main problem stems from the fact that many pretty good actors take up roles in the newer films extending peoples expectations a little high I guess that is kind of understandable.
Back to episode 3 well I did not find this film boring at all found it very entertaining lots of people and I am one don't really like the special effects used these days all over the place but for now anyway these were pretty spot on and impressive. The story was well handled with pretty excellent pacing throughout. If you are looking for good acting its improved ever so slightly
Anyway something I must say was that when I was young which I still am but younger I used to really enjoy Return of the Jedi but the more I saw it the less I liked it compared to A New Hope and Empire Strike Back. So I would go as far as saying I prefer episode 3 Revenge Of the Sith to Return Of the Jedi which is quite a big compliment in my book.
But as much as I liked it I know why others might not which is
Anyway blah blah thats what I think hate me if you must also I need a new adjective 'good' has been so worn out on this
holy shit! where did this guy come from?
haha, that bitch ass movie is sold out everywhere. I guess it serves me right for hating on it so much.
An excellent point. I do think though all the usual Star Wars ideals had to be thrown out the window as soon as they started to tell this story in fact since episode I came out all these little rules were. Especially with episode 3 when its heavily story based and focused it does not really have a minute to let up and escape like the other films could. If you look at (IV-VI) there are so many irrelevant bits but these do make for great moments. I think the main problem with the prequels is no Han Solo or just no character like him, someone who moves the story forward but is actually really funny (thats just me wanting some Han I guess). It seems strange though with a film that is so heavily story based to detract and show off special effects swoopy camera shit, I guess this is a really cheap yet expensive way to make the film seem grand and on some epic scale which is quite an annoying gimmick but kind of has to be done. I think though it is very important for a story to be told well so you certainly are allowed to feel disappointed and it certainly is a shame that the style of Star Wars isn???t so prominent and certain iconography can not be even found
EDIT: Also the film still makes me wish I was in it so thats a pretty good thing
I agree it woulda been cool to see Yoda arrive in Degoba, even for a second. As for "Yoda didn't show Obi-Wan how to talk to his homie Qui-Gon like he said he was" you'll remember that Luke was able to talk to his master Obi Wan in the first three movies even when Obi was dead or not around. Yoda suggesting that there's a way for Jedis to talk to their old dead masters is just a set-up for this I think.
I think it's possable a lot of this stuff will end up in deleted scenes on the DVD. Just too much to squeeze into one movie.