Post stuff you've done that not many people have..



  • -Worked in a carnival with a bunch of ex-cons and motorcycle gang members

    -Drank a bottle of red wine in the middle of the night at a train station in Paris

    -opened a stadium concert for The Fugees

    -spent a week in the woods without washing

  • LamontLamont 1,090 Posts
    Spent 9/12/01 in a plane

    Had sex with a minor

    Saw a person die in the hospital

    Never ever kissed my sister on the cheek

    Saw 29 episodes of Twin Peaks in one day

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

    Saw 29 episodes of Twin Peaks in one day

    That must've taken a lot of hot coffee and pie..

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts

    Had sex with a minor

    when you were a minor too right? if not,

  • Saw 29 episodes of Twin Peaks in one day

    I thought that show was an hour long?

  • JoeMojoJoeMojo 720 Posts
    Okay, I'll play:

    Rappelled off the side of Table Mountain in Cape Town.
    Played capoeira in a midnight street game in the slums outside Salvador.
    Went door-to-door in West Philly trying to swing the 2004 election.
    Had a polite conversation with Jaki Liebezeit in German.
    Drove a 747 across the tarmac at Narita at 2AM.
    Climbed the Matterhorn.
    Rode an ostrich.
    The Brazilian military police pulled a nightstick on me last month.
    Worked fetching bandages in the gunshot section of Seattle's Harboview trauma center.
    Started college when I was 13.
    Ate frog saliva gland soup in Singapore.
    Stole a case of champagne off a Singapore Airlines VP while I was there.
    Accidentally smoked dust weed with Derrick May in Prague.
    Blown out my left eardrum three times (including right now, fuck).

  • LamontLamont 1,090 Posts

    Had sex with a minor

    when you were a minor too right? if not,

  • DJ_EnkiDJ_Enki 6,475 Posts

    Saw 29 episodes of Twin Peaks in one day

    Oh, that reminds me of another one:

    -Watched all eight Friday the 13th movies (they had only gotten up to eight at the time) consecutively in one afternoon/evening/night/morning.

  • Performed in the Melbourne International Comdedy Festival.

    Been the state champion team for theatresports.

    Had to run from a moving cab to escape a hit man, not who was trying to kill me, but who was trying to get me to "go back to his place for a little private party" (looooong story)

    Had my freinds house surrounded by police (street blockaded, dudes in vests down in the creek behind his place- the whole deal) due to an water pistol i had that was mistaken for a real gun. (another long story)

    Been the only person in my family to know about my Mum being raped.

    Im sure there is probably some other shit but that'll do.

  • cascas 1,484 Posts
    -[/b]got pepper sprayed.
    -[/b]lived in fairbanks, alaska for 3 years.
    -[/b]had to inject a monkey with nerve agent, monitor his condition and then give him the antidote.
    -[/b]crossed the int'l dateline and equator at the same time.
    -[/b]saw gina gershon's bare naked breast piece from the side at a wedding.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    oh yea!

    got pretty drunk in the same room as DOR, KL, Cosmo, Urrs, Aser, slush and aliendn AND was told by one of these superstars that he didn't like me very much.

  • SupergoodSupergood 1,213 Posts

    Nearly got into a fight with one of the Beatles.

    The BeatleFan in me (AYO!) needs to know: which one did you nearly fight?


  • Tripped at the base of the Eiger.
    Took a taxi to the pyramids and then snuck into the Sphinx with a Belgian tour group.
    Smoked a joint with Nick Cave.
    Went net fishing in Fiji with a bunch of local villagers.
    Had Widespread Panic play in my back yard.
    Picked grapes in Crete (for a month).
    Had Mealoaf buy me a beer.
    Beat Bill Berry from REM at darts.
    Helped kill a sheep a butcher it in the south of France.
    Hitchhiked from Athens to Amsterdam in three days.
    Cleaned Larry King's hotel room (he reads the New Yorker and the Sporting News).

    Got some more but I spare you (I am twice as old as most of y'all).

  • ageage 1,131 Posts

    Also went record shopping on my wedding day. Hope it isn't a sign for anyone else but that marriage ended badly.

    ha ha, I did this too, I bought my [then-soon-to-be] wife a copy of the O Brother OST on vinyl, can't remember if I got anything for myself. Surest way to calm the jitters.

    So far, so good on the marriage, 3 years in and still going strong.

    Just got married last year, but before I had to go to the spot, I went to the local thrift and got some digs!

    My wife is pretty supportive of my record buying/trading habit!!

    Cool to see another dude(s) happy w/ his wife!!


    Went writing w/ my buddy and a crazy drunk Norte thought we were scraps (because my boy was wearing a semi-blue shirt) and pulled a gun on us.

    Jumped in a bush when I saw(and heard)gunshots coming my directionthe dude that was running looked pretty shade).

    Had 12-15 cop cars surrounding my friends and I in a small vw square back (we pulled off to the side to get high) we noticed all these cop cars and thought it was someone near us (we were listening to r.k.l. really loud!!)Due to the fact that my dumb ass friend though it would be funny to bring a pellet gun that I had given him that day. (After I warned him not to bring it, he did anyways!)

    Fired an uzi, m-16 and a mac-10(pop's used to be in the military)

    Made a zip gun when I was 14 and didn't work!

    In sighted a fight w/ a friend and the man (he proceeded to cut the tires and let air out) of the cop car.fucking punk rock (and dumb too)

    Embarrassed porn star and made her pissed(I forgot her name)at a signing at a local video store (I will ask my brother what her name is!!)

    Corrected an ex's letter to me and sent it back w/ corrections and graded it.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts

    Nearly got into a fight with one of the Beatles.

    The BeatleFan in me (AYO!) needs to know: which one did you nearly fight?



    It was him who started it, I just kinda laughed at him thinking he was just some drunk old dude, and told him to [email]f@ck[/email] off.
    It wasn't until my friend came out and we watched him get back in his car and drive off, that we figured out who it was.

  • gravelheadwrapgravelheadwrap corn 948 Posts

    Saw 29 episodes of Twin Peaks in one day

    That must've taken a lot of hot coffee and pie..

    I tried to do this last summer, but I couldnt do it.

  • waxjunkywaxjunky 1,849 Posts

    Was at the 1989 World Series when the quake hit; was at the Cal-Stanford game in 1982 for "the play."

    Got held up when I worked at Wells Fargo.

    Climbed Mount Shasta; hiked the Grand Canyon.

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts

    Also went record shopping on my wedding day. Hope it isn't a sign for anyone else but that marriage ended badly.

    ha ha, I did this too, I bought my [then-soon-to-be] wife a copy of the O Brother OST on vinyl, can't remember if I got anything for myself. Surest way to calm the jitters.

    So far, so good on the marriage, 3 years in and still going strong.
    Mine went four years, so you may not be out of danger yet....

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    great thread. you all are an adventurous group.

    Corrected an ex's letter to me and sent it back w/ corrections and graded it.
    what'd she get?

    cashless[/b], i need to hear the full story of how you mended the native tongues relationship. also, i knew they used to have bad blood, but i forget why they were feuding in the first place.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    Was in a metal band in 10th grade

    Was in a punk bad in 11th grade

    Was in a ska band in college

    Was a rodie for Possessed in 10th grade

    Put out my first metal fanzine, "Gushing Blood", when I was in 10th grade

    Have been on 2 45s, 1 full length LP, and 3 compilations with bands that I've been in.

    Helped put out a 45 of a friends band Operation Ivy

    Worked at Maximum Rock N Roll for about 5-6 years

    Put in the toilets at the Gilman St Project Punk club in Berkeley

    Almost died twice due to a car accident in 1989. A drunk driver hit 5 cars on the freeway. I was the 3rd car.Girlfriend didn't have her seatbelt on so she went through the front window. She landed face first, broke her neck, had to wear a halo brace screwed into her skull, and got chemical burns from spilled gasoline on the freeway. I had my seatbelt on and went spinning with the car, which eventually landed on the roof. Roof cut open my head. They couldnt' stop the bleeding and almost bled to death. They had to burn it shut. Later in the hospital I started complaining about a catheter (sp?) hurting my dick. Ended up passing out and had to have an emergency blood transfusion. They also found that my shoulder had been fractured into 13 pieces and I needed a 2nd surgery to put 12 screws and 2 plates in my body to hold it together. In total, my girlfriend spent 13 days in the hospital, 3 of which she was unconscious. I spent 11 days in the hospital, was out for 2 days. No one else was hurt. Nothing ever happened to the guy who hit us.

  • motown67motown67 4,513 Posts
    Almost forgot, performed in front of 30,000 people at the Greek Theater in Berkeley.

  • djrdjr 511 Posts

    I've gone skydiving twice (in tandem), jumping out of a plane 2 1/2 miles above the earth. First time did a back flip out of the plane.

    When I was 18, "dated" my 35 year old boss (who happened to be married)......

    nothing else terribly exciting

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts
    been to a sex club in cuba (didn't partake)

    learned to read before i could speak

    lived in a ghanaian village for a month with no running water or electricity. got 'creeping eruptions.' had a girl, who i'm pretty sure was a prostitute, from a neighboring village tell me she'd kill herself if i left her village

    smoked a joint in between abe lincoln's lap (the memorial) (very )

    stripped at a club in ibiza

    sex in a photo-booth in a mall

    worked at an orphanage in salvador. worked on a farm in a rural village in bahia.

    played basketball with dustin hoffman
    edit - also malcolm (of 'in the middle') and adam sandler. all separate occasions.

    also been in a helicopter, but i wasn't conscious

  • troublemantroubleman 1,928 Posts
    -made Steve Martin laugh hysterically
    -dated a girl that lived in the Hollywood hills and had skippy (from family ties) living in the guest house
    -toasted a glass of milk with Malcolm McDowell (of clockwork orange fame)
    -went to school with Ted Danson's daughter
    -love to visit the old shooting locations of my favorite films of the 80's
    -drank grappa on a hill in Tuscany at sunset with an Italian model
    -have a shirt my dad stole from John Lennon's dirty laundry bag.
    -sat next to and hugged Jimi Hendrix's sister
    -was an extra and can be seen in "That Thing You Do," and "Bowfinger." and many t.v. show episodes, including "Sweet Valley High."
    - Was set to be a recurring actor in a pilot that was never made.
    -Dated a girl who was a recurring actress on "Boy Meets World," and "Full House." When I see those episodes it brings back good memories.
    -bought clyde stubblefield a drink and talked music

  • mandrewmandrew 2,720 Posts

    -toasted a glass of milk with Malcolm McDowell (of clockwork orange fame)
    -went to school with Ted Danson's daughter
    i went to school with malcolm mcdowell's daughter/ted danson's step-daughter. she dated my best friend at the time

  • Options

    Passed out in a bathtub.


    Me too.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts
    Had a colostomy bag

    I think this wins my vote for "most unique/disturbing"

    hope you (and your colon) are doing better now.

  • Passed out came to in a bathtub.

    (beer + bike wreck)

  • I...

    -went to school with Ted Danson's daughter

    crossroads strikes again....

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Had a colostomy bag

    I think this wins my vote for "most unique/disturbing"

    hope you (and your colon) are doing better now.

    I talked colons with Matt Schnipper, both of us were stone sober too.
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