Post stuff you've done that not many people have..

Here is some stuff that I've done that not most strutters maybe haven't.... add on with what you did! ok here goes
I:Got chased by a herd of cattle.
Milked a cow.
Shot an m16, m60, grenade launcher, and threw a live grenade and exploded a claymore mine.stood on a mountain overlooking the DMZ into North Korea.
See also:Looked a North Korean soldier in the face.
Passed out in a bathtub.
Passed out at Shigs house.
Got surrounded by the police and sheriff in the little town of Baird Texas.
Drank Mekong whiskey on a train in Thailand.
Learned Korean.
Called a conservative talk radio show. And talked about Dominoes Pizza.
Won tickets to a Tejano concert on the radio, live on the air, without understanding what I had done because I don't speak spanish.
Got surrounded by wild boar and the chased them off by screaming and yelling.
Repeatedly called some poor vietnamese guy listed in the phone book as Phat Dong.
Posted on soulstrut from a US Navy Destroyer while out to sea.
Whitewater kayaked in Costa Rica.
Attempted to ride a unicycle down a flight of stairs (multiple witnesses here on soulstrut).
Failed.Rode in a helicopter.Visited the town of Paint Rock, TX, on purpose, and saw a rattlesnake.
Played the organ at a funeral.Jogged past Clint Eastwood.
Beat dCastillo at scrabble.what you did?
I:Got chased by a herd of cattle.
Milked a cow.
Shot an m16, m60, grenade launcher, and threw a live grenade and exploded a claymore mine.stood on a mountain overlooking the DMZ into North Korea.
See also:Looked a North Korean soldier in the face.
Passed out in a bathtub.
Passed out at Shigs house.
Got surrounded by the police and sheriff in the little town of Baird Texas.
Drank Mekong whiskey on a train in Thailand.
Learned Korean.
Called a conservative talk radio show. And talked about Dominoes Pizza.
Won tickets to a Tejano concert on the radio, live on the air, without understanding what I had done because I don't speak spanish.
Got surrounded by wild boar and the chased them off by screaming and yelling.
Repeatedly called some poor vietnamese guy listed in the phone book as Phat Dong.
Posted on soulstrut from a US Navy Destroyer while out to sea.
Whitewater kayaked in Costa Rica.
Attempted to ride a unicycle down a flight of stairs (multiple witnesses here on soulstrut).
Failed.Rode in a helicopter.Visited the town of Paint Rock, TX, on purpose, and saw a rattlesnake.
Played the organ at a funeral.Jogged past Clint Eastwood.
Beat dCastillo at scrabble.what you did?
Damn G***, how are we supposed to follow that?
I'll have to think about all the things I've done. Always more focused on what I'm about to do...
- I've never smoked weed or cigarettes or done any other illicit drug
- Bought a 10,000 piece vintage movie poster collection
- Went to a record show with as almost as many girls as boys in attendance
- And most importantly, jumped on a radio host's neck, called in to his show, and got GOMPed (Get Off My Phone'd)
Good for you.
oooh yes! thats a good one!
I think I was the only person that handwrote my application.
-As an adolescent, I used to show horses competitively (Palomino Quarter Horses)
-Attended a Christian college in Minnesota for 4 years
-Was a bouncer at the Uptown Bar in Minneapolis
-Was a booker at First Avenue/7th Street entry at the same time
-Was a (terrible) guitar tech for the Jayhawks on a one and a 1/2 week tour of the Midwest with Matthew Sweet and Soul Asylum. I sucked, but it was fun. Best part was an after show backstge singalong in Milwaukee.
-Attended a Liberian Baptist church briefly in Silver Spring, MD
-Rode my bike all over Las Vegas without a helmet (stupid)
-Was a hawker at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival, I worked for a mime. I was a monk.
-Fixed and installed Espresso machines all over central and southern Minnesota.
-Played "Surfin' Bird" with a band called 'Wandering Sickness' at my high school talent show.
-Perfomed onstage with members of The Monks(Gary and Eddie), The Pretty Things (Dick Taylor and Phil May) and Radio Birdman(Deniz Tek)
-Gone record shopping on my wedding day
-Missed Fatback's wedding by 10 minutes
I believe we will be in the same graduating class, grandpa danno.
- Has maintained a lifelong olicy of punching any crowd surfer at any hip hop show in the face. I haven't seen a crowd surfer period since leaving Austin, Tx six years ago.
- Learned to understand Japanese by myself without the ability to speak it fluently.
- Once went on a 3 week trip to Japan, leaving America with only $60, my luggage and a bag of hip hop raers. Has been to Japan 13(?) times.
- Travelled from Japan to Hong Kong on a whim without having a place to stay, hotel reservations, any real money (I think I had $50 total) or any friends there. Stay for 5 days.
- Got on plane from Houston to Denver where one of the engines completely stalled out while circling Stapleton airport in a severe blizzard and we were forced to land in New Mexico.
- Spent summers in Costa Rica with family during my junior high school days. I picked up a lot of spanish every year, but would lose it by the time the next summer rolled around.
- I hit an 11 year old kid running across the highway illegally. He bounced off my hood, got up and ran only. I had to pull over and chase him down. His collarbone and upper arm were both broken and he was airlifted by helicopter to the hospital. I was cleared of any wrongdoing.
- Was once called "dope" at scratching by Qbert. That will prolly never happen again. I also joked about killing him to his face only hours earlier.
reminds me of:
Just when you think there's no hope left for the world, you get an inkling that there may be angels walking amongst us. Thank you.
OK, maybe not.
- Tinga Stewart lived with us briefly during the mid eighties. He taught me some simple chords on our out-of-tune organ
- Created regional dmc competition idea
- Met one of my best friends on top of a mountain in Japan at 3am. It was like 20 degrees. she was visiting her family in Japan on vacation from school in Texas. It also coincidentally turned out that she was the upstairs neighbor of another of another good friend of mine in Austin, tx. What are the odds?
Yeah, we got that a lot. My nickname(every staffer was bequeathed a nickname by head wrangler Danny) that summer was Jethro.
- Hit boy george in the head with an ice cube
- Rubbed my scrotum on a brochure that was later handed round at Blair's cabinet meeting.
Shit, it doesn't have to be stuff you're proud of does it?
Me personally... I wouldn't have posted that. Reptilian watch 2006.
Clinically dead twice (childhood asthma)
Swum with a 6ft bull shark (Koh Tao, Thailand)
Asked the Queen of England when the queen was arriving (i was 3).
Dropped in on Steve Cabellero at my local bowl.
Had 3 guns pulled on me in 2 countries in 1 week
and all that other shit from the other thread...
Ha! I'm ashamed to admit that thought crossed my mind when posting it.
"I know what you did last summer"
Brought the term "jizz mop" out from the shadows of obscurity
Many thanks!
Got chased by a herd of cattle.
Got surrounded by the police and sheriff in the little town of Baird Texas.
Visited the town of Paint Rock, TX, on purpose, and saw a rattlesnake.
Whoa man thats my neck of the woods. i live 30 minutes before or after Baird,depending on the way your coming or going i guess. Cows and rattlesnakes are the norm around here. Did you pass through Abilene?
Rode my bike as a local vehicle since childhood.
K in Canada.