Post stuff you've done that not many people have..



  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts
    I've never smoked weed or cigarettes or done any other illicit drug

    Same here

    Umm.. what else...

    I've been chased by a moose in the middle of no where.

    I've had my hair messed up by one of the greatest hockey players of all time (Bobby Orr).

    I've dated identical twins (though not at the same time)

    I've flown to England probably over 25 times in a 4 year period.

    I've also had a helicopter ride over Niagara Falls and a boat tour at the falls (In the same day).

    I've had a quickie at the top of the CN Tower.

    I???ve done the ???What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas!???

    I've walked into a full glass window (Totally couldn???t tell) in a bank, in font of my sexy bank manager and went down like a ton of bricks.

    I once flew from Toronto to NYC for 6 hours (Free flight hook up) to take a gurl on a date.

    Got seriously tanked at a tour of the guinness factory

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    this is so much fun! getting to know you....

    Watched and bawled as the doctor sewed up my baby finger that my cousin had slammed an iron gate on a week before my second birthday ??? this is my earliest memory

    Was so angry about getting my haircut at age three and refused to sit still and shook my head so much that the dude cut his fingers on the scissors and told my mom to never bring me back again

    Found a lost kid crying on the subway on his own, he was starving and did not know his address or phone number, got him fries, went through the subway map with him station by station til he recognized one (Warden) and took him there ??? his mom, aunt and cousins were waiting by the turnstiles with the transit folks and a cop. It was intense.
    (Know how I know not too many people have done this? Because he was lost for four hours and when I saw him, it was a full car and no one was doing a damn thing but looking the other way)

    Was hit by a car twice in the exact same circumstances ??? my green, car making a left, drove right into me. One dude was drunk, the other very old and in a daze (couldn???t tell if this was because of the accident or the cause of it).

    Asked Mary J Blige what her guilty pleasure was (she laughed but did not answer)

    Went to my first concert (Duran Duran) at 12 on my own cause my friend got the flu the day before ??? I had a lot of fun

    Told my English teacher he was full of shit and got a book thrown at me.

    Suspended twice in highschool ??? once for fighting and the other time for chronic skipping of aforementioned English class

    Got my highschool diploma, walked off stage, handed it to my parents, walked out of the school, into my friend???s car and spent the rest of the night getting high. My parents were super-pissed for having to spend the rest of the night with a bunch people they didn???t know.

    Broke into someone???s house (well, the backyard door was open) because I needed to pee so bad. I don???t know if anyone was home.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts

    Told my English teacher he was full of shit and got a book thrown at me.

    Suspended twice in highschool ??? once for fighting and the other time for chronic skipping of aforementioned English class

    Got my highschool diploma, walked off stage, handed it to my parents, walked out of the school, into my friend???s car and spent the rest of the night getting high. My parents were super-pissed for having to spend the rest of the night with a bunch people they didn???t know.

    Got tossed out of my class literally.. (full body-- sack of potatoes over the shoulder haul style) by a psycotic teacher who took meds for a year right after

    Caused a parent/student protest against school policy in my highschool

    Tossed my graduation hat staright at my principal (fribee style) instead of in the air icongnito

    Performed a stoned out philosophical masterpiece of an oral presentation in college

    Ahh school...

  • DJed my own wedding (along with the bride).

    Recorded an album with Tim Kerr.

    Opened for Fugazi.

    Jumped out of the first airplane I was ever in.

    Witnessed a real-life encounter between faux_rillz and Reynaldo.

  • DJCireDJCire 729 Posts
    - Been chased by cattle also

    - Been on an aircraft carrier (and no it wasn't docked)

    - Drove from Orange County to San Francisco (7 hr trip) for a business meeting (also made two stops, one in Santa Cruz and one in San Mateo)

    - On that same trip, I got my rental car towed in San Fran while shopping at Groove Merchant

    - Visited China (Tian'anmen Square and the Shanghai Skyline were ill!)

    - Went to a couple Raiders games while they were in LA

    - Went to the last Lakers Championship Parade

    - Went to the 1989 Baseball All-Star Game

    - Tailgated with Kansas City Chiefs and San Diego Charger players (post-game)

    - Met Ice Cube when I was about 10 and he signed his autograph on the back of an Oaktown 357 cassette single (it was the only thing I had).

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts

    Witnessed a real-life encounter between faux_rillz and Reynaldo.

  • canonicalcanonical 2,100 Posts
    - Got in a knife fight and stabbed myself[/b] in the leg.

    - Fucked up my ankle jumping over a desk in math class (this was recent).

    - Lived in a hotel with 4 strippers, 4 opera singers, and 1 very weird girl.

    - Witness Father MC hit on my mom and my sister at the same time.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    - Met Ice Cube when I was about 10 and he signed his autograph on the back of an Oaktown 357 cassette single (it was the only thing I had).

    I met Ice T, DJ Evil E & Darlene when Power came out. They all signed my copy of Power and I was so young I think I was most excited about getting Darlene to sign it. Hung out with them for a few minutes in the back of my uncles store. Darlene was seriously hottttt....

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,908 Posts

    Asked Mary J Blige what her guilty pleasure was (she laughed but did not answer)

    Didn't you do the same thing when I asked you that same question???


  • coffinjoecoffinjoe 1,743 Posts
    - rolled spliffs for chris blackwell

    - rolled spliffs for tom silverman

    - dave grohl use to bum smoke off me

    - homer henderson also bummed smoke from me

    - went to a late night kennedy center tribute to muddy waters
    & then drove straight thru to a record show in hillsborough nc

    - set up in nyc on saturday & hillsborough nc sunday, slingin

    - held down a table at each richmond va show on the same day, twice
    (comfort inn vs holiday inn daze)

    - chased the dragon twice, by accident

    - went to clintons first inaugural ball at penn station
    (live music by booker t & the mgs, catfish hodge)

    - had dinner with hillary, ted danson & his gal mary strn...whatever the f, & 200 other peep (dc wifv)

    - went on a three hour cruise with all the living members of gilligan island cast
    (the prof, giligan, mary ann & ginger !) got all beatnik with maynard !

    - puked all over the front steps of a.busch headquarters st lou

    - have had 2 guns pointed in my face

    - went to a modern tradional vietanmese wedding

    - went to a senegalese wedding party (maybe asprin & rubbishvisuals were there too ?)

    lots of other stuff, some involving the fbi & secret service, others with recording artists & producers & a few that involve them all

  • holmesholmes 3,532 Posts
    Drove a car through the back wall of the basement of the family home. Took out the dryer, sink & toilet. Ended up against my bedroom wall. Don't drive home boozed at 15 on a learner license.

    Also went record shopping on my wedding day. Hope it isn't a sign for anyone else but that marriage ended badly.

    Umm, there's more but I gotta go teach.

  • DJCireDJCire 729 Posts

    - Met Ice Cube when I was about 10 and he signed his autograph on the back of an Oaktown 357 cassette single (it was the only thing I had).

    I met Ice T, DJ Evil E & Darlene when Power came out. They all signed my copy of Power and I was so young I think I was most excited about getting Darlene to sign it. Hung out with them for a few minutes in the back of my uncles store. Darlene was seriously hottttt....

    If I remember correctly, the concert I was at when I met Ice Cube was for Ice-T's Power. The night was dope and included performances from Rob Base & EZ Rock, Donald D and one other artist but it slips me right now. It was my first hip hop concert.

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts

    Asked Mary J Blige what her guilty pleasure was (she laughed but did not answer)

    Didn't you do the same thing when I asked you that same question???



    but i try not feel guilty about things that bring me pleasure.

    hello you.

  • djdazedjdaze 3,099 Posts
    ???had sex, got head and made out with various porn stars (not done yet on that one either)

    that's it. everything else is pretty much par for the course.

  • SwayzeSwayze 14,705 Posts
    - Got in a knife fight and stabbed myself[/b] in the leg.

    oh yeah, this reminded me. I grazed myself in the leg with a .25 that I used to carry in my front pocket back in high school. I still have a 3 inch long very thin scar from when the gun went off in my pocket accidentally. My friend that I bought it offa got shot in the face and killed like a week later.

    That summer me and ***** had robbed one of the biggest *** ***** in Texas and were trading pistols for pounds of schwaggy mexican dirt weed.

  • dollar_bindollar_bin I heartily endorse this product and/or event 2,326 Posts

    Also went record shopping on my wedding day. Hope it isn't a sign for anyone else but that marriage ended badly.

    ha ha, I did this too, I bought my [then-soon-to-be] wife a copy of the O Brother OST on vinyl, can't remember if I got anything for myself. Surest way to calm the jitters.

    So far, so good on the marriage, 3 years in and still going strong.

  • Once rode in a police boat across Venice with my bloody roommate and a Jordanian guy who had been beat up by the Italian police. Then my roommate and I had to find our way back across Venice on foot with no map at 3AM.

    Attended the largest non governmental peace conference in history.

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    Ladies and Gentlemen....

    "The Cock Measuring Thread "

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    anybody here ever arm wrestle a Rottweiler ?

    i did that shit

  • bassiebassie 11,710 Posts
    Ladies and Gentlemen....

    "The Cock Measuring Thread "

    i lose automatically.

    i saw it more as a fun way to get to know each other.

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    "The Cock Measuring Thread "

    i saw it more as a fun way to get to know each other.

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    "The Cock Measuring Thread "

    i saw it more as a fun way to get to know each other.

    If I thought it was a bragging party I wouldn't have admitted to working for a mime at a Renaissance Festival[/b]

  • Ladies and Gentlemen....

    "The Cock Measuring Thread "

    i think what ed is trying to say is POST PICTURES OF YOUR WEINER OR YOUR SOFT

  • Birdman9Birdman9 5,417 Posts
    Ladies and Gentlemen....

    "The Cock Measuring Thread "

    i think what ed is trying to say is POST PICTURES OF YOUR SOFT WEINER

  • edpowersedpowers 4,437 Posts
    i'm typing by spirit right hands are tied behind my back i type each word and submit each post my hands and mouth are not moving ....TOP THAT !

  • ElectrodeElectrode Los Angeles 3,160 Posts
    I burned an American flag on a 4th of July many years ago (not as bad as it sounds)

  • I used to be a tournament level table tennis player. I won several junior tournaments and was sponsored by Butterfly. I got high off the glue you use to reglue your rubber onto your blade before a match (no homo.)

  • JustAliceJustAlice 1,308 Posts
    I broke my arm in three places by tripping on my shoe lace running to lunch in the 5th grade.

    Re-setting the brake was My skinny little fingers kept slipping out of thier chinese finger trap crank and they had to do it by hand. The nurse kept slappin me in the face so I wouldnt pass out.

  • - Got in a knife fight and stabbed myself[/b] in the leg.

    oh yeah, this reminded me. I grazed myself in the leg with a .25 that I used to carry in my front pocket back in high school. I still have a 3 inch long very thin scar from when the gun went off in my pocket accidentally. My friend that I bought it offa got shot in the face and killed like a week later.

    That summer me and ***** had robbed one of the biggest *** ***** in Texas and were trading pistols for pounds of schwaggy mexican dirt weed.

    i accidentally shocked myself in the leg with one of those stun guns

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Smoked weed with Jason Donovan

    Nearly got into a fight with one of the Beatles.

    Had sex with a famous person.. neither of the above

    Appearded in a tv commercial. (as a kid)

    Given mouth to mouth to a dog.
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