
  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    magpaul said:
    Also, in terms of current shit that is awesome. Clams Casino's Instrumental mixtape, which you can download here . This version is remastered, for anyone who already has the original.

    Yeah forgotten about that. A heady mix of post-Balearic ambient and Clanned-esque musical oceans. Plus it's a great platform to jump off into the world of The Based God from.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Mmmm, I think Entroducing is great because it really works well as an album, and there aren't many producers that can hold your attention with an hour's worth of instrumental cuts, so I tend to pick up singles and EPs.

    Bonobo is pretty decent, though maybe not very hip-hoppy, it is mainly instrumental. There's a good compilation of his called One Offs, Remixes & B-sides, and this more recent album track really tickles my pickle in a mellow contemplative way:

    Some of Quantic's early work is sort of instrumental hip-hop.

    Both Bonobo & Quantic use played instrumentation with samples, and I think this comes across in the sound being less boom-bap and more like electronic/trip-hop something Briddish.

  • Rich45sRich45s 327 Posts
    One may well show my face at this London soiree. Night of the Barcelona - Chelsea match is a massive nono though.

    Keep one informed whatwhat

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Quality. Looking fwd to meeting one :beerbang:

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts

    Fresh blood!

    Will be good to widen the IRL Brit contingent

    Weds 2 may is favoured. Who else will reach out?
    Mario is busy taking over the world, Nick has shunned us, Dutty Dutty Babylon is a figment of my imagination having watched too many episodes of Steptoe and Rastamouse...

    There's got to be more.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Yes, please, come, join us Rich, would be excellent to put a face to the name. Agreed on any others that can make it, please do. Remember, safety in numbers and all that.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    What about Badder_Than_Evil? You still lurking?
    IIRC, you're a Chelsea fan - London based?

    EDIT: How the crap could I forget Dolo? If you are out there dude, come along. Either PM Raj, or hit me up on hotmail: eskimop*ssy@hotmail.com

    (^that spelling should be p u s s y but the word is naughty and blocked by teh Strut)

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Duderonomy said:

    you're a Chelsea fan - London based?

    LOL you jest.

    Surrey maybe.
    Or Canada,

  • skel said:
    Now I need California male and female on cd. Neil?
    And Woy Hodgson amongst others, re the great iPod changeover crash of February this year.
    "another song I'll never finish"

    who uses cd's anymore?

    that said, i've been meaning to buy some for a long while to burn some fresh music for my car (i've been existing solely on two jorge ben albums and a random disco mix for at least the past year). i'll happily sort something out in the next week or so.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Excellent news!
    Yours and shears stuff, thats my shit right there.

    I will be sure to tell you when you both 'fall off' though.

  • Haha, thanks Skel.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Shears, come for a drink on the 2nd.
    I'll hound nick with text and calls til he submits.
    You two and Duder in a corner talking beats, me and Rich selling 45s to each other and junior fending off predatory lounge lizard passers by.
    Where's Jimster at?

    I forgot to tell you dudes, but last week I sold 40 lots of sports memorabilia on the bay for a mate, signed Chelsea shirts and whatnot, but by far the biggest grip was on vintage Subbuteo rugby stuff by Italian blokes. 300 bids on about 10 lots. It was chaos in the last hour.
    Some bloke from Rome sent a message after saying "Yes I won! England and Subbuteo forever!!!"

    Who knew?

  • Duderonomy said:
    What about Badder_Than_Evil? You still lurking?
    IIRC, you're a Chelsea fan - London based?

    Already had to decline as I live in California. I will holler at people and get crickets next time I'm home.
    A fan of the rapidly-declining Tottenham. Can understand you getting mixed up being as Pcmr supports all but all but 6 teams in the world..

  • pending confirmation of an evening pass.... meeting some blokes off the internet is a tough sell

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    It's never some blokes off teh internet, it's guys from work. This thread is research. Ebay gripping is expanding your portfolio with maturing assets. Getting massively drunk in London is networking.

    California Badder_Than? How's that?
    Now you mention it I do remember some barbs coming your way re:Spuds. I suspect your tune may have changed in the last month or so, eh?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    DuttyBabylon said:
    pending confirmation of an evening pass.... meeting some blokes off the internet is a tough sell

    Paging Junior (grooming-R)

    Actually Duder, in investment terms, records are a commodity, eBay is a stock exchange, Paypal is a Clearing House, Cfrenzy and Popsike are price discovery mechanisms.
    SS set sales are wholesale OTC markets and the wants/trades section is a tri-party dark liquidity pool.

    Where can I take my proper Modern Soul 45s for set sale given that no-one on this board has an earthly about this genre?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    skel said:

    the wants/trades section is a tri-party dark liquidity pool.

    I don't want to understand where this comes from

    Have you tried www.Discogs.com Skel? I'd guess the biggest impediment might be that the stuff you have isn't listed. If it is there, Discogs is a lot easier to set up and use than ebay. Or for a forum type thing, I think Jazzman records (or is it called the FryerMantis forum or something?) might have the crowd that appreciate Modern Soul.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Fryer board is dead, no?
    Discogs not a flyer for me.
    Actually, since I submitted the above post I've been hit up on email and other boards - k***o, P**e and S* ***e I'm looking at you and will get back to you.

    There's stuff I'll put up on here in the funk and rare groove space, and hopefully it will fly. All the Manzels, James Mason, staples like Iron Leg etc.
    Will also do the known eurofunk stuff like Mirouz, Lucifer &Co; and Frog, see what happens.
    But no-one going near Bobby Finch and thems on here.
    Maybe an eBay clusterfuck is the way to go.

    In fact I've sold more as want-list follow ups than happened on those set sales, which all had a two thirds to three quarters success rate.

    It's been good, dudes should try it. Allow the option to "email seller", there's lurkers with money who watch and grip but aren't registered here.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    skel said:

    There's stuff I'll put up on here in the funk and rare groove space, and hopefully it will fly. All the Manzels, James Mason, staples like Iron Leg etc.
    Will also do the known eurofunk stuff like Mirouz, Lucifer &Co; and Frog, see what happens.


    What damage on Iron Leg?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    List is complete, working on pricing, pm you on Iron Leg

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,909 Posts
    Some Brit rap I can enjoy...

  • Duderonomy said:

    California Badder_Than? How's that?
    Now you mention it I do remember some barbs coming your way re:Spuds. I suspect your tune may have changed in the last month or so, eh?

    Not much has changed in my opinion.Pretty sure I never bragged about how great Tottenham are at any point - Been a fan too long to mouth off and look a fool at the end of the season. I'm in the "couldn't care less if Redknapp went" brigade.

    About to go watch them struggle at QPR now..

  • skel said:
    Mario is busy taking over the world

    Much as I would like this to be true, my life is much more mundane currently as I'm preparing for university exams. This means I would be unable to reach the brit meet on May 2nd :(

    However, I do intend to loosen the grip on a stack of overly expensive records vis a vis a summer set sale/eBay auction to grease my palms with the cash to maintain the whole student lifestyle w/o having to get a job just yet. Itchy trigga finga niggaz type sale. A jaunt to London during the proper summer months is definitely on the cards after that.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    PCMR - wut happened? Ronaldo showed up. Lionel not so much. Drogba can easily roll around for 90+ mins.
    Big tings a gwarn.

  • pcmrpcmr 5,591 Posts
    i don't understand why piqu?? was left off, tello start was suspect
    real has been slowly creeping up and our attack has been less incisive since the villa injury
    still not stressed for the return leg but it does seem like the mystique has somewhat worn off
    never let them see you bleed!

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,909 Posts

  • PATXPATX 2,820 Posts
    Fox Sports World live match calendar 2011/2012

    ___________ vs. Wolves
    Wolves vs. ___________
    ___________ vs. Wolves
    Wolves vs. ___________
    Wolves vs. ___________
    ___________ vs. Wolves

  • damn - I've not been a regular on here for a while but last time football was definitely "soccer"


  • Londoners considering who to vote for in the Mayoral elections that are tired of the major candidates ostentatious talking loud & saying nothing; vote Tempa T.

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