
  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Okem said:

    But more importantly.. I need to buy a new bed.

    Well, my tastes lean towards the affordable, but I got lucky when I spotted a sign posted outside the car-park at Dreams for a bed sale - something like 'Receivership Stock, Must Go This Weekend'. They'd rented out a room at a hotel to display the mattresses, and I picked up a memory foam, pocket sprung, hypoallergenic double mattress reduced from ??800 to ??100. So this is more of a post in support of something that looked dodgy but was great.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    God I really need to stop and smell the flowers occasionally with my cookie monster approach to absorbing music - took me a good five minutes to identify what the tune in the trailer was despite playing that album to death when it came out. Looks interesting, willing to give Brooker the benefit of the doubt despite being at the point where I'd happily never read one of his columns ever again.

    What type of bed you looking for Okem? If it's a nicely made wooden frame then I reckon your chances of getting a good deal on one that doesn't fall apart in six months are slim to none. However if you're happy with a Divan and a decent mattress there are definitely deals around. We have one of those industrial estates near us with lots of shops selling near identical ranges of beds etc and got a good deal on ours a while ago due to changes in stock/post xmas sales etc etc so may be worth hanging around till then?

  • great team goal here...

    also, unrelated to football, but this was an interesting read related to streaming services such as spotify:


    in particular the figures that say:
    "In 2010 only 52.8% of the UK population spent anything on music. Of that 52.8%, the average annual spend was ??42.83 per annum."

    the article was prompted in part, no doubt, by the news that some distributors are pulling labels from the service: http://www.thewire.co.uk/articles/7994/

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    The problem I have is that I now truly live in the backend of nowhere, so the local choice of bedshops, or what have you, is slim to none. And you can pretty much forget about getting anything contemporary looking.
    I rather just get something online of I can. I once made the mistake of going to Ikea on a Saturday, and all the meatballs in the world wont make me do that again. It was like going to the football, herds of people all being shepherded through their stupid one way, colour coded system. There was even a fight at one point, presumably there was only one Knutstorp left, and they both wanted it.

    I should just buy something and deal, but it seems like a lot of money to spend on something you're not keen on. And they always say buying the right bed is important, or summit, don't they? bah.

    Duder, I've heard that memory foam stuff doesn't dissipate body heat well. Can you speak on it.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Okem said:

    Duder, I've heard that memory foam stuff doesn't dissipate body heat well. Can you speak on it.

    Mmmm, funny you should mention it, but it does kind of seem a bit warmer than a regular bed, but as I'm skinny and don't suffer with heat, not a problem for me at all. Could be a problem for some I guess, instead for me it just feels like that warm-bed-feeling lasts a bit longer if I get up. :necessary:

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Thanks mang.

    Where's the proper grown-ups when you need them? Jimster, DocMcCoy, Skel.. They must know about buying beds and stuff.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    I am here but currently preoccupied with Grown Up Shit. I'll brb. l8rz.

  • DocMcCoyDocMcCoy "Go and laugh in your own country!" 5,917 Posts
    When me and the missus moved to Berlin, we took hardly any furniture with us because most of what we had was clapped out. Consequently, furnishing the new gaff continues to be an ongoing project and this has included buying a brand new bed. Over here that involves buying the frame, underframes and mattresses separately, whereas last time we bought one (when we first moved in together) it was a divan, so we didn't have to buy it in kit form. We're a bit spoiled for choice here, though - there are discount mattress and bed stores all over the city, so you can get a decent deal if you shop around. None of which is much use to you, I suppose.

    We did consider getting one from MUJI at one point. Their stuff's generally quite well made, functional without being ugly and pretty decent value for money.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    IKEA were good when they were cheap but their prices have crept right up to the point where they are not doing you any favours on the big stuff. Their food is good value on Wed nights but you are probably not looking to sleep on a bed of meatballs :pasue:

    IKEA sizes are all unique to them too, so once you are in for the bed frame, then you need their mattress and under sheets. Their mattress guarantee is 10 years but the small print speaks of not sitting on the edge of the mattress (which of course is where all the wear is) - ridiculous.

    I'd go to a shop, find the bed you like, and then hit the internet for the best price on it. You'll find that like everything else, the same few beds from the same Chinese manufacturers are sold on over here under slightly different names and wildly different prices. We are currently on the hunt for one of them king-size affairs where the base lifts up like some Bond submarine and swallows hella cushions, books, and all other manner of bedroom detritus*.

    The matress is looking more expensive than the bed. You would be wanting pocket-sprung for decent comfort, where the springs themselves are contained in a pocket thus:

    It's all for the wifey really, I can sleep on a f*cking clothesline and am usually teleported into the land of nod within seconds of my head touching the pillow.

    *Nowt kinky, we are married...

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Thanks for the help, most appreciated.

    Cause of the lack of choice locally, I wanted to find a frame online, then by the mattress locally. I actually tried ordering a bed from Muji Doc, but they said they'd have to charge me ??300 for delivery. One of the many drawbacks of living in the countryside.

  • www.warrenevans.com is usually highly rated, well it always enblazons their adverts with awards they have won and stuff.

    I've got a memory foam mattress, and yes it makes me sweat like a nonce. I am thinking of replacing it, or at the very least getting a wool 'topper' thing which apparently helps a lot.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Thanks Rich. (:

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Yay! I am now the proud purchaser of a warrenevans bed. I join the esteemed ranks of Jazzie B, Perry Fenwick and Simon Callow.

    I can stop boring you about it now. thanks again.

  • My recommendation and your subsequent purchase goes some way to alleviating the guilt I have from pissing up the front of their back of Clapham Junction shop one drunken night (I wasn't aiming for it, I just couldn't get any further)

    Kieron Dyer & Joe Cole, I predict a long spell on the treatment table after a few nights on it

  • My recommendation and your subsequent purchase goes some way to alleviating the guilt I have from pissing up the front of their back of Clapham Junction shop one drunken night (I wasn't aiming for it, I just couldn't get any further)

    Kieron Dyer & Joe Cole, I predict a long spell on the treatment table after a few nights on it

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Yukk. If this is a reunion inspired design, does the rest of the band a bit of an injustice, no?

    Scott Parker. Skel laughed hard when I suggested he could be what England need, but I guess that could've been some anti-West Ham sentiment. Seems to be doing the business for Spurs and England. Anybody catch the game last night? Listened to some of it on 5 Live, and the commentators weren't too sure if Spurs were amazing or Villa just shocking. Something about Heskey playing on the wing, and as left back?

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    To hear 'Arry talk, you would have thought it was a 5-1 tonking or summat. Similar to the one City dealt Spuds last time out.

    We are on a real good run and if we continue the form that we are in now we will win the league.

    I will let that slide, like his grip on reality at the moment, and put it down to medication (he's just come back from a heart-op IIRC).

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Gary Speed WTF

  • I can't quite believe it. Sad and shocking.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Dude never come across as some laugh-a-minute, glass-half-full glee merchant, but damn.

    Dour, serious, introspective is the three word summary I would conjure if asked, but to top yourself....damn.

    On the Warren Evans bed front, bought two of them from the Kings Cross store back in circa '88. They outlasted two women and one still goes strong in the 'rents spare room. A good buy from the days when stripped pine was the interior design crack du jour.
    I'll confess to thinking they went out of business in the early 90s.

    Scott Parker LOL. He's like a 2011 Barry Venison.
    If he's the answer Duder, you is asking the wrong question.
    Maybe he's the necessary yin to the Modric yang, but still.
    He ain't making a world 11, is he?

    Now when's Paul goint to make his Soundcloud beats downloadable?
    Why is Duder so lazy as to leave Subliminal Massage round 2 undelivered?
    What will it take to get Shears and Neil S to send me a cd of their stuff?
    Talmbout Moheezy, My Mind, California male AND female versions, Another Song I'll Never Finish.... I need that stuff, it downloaded poorly and I digs it on the Euphoric Lunchtime Strolling tip.

  • LeftyLefty 259 Posts
    cool story bro,
    you are worthless you piece of shit,

  • LeftyLefty 259 Posts
    SKEL is a piece of Shit.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    Having met SKEL in the real world, I beg to differ.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Yeah Skel is good people, always been a genuine pleasure meeting up with him.

    The man is known to go against the strut collective mind on occasion but bit confused about but don't really see anything out of order?

    Anyway, still shocked about Gary Speed, seems like such a tragic waste. Hoping against hope that the recent phones-gate or whatever you want to call it will force the media to slow their roll a bit on their quest to unearth reasons in his personal life. Doubt it though.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,938 Posts
    I am guessing the tragic suicide is a response to him getting some very bad news indeed, perhaps something about to blow up in the red-tops vis-a-vis some scandal or revelation of some human trait. It does not appear that he was in the midst of some form of depression. I cannot image the mental state he must have been in to take such drastic action.

    He seemed a dependable if not stellar talent, and a decent dude. Damn.


  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Yeah would certainly be the logical reason for what everyone seems to be saying is a sudden and unexpected end to someone who appeared to be enjoying life. All I can hope is that they let the dust settle a little.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Gary Speed... pressure of football management? Surely more to it than that, I can only guess something like depression, but it is bad news. Wales were looking good since Speed took over as well.

    Lefty, are you a big fan of Barry Venison?

    Scott Parker actually has some skill to his game, and a bit of vision for the short pass as well as the all important getting-amongst-'em. IMHO.
    Would've done a much better job than Barry who was recovering from injury at the WC, and while not a glamor player, water-carriers help the Zidane's of this world (can't carry quite enough for the Lampard's of this world though).

    A rough copy of the CD could be available before Chrimbo Skel.
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