
  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    DocMcCoy said:
    If only Stamford Bridge wasn't such a dump, there would be a better camera angle and this would be crying out to be shopped. Been trying to think of a suitably funny caption since yesterday..

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    another version. with added schadenfreude and lolcunt.

  • it get's funnier every time i see it.

  • I'd be photo-shopping him dropping his BNP badge and falling to retrieve it.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    If he were a minority there would be plenty of funny (but racist) things you could shop in to make look like he was chasing them, but whitey isn't so easy to poke fun of in that respect. If it were Fat Frank it would be also be easy. But it's hard to capture the truth of the utter dickwad that is John Terry in such a succinct and pithy way.

    I LOVE the way his little arms go round though..

  • A Wayne Bridge ghost?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    So having broken up with gf, am now living in a house with a friend of mine, and he's got this on-line football game. Had a go at it, and I'm not very good as it doesn't feel as responsive as Pro-Evo, but in time, in time I will destroy all comers.

    Any strutters do this? Need to find out the version of the game - I think it's last year's when Spuds had just qualified for Champs League.

  • DORDOR Two Ron Toe 9,902 Posts
    Do we bother to tell Batmom this? Maybe it all makes sense now, why he started this thread.


  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    So having broken up with gf

    Not surprised to hear this L*o, that new hairstyle was the key.

    Hope you are good with it, certain you are, step up town for a beer mang!

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    So having broken up with gf, am now living in a house with a friend of mine, and he's got this on-line football game. Had a go at it, and I'm not very good as it doesn't feel as responsive as Pro-Evo, but in time, in time I will destroy all comers.

    Any strutters do this? Need to find out the version of the game - I think it's last year's when Spuds had just qualified for Champs League.

    Sorry to hear about the relationship Duder, hope you're holding up ok and good to hear that you're leaping straight into online gaming which is the ideal escape from all world troubles.

    I'm confused is this a FIFA game you're talking about or some kind of PC only footy sim?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Junior said:
    Duderonomy said:
    So having broken up with gf, am now living in a house with a friend of mine, and he's got this on-line football game. Had a go at it, and I'm not very good as it doesn't feel as responsive as Pro-Evo, but in time, in time I will destroy all comers.

    Any strutters do this? Need to find out the version of the game - I think it's last year's when Spuds had just qualified for Champs League.

    Sorry to hear about the relationship Duder, hope you're holding up ok and good to hear that you're leaping straight into online gaming which is the ideal escape from all world troubles.

    I'm confused is this a FIFA game you're talking about or some kind of PC only footy sim?

    Sh*t happens. She was never happy in England, she wasn't sure where or what she wanted to do, so in the end was reasonably amicable. Maybe it was the hair thing like Skel said. Just feels like a massive waste of time if I'm in a bitter mood, but when I look on the bright side we had a wicked laugh and did loads of great things together. There's always more questions than answers though...
    ...and more fish in the sea.

    The footy game is on a PC. It might actually be Pro Evo, will need to go home and check it out again, just feels nothing like the Play Station version, but have speculated that this could be down to on-line drag so you have to anticipate things more. I mainly want to get good at it so I can plug in an ear-piece and mic and scream obscenities at my hapless opponents. Surely this is the point of on-line gaming?

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Junior said:
    Duderonomy said:
    So having broken up with gf, am now living in a house with a friend of mine, and he's got this on-line football game. Had a go at it, and I'm not very good as it doesn't feel as responsive as Pro-Evo, but in time, in time I will destroy all comers.

    Any strutters do this? Need to find out the version of the game - I think it's last year's when Spuds had just qualified for Champs League.

    Sorry to hear about the relationship Duder, hope you're holding up ok and good to hear that you're leaping straight into online gaming which is the ideal escape from all world troubles.

    I'm confused is this a FIFA game you're talking about or some kind of PC only footy sim?

    Sh*t happens. She was never happy in England, she wasn't sure where or what she wanted to do, so in the end was reasonably amicable. Maybe it was the hair thing like Skel said. Just feels like a massive waste of time if I'm in a bitter mood, but when I look on the bright side we had a wicked laugh and did loads of great things together. There's always more questions than answers though...
    ...and more fish in the sea.

    The footy game is on a PC. It might actually be Pro Evo, will need to go home and check it out again, just feels nothing like the Play Station version, but have speculated that this could be down to on-line drag so you have to anticipate things more. I mainly want to get good at it so I can plug in an ear-piece and mic and scream obscenities at my hapless opponents. Surely this is the point of on-line gaming?

    Good lord yes, I accepted a few years back that my days of "owning" people online through elite skillz were well and truly gone and have found that releasing a torrent of unfocused abuse mixed with constant accusations of cheating and unfair play release the pressure just as nicely. Losing never felt so good.

    Picking up on Mr Skel's offer I'm also up for a meet up if you feel like drowning your sorrows in some overpriced suit filled shitpit in London at some point. Though it may have to be the new year now what with the ever looming festive fun round the corner.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    One of the first times I ever went on xbox live to play GTA, as soon as the game started some 'Mercian kid starts singing bawdy camp reworkings of currant pop hits, like "katie perry's I sucked a dick.. and I liked it." and he kept it up (AYO) throughout the whole match - whist all the rednecks screamed "SHUT UP FAGGOT!" at him and got madder & madder. It was most amusing.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    We once shared digs with an Australian (well, a Tazo to be exact) and he used to play Counterstrike whilst playing random CDs down the mic channel to all and sundry. It must have been hell out there.

    I was down for ncsnipes.exe (Novell headz know the deal), nothing else matters.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    These days I don't plug my mic into the xbox and haven't even purchased one for the PS3 as the chances of me communicating anything useful to random teammates are slim to none. Skype on the phone works just as well if I know the people I'm playing with and also avoids those uncomfortable moments when I'm swearing profusely and realise that the target of my abuse is less than a third of my age. Gaming + Online = Tourettes for an angry old fart like me.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    The beauty of snipes was that we could play it at college whilst a lecture was being given... The skill was keeping a poker face when death was inflicted. You could look over at the bloke you'd just pwndz0rd and all you'd hear was an intake of breath through gritted teeth.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Junior said:

    Picking up on Mr Skel's offer I'm also up for a meet up if you feel like drowning your sorrows in some overpriced suit filled shitpit in London at some point. Though it may have to be the new year now what with the ever looming festive fun round the corner.

    If we can fit some champs league or prem footbah in? Would be down for a few beers, definitely, but in no hurry, so whenever convenient for others.

    Just saw this and had to poast:

    So the Euro crisis seems to be to be turning full circle; western civilisation started (and may end) with Greece, was followed by Rome.

    I wonder how long Skel thinks things will last before the kaka really hits the fan.
    Fallout - war?
    Cats mating with dogs?

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Junior said:

    I'm also up for a meet . Though it may have to be the new year .

    Would be down for a few beers

    "LET'S DO THIS!!?!!?!"
    New Year.

    Is that Jesus holding a couple of Asda carriers? Feeding/5000 catering techniques revealed. Waitrose, possibly.

    As for Greece, Italy, Eurozone....
    I called it wrong a while back, glad we're not in the Euro (although inextricably entangled in its implications) and Euromang reveals his and herself as much too self serving on an individual nation basis to make it work.
    The last couple of months have been horrendous at work; laid off three digits worth of humans a while back, now the talk is of anywhere between another 10 to 33 per cent. Staring my sixth decade in the face, never felt more vulnerable to long term personal lifestyle damage.

    I see many years of stagnation and/or varying degrees of dissatisfaction for all of us. Sorry.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    The most disturbing part of that picture is that I've now wasted a few minutes of a day staring at a picture of an animal's arse. It's kind of hypnotic, lost in the curling hairs of this butthole Jesus.

    Sounds like a rough time at your workplace there Skel, hope that your position is still relatively safe. They've made a third of my company redundant in the last six months which was followed by a mass resignation by pretty much our entire technical and analytics team so we're now in the exciting position of having about five desks to each person still working at the company and an impressive ratio of an executive board member for every two of us ordinary workers.

    Yes I think a meet up to numb the slowly dawning pain that nothing has actually changed from the December before would be good fun indeed.

    I was wondering if we're about to see the first buyout of a country by a private company? Surely this would be the logical next step?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Junior said:
    an impressive ratio of an executive board member for every two of us ordinary workers.

    Still not at NHS levels then. The ex said that it was 8-1 in favour of chiefs at her place. Her recent redundancy was part of a restructure that saw more braves dumped. Four months later, she was sent a letter asking if she'd like to re-apply for the job she'd just left as the chiefs must have realised that in their rush to keep hold of their exhaulted grade 8G positions, there was nobody left to do any work. Company has since gone private, ex has said good luck to them.

    I think Italy will be deadmeat by Saturday, Spain to need bailing-out before next Wednesday, the Eurozone to be scrapped*. It's only a matter of how long they can perpetuate the lie that it's working, can work, will work etc in an effort to save the markets. Fusk the markets and investors. Default Spain, Ireland, Italy, Greece, and who ever is next.
    Having no assetts has never been such an assett

    * oh, and cats mating w/ dogs

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I watched some of that 'Live like the Greeks' the other day, I'm not surprised they're in such a mess, the whole country seems to run on kickbacks and fiddling the books. It's what I imagine the Uk would be like if Harry Redknapp was running things.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    I know it was HIGNFY, but sure somebody was talking about the Greek tax return system being a problem... turns out you'd get a Dr claiming that he'd earnt ??250.00 for a year etc.


    Just hired an Eastern-European cleaner, it took her 5 hours to hoover the house.

    Turns out she was a Slovak

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Junior said:
    an impressive ratio of an executive board member for every two of us ordinary workers.

    Still not at NHS levels then. The ex said that it was 8-1 in favour of chiefs at her place. Her recent redundancy was part of a restructure that saw more braves dumped. Four months later, she was sent a letter asking if she'd like to re-apply for the job she'd just left as the chiefs must have realised that in their rush to keep hold of their exhaulted grade 8G positions, there was nobody left to do any work. Company has since gone private, ex has said good luck to them.

    Yeah having been seconded to do some work within the NHS a couple of years ago I can't say it surprises me. Most of the meetings I went to involved a steady drip drip process of executives passing work to senior management who enthused impressively before passing the work down to the line managers who then passed it down to etc etc. Turned out there were about five people actually doing the work and each of them had at least two managers, all getting paid on a contractor day rate. It's like TPS reports on a national scale.

    A friend of mine is currently in the last stages of training to be an Anaesthesia Assistant or something similar and I've advised him to make his contacts within the hospitals as soon as possible and start hiring himself out to the private sector.

    On the plus side of all this. Good to see Silvio finally actually stepping down even his reign hasn't ended in the hoped for prison sentence.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    I know it was HIGNFY, but sure somebody was talking about the Greek tax return system being a problem... turns out you'd get a Dr claiming that he'd earnt ??250.00 for a year etc.

    To summarise. iirc

    A bus driver can earn something like ??700 A WEEK more than their UK equivalent, because the gov. have basically bough their Union/Vote. They get a bonus for being married, a bonus for turning up for work!? and a ??75 a year milk allowance.
    When you visit your GP you have to take a envelope of money with you to pay some of the cost, so the doctor can fiddle their tax.
    Occupations like hairdressers, pastry chefs, radio continuity announcers and people in almost 600 other jobs to retire aged 53 at 90% of their final salary because they are considered hazard jobs. And if you want to get anything done that involves paper work, from MOTs to home improvements, to you have to pay kickback.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    Okem said:
    Duderonomy said:
    I know it was HIGNFY, but sure somebody was talking about the Greek tax return system being a problem... turns out you'd get a Dr claiming that he'd earnt ??250.00 for a year etc.

    To summarise. iirc

    A bus driver can earn something like ??700 A WEEK more than their UK equivalent, because the gov. have basically bough their Union/Vote. They get a bonus for being married, a bonus for turning up for work!? and a ??75 a year milk allowance.
    When you visit your GP you have to take a envelope of money with you to pay some of the cost, so the doctor can fiddle their tax.
    Occupations like hairdressers, pastry chefs, radio continuity announcers and people in almost 600 other jobs to retire aged 53 at 90% of their final salary because they are considered hazard jobs. And if you want to get anything done that involves paper work, from MOTs to home improvements, to you have to pay kickback.

    LOL, should be living in Greece!

    Not hard to see why the country is screwed. Italy will surely be next, and they're apparently 'too big to bail out'. Wished somebody had said that about Greece before how many billions had been thrown at them.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Yep they're fucked. Unless you're in a job where it's not possible, or you're especially honest, everyone there seems to try to pay as little tax as possible. And just like everywhere else the people/companies with the most money are especially good at doing that. Couple that with a Gov. that seems hell-bent on overpaying public workers and pensions and you soon work up a huge budget deficit. It's frankly amazing they've made it this far.
    To try and sort it they've cut back on the over paying and have hiked up the tax contributions to help fill the deficit, but of coarse this is hitting the very people who didn't cause the problem in the first place the hardest. As the system is still completely corrupt so the richest and dirtiest will just avoid the new tax as usual.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,937 Posts
    Let us face it.

    They are lazy f*ckers. They already live in places we save up all year to go to. It's sunny and they have beaches and fitties.


  • J i m s t e r said:
    Let us face it.

    They are lazy f*ckers. They already live in places we save up all year to go to. It's sunny and they have beaches and fitties.


    ha! i quit my job in mid-2009, thinking that I'd go travelling for a while, then spend a year doing a masters, by which time all the recession business would have calmed down a bit and jobs would again be plentiful (meaning that I'd be perfectly positioned to step into one of them...)

    so, all i can say right now (admittedly after only about a month of actual unemployment) is FUCK YOU GREECE & ITALY.

    and unrelated, but i fell off my bike last weekend and it's still too painful to sleep on my back. i swear i've cracked a rib or something...

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,789 Posts
    neil_something said:
    and jobs would again be plentiful

    Think you'd need to wipe about 2 billion off of the planet's population.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Dear BritStrut,

    I bring gifts, and I have a request for information.

    looks good no?

    But more importantly.. I need to buy a new bed. But I don't really want to get some Ikea tat and I can't afford Habitat. Does anybody have suggestions of good places to by a decent bed?
    Is there anywhere that's like Ikea used to be when the first came over - well designed products, that are also well made and at a reasonable price? This is the sort of thing I'm talking about - http://www.thesleeproom.com/products/beds but this is the only I can find, and the choice of one isn't really a choice. There must be more out there. Halp plaese
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