
  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    I think it's just teething problems & shock of the new. Raj has already spoken about making some changes to try and make it a little more like the old format. Keeping the faith for now.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,986 Posts
    skel said:
    Dudes, is it too early and unfair to say this site has lost something?

    Feels like a hospital waiting room up in here. The cosiness is missing.

    Freal. I think the problem is that content is too far apart on the screen. You used to be able to see several replies on a screen without having to scroll. Post dem a pack, like the bus into town on Friday night. Now it is, as you say, reminiscent of a hospital waiting room.

  • el_sparkoel_sparko 884 Posts
    Duderonomy said:
    Well I added Dolo to my 'Buddy List', but so far there has been no reciprocation.
    Added a few bars and some restaurants to the Citeh guide that fall outside of the obvious historical tourist trap places, but it has made me sit and think about the death of record shopping here. Londoners (and other big city residents), I hope you appreciate them shops.

    It was bad enough in my years in Oxford but at least Avid was still there and you could check Massive for (overpriced) new stuff. Does the record fair still pass through?
    I noticed you added the Cape to the Strut guide, I went there after it changed and the atmosphere was a bit morgue-like punctuated by some toff types trying to be 'wacky' during a pub quiz, I guess it was just a bad day though.
    Kebab Kid needs adding too.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Yer, the blog / facebook style threads are irksome, but I would've though that can be change easily enough.

    Luckily on a Mac you can easily shrink the page, which makes it slightly easier to scroll through.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Once the avatars are able to be disabled it should hopefully shrink everything up a bit. I'd definitely welcome the option to have a stripped down version of the site to browse at work though with just names and replies. Kind of feel like I'm shouting into an empty room a bit at the moment but hopeful I'll get more used to it as it settles down and Raj sorts out the teething problems.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,986 Posts
    The tex is like, well big too.

    I am using Firefox, so hold down control +scroll the mouse wheel until it's a bit smaller. Fits more on. But makes the writing titchy when replying to posts, I see... More fonts than the Catholic Church.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    J i m s t e r said:
    skel said:
    Dudes, is it too early and unfair to say this site has lost something?

    Feels like a hospital waiting room up in here. The cosiness is missing.

    Freal. I think the problem is that content is too far apart on the screen. You used to be able to see several replies on a screen without having to scroll. Post dem a pack, like the bus into town on Friday night. Now it is, as you say, reminiscent of a hospital waiting room.

    Yeah, the CDR front page makes it look and feel like a glossy trade mag such as Marketing Weekly or Here is the City News website.

    Not getting any sense of the personality that used to shine through, or the flow of the traffic now that you can't see 'unread posts'. Hey, maybe that's what folks want from this site.

    It's not what I want. Harumph.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,986 Posts
    Ramones badge has also took a fisting in quality on the resize.

    Please to change, for a photo of a poorly-executed (sub o-level art) Millwall "Lion" tatt, a la Robbie Williams or something of that nature.

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Shears said:
    Duderonomy said:
    Well I added Dolo to my 'Buddy List', but so far there has been no reciprocation.
    Added a few bars and some restaurants to the Citeh guide that fall outside of the obvious historical tourist trap places, but it has made me sit and think about the death of record shopping here. Londoners (and other big city residents), I hope you appreciate them shops.

    It was bad enough in my years in Oxford but at least Avid was still there and you could check Massive for (overpriced) new stuff. Does the record fair still pass through?
    I noticed you added the Cape to the Strut guide, I went there after it changed and the atmosphere was a bit morgue-like punctuated by some toff types trying to be 'wacky' during a pub quiz, I guess it was just a bad day though.
    Kebab Kid needs adding too.

    Are there really no record shops left in Oxford? Even Wycombe still manages to have one.

    I've attempted to add The Emirates, not sure if it will be approved though.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    J i m s t e r said:
    Ramones badge has also took a fisting in quality on the resize.

    Please to change, for a photo of a poorly-executed (sub o-level art) Millwall "Lion" tatt, a la Robbie Williams or something of that nature.

    The boy Saracenus is working on it. Upgraded version. Topcial, you might say. Hopefully all will be revealed soonly.

    BTW Jimster, what do you get as a premium member? And what did you have to do for it? What will you use it for?

    Enquiring minds need to know doe.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    It feels more like that Yahoo service - the Question one that always pops up in Google searches when I'm searching for the answer to something I really should know already. I don't really feel like I'm interacting with the other posts, just leaving a comment in a thread.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Junior said:
    It feels more like that Yahoo service - the Question one that always pops up in Google searches when I'm searching for the answer to something I really should know already. I don't really feel like I'm interacting with the other posts, just leaving a comment in a thread.


    Bit like VG+. On the few occasions I have posted and nary a chirp. We need a group hug.

    BTW A*i did you notice Harvey's somewhat contrite post the other day talbout turning over a new leaf?

    A pre-cursor to the anodyne nature of the posts thus far seen on the new antisceptic Strut.

    Methinks tis time to unleash some beef. Duder, do you have no Meriman strutnip to be agitating with?

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Okem said:
    Shears said:
    Duderonomy said:
    Well I added Dolo to my 'Buddy List', but so far there has been no reciprocation.
    Added a few bars and some restaurants to the Citeh guide that fall outside of the obvious historical tourist trap places, but it has made me sit and think about the death of record shopping here. Londoners (and other big city residents), I hope you appreciate them shops.

    It was bad enough in my years in Oxford but at least Avid was still there and you could check Massive for (overpriced) new stuff. Does the record fair still pass through?
    I noticed you added the Cape to the Strut guide, I went there after it changed and the atmosphere was a bit morgue-like punctuated by some toff types trying to be 'wacky' during a pub quiz, I guess it was just a bad day though.
    Kebab Kid needs adding too.

    Are there really no record shops left in Oxford? Even Wycombe still manages to have one.

    I've attempted to add The Emirates, not sure if it will be approved though.

    No, no record shops in Oxford. I could list all of the charity shops, but they're almost always a waste of time for me. Of course, every once in a while, I'll stumble on something like this:

    But generally, they're shite.

    Kebab Kid on the Cowley road? Or is there one in town as well? Not really my slice of reconstituted bone-meal, and I reckon visitors to this country should go all out and visit a van for that special 3am experience.
    The Cape took a while to get going, but attracts a mixture of professionals and students these days, and aint too bad. In the past they've tried to chase the student pound to the exclusion of locals - actual bouncers on the door telling anybody without student ID to do one! Naturally this pisses off the locals, and for 4 months of the year it would be empty. Every pub that does this suffers all through the summer and for most of the winter, not to mention the various holidays and reading weeks that students get these days, and eventually they learn the hard way that although there's a big town vs gown divide, pubs are supposed to be the sort of places where they come together.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,986 Posts
    Junior said:
    It feels more like that Yahoo service - the Question one that always pops up in Google searches when I'm searching for the answer to something I really should know already. I don't really feel like I'm interacting with the other posts, just leaving a comment in a thread.


    No "Equivalent of 'Funny' T-Shirt"-like locations appearing under avatars.

    Day x 7 Source

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    J i m s t e r said:
    Junior said:
    It feels more like that Yahoo service - the Question one that always pops up in Google searches when I'm searching for the answer to something I really should know already. I don't really feel like I'm interacting with the other posts, just leaving a comment in a thread.


    No "Equivalent of 'Funny' T-Shirt"-like locations appearing under avatars.

    Day x 7 Source

    I've put my Gene Pitney loc. under the "Profile_Quote -Quote to Appear on Your Public Profile" bit, but I can't see this anywhere. I assmued it would appear in the forums either at the bottom of my posts like a sig, or under my shiny new avatar.

    RE: stirring it with dem, I haven't got anything I really need to get off my chest just now, and in the spirit of Harvey Canal, I figure I'll keep it clean. But, you know, watch this space. Won't be long before something inhumanly stupid happens over there.

    No Cumbria Strutters are/were there?

  • BeatnicholasBeatnicholas 1,005 Posts
    i like the new board. y'all are some uptight resistant to change muthafunkas

    lol at Moke posting Emirates Stadium in the city guide. a noisy light pollution-generating eyesore if you axe me. team's aiiight tho.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Indeed S****, I was more than a little saddened by HC's new leaf comments. I can only hope that this is as temporary as previous attempts to change the nature of the beast and that someone's throwaway comment about modern rap or The Rub sets it off again.

    This place is way too touchy-feely in a bad way at the moment. I don't come here to feel nice, I come here to be amused, thought provoked and, occasionally, slightly stunned. Oh yeah and I guess discuss music as well yawn.

    I think L** needs to share his thoughts about the flotilla incident.

    The lack of locations and titles is also a bit faceless. I didn't post here over 3000 times to have a level playing field damn it.

    On the plus side I appear to have wangled Junior back.

    Edit: Junior as in my username, not Fergie style third person ruminations on little Junior and where he got lost.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Ulysses31nicholas said:
    team's aiiight tho.

    I can't keep up with this new slang. I still think that aiight means decent.

  • magpaulmagpaul 1,314 Posts
    It's not Leo's fault if The Guardian aren't poasting any Strutnip.

    I've changed my username but fucked my avatar. I feel like I've lost my identity/will to post.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Guess we'll have to wait for that first WC game to get some gladiatorial action going on.

    Please throw in some names for the ritual "your boys took one hell of a beating" post.
    It has to flow. We need to get this right for full glorious effect.

    'Lord Nelson! Lord Beaverbrook! Sir Winston Churchill! Sir Anthony Eden! Clement Attlee! Henry Cooper! Lady Diana! Maggie Thatcher - can you hear me, Maggie Thatcher! Your boys took one hell of a beating! Your boys took one hell of a beating!'

  • el_sparkoel_sparko 884 Posts
    Duderonomy said:

    The Cape took a while to get going, but attracts a mixture of professionals and students these days, and aint too bad. In the past they've tried to chase the student pound to the exclusion of locals - actual bouncers on the door telling anybody without student ID to do one! Naturally this pisses off the locals, and for 4 months of the year it would be empty. Every pub that does this suffers all through the summer and for most of the winter, not to mention the various holidays and reading weeks that students get these days, and eventually they learn the hard way that although there's a big town vs gown divide, pubs are supposed to be the sort of places where they come together.

    That sounds about right, it was a Scream pub for most of my time there and everytime I went it was full of hockey teams doing initiations and things like that and flip flops and Jack Wills for days across both floors but it's cheapness made it bearable. All the pubs that focus on students need to do during the summer is lower their ID checking standards and start serving all the exchange students and they'll be quids in.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Paul said:

    . I feel like I've lost my identity/will to post.


  • the font size needs to go down a few points.

    and i would prefer if there wasn't so much S P A C E everywhere.

    makes me feel cenophobic.

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    It's no good blaming this on foreigners, the space was around years before they came to the internet.

  • JimsterJimster Cruffiton.etsy.com 6,986 Posts
    Benitez gone.

    Mark Hughes, take your trackie off.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    Junior said:

    I think L** needs to share his thoughts about the flotilla incident.

    What a f*cking mess. Israel could've sunk the boats though, so small mercys.

    I guess they had the right to stop a flotilla heading for their coast, god knows we would've, but can't the Israeli military interact in any way with civilians without killing them?
    The Israeli statements that 'they were all Islamists' speaks volumes about their us vs them seige mentality, but it's [strike]bordering[/strike] paranoid schitzophrenia now of the sort that would have individuals locked up.

    My main gripe/concern is that the Lib Dems (I think) said they want to push for transparency regarding Parliamentary donations, and an end to anonymous lobbying - the death of the Pro-Israel lobby, who obviously have more influence on our country's attitude towards Israel/Palestine than the country's fucking voters do, would be most warmly welcomed. If you think I'm being a bit David Ike here, please to watch the Channel 4 doc about the Pro-Israeli lobby in this country. They have a 'front group' called the Friends Of Israel, a particular turn of phrase that was used by William Hague* in a statement just yesterday on the flotilla subject which sounded like a loud-and-clear message to the people who pick up his tab that they have nothing to fear. It's not just that I don't agree with the way that Israel runs a crushing, unfair apartheid over a captive population, it's got nothing to do with my own beliefs that religion at best is a consolation for the feeble minded, at worst mid-controlling bullsh*t used to sanction crimes against humanity, but just that I don't like the idea that any group has an un-democratic influence over our politics. The pro-Israel lobby is hardly the only group to do this, but Israel is in the headlines a lot these days for all the wrong reasons.

    * think he broke off a sentence specifically to say "and I count myself as a friend of Israel"

  • JuniorJunior 4,853 Posts
    Awesome, thanks Leo. I would have encouraged you to start a thread about it but with certain posters absent I doubt it would be the hornet's nest of yesteryears. On a serious note I'm extremely wary about both sides of these arguments and stay out of those threads for a reason but don't think I saw that doc so may track it down.

    Betting odds for Liverpool manager:


    So many comedy names to waste a fiver on.

  • skelskel You can't cheat karma 5,033 Posts
    Glad to see Leo's not getting het up about it.

  • DuderonomyDuderonomy Haut de la Garenne 7,807 Posts
    skel said:

    Who is this 'Leo' you speak of?
    My real name is Motherfucking Spoon-bending GIGANTOR Vision. Just because some people around here are called 'Paul' and seemed to have f'd up their avatar doesn't mean we should all be tarred with the same brush of ignominious mundanity.

    What has happened with the smiley face/sad face P**l?

  • OkemOkem 4,617 Posts
    Junior said:
    Betting odds for Liverpool manager:


    So many comedy names to waste a fiver on.

    Interesting that O'Neill is the favourite. Don't see Dalglish as an serious option. Hodgson would be a good choice.
    Bringing in a big foreign name, who'll want to splash the cash and build his own team, will cost a lot and I don't think they can afford it.

    The consensus over on the Liverpool forum, (if you wade through the doom and gloom, it's like a fucking wake) is that it's another nail in their coffin and they predict he'll be replaced by a boardroom puppet.
    I don't really understand the love they have for Rafa.
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